Lies hiding Truth (moon/lady)

"well. yeah i suppose." he agreed. "i think it's kind of cute actually, the way he and Phil fuss over each other the way they do." he admitted. "i suppose your right though. tolerance wasn't a big thing back in my day. in a lot of ways this century is so much better than mine." he admitted before grimacing. "and then you have fast food, presidents sleeping with whores and a mass increase in child neglect and abuse...." he shook his head. "you know. your probably right." he admitted. "i think my Ma always suspected something of me and Bucky, she'd always give us these funny little looks when she walked in on us snuggled up in the bed." he admitted. "never did think of Bucky like that though." he admitted. "probably should have though, i mean, he was pretty damn sexy..." he admitted. "but, at the same time all i can think of is 'gross. it's Bucky'...." he admitted with a chuckle before grimacing. "you know it's weird... i keep forgetting he's..." dead. everyone Steve had ever known or loved was dead. "he totally would." Steve agreed, smirking. "and i would make someone help me record it on those recording things, Cameras? and make someone help me post it on E-ternet and see how long before it's Trending. Clint taught me that word." he admitted, looking pleased with himself. "i always look silly. i wear spandex for a living." he pointed out. "well. not all that hard. Clint makes him blush all the time. it's just that the rest of us haven't figured out the trick yet." he admitted before smiling at him. "come on then. i made an Italian Cream Cake." he admitted with a smile cutting into the six layer cake and handing Tony a massive slice.
“It is cute, even if I’d never tell them.”Tony said snickering a little as he rolled his eyes. “We might fail in some things, alot of things, but for the most part you’re right, we are more tolerant.”Tony smiled before waggling a finger. “Hey. No leaders always slept with whores, we’re just hearing about it now.”He said snickering before smiling. “...You should go to a history class sometime and tell them that. You’ll settle a lot of debating about your two’s sex life.”Tony said laughing out loud at the look on steve’s face before sighing. “I’m sorry...I wish I could help with that. But even my genius is limited to no time travel.”Tony said before nodding. “Cameras, and it’s internet, not e-ternet.”Tony said with a gentle smile, snickerng. “It would totally be nearly instant trending.”Tony smirked, “Did you know Iron man tells people you’re a spandex model for a living?”He teased before pouting.”Damn. I want to make johnny blush.”He said looking amazed at the cake, and grinning happily as he ate. “When Pepper wants to kill me later, I’m blaming you for feeding this to me.”He said snickering as he ate.
he chuckled and nodded. "it is cute. though i think Clint has a lot of inner ear problems, he's always rubbing his ears." he admitted. i asked Natasha if he was okay and she just smiled at me and promised he was fine." he admitted. "uh. no. i'm pretty sure Abraham Lincoln and George Washington never slept with whores." Steve pointed out. "i'm even more sure that Kennedy didn't sleep with whores. and for the sake of segregation ending i'm going to pretend Johnson didn't and deny it to your face even if he did." Steve decided. "...i like history books." he admitted, smiling at Tony. "History was my best class in school and i just... it was easier to pick up a book then deal with people." he admitted. "oh.... right Cameras. and... oh, are you sure?" he asked, looking startled. ".... i could have sworn..." he shrugged, scratched his head and muttered about Fury being and ass when he told him to check his E-Mal when it was internet. "yes i was aware of that." he admitted, looking amused. "it doesn't help that after the Chitauri attack i was 'exposed', it would be so nice to go to a game and not have to worry about people mobbing me, or WORSE! thinking i support the freaking Yankees! i am a die hard Mets now.... since the Dodgers went freaking traitor." he grumbled. "i know, i want to make Johnny blush too." he admitted with a sigh before smirking at Tony. "Sugar free." he teased, stuffing a massive forkful into his mouth.
“I noticed. I asked him about his ears once and he just shrugged it off.”He said before staring at the other. “okay, I give you Lincoln and Washington, but JFK had to many affiars going on to not be paying somewhere along the way.And fine, go ahead and deny it.”Tony snickered before smiling. “Yea, same reason I build bots. Computers and bots make sense to me, people-not so much.”Tony said smiling a little. “Yes I’m sure. It’s the internet, but it’s called E-mail, because it’s short for electronic mail since its on the computer.”Tony said smiling a little at the other. “No, it really doesn’t help. And you could go to a game with Iron man, I mean, watching him lounge around in the chair, would probably be more interesting to people then you. Or yo could go with me, I have a private box, don’t have to worry about the crowds.”Tony shrugged watching the other, before whining a little. “This shouldn’t be as good as it is without sugar.”he grumbled getting up, bumping his shoulder against the other’s. “I better get going though. Still have some work to finish up.”tony said looking at the other, still looking worried for him, not wanting to leave if he was still feeling unsteady, but equally needing away before he found himself crushing even worse.
he nodded. "i'm sure Natasha and Phil have him tot he doctor when he needs it." Steve agreed before snorting. "Kennedy didn't have affairs. he was covering for his lesbian wife." he teased, looking amused. "and i will deny it, denial is my middle name yu know." most people would have said it was trouble. or Grant, either was more accurate. "People have always been pretty confusing to me." Steve admitted. "honestly i just can't understand how working nine to five could ever be more important than your own family, or how someone could throw stones at an old homeless man." he admitted, shaking his head before looking at Tony, curious. "You and Iron Man like Baseball?" he asked, eyes lighting up. "maybe we could all three go sometime? Clint and Bruce don't give a damn about sports and Nat hates baseball and Phil's more of a Super-nanny than anything else." he admitted, looking at Tony before smirking. "Pepper told me if i fed you more than a certain amount of sugar a day, she'd turn me into a woman. as frightening as she is, i believe her." he admitted. "here tomorrow." he ordered. "Noon, i mean it Tony!"Steve ordered, sounding much more calm and content now that he had settled down about his crush on Iron Man.
“....I have nothing to say to JFK’s lesbian wife. This is weird to be discussing with you.”tony snickered a little before snorting. “I thought it was pain-in-the-ass. I’m sure both bucky and iron man would agree that that was your middle name.”Tony teased. “...Yea. Or harassing me about being a obsessive genius when was just me doing what came natural.”Tony shrugged a little before nodding. “we do. Though gotta tell you, he’s a Yanks fan.”Tony snickered, simply because he liked winding the other up. “We can. I’ll ask him next time I see him, and figure out what game to go to.”Tony said ignoring the tightening in his chest at the other’s pleasure at the idea of going to a game. ....Me to. She threatens me alot.”Tony snickered a little. “Fine fine.”Tony shook his head looking amused as he left.

The next day Tony smirked as he walked into the apartment, ignoring the archer walking behind him, “Cap!Iron says call him, he wants to go to a baseball game. Says watching you beat on doom bots isn’t nearly entertaining enough and he wants to watch you hassle Yanks.”Tony grinned.
he snickered. "don't lie, you think it's awesome that Captain America is talking about Lesbian wives" he teased with a grin. "oh, you know. you might be right. Pain-in-the-Ass does sound a better middle name." he admitted with a grin before blinking a little. "do people pick on you for being smart?" he asked, looking baffled. back in his day, the smart guys got all the money, so they where the ones all the girls wanted, so long as they where cute anyway. "he better not be! i am not above teaching him the error of his ways!" Steve growled. "great! that'd be awesome." he agreed, looking ecstatic. "so she just threatens everyone huh? she never... you know... carries it out right?" he asked, looking a bit nervous.

Steve looked up from where he was putting the finishing touches on a Lasagna. "Really?! Awesome!" Steve chirped, jumping up and down, delighted, Clint chuckling as he shook his head and started taping up his wrists. "i don't know what's so exciting about baseball. Football is twenty times better." "you shut your dirty traitor tongue." Steve ordered, making Clint laugh again. "now. tape up your wrists Billionaire Genius." Steve ordered with a smirk. "we're really going to teach you how to fight. first i'll show you what to do with Clint. he'll be hitting me of course, since i don't think he could handle me hitting him..." Steve admitted, ignoring the dirty look he got for that. "and then you'll try it on me. clear?" he asked Tony before swinging right into it. first Clint would beat on Steve, showing Tony how to do it, and why to do it that way, before letting Tony try on his own.
”Very true. Though it’s very weird at the same time.”Tony snickered a little before nodding. “It is. You’re in good company, Pepper swears its my middle name.”He said before wincing, looking away from the other. “No so much anymore. Not since I got big enough to hit back.”Tony muttered before grinning. “Definite Yanks fan. You’ll have to teach him better.”Tony smiled before nodding. “Yea, she does. And no, she doesn’t. Unless it’s like serious. Like clarkson being a woman-hating whoreson, who deserved having his beard lit on fire, and would have been worse if I’d been in the meeting. I wouldn’t take her serious, cap. She wont hurt you.”Tony said smiling a little.

“Really. You are such a kid.”tony said smirking watching the other jump up and down as he rolled his eyes. “Football’s dull. And the entertaining part of baseball is watching Cap freak out about it.”Tony snickered. Tony smiled a little as he taped up his wrists before nodding as he settled in to watch.”Okay. I’ll be hitting on you then.”tony said with a innocent little smirk as he watched. And while he was clumsy, and not nearly as well together as he normally was in the suit, it wasn’t bad. Cause it wasn’t used to doing it without the suit, so it was slightly offbalance as he tried to overcompensate and balance out the missing suit, but for the most part by the time it was over and he leaned against steve he was a panting happy mess.
he chuckled a little and nodded. "yeah i'm pretty sure we all have names like that." he admitted with a grin and a shake of his head before wrinkling his nose. "yeah... me too." he admitted. "though, some of them still try to pick on me it's not the same thing anymore." he admitted. "you know. when i first heard i was moving in here, i was convinced me and you would hate each other, cus we're so different. but we're not really all that different at all." he admitted. smiling. "i'm really glad i moved in. it's been a long time since i felt truly comfortable." he admitted. "well... good. i'm not sure she could hurt me to be honest but i just wanted to make sure she wouldn't actually try, because if anyone could, it would be her." he admitted, shaking his head. "well, i'm sure you or Bruce could find a way, smart as you are, and i can't be sure Hulk couldn't hurt me somewhat permanently." he admitted, shrugging.

"i am not!" he complained, looking amused. "i'm a fully grown adult with a child's mentality. if your going to insult me, do it right." he ordered with a chuckle. "Football is dull, and i don't freak out!" he complained, huffing before grinning as he settled in to teach Tony. "your remarkably good at this, though we're going to have to work on your balance a bit." Steve admitted with a grin before blinking when Clint started to snicker. "what?" "nothing. nothing at all." he stated, looking extremely amused. "i'm going to go check o Phil." "you don't want to stay for lunch?" "nope. you two enjoy your date." "huh?" Steve just looked confused. he shrugged it off and headed over to check on the Lasagna.
Tony tilted his head as he considered the other. Biting his lip slightly, because he had to really. Though for different reasons then them being so different. “Yea, me to. Though I’m glad I like you better then I thought I would.”Tony smiled a little before nodding. “I’m glad you guys moved in to...I mean...I don’t do well with this whole thing...the people person thing...but...”He shrugged a little before snickering. “I’m sure we could, but we wont. And pepper wont try, she’ll threaten and be pissed, but she wont hurt you.”

“...Fine, I’ll keep insulting you then.”Tony snickered rolling his eyes before looking at clint. “He does. I have pictures.”Tony snickered before nodding as he panted. “Yea, I feel a little off and off step.”he said smiling a little before looking at clint, frowning. “What? There’s food.”Tony said frowning. “You’re turning down Cap’s food?That’s horrible.”Tony frowned before looking startled as he move away from steve looking startled and confused, and tterly unnerved at the idea that anyone could think this was a date. He wasn’t dating steve. He didn’t want steve. He didn’t.
"You go ahead and keep insulting me." Steve agreed, amused. "it won't get you out of training." he admitted with a chuckle. "you don't have pictures! Tony! you don't!" Steve complained, scowling as Clint laughed. "there's no pictures! Jarvis! have those deleted!!! that's the right word right? deleted?" he asked Clint who nodded. "i know there's food." Clint admitted. "but Phil tastes better." he admitted with a grin. "besides, Phil wanted to have a picnic in his room so i'm late for my own date." he admitted, heading off, Steve rolling his eyes. "ignore him Tony, he's just messing with you." Steve promised. wondering why Tony was so upset, either he wasn't getting the joke here, or Tony was reading too much into something that wasn't there. "here. help me out. i need you to put the whiped cream on top of this custard pie." he ordered Tony, handing him a piping bag full of whipped cream and shooing him to the counter where a nice cool custard pie was indeed sitting.
“I would never try getting out of training.’Tony rolled his eyes looking amused before snickering. “I do. Nooo!no deleting.” “Sorry sir, the captain did ask nicely.” “urgh. Don’t say that, that’s a disturbing mental image.”Tony whined a little beforoe relaxing, rubbing a hand over his face. Trying to relax at the idea of him and steve dating, it hurt to consider, they weren’t, wouldn’t consider it. Swallowing thickly as he nodded, “Thanks. Pie looks good.”He said smiling a little as put the cream onto the pie, looking up at steve. “Anything else?”
Steve and Clint both snorted, not believing Tony for a second. Tony just hadn't had enough time to figure out what he could and couldn't get away with yet. "Yes! i Win! your the best Jarvis!" Steve informed the AI. who had been helping Steve with pretty much everything since he'd first woken up. "what's a disturbing mental image?" Steve asked, just looking completely baffled. "i'm thinking i'm missing something here..." he admitted with a sigh. "nope. that's it." Steve admitted with a smile, dishing out two plates full of food. "here. eat up. where your working out, your going to have to eat more to keep up with the Calories your using. oh! Jarvis? would you remind me to call Iron Man later? i want to invite him to a game. preferably one where the Yankees suck." s if Jarvis could tell when the Yankees where gonna lose.... well, he was Jarvis, maybe he could. "hey. i was... uh.... wondering." he admitted suddenly, looking at Tony. "how come your not worried about the Death Threats?" he asked, head tilted. people had been threatening to kill Tony if he didn't reveal who Iron Man was. Tony of course, refused and now the death threats where getting worse.
“Of course I am, captain.”Jarvis said sounding amused. “Hm, phil tasting good. I didn’t want to picture those two nibbling on each other.”Tony whined a little as he took a plate of food, smiling a little as he started to eat. “You know, pepper’s going to be so glad. I mean, she’s been trying to get me to eat more for years.”Tony snorted a little as he ate, nearly moaning in pleasure at how good this was. “I shall, Captain.”Jarvis reassured. “I don’t think you can guarantee the yanks’ sucking, Steve.”Tony snickered a little before looking up at steve, frowning a little before shrugging. “Because people have been threatening me for years, first for making weapons, then for quitting. I was kidnapped four times as a kid, being threatened over iron man is just something new for them to hate me for. I refuse to take them seriously, because if I do, then things will just get worse. I wont act afraid, I cant afford to do it."tony said as he looked away because that wasn't it. At least not all of it. The billionaire genius philanthropist playboy,who parents had made sure he valued his own life so cheapily just didn't care if hewas threatened or hurt,because he hadn't expected to survive them, so every day he did he enjoyed it, living a lifestyle and way that few would understand in its sheer recklessness. You had to value something to want to protect it,and to him defending against threats to his life wasn't worth the effort beyond simply being cautious
Steve laughed with a grin and nodded. he really did like Jarvis. "you know. you really shouldn't have said that out loud because now i'm thinking about it." Steve complained, huffing at Tony even if he did look a little amused. "good. the happier Pepper is the less i fear for my life." Steve admitted with a chuckle. "thanks Jarvis." Steve chirped before smirking at Tony. "of course i can. the Yanks always suck." he admitted simply, looking very smug before he looked very worried about the other. "i didn't know that. i'm sorry." he murmured. "don't worry. i'll worry enough for the both of us." he decided, nodding. "your right though, i guess if you live in a world like this you can't show fear or they'll just keep right on doing it." he agreed, smiling a little at the other. "i just wish there was something i could do to make this easier for you." he admitted. "i can't stop the threats, no matter that they're being made by much more serious players." he admitted, running a hand through his hair. "this Alexander Pierce, he's a heavy player." he explained. "he's in Shield, one of the higher ups. Fury has been tracking his movements as quietly as he can to try and figure out why the hell he's doing crap like this. we think it's because of Senator Stern, who clearly does not like that you and Iron Man have such powerful 'weapons' without Government control. but we can't be sure." why bother hiding it? Tony was a big boy, and it was his life on the line, he deserved to know.
"Hey if I have to think about it so do you. I mean it's scarring."tony snickered amused before rolling his eyes."whatever you say. You know more about baseball then me."tony smirked a little."very few people do. Most think my time in Afghanistan was the first. And while it is as a adult,and by far the most tramatic, my history of life and death situations havery sorta left me jaded on the whole 'oh shit I'm being threatened' thing."tony said before smiling."good. You're very good at worrying. I'll stick to the things I'm good at. Sex alcohol and building things."tony smirked before growing serious."I've met him. I mean not alot but I know him...and senator stern can shove it where the sun don't shine. He's the one that made things so hard for bruce, well at least he's the reason general Ross had so much free reign to do so... we've reached a mutual level of hatred. Can't really change his mind about me."tony shrugged a little and I'm not sharing my weapons, much less iron man's suit with anyone. There's reasons he's the only one that has one, and I stick to creating things for you guys and a bit foe shield."
Steve snorted a little and shook his head. "it's pretty horrifying, yeah." he agreed with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "i do know a lot about baseball, and not a whole lots changed in the past seventy years." he admitted before blinking at Tony. "i guess most people must have assumed you had a sheltered happy little lifestyle... well, let them. they don't need to know the truth and they wouldn't change their opinions even if they did." he admitted simply. "are you calling me a mother hen?" Steve asked, looking highly amused. "i think you are. i think i should make you pay for that somehow. i wonder if Jarvis has any blackmail he'd be willing to share with me?" he mused. "i think everyone who deals with Shield has met Alexander Peirce at some point. he's good friends with John Garret." Steve admitted. "i met his 'apprentice' of sorts, Grant Ward, you know, Senator Wards brother? Chris Ward is the guy who keeps saying that the U.S Government has no rights to the Iron Man Suit. and they shouldn't be making such a damn fuss over it, after all they're not fussing over that guy whose making high powered Drones in his basement for fun." Steve admitted, looking amused. "i like him. he's a nice guy." he admitted before frowning. "Senator Stern is the guy who sent Ross after Bruce?" he asked, looking worried. "i hope Bruce isn't too worried about all this, has he gotten any threats?" after that fiasco with the Abomination no one was about to fuck with Bruce, even more so after the Chitauri invasion. "i think maybe i should just go bust his face in and find out what the fuck is going on." Steve admitted, chewing on his last few bites. "it's a good thing, don't tell anyone but... i'm not sure everyone in Shield is working for the betterment of mankind. i think some of them just want to be the ones in control."
“Yea, most people do. It’s easier not trying to correct them.”Tony shrugged, a vague frown passing on his face, trying to think of what he knew had gone wrong, but still, as always, the memories were beyond him. “....I am most definitely calling you a mother hen. And jarvis would never dare to share the blackmail on me.”Tony said with wide eyes. “He’s delusional Captain, I’m sure there’s something I’d share.” “Traitor.”Tony grumbled. “Yea, I’ve met Grant. Good kid, natasha has good things to say about him, which is rare really.”He said before nodding. “It’s good to have a senator backing me and Iron Man over it. Chris is a good guy.”Tony smiled before nodding. “He did. And no, bruce hasn’t. No one’s really wanting to mess with the hulk really, except well, me. I mean, poking him with that cattle prod was a stroke of genius.”Tony snickered a little before shaking his head. “I know you want to, but don’t. It’ll just make the snake’s hide if you do.”Tony said as he finished eating. “No, I don’t think they are, but Fury is, and he’s keeping a eye on everyone, and having help doing it. That’s all we can ask for.”
Steve nodded. "they'll see what they want to see and that's that." e knew better than anyone. he could walk into a sex shop buy a ton of lube and then go pick up a hooker and people would still assume the best of him. which was both very nice and very frustrating. "he's not a traitor, he's just prioritizing." Steve admitted with a grin. "see. so long as i'm happy, i'm taking care of you. so in a way, he's only seeing after your well being." he teased before nodding. "i know, Natasha rarely even likes me, and i'm perfect." Steve admitted, looking highly amused. "Grants a bit creepy..." he admitted, "i'm not sure why but he kind of makes me cringe a bit." he admitted. "Chris is amazing actually, his parents where psychotic though." he admitted. "they used to torture their kids. the youngest brother, Abraham. he's in a psych ward because of what they did to him. he doesn't say a word anymore." Steve admitted. "good. no one better fuck with Bruce." everyone was a little overprotective of Bruce. the man was just so fragile in so many ways. "you poking him was a death wish." Steve huffed. "i know.." he grumbled, scowling before smiling. "yeah, Fury's got a handle on things, even if he pisses me off a bit." he admitted shaking his head. "anyway, i'm thinking of taking my nap now. i'm an old man you know." he admitted with a grin. "your welcome to stay if you want but i'm going to be boring. i don't talk or snore in my sleep so you won't have any blackmail." he teased with a smile.
“no, no he’s not. Totally a traitor if he’s going to give yo stuff.”Tony huffed though he looked amused before nodding a little. “natasha likes no one. She’s a robot I’m telling you.”he smiled a little before tilting his head.”I don’t know. I only met him once, maybe you’re just picking up the weirdness left behind by abuse. I mean, everyone deals differently.”Tony shrugged wincing at the idea of all three being tortured before smirking. “No one is. Not only does case they’d have to deal with him, but the avengers have gotten scary enough to not want to mess with...well. Normal, sane people. Super villians don’t count.”Tony snickered before smirking. “Hm, fury pisses everyone off.”he said as he stretched, already moving to get up. “You are old, and no I wont. I think I’m going out tonight, so I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Steve snickered a little. "well maybe if you where nicer to him?" Steve asked with a smile. "she likes Clint and Phil. and apparently Grant Ward." he pointed out. "she's just Russian, and an assassin, those are always hard to get close to." Steve admitted with a smile. "i dunno, could be your right." he agreed. "i don't really interact with him much, he's too chilly and frigid for that." he admitted. "maybe it's one of those 'if i don't let anyone close they can't hurt me' kind of things?" he wondered. "yeah your right, we'd slaughter anyone who fucks with Bruce." he agreed with a smile. "Any of us really. but Bruce just... he's fragile somehow so we all get a little overprotective of him. you and Iron Man the most." he admitted with a smile. "it's good for him to be here." he admitted. "he's really growing you know? as a person i mean. he's gaining a lot of confidence living here." he admitted. "i am old." Steve agreed. "just think, you totally got your ass kicked by a ninety year old man." he admitted, setting the dishes in the sink to soak before yawning. "see you tomorrow." he called, shuffling onto his couch for a good nap.
“...I’m always nice to jarvis. Jarvis is amazing.” “Thank you sir.” “...well. That’s true. She is weird and russian, very hard to get to know.”Tony snickered a little before nodding, “Might be. I on;y met him once, so I dunno.”He said before nodding. “He’s ours to protect I agree. And dude, he does science with me!I’m going to be overprotective!”Tony snickered before nodding. “He is. It’s good to see.”Tony muttered.”....Oh gods. I feel worse now then I’d already been.”Tony groaned as he left.

And it was nearly midnight when Jarvis woke the good captain, the AI sounding extremely worried and upset. “Captain?Captain, I am sorry to wake you, but Sir is in need of assistance. Captain, I should warn you he is in club, but he does need assistance, and all of those I can get ahold of, you are the most likely to get him home.”Jarvis said. And indeed when Steve made his way to the club, after getting hassled at the door and having to break out the ‘I’m Cap, and rescuing a team mate from himself’ line, only then did the doorman of the exclusive club step aside to let Steve in. And as he made his way in, there was a hushed quiet to the room, a silence that was only broken by gasps, whistles of whips and floggers in the air, and quiet talking. And while there was private rooms to the side, there was plenty of elevated small stages that customers were using, and that’s where steve found tony. Bound head to toe, the final touch going around his neck, in a obvious state that if he let his head fall back, he was going to be choking himself, even as he moaned and trembled under the flogger, making a fairly beautiful naked picture. Definitely looked younger then he was as he held in total submission.
Steve chuckled a little and shook his head. "Jarvis is awesome. you know he helps me work my cellphone?" he asked with a smile. "and he never lets me get lost when i'm in the city." he admitted. "a lot has changed... the streets are all different." he admitted before grinning and nodded. "good! it means i'm training you correctly!"

Steve blinked and blinked again when he was woken up but was on his feet and out the door as soon as he realized that Tony was in trouble. "Look! Either you move out of my way, or i move you out of the way!" Steve snarled at the doorman. "that's my teemate in there ad i was called to fetch him before he does even more harm to himself than he already has!" he growled, pleased whn the bouncer moved. he strode across the room and snatched the whip out of the other person's hand. "that's enough. i'm taking Tony home." he stated, tossing the whip away and examining the knots. "you! come untie him." "don't bother, i got it." Johnny Storm, Cap Look Alike said as he stpped up. "hey Cap. Nice to met you." Johnny said as he carefully untied Tony. "Tony. Man. your supposed to call me when you need this." Johnny complained, gently stroking Tony's hair. "where you at Tony? what's your number?" "his Number?" "Subspace number. how down he is." Johnny explained. "i'll explain on the way home." he promised, helping Steve gather Tony's clothes and get him dressed enough for public decency before carefully carrying Tony out of the place. "Don't worry, this club is so exclusive they won't let you take Cellphones or Cameras in there." Johnny promised. "this won't be on the news tomorrow."
“Yea I know. He likes you.”Tony snickered, not adding that he’d asked jarvis to make sure the AI would help steve. “He doesn’t let me get lost either, and I’ve never seen the old city. It’s hard to remember where everything is.”Tony smiled a little before rolling his eyes as he left. The captain was amusing really.

“He didn’t tap out. He can when he’s ready..”The man said yelping a little as steve took the whip, looking upset at having the subbiest sub he’d ever seen taken away from him. Though he paled a little as he realized it was Steve, and not some random person. “...”Tony’s head lulled to the sided, blinking slowly as he stared at johnny. Obviously so far down that he wasn’t functioning well. “...didn’t...want to bother you....Cap...there’s two caps....”Tony frowned as he leaned into teh hand stroking his hair, while he was hearing what was asked of him, it was obvious that he was low enough that it was taking him awhile to process. “...5?5 is a good number...”Tony muttered as he let the two dress him, though he was further down then that. “are we going home?”He hummed a little as he tucked his face against steve’s chest, the man for once warm in the other’s hold. “Two cap’s are warm...this would make a amazing sandwich....”
"Tony doesn't have a ''Tap Out' You bastard idiot!" Johnny snarled at the man. "he doesn't 'tap out' ever! he could be bleeding to death right now and he wouldn't Tap out!" he hissed. "and considering he's only half conscious your clearly not suited to Domination! best get on your knees like a good little sub before you hurt someone!" Johnny spat while working on the ropes. "tying someone up like this when you don't know their skill level!? how stupid are you!? where the fuck is the manager!?" Management was supposed to prevent shit like this from happening after all. "No Tony, i'm Steve, that's Johnny." Steve corrected, offering him a shaken little smile. "what does five mean?" "it means he's down too low to properly judge how he is." Johnny explained. "when he's like this he's too low to tell if he's okay or not. or give honest consent." he admitted. "it means that if you told him to do something right now, he wouldn't think about it, he'd just do it." Johnny admitted, helping Steve get Tony to his car. "i'll call Reed to take my car home, you bring a ride?" "yes, but Tony did something to it so Jarvis can take it back tot he Tower." Steve promised. Jarvis had instructed Steve to use that bike specifically for that reason. "how do we help him?" "i take him home, fuck the daylights back into him and then we snuggle. usually." "oh...."
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