Lies hiding Truth (moon/lady)

"No no it woulsnt. I get grouchy without sex."tony sulked looking amused though."...we should totally have a nerd war sometime..."tony grinned at the idea before wincing as he looked at the womsn."don't say that. It's creepy pepper. I'm going to think you're taking over the world."tony sulked a little."okay let's be nice to the captain."tony said looking away willing to lay off the teasing because he really did want them to enjoy being here which meant not teasing as bad as he wanted."I can to. I just et out more."tony muttered. "They are amazing. I'm voting steve does the cooking."Natasha teased as bruce finished up making the pizza macaroni."these will be a good dessert if we don'teat them all before dinner."bruce snickered. Tony snapped back to attention at the sound of his name giving him that cheesy smirk that said whatever coming out his mouth next steve would hate."yea. About your well proportioned frams."tony said mostly so they wouldn't suspect he'd actually been doing something totally weird.
he smirked. "it's just like any other addiction Tony. the initial withdrawal sucks but you get over it pretty easily." he promised, looking very, very amused. "a Nerf War where i'm the winner? i could go for that." Steve agreed with a chuckle. "and who says i'm not?" Pepper asked, smirking at Tony. "i do have the president on speed dial you know. after you saved his life." she pointed out with a giggle. "yeah! be nice tot he captain!" Steve agreed, Pepper snickering and chewing on another treat. somehow, she'd gotten into the second plate. "'s okay even if you eat them all i have another five dozen." Steve admitted. "Cooking makes me feel better." he admitted. "the apartment didn't feel right, so i cooked in it." Steve admitted with a sheepish grin. "only i felt weird just making the one tray and by the time i made Ten i was just running on autopilot because i was thinking about something else." he admitted. "so i made a lot more than i intended on..." he admitted before going even more red at Tony's flirting. "....i'm never giving you sugar again, your hyper." Steve decided, Pepper laughing at that before sulking as she realized she'd eaten all ten of the treats. "oops." "....i'm not giving yu sugar anymore either." Steve decided, looking amused at Pepper's sheepish, apologetic smile.
“...No. I think that you even said that, makes it obvious you’ve never had sex and that this needs corrected quickly.”Tony huffed. “...You would not win!”he scowled before rolling his eyes at pepper. “You just like making me be afraid. Stop it.”he ordered. “...well, do you need something for it?I told you I could get you anything you wanted.”Tony said looking a little anxious about steve not liking the apartment, before making a face. “I am not. You have to give me sugar. You promised food.” “Hm, but you shouldn’t have any after a fight. You’re even more hyper then normal.”Natasha said looking amused as they all started eating dinner. “.....I take back my offer of phones, if you’re just going to make fun of me. I’ll just give steve his.”Tony grumbled.
Steve snorted. "i've had sex." he promised. "it was messy, gross, and pointless." he admitted. "and i would win." he stated simply. "i do like making you freaked out, yes." Pepper admitted with a grin. "No, it's nothing like that. new spaces just freak me out a little bit." Steve admitted. "i go through this every-time i move." he admitted. "i'm told it's part of the PTSD but i was doing weird things like this when i was a child. every living space just doesn't feel right until i've done certain things in it." Steve admitted. "Cooking is one of them." he admitted before smirking at Tony. "that's right, i promised Food. i never promised to give you sugar." he teased before grinning as he watched Bruce finish the meal. it really did smell amazing. "why do i get the phone when i'm the one making the most fun of you?" Steve asked, looking amused. "well, looks like i'm Tony AND Iron Man's favorite." Steve stated smugly, Pepper laughing.
“....”Tony stared at him, shaking his head. “I can’t talk to you. You’ve had some horrible sex then if that’s your opinion.”Tony stared at the other man twitching a little, before relaxing at steve’s words. “Good. I’d hate to think it was the place.”Tony said relaxing. “Noooo you have to give me good stuff. I mean, if you start giving me health food or anything, I’ll be pissed.” “It would be quite amusing really, watching tony try eating health food.” “Not favorite. Simply logical. If I refuse to give you a phone, and leave you with just a normal phone, fury’ll yell at me, and as I get yelled at enough as it is, I have to give you a phone.”
Steve shrugged. "might be so. then again Sex is pretty straight forward. kissing, touching, then i put my cock inside her and we're done. it's all rather boring actually." he admitted before smiling. "it's the best place i've ever stayed in." he assured Tony. "i'm just a bit OCD." he admitted. "i have to do certain things before i can settle down." he admitted. "that soup i fet you was pretty damn healthy. you didn't like the soup?" he asked with a smirk. "i guess you don't want the super healthy Lasagna i was going to make for lunch tomorrow then either." Steve mused. "or the quesadilla and enchilada i was going to make on Thursday." he mused. "or the Ratatouille i was planning?" he asked, smirking. "perhaps the Stuffed Bell Peppers or the stuffed Mushroom soup is beyond your Pallet?" he asked, looking extremely amused. "might as well just stuff you full of crappy dollar store ice-cream if that's the way your going to be." he teased. "ah, self preservation, the key to my new phone." he agreed with a laugh. "Hey Steve?" Pepper asked suddenly. "do you Cater?" "i can." Steve admitted. "if i feel like it."
“....You poor, poor man.”Tony shook his head not about to go into sex, not when his body was hopping on the train of ‘yes yes I can show you how to do sex’. There was so many things wrong with considering having sex with the other, and him being iron man was just the first on a long list of things. “Good.”Tony muttered before his eye twitched. “The soup was amazing, and you know that.”Tony growled before growling at the other, “I’ll show you stuffed pepper-”Tony leered a little at pepper, looking to amused for his own good. “...Does he ever stop talking?”Natasha asked raising a eyebrow as tony continued to mutter about stupid super soldiers and their stupid cooking. “I’m going to the lab.”Tony huffed after a moment as he gathered up a plate of food heading for the lab making bruce snicker. “You know, I’m not sure if he’s ready to have people living with him.”
Steve shrugged. "i get more fun out of it if i just do it myself." he admitted. Captain America, masturbater. now there was an image that wouldn't leave your mind all that soon. "of course the soup was amazing, i made it." Steve admitted, looking highly amused. "relax Tony, of course i'm going to keep feeding you. you at least appreciate it, unlike SOME i could mention." he shot an irritated glance up at the ceiling, as if expecting Clint to defend himself. but either he wasn't there or didn't care. "...Tony!" Steve protested, going bright red at the thought of 'stuffing Pepper' and Pepper just started laughing. "of course not. but then, neither does Fury." Steve pointed out. "i'll bring you your plate of Zeppoli later!" Steve promised Tony. "provided Pepper doesn't eat them all!" "hey!" "i'm sure it's just new for him. he has his own quirks to work around." Steve admitted. "you know, this really is good." he admitted, grinning at Bruce. "you have an actual recipe i could have?"
“....”Tony stared at him, because there was no words to keep his mind from going utterly blank at the idea of captain america jerking off. “Good. I need food. And good food, since SOME people don’t think I eat enough.”he sulked a little before snickering at steve’s protest. “What?You’re the one who offered stuffed peppers.”Tony said innocently. “Fine,see you later.”Tony yelled back as natasha shook his head in amusement. “It really is good.” “I’ll get it for you. I have one.”Bruce smiled at the other man, looking amused as they ate, and tried not to worry about the quirky billionaire downstairs.

Later Tony looked up from under the car he was working on, sliding out to look at the captain, his hair sticking up every which grease and oil, moving up and over to the workbench. “Here you go captain.”Tony said handing over the phone, that looked like a regular phone except tony had obviously made the buttons a little bigger then normal for the super soldier’s fingers.
Steve blinked at him. "you okay?" he asked, frowning a little, a bit worried about the other. "you do need to eat more." Pepper agreed. "i'll make sure to feed him. i like to cook." Steve admitted with a smile before flushing brightly and shaking his head. "yes i did. and i walked right into that too..." he muttered. "have to watch what i say..." he mumbled to himself before smiling at Bruce. "thanks."

"Hey. Pepper said it would be okay if i came down here." Steve admitted, looking a bit hesitant. he knew how important a personal space could be. " Tony. talk about bed head." he admitted, looking extremely amused as he studied Tony's hair. "oh! the Phone..." he'd forgotten all about that. he accepted it and handed Tony the plate of what looked like twenty pastries on it, as well as a mug full of steaming hot cocoa. very rich, handmade Hot Cocoa made with real chocolate. "nifty!" Steve muttered, flipping the phone open, pleased when it didn't immediately fall apart in his hand. he played with it a bit before beaming at Tony. "you really are the best, you know that?"
“Fine. Just thinking about something to hard.”Tony said blushing, not about to admit to what he’d been thinking about. It was one thing to think of steve jerking off or having sex with iron man’s mask hiding his reaction, he so didn’t want to consider it right now. “...I eat fine.”Tony sulked a little. “You probably should. He’ll grant no mercy.”Natasha snickered watching the genius go. “You’re welcome.”Bruce smiled a little.

“It is. Only time no one can come down here, I’ll lock the doors if I want privacy or need no one to interrupt. As long as the doors unlocked and windows unfogged, you’re welcome to visit.”Tony said shrugging a little, because while he did like personal space and needed to not see others sometimes, he’d been alone for so much of his life, in both peer induced solitude and by choice, he was usually okay with people in the lab. “...Hey. Leave my hair alone. You don’t see me making fun of your 1940s cut, do you?”tony said smiling a little as he patted down the oil slicked strands, for the most part only making the rats nest worst. Washing his hands he smiled as he took the plate, nibbling on the food, before sipping the drink, moaning outloud as he realized what it was. “gods, captain. That’s amazing.”He muttered smiling happily when the other played with his phone, nodding a little. “I know. But it bears repeating.”
Steve gave him a concerned look before smiling. "no he won't, but considering i verbally spar with Irn man i think i could use the practice." he admitted with a chuckle. "at least enough that i stop blushing every time Iron Man comments on how 'pretty' i am that day." he admitted, shaking his head.

Steve smiled at him. "i'll keep that in mind." he promised. "i know how important a personal space can be. i usually ate it when people are in my art areas... but you already knew that." he'd nearly stabbed a man with a fountain pen because he went into Steve's rooms while he was working on something. so far the only person Steve didn't mind in his space was Tony Stark and Iron Man. both people came and went from Steve's rooms as they pleased without repercussions. "hey, my hair looks fine!... doesn't it?" he asked, examining his hair a bit in a mirror like thing. "well... maybe it could use a trim." he muttered, fussing over his hair for a moment before smirking. "you like? Chocolate was a rarity back when i was a soldier." he admitted. "you didn't get good food untl you where off the front lines, and i never really left the front lines." he admitted. "so i learned to really make the best of a small amount of chocolate." he admitted before grinning. "you are the best." he admitted, pulling Tony into a one armed hug. "thanks for letting me move in here. it gets kind of lonely living at Base." he admitted, smiling at Tony. "you ever need Company you just come up to my Art room okay?" he asked with a smile. open invitation, that was pretty rare. "oh... uhm... i was... wondering..." he admitted, worrying his lip. "uh... see, i wanted to. you know. make something... for Iron Man... to show how much we appreciate his help and all... and... well, do.. doyouhaveanypictures?" he asked, stuttering and blushing hard.
“You probably could. And I have no doubt if you did, he’d find other terms to make you blush.”Bruce teased.

“I know. And don’t worry, the only place I truly hate sharing with anyone, is my bedroom, so don’t go in there, but anywhere else, I’ll let you know if I don’t want you there.”Tony said smiling a little, because his bedroom was his private retreat.even his one night stands never made it to his real bedroom. He always went to his playroom, never the personal room that he had for himself, in the whole tower, only his bedroom was truly private to him. “Yea, fine for a WW2 vet.”Tony teased, smirking as he fussed with his hair in a metal reflection. “They’re good.”Tony agreed smiling as he ate, “You can cook anytime you want.”Tony smiled a little before startling as he hugged, leaning into him a little. “Very welcome. Definitely was saddened at the idea of a national treasure living there on his lonesome. Not to mention the creepy twins, or my science bro, and pepper was moving in anyways, figured I might as well have everyone here.”he smiled a little because it hadn’t been that really. It had been that he wanted company, and had tried to find the way he thought they wouldn’t regret. “I’ll do that.”Tony said looking a little startled at the open ended invite before tilting his head. “...A picture?Of what?Him?”Tony said looking startled and confused as he considered the other man, wondering how to direct the conversation. He hadn’t considered how living with them would make his other identity even more difficult.
Steve smiled a little. "sure thing." he agreed. "you can go into my bedroom if you want. just stay out of my underwear..." there was a pause. "actually. i don't have any right now so i'll get back to you on that." he admitted. " your saying i need a new haircut?" he asked, chewing on his lip. no one had told him his hair was outdated. maybe he looked like shit? no wonder Iron Man never looked at him all that much. maybe he'd just been imagining that the other was checking him out? "i intend to." he admitted with a smile. "i'm pretty sure that anything i can't eat, the others will so i'm not too worried about not cooking." he admitted with a smile before grinning at Tony, glad that the other wasn't shoving him away. "yeah well. it wasn't so bad when i was alone. it's hen i was out of my room and people goggled at me." he admitted wrinkling his nose. "i thought Pepper was already living here?" he asked, looking startled. "everyone says you and she are a thing." he admitted. "never mind that's personal." he huffed, shaking his head. "anyway, Phil was the first to live here right? since no one would leave him alone?" he asked, smiling at Tony. "uhm... yeah. or of his suit since he doesn't want anyone to know who he is.." he admitted, fidgeting. "i mean... i want to draw him but i can't because he won't sit still long enough for me to actually get a look at him, or his suit at least..." he admitted, rubbing the back of his head.
“...Are you going commando?Cause that’s totally hot. And I’ll get you some underwear, I’m going out this afternoon.”tony said smirking, that bright eager smirk that said whatever he came back with, steve wasn’t going to like. Groaning as the other asked about his hair. “Oh my god. Don’t take me seriously. Please. It’s not that bad.”Tony groaned resting his head on his workbench, resisting the urge to pound it on the metal. “Granted, you’d look good with a new haircut, less dated, but its not,....bad per se. And no one probably told you cause well, you’re you. Probably didn’t want to add another shock to what you’re already dealing with being 70 years in the future.”Tony said his voice muffled a little by his arms where his head was buried in his arms. Shifting a little he leaned into the warmer man, it was nice, steve was warm and despite having extremis, he got cold easily. So being against human perfection, was warm. “hm, sorry. But you’re going to get goggled at no matter where you go.”He pointed out before wincing, shaking his head. “uh, no. She had her own place. And we’re not....a thing.haven’t been in a long time.”Tony shuddered away, biting his lip, not about to admit why. She couldn’t deal with being iron man’s girl, even if no one else in the world knew it. “Yea. He was. He needed a private place, and clint wasn’t stateside. So I opened the tower to him.”He shrugged a little looking thoughtful before leaning away to reach for the computer. “Kay. Hold on, I got the perfect picture for you then.”Tony said as he pulled up the picture that was his personal favorite, Iron man sitting in the empty stadium bleachers at yankee’s field, the mask just up enough to let him eat popcorn even though he’d made sure you couldn’t see his face, and somewhere in front of him, out of the picture, there was a a irate captain beating the shit out of doombots in yankees field, taking out his aggression on the new york team on the poor poor doombots. “SAid this was one of his favorite fights to date.”
he shook his head. "don't have much of a choice, the movers stole all of my underwear." he reminded the other with a chuckle before grimacing. "i'm pretty sure i can get my own underwear Tony." he assured the other. ".... i'm pretty sure it is that bad..." he muttered, scowling at the reflection. "i never really thought about it..." he admitted, cocking his head to the side. "can you fix it?" he asked Tony. he'd rather trust Tony than Pepper. "yeah well i wish they had told me." he grumbled, wrinkling his nose. "i look like some crusty old man..." he admitted with a sigh. "no wonder...." he paused, blushed furiously and coughed a little. "are you okay?" he asked, his head tilted as he realized the other was still leaning into him, snuggling even. "are you ill?" he asked, looking worried, his head tilted. "i hate being goggled." he admitted with a huff. "oh... i'm sorry. i just thought... you two where flirting this morning so..." he shrugged, blushing a little before smiling a little. "it was a ice thing for you to do, considering ou and Phil don't seam to like each other." Phil rather respected Tony actually. "really!?" he asked, looking delighted at the promise of a Picture before he started laughing at the picture. "that bastard..." he complained, amused as he examined the picture, impish grin on his lips. "i freaking hate the Yankees but he wouldn't let me beat the shit out of them." h admitted with a smile. "...does he... uh, you know... have anyone?" Steve asked before his breath hitched as he realized he'd spoken aloud. "uh. never mind... i'm... bye." Steve stuttered before fleeing.
“No, no you can’t.”Tony snickered, amusing himself, “I’m going out anyways. I’ll get some.”Tony smirked a little. “...Okay. Yea. It is that bad. And I could. I’ll clean up down here and take care of it okay?”Tony smiled a little. Simply wanting to help him. “No so old. Simply outdated.”Tony said looking at the other man in curiosity, before nodding.”Cold. You’re warm.Not ill.”Tony huffed, leaning away from him after a moment. “yea. Well, we flirt all the time. We’ve been friends to long to not to, it’s just...we didn’t do well dating.”Tony shrugged before smiling slightly. “We like each other perfectly fine, our relationship is based on harassing each other though.”Tony shrugged a little, because he respected the agent, and liked him, otherwise he would have never invited him to live her. “I know. He nearly died laughing that day.”Tony snickered before tilting his head, opening his mouth to answer before watching the other flee. Sighing quietly. Heading for his bedroom he cleaned up and got himself straightened out before gathering a pair of scissors and hair gel, before heading down to steve’s art room, knowing that was where the other man was. And counting on his standing invite to get in.

Stepping inside, he ran his fingers through his hair, looking around, avoiding looking at the captain. “He doesn’t. Have anyone. Not like you mean. Serial’s...complicated. Considering how much he’d have to lie to someone about who he is, dating’s....not a option.”Tony said before holding up the scissors. “You still want that haircut?”
Steve rolled his eyes. "just nothing pink or lacy okay?" he asked, well aware it was going to be something rather humiliating he was willing to let Tony do it if it made him happy. "what was a couple of gag gifts between friends? "yeah okay." he agreed with a smile, glad that Tony was willing to fix his hair. "oh. your cold? Jarvis can turn the heat up for you can't he? don't you have a blanket down here?" he asked, fretting that Tony would get cold often. clearly Tony was incapable of taking care of himself. "well. sometimes people just don't work well together as a couple. you and Pepper are just too alike i think." he admitted. "she's family for you, she'll always be there for you." he admitted with a smile. "she loves you you know." he admitted. "just not the way that would allow you two to bang like bunnies." he teased with a grin, blushing at his own boldness. "ah... i don't think that's a healthy relationship." he admitted, looking amused. "Phil is going to taze you for sure." he admitted with a chuckle before snorting. "hey, i was only helping because the other team was being attacked too. if it had only been the Yankees i'd have just let them all be eaten by Doombots." he admitted before fleeing because he couldn't handle himself.

he was sitting in front of one of the massive windows, forehead pressed against the glass. "you must think me pretty dumb huh? having a crush on a guy whose name i don't even know. when i'm not even totally okay with myself liking other guys... i'm so fucked up." he muttered before looking at Tony. "he'd never like me that way anyway. i'm just not the kind of person people like that way." he admitted, looking out at the city. "....yeah. yeah i do." he admitted, standing up and getting a sheet and laying it on the floor so he wouldn't get hair all over.
“Okay, no pink or lacy.”Tony smiled amused. “He could, but I’ll just turn it down again when I start working. Just got cold.”Tony muttered sighing quietly, before nodding. “Definitely to much alike. And she does, I know. And I love her, just not how she needs me to.”Tony shrugged a little snickering at the other’s teasing, “Wow. A sex joke from the captain. I think this is amazing.”He looked amused before wincing. “Don’t say that!He’s already threatened to taze me. Don’t remind him.”he whined a little before snorting. “No you wouldn’t.”Tony said rolling his eyes a little.

Tony stopped in the door, studying the other man, sighing quietly. His life was so so complicated. This wasn’t fair. It wasn’t....and yet. He couldn’t bring himself to change everything. Not...not when the reasons he hid who he was, still applied. “Not really. I have alot of sex with people who’s name I don’t know.”Tony smiled a little moving over to stand next to him, looking out over the city.”I wouldn’t....Steve...”Tony made a quiet frustrated sound. “Dammit. You are a person people like like that. And he wont...let himself like anyone like that. Not when he knows how complicated it is.”Tony said going quiet as he sat the other down again and starting to cut his hair, not wanting to do this, but also not able to stand just how upset steve was. “...He doesn’t trust easily. Even....the most basic human contact is usually beyond something he can understand. Says it’s easier living behind the mask, because no one can force him to deal with what he’s feeling, or doing anything. It’s not that he doesn’t want to trust you guys. It’s he doesn’t know how.”Tony shuddered, swallowing thickly. "And no, I wont tell you who he is. I...I can't."
he nodded. "i suppose... i still think we should check your temperature. or put a couple of blankets in here or something." he muttered before smiling a little. "you and Pepper make better siblings than you do lovers." he admitted before laughing. "i can't make sex Jokes? i did grow up on Brooklyn you know. the bad parts of Brooklyn. and then i went to war with a bunch of dirty perverted guys." he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head.

Steve snorted. "i don't think i could have 'just sex' though." he admitted. "and even if i could, i don't think i could do that with him." he admitted. "he's the first man i ever... you know? at least, i think he's a man... i'm pretty sure he's a man. good lord what if he's a woman?" he asked, sounding horrified by the idea. "if he's a woman he'll beat me up for thinking he's a man... i just made my brain hurt." he admitted with a sigh before letting Tony cut his hair. "...well. i can understand that." he admitted softly. "i mean, not everyone can be as well adjusted as i am." he admitted with a smile, trying to crack a joke. "...well... we'll just have to keep working with him." Steve decided. "someday, maybe he'll learn how to trust us. i'll probably be over this silly crush by then." he decided, turning to look at Tony. "i'm sorry, i know i shouldn't be dumping this on you but... i don't really have anyone else." he admitted. "your the closest thing to a friend i've had since Bucky..." he admitted. "....your not shaving me bald up there are you?" he asked, suddenly nervous. what if Tony couldn't cut hair at all? what if it was terrible? what if no one liked it!?
“Maybe. I’ll see about getting some blankets.”He muttered before snickering. “you can. It’s just odd. Not something I usually hear.”

“I know, you’re sorta old fashioned like that.”Tony teased a little. “Really?Well. Good for you.”he smiled a little before sighing. “He’s male. Don’t worry, I would have told you if Iron Man was really a pretty woman behind that mask. I mean, super hero chick that didn’t scare me to death?I’d totally be all over that.”Tony said snickering, though inside he was dying just a little bit. He hated this, hated hated hated it.and he had no idea why he was letting the conversation continue except for some twisted sense of need and desire. “Hm, you two are both two peas in a pod, well adjusted peas at that.”Tony snickered a little before nodding. “Good. The trust, not the getting over it. Though I do hope you figure that out.”Tony said smiling, oh yea. He was so very fucked. “It’s fine. Considering I’m the only person who knows him really, I’m glad you’re talking to me. At least I can make it easier for you to not read into thigns to much, or maybe figure out what he’s thinking.”Tony sighed before snickering. “No I’m not. Go ahead go look at yourself.”
he chuckled a little. "nah. it's cus of my Ma actually. she always told me Sex was supposed to be something special, to be shared with someone you love." he admitted. "it's kinda hard to have a one night stand with the image of your Ma looking disappointed in the back of your head." he admitted with a chuckle. "yeah, god for me." he huffed, shaking his head. "you know i didn't even know liking men was okay until i had a panic attack and Clint talked to me." he admitted before laughing at Tony. "you know, somehow it wouldn't surprise me." he admitted with a smile. "granted you probably like him as a man too." he admitted with a grin. "i think the entire world is a little bit in love with Iron Man." he admitted with a chuckle. "i'm sure it'll turn out okay..." he admitted with a sigh before he smiled at the other. "yeah. it is kind of noice talking to someone who won't spread it around on the E-ternet." yeah he got the name wrong. but that was only to be expected. "!" he gasped, blinking at himself after he'd located a mirror. he didn't really have any except in the bathrooms, so he had to go downstairs and look there. "Tony it's great!" Steve admitted, touching the spikes with a grin. "i look rather modern..." he paused and then scowled. "i look like Johnny Storm." he admitted before laughing. "maybe i could do a whole bunch of stuff to embarrass him?" he mused, grinning impishly at himself. "this is great, thanks!" he admitted, beaming at Tony. "thanks for doing this."
“...yea. That would be fairly hard to do.”Tony smiled a little, enjoying the idea of a mother who cared enough to be disapproving over a sex life. “Clint’s good for the calming talks. And it’s good these days. I mean, you get the people who are always going to be disapproving, but these days its okay.”Tony smiled a little before snickering. “I would, but we’re not like that.”He shrugged a little before wincing. “Don’t ever tell him that. His ego’s bad enough as it is, without having captain america telling him the world’s in love with him.”He snickered before nodding.”I’m sure it is.”He said smiling, “Hm, I have enough of my own shit spread over the internet, to not want to do it to anyone else.”Tony said correcting the mistake gently before grinning as steve went to check his hair. “Thanks. I sorta based it off his hair. I mean, our hair. Between mine and johnny’s, I knew you’d look good.”He teased before snickering. “You could, but you’ll probably embarass yourself more then him. I mean, you’d know it was you doing it.”He pointed out flushing a little in pride at the other’s praise.”You’re welcome.”
he smiled a little and nodded. "yeah. Clint's pretty awesome." he admitted. "i think he was a little annoyed that i was so upset though, i guess he thought i was a homophobic, with how surprised he was when i was okay with him and Phil being together." he admitted, looking amused. "i'm not you now... i'm just not sure how okay i am with myself liking other guys..." he admitted. "i mean, my Ma was okay with a lot of things but she'd be rolling in her grave right now at the thought of me being gay." he admitted. "that's kind of hard to get over..." he admitted. "knowing yer Ma would hate you for something you really can't help." he admitted before grinning. "it would be kind of fun to tell him and watch him walk down the street blowing kisses at people." he admitted with a laugh before smiling at him. "wouldn't stop most people." he admitted. "the only reason why my pictures aren't all over hell is because Fury threatened to castrate and then fire anyone who dared to take my picture without my express permission. the Copyright thing is certainly helpful too in keeping people from printing whatever they like about me." he admitted before grinning at his reflection. "do i look good? i always thought i looked a bit silly." he admitted, poking himself in the cheek. "you have a point, i don't think i could do it without blushing and Johnny never blushes." he agreed. before smiling at Tony. "thanks. for all of this. it means a lot to me." he admitted. " want to stay for some cake?"
"Well he was probably annoyed and worried about what you were thinking."tony sighed a little smiling."considering when you came from,he was probably really worried about you freaking out about them."tony smiled a little."...I think you're mother would want you to be happy steve. And take it from someone who had .....extremely interesting parents, most normal parents want their kids happy no matter what. And by all accounts your mother was good."tony said looking away from him."oh god he would. Totally would walk down the streets blowing kisses."tony snickered making a face."it is. But I've found a happy medium with the press and it's better not to deal with them."he shrugged grinning a little."when when you looked silly you looked good."tony teased before nodding."he really doesn't blush it's a proven fact it's extremely hard to make him."Tony snickered tilting his head."'re welcome."tony squirmed a little extremely uncomfortable with the thanks."yes cake would be good."
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