Lies hiding Truth (moon/lady)

Clint grinned. "you got it... Cap? i need a dozen Double Chocolate Chip Cookies please?" Steve laughed and shook his head. "oh no. i want something in return." "....uh.... Video game lessons?" "deal." "yes. any means. including turning you into a red and gold smear on the ground." Steve admitted, nodding, pleased with his threat. "Johnny Storm came over and fixed him up. i don't understand a lot of it, but i think it means he had a lot of sex." Steve admitted, blushing a little. "You can't beat this high score! i will be ruling your asses for the rest of your lives!" Clint chirped, quite pleased with himself. "alright, i'll talk to you later." Steve agreed with a chuckle. "don't...uh, work? too hard." Steve ordered Iron man before struggling to figure out how to hang up on his end, managing it just when Clint got up to help. "i'm getting better!" Steve informed them all, looking so very pleased with himself. only Jarvis would get the joke.
“Nooo, you should cook them yourself.” “no he shouldn’t. He’ll poison you, Tony.”Natasha snickered a little. “Ah. Well, that’s definitely not something I want to happen. I’ll rethink the Yanks.” “I did have lots and lots of sex. And I feel happy.”Tony muttered looking interested in steve’s blushing. “No, no you wont Barton. I’ll win. And Work is one word for dealing with stupid politicans. Apparently you’re not supposed to answer phones in senate hearings, just for future reference.”iron man said as he hung up. Tony giggled a little looking amused as he stretched, nudging Johnny. “bed.I want to nap.”he ordered as he got up and headed for the door without waiting, starting to come up enough, the mood starting to fade that his normal in charge personality was starting to seep back in.
"yeah i can't cook." Clint admitted. "like. at all." he admitted. "well, no. i can do grilling stuff." he admitted with a smile. "good. you rethink the yanks." Steve agreed with a chuckle. "well i'm glad you feel happy." Steve admitted, smiling at Tony as Johnny chuckled. "Your at the Senate?" Steve asked, sounding, and looking extremely startled. " i the only person who is convinced Irn Man and Tony Stark are twins?" Clint asked, looking amused. "You want my bed?" "no." Johnny interrupted. "i plan on having Sex with him again." "...yeah, no you don't get my bed Storm." Steve stated, eyes narrowed at Johnny who snickered and followed Tony out. " Cap's crushing on Iron Man huh?" he asked, glancing at Tony. "that's..." he shook his head. "and when are you going to admit you have a crush on Cap right back?" he asked, wondering if Tony was going to hit him for that one or not.
“Yes I am. It’s quite amusing. Stern’s turning a interesting shade of purple.”Iron man as he hung up. “Heyyy, don’t. He’s weirder then me.”Tony made a face. Tony smiled opening his mouth to answer steve before looking at johnny as he interrupted, tilting his head. “Yea, what he said.”Tony said before glancing at Johnny as he slumped a little. “Yea, he is.”He rubbed a hand over his face. “It’s weird and awkward.”He said his head pounding at having used the suit, his head was hurting and pained, and all he wanted to do was lay down.” ...What?I do not, Johnny.”Tony stopped, and while he looked angry at the idea, he simply stopped and stared at the man as they walked into his bedroom.”I don’t.”He protestsed before shoving the other a little towards the bed."You want sex or not?"He said himself enough to be dominating, even if he was doing to drop if johnny worked it right, because tony was nearly incapable of staying on top during sex.
Steve snorted. "your both weird." Steve stated simply. "if it wasn't for the fact that you can't possibly keep a secrete, and we've seen you two in the same room, i might swear you where one and the same." Pepper teased, eyes glittering because she was one of the very few who knew the truth." "your right of course, but then again Tony's too lazy to be a superhero." Steve teased, ruffling the man's hair. "the disposition is right for certain, he has the will to be a superhero if he really wanted, but he doesn't have the physique..... yet." a backhanded compliment that was. Johnny smiled a little and shook his head. "really Tony, i think everyone sees it but Steve." he admitted. "no one will say anything." he promised before huffing and gripping Tony's hair, just tight enough to be perfect. "did you just give me an order Kitten?" he demanded, voice sharp. unaware that Steve was currently drawing Tony in that exact position. only naked, kneeling and wanton.
“....”Tony looked at pepper, refusing to be as nasty as he wanted to be and kick pepper for adding fuel to the fire. “I can to keep a secret!I know things about you, potts.”Tony growled before looking at steve as he leaned into the man’s hand as his hair was ruffled. “Hey, I look amazing. I could totally be a superhero if I wanted.”Tony whined a little rolling his eyes at steve’s compliment. Glancing at Johnny he frowned looking annoyed. “I don’t!You’re all seeing things.”Tony growled sighing softly, eyes going wide as his head was jerked back, knees buckling enough that his breath came out in a sharp gasp as his hair was pulled as he nearly collapsed at johnny’s feet. “S-sorry. Didn’t mean to.”He said looking up at the other, because while johnny wasn't as close to being as physically imposing as the good captain, he was still taller then tony.
Pepper just smiled sweetly at him. she knew they would only agree with her, she knew him best after all, if she said he wasn't Iron Man, they'd believe her. "oh i'm sure you could Tony. well, until you lost a fight. then you'd send big brother Iron Man to beat them up." Clint teased with a laugh and a shake of his head. "oh? all of us huh?" he asked, before smirking at the other. "of course you meant to, naughty Kitten. always so horny and eager for a punishment. is that what you want Kitten? for master to pay attention to you?" he asked, running his thumb up and down Tony's neck. "go and get your collar then... and the butt plug of your choice and the cock ring." he ordered, grinning at Tony. he loved playing with the other. mostly because he knew he and Tony would never want a relationship. they loved each other yes, they trusted each other, but they would never be boyfriends. when one of them found a real relationship, then the other would move on to greener pastures.
“I would not. I’m not that much of a brat, to send my ‘big brother’ after someone.”Tony rolled his eyes amused. “Yes, all of you are.”Tony panted quietly looking up at her, shivering at the name calling, whimpering quietly as he leaned into the touch. “Yes, sir.”he muttered as he pulled away and trotting over to the toy chest, settling easily into the role of kitten, quite eager to please the other. Gathering the toys before trotting back to johnny with the black leather collar, handing it over, whimpering eagerly, crowding close to the other, the last few days of having company, and last night’s upset, and the idea of liking steve tossing him off balance enough to be desperately needy. Well, atl east johnny knew what had upset him in the first place. Tony stark disliked liking people, at least romantically for the most part, and while he loved johnny, it was different, because he didn’t want to date him, knew johnny didn’t want to date him. The idea of liking steve, sent him into a utter panic.
"you might not be, but i am." Clint admitted, looking delightedly wicked. "i am so adopting Iron Man as my big brother just so i can send him after people who are making fun of me." he admitted with a nod." "are you even patient enough for that? we all know you'd beat them up yourself, ot if you couldn't youd send Phil after them." Steve pointed out. which was ridiculous to consider because underneath Fury was Phil, under Phil was Natasha, Maria Hill, Melinda May and Clint, everyone else fell in underneath those four people. Clint and Natasha didn't really have people answering to them, but that was just because they didn't ant the headaches.

Johnny smiled at Tony. "your my good Kitten, aren't you? say it." he ordered, he loved making Tony reaffirm that he was a good boy. it made Johnny's heart happy when Tony said 'i'm a good boy' and actually mean it. those moment's where rare, but they did happen. and the more Johnny made Tony say it, the more Tony started to believe it. "i think we should use th feather toy today, don't you Kitten?" he asked, he loved to trail the feather over Tony's overly sensitive body. tickling all his most sensitive places, watching him squirm because the touch just wasn't enough, would never be enough.
“He’s definitely not patient enough. He’d probably send the text and when Iron Man showed up, the asshole would be all broken and bloody.” “I don’t beat up people for Clint. These days all I have to do is look at them, and they quake in fear.”Phil said smirking a little.

“Good Kitten.I’m a good kitten.”Tony muttered nuzzling against the hand in his hair, floating enough that he did mean it. A rarity for him, and almost always when he was down and content. Shivering as he whimpered he whined a little as he looked up at the other. “nooo, please. No.It’s not enough,Sir.”He muttered even as his knees hit the floor, kneeling before he’d even made the decision to kneel, leaning in and nuzzling his face against the other’s groin. “Please. I’ll do anything.”
Steve chuckled and shook his head when Clint just smirked and shrugged. "yes, well, you did take on a living god, with a weapon you didn't know how to use, and came out semi victoriously. of course people are intimidated by you." Clint teased his lover.

"that's right. your my good Kitten, my good boy." Johnny sighed, feeling warm and happy. "oh yes. the feather. you need to be punished for trying to give me orders Kitten." Johnny warned with a smirk. "but don't worry, i always give you what you want in the end, don't i?" he asked with a grin, humming happily as Tony nuzzled his cock. "well. i think we could compromise, don't you Kitten?" he asked, stroking the others hair. "i still love using the feather on you." he admitted. "but how about i limit myself to... say, ten minutes if you suck my cock and then put on a show for me with that butt plug you picked out, hmm?" he asked with a smirk.
“As they well should. Though the thought of Tony poking Bruce with a cattle prod is more intimidating then facing Loki.” “In all fairness, I poke him back. Listening to him yelp is very satisfying.”Bruce said smirking a little. Natasha smiled a little looking over at steve, finding him interesting to watch most of the time. “So, how’s the art going cap?”she asked curious, simply because she thought he was a brilliant artist, and was working around to asking him for a picture, but awkward enough about wanting things to not be sure how to ask.

“...You do. Always. Always and always what I want.”Tony whined quietly, nuzzling the other through his jeans, before resting his cheek against him, rolling his eyes to look up at him. “I do, Sir. We can compromise.”he muttered humming happily as johnny stroked his hair, shivering at the threat of the feather before nodding eagerly, hands already undoing his jeans and easing his cock out, humming happily as he slid his mouth down over the other.
Steve laughed outright at that and shook his head. "you know, that would explain the adoring looks he keeps getting when he visits the Labs at HQ." he admitted with a grin. "he literally has a stalker, some kid named Fitz." Steve admitted, looking amused. "hes a cute Kid, little lacking on real life experience but he's pretty brilliant from what i understand." and not above a delightful prank. it was thanks to Fitz and his girlfriend Simmons that he was as good with Tech as he was. not that the Avengers would know it. "The Art is going.... okay." he admitted. shaking his head. not about to admit that anytime he tried to sit down and work on anything it turned into naught pictures of Tony. "i dunno. i know people talk about writers block, i think i have the same thing, only with Art." he admitted, wrinkling his nose. "i'm sure i'll be able to work through it." he hoped.

"that's right. i do. i always give you what you need." he agreed, looking amused. "that's right. we're good at Compromising aren't we Kitten?" he asked, looking amused while he stroked the others hair. "mmmmm that's so good Tony." he moaned, grinning at him. "my good Kitten. sucking your master so perfectly." he purred, rocking his hips slowly, in and out of Tony's mouth, just enjoying the other. "good boy, that's enough. i want to watch you open yourself up for me." he ordered, smirking. "on the bed Kitten." he ordered. "let's see you take that big plug for me."
“It would. Not to mention he keeps doing riddiculous amusing things. Like steal my glasses.”Bruce sulked a little before snickering. “Does he really?”Phil said looking amused before nodding. “Fitz really is quite brilliant.” “...Oh. Damn.”Natasha sighed softly looking down, biting her lip, having hoped he’d be able to do it, before deciding that the worst he could do was say no. “I was wondering....I have a picture of home...I mean, the its nearly worn and destroyed. I was wondering, if you’d be able to draw a version of it....its not that important or anything, but I wanted a picture, adn you were the first person I thought of.”Natasha said blushing a little.

“We are. Always so good.”Tony muttered, sighing quietly, pleased as the other stroked his hair, swallowing thickly around the other, shivering as Johnny fucked his throat, moaning, closing his eyes before whining as he was stopped. “Kay...”Tony muttered swaying on his knees a little as he tried to convince himself to get up, before nodding, getting up. Laying onto the bed he stripped down, shuddering as he started working himself open, dark eyes watching johnny as he did.
Steve blinked. "he steals your glasses? why?" he asked, looking confused. "Tony is supposed to wear glasses for reading." Clint explained. "i looked at his medical reports." he admitted. "uh... why?" "he was limping and i was worried." Clint admitted with a shrug. "we all know he wouldn't go to the doctor unless it was really bad, so i wanted to make sure he'd went." "ah.... okay." he gave Clint an odd look before blinking at Natasha, his head tilted. "Kremlin?" he asked, eyes glazing over a bit as he imagined the building and how pretty it would look on paper. "yeah... the Kremlin..." he muttered holding his hand out for the picture, once it was in his hand he was up the stairs in his art room and working on his new project. he'd do a small sketch and a larger painting. yeah. "well we've lost him." Pepper chirped, chuckling. "for the record, never go into Steve's art room without being directly invited, he gets pretty territorial about it." she admitted, shaking her head. "as far as i know, only Iron Man and Tony have been allowed in there without threats or pain." she admitted.

Johnny smiled. "always good." he agreed. "fuck. such a good Kitten." he moaned, head tilted back. "my good Kitten." he purred. he didn't mind that Tony hadn't stood up right away he knew it took Tony twice as long to get himself moving when he was under. "my good Kitten." Johnny purred, watching Tony work himself open, eyes just as dark, blown wide with arousal as he stroked himself to keep the edge off. "that's enough." he growled once he'd watched Tony play with himself to the point of insanity, "screw the feather you little Minx, i'm fucking you now." he decided. too horny to care about 'punishing' his pet. he kissed Tony eagerly, slowly sinking into that warm, pliant body.
“Watch him read sometime. He squints if he has to do it for long. To long staring at computer screens.”Phil snickered a little before looking at Clint, amused that the man had been worried. “Johnny said he didn’t need a doctor?”TPhil asked looking at steve, despite having seen the other, he was still worried about the other man before snickering as steve’s eyes glassed over. “Yes. I grew up in its shadow in moscow.”Natasha smiled as she handed over the picture amused at steve running away. “We did....and is he as bad as tony is about the lab?”Natasha said looking amused and thoughtful as she watched steve disappear into the art room.

Tony shuddered at the praise, because it was so rare, so nice to hear, when he had a chance of actually believing it. Smirking as he watched the other, he looked content and pliant, stilling as he pulled the butt plug out, smirking as johnny moved over. “You can’t screw a feather.”Tony said looking up at him in vague confusion, far enough down that he wasn’t getting jokes, whimpering and whining as he clung to the other, moaning quietly as he rolled his hips into the other, making delightful eager noises as he moaned, coming, eyes going wide.
Steve blinked a little and then. "he doesn't wear his own glasses?" he asked, looking even more confused before rolling his eyes. "let me guess. he doesn't have his own glasses because he thinks it mars his good looks or something?" he asked, looking amused. "i don't think Johnny knew. Tony did go to the doctor though. i made him." Pepper admitted. "pulled groin muscle. too much sex." Clint agreed with a snicker as Pepper shrugged. everyone thought she and Tony was an item, she didn't care, let them think it. "he's worse actually. Tony at his worst will yell at you. Steve's put people in the hospital." Pepper admitted with a smile. "he actually almost did the same to Iron Man, he didn't for some reason. he just invited Tony in and that was that." she admitted. "doesn't make sense to me either. come on, i'll clean up and pack stuff up for Iron Man and leave a window open and a letter." she decided. "Steve won't be down for a while." she admitted with a smile.

"of course you can. i'll show you sometime." he teased with a chuckle as he slid into the other eagerly, moaning as he watched the other Cum. "poor Kitten. so willing." he groaned. "we're not done yet my overly sensitive one." he purred. "lets see how many times i can make you cum before you start crying hmm?" he asked with a grin, fucking Tony until they where both well and spent. "how you doing?" he asked with a smile at the other, leaning own and kissing Tony gently.
“Nope....and it’s amusing how well you know him. Says they’ll leave a mark on his nose or something if he has them all the time.”Bruce said amused. “Good....and you know, that is a very tony injury. But at least he got it looked at.”Phil said amused because he knew the two weren’t a couple, it was just amusing because he knew who tony was really into, even if the billionaire would never admit it. “...Yea. Okay. Never going into the art studio.”Natasha snickered a little amused before nodding as the men headed out. “Want some help?”She said looking arond and picking up the dishes and heading for the kitchen.

“ would.”he muttered whining a little, squirming as the talked. Whining a little as he let the other use him, absolutely okay with being used like this. Slumping back into a boneless mess he barely responded as he was kissed, kisisng him back, whining quietly.”Okay. I’m okay.”He muttered, sounding content. “Better. I promise.”he muttered, relaxing, starting to fall asleep even as tears dried on his face, it was a good thing. Johnny making him cry, let him get the overwrought strained emotions out. Blinking sleepily.”shush...going to sleep.”he muttered.

Meanwhile iron man smirked a little as he looked at the food and glanced at the stairs, shaking his head in amusement before walking up, poking his head in.”Hey. It okay to come in?I saw the food, but didn’t want to leave with it without at least saying hello.”
Steve snorted a little. "he is so Vain." but he sounded rather affectionate instead of annoyed. "it is a very Tony injury." Clint agreed with a chuckle. "yeah me either." Clint admitted, even if he looked curious now. "i wonder if he'd notice if i used the vents there?" "yes." Pepper admitted. "if only because Jarvis would tell him. Jarvis adores Steve." she admitted with a smile. "Jarvis will even take Steve's side over Tony." Pepper admitted with a grin and a shake of her head. "yes thank you Natasha that would be nice." she admitted with a smile at her. "you want to go get our nails done once we finish here?"

he snickered and then gave Tony all the sex he could ever need. "good. i'm glad yur doing better." he admitted with a smile, gently wiping Tony's face clean. he knew it was the only way Tony ever cried, when he was down too low to stop the tears. "okay. you go to sleep." he teased with a smile.

Steve whipped around and pointed his paintbrush at the other. "no peeking!" he ordered, acting not unlike Tony did when he was in the lab working on something exciting. he'd been up there for hours and had pushed out both of Natasha's Kremlins with reckless delight at how perfect they'd turned out. three more naughty pictures of Tony and was now halfway through Iron Man's gift. he was splattered in so many colors he looked like a toddler after finger painting class. "how was senate?" Steve asked, stepping back to criticize his work before grinning at Iron Man. "seriously, don't look, you can have i when it's done." he promised the other, wiping his hands free and bounding over to the other. "look! i made these for Natasha. pretty isn't it? it's the Kremlin, i went to the Kremlin once, back in the war. before Bucky... there where hostages, German Natzi's had gone in and gathered up a good fifty hundred civilians in an effort to force certain people to make concessions they didn't want to make. we managed to rescue them, it was one of the last good things we where able to do during the war before it all went to shit." he admitted with a smile. "you want a cup of Coffee?" he offered Iron Man, his head tilted.
”He really is.”Natasha snickered a little. “Yes.”she added at the same time pepper did. “Which probably pisses tony off, but yes, no spying on steve.”Phil snickered a little. “I do.”Natasha said looking pleased at the idea of having a girl friend to do stuff with, and going out.

Tony hummed a little pleased as he pressed his cheek into the other’s hand, sighing quietly. “I am. You sleep to.”Tony muttered as he fell asleep.

“Fine, fine. You’re as bad as tony.”iron snickered amused before moving over to look the other over, even if he didn’t make a effort to see the painting. “You look like a kid who had no supervision while painting.”He snickered before making a wincing growling sound. “Hm, about as bad as you’d think it’d be. The senate is horrible and annoying, and I learned nothing new, but it’s done for now.”Iron man huffed a little as he looked at the painting, laughing. “That is fairly amazing. Looks really real. I went once to. Though mine was way less interesting then your trip. Following tony around was boring.”He said before shaking his head. “No thanks.I do want to get some sleep tonight, and coffee’ll just keep me up. I really just stopped to say hi and get the food.”He said, not that he could drink the coffee, as the suit was currently just a computer controlled tin can with nothing in it. Tony simply controlling it as he mostly dozed, not quite tired enough to forget he'd promised steve iron man would stop by
Steve snorted. "i SO am not!" he complained, flicking his paintbrush at the other, wincing when he actually splattered the other. "shit. sorry..." he muttered, flushing as he grabbed a cloth and wiped the suit clean. "forgot i was holding that." he admitted sheepishly before wincing at the others growl. "that good huh?" he asked, wrinkling his nose. "Art was the only think i was good at when i was a kid." he admitted. "Art was the only way i could express myself, you know? when i was too sick to cook with my Mama i'd lay in bed and draw or paint." he admitted with a smile. "it's why i'm so good. i've been doing it since i was old enough to hold a pencil." he admitted with a smile. "Tony didn't make it interesting?" he asked, looking amused. "i was certain he would have." he admitted with chuckle. "alright." he agreed, smiling at Iron Man. "thanks for stopping by... and... i'm sorry too. for not inviting you before. i didn't realize..." he rubbed the back of his head. "i thought you where keeping your distance because you didn't want to hang out or something... Tony set me straight but i still feel really bad about it." he admitted.
Iron man jerked a little as the paint hit him, looking startled before laughing. “it’s okay. At least it’s easier to get off then that ridiculous oil tony uses.”He said before nodding. “yea, about that good.”He said before looking at the painting, nodding. “same like it is for tony. He was often stuck in bed with no way to he simpyl built shit.”Well, at least tony’s subconscious was more in touch with the emotional and mental trauma that had shaped the man then the awake tony truth almost, iron man really was almost a totally different person from tony, a way of protecting himself, even if he was aware of iron man’s existance, there was a part of him, that had always been iron man, a hidden part that shuddered at the remembered pain. “Well. He did. Bt gambling and harassing police aren’t that interesting in Russia, it’s quite disturbing really.”Iron man shook his head before pausing, looking at the other man, tilting his head. “...No. I like yuo guys, just wasn’t sure if you’d want to see me.”Iron man did a shrug that should have been impossible, except that it was stark tech and a amazing feat of engineering. “Don’t feel bad. You didn’t know.”Iron man shrugged as he headed for the door, glancing at steve.”you better clean up before that paint sets and is impossible to get otu.”
he nodded. "this is true. you now he had oil in his hair the other day? it was adorable really, it stuck up all over." he admitted, running a hand through his own hair. had Iron Man noticed? Steve had almost forgotten about it... "yeah well Howard was a fucking ass." Steve admitted. "my Ma was single and working. there's a big difference there." he admitted, glancing at Iron Man. "don't tell him i said that though, okay? because i'm pretty sure he'd hit me for calling Howard a dick." he admitted. "well. that's true. but they used to do live execution to people who caused too much trouble." he pointed out. "talking the Russian Tzars out of that could have been exciting." he teased with a chuckle. "....yeah well. it was a big miscommunication and Tony fixed it." he decided with a smile. "i like hanging out with you." he admitted. "....yeah..." he agreed, examine the paint and sighing. "i suppose i should try sleeping too at some point." he admitted, shaking his head as he headed for the shower. "See you later Iron." he chirped, struggling to ignore the pain in his heart that the other didn't seam to notice him anymore than he had before.
“I’m sure it does, Most days I don’t think tony uses hair gel, just oil.”Iron snickered a little before laughing. “He was. And I’m sure tony would hit you, before agreeing.”Iron agreed before snickering. “Yea, it would have probably been exciting.”iron rolled his eyes before studying the other, “You should. You look tired.”Iron said watching him go as he headed for the window.”Also, I do enjoy the haircut. You look like you belong in this century, not the last one.”Iron teased as he left.

Two days later tony grinned as he walked into the apartment, his dark hair sticking up every which way. “Captain!I have something for you.’Tony said as he walked in, nearly bouncing in place as he walked in. His time with johnny having settled the man enough for the moment that even his supressed crush on the good captain, wasn’t bothering him. Holding up both the tickets in his hand and the yankee cap, he snickered. “Two tickets to tomorrow’s game, with promises of watchign the Yanks totally beating your traitorous Dodgers.”Tony grinned, looking utterly pleased with himself.
he snickered a little. "you know, i wouldn't be surprised if he was actually a blond, but his hair is permanently stained from all the oil." he admitted with a grin. "he would hit me." he huffed before nodding. "nightmares..." he admitted, shaking his head. "i've been dreaming about Bucky a lot..." he admitted before whiping around to stare at Iron Man, a large blush staining his cheeks as he stuttered his thanks to an empty window.

"....Tony.... i'm not sure which team i hate more..." he admitted, his eye twitching as he realized his two most hated teams where fighting each other. did he go? he kind of had to now didn't he? fuck.... "....Tony there are days when i worry about you." Steve finally grumbled, knowing better than to say 'dislike' or 'hate' anywhere near Tony when he was like this. Johnny had warned him personally. "i'm going to sulk all through the entire game. i won't enjoy it at all. and i'll make you pay for this. and Iron Man too since i'm sure this was his idea. and i'm kicking Johnny's ass because i'm sure he encouraged this. and stop giving me that look i never said i wasn't going to go!"
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