Lies hiding Truth (moon/lady)

“ know, he was blond as a child.It got darker as he got older....”Iron man said thoughtful about that, snickering a little before wincing. “Wake up Tony, or call me if you need someone to talk to after a nightmare.”Iron man said totally missing the blushing captain as he turned around to look at him.

“I know. It’ll be great watching them pummel each other.”Tony chirped looking excited and totally childlike in his glee before pausing, tilting his head as he looked at the other. “...Well. You’re not the first one to say that to me.”he said calming as he realized he’d upset the other, frowning slightly. “...You will? wasn’t. I just thought it’d be interesting to see, since whoever wins, a hated team loses....I thought it was a win-win.”Tony said giving steve that wide eyed puppy dog look before calming a little biting his lip. “I can get other tickets if you really don’t want to go.”
Steve sighed and wrapped his arms around the other, pressing his face into the back of Tony's neck. "Tony i'm sorry. it's a great idea." he promised. "i'm just overly grumpy." he admitted. "i didn't sleep again last night..." he'd tried. god how he'd tried. he'd even called Iron Man, and talked to Tony but it hadn't helped. "...fuckin traitor Dodgers..." he grumbled. "kinda hope THEY lose... i do hate them a little bit more than the Yankees i think." he admitted, taking a deep breath, enjoying Tony's scent before he stepped away. over the last few days Steve had gotten more and more... affectionate. and not just with Tony. everyone was getting extra Steve cuddles, though Tony was getting more than anyone. "i do want more tickets though, we could make it a thing." Steve mused, smiling at Tony. "we'll do a cycle thing. you watch the Yankees one game and then we'll go to the Mets another. we can yell at each other for cheering for the wrong team." he teased with a chuckle. "when's the game?" he asked. "also, i want your opinion on something...." he admitted, motioning the other to follow him up the stairs. " it crap? will he hate it?" Steve asked, examining the Painting he had done of Iron Man. next to a skyline of the city. behind it was a painting that was only half finished that had been covered, but the open window had pulled the sheet away. "oh! no don't look! it's not finished!" Steve protested, too late he knew. Tony had probably been staring at it for a while now. after all, it was a painting of him.
Tony jumped a little as he was hugged, always a little startled at being touched despite enjoying the cuddles, relaxing a little before smiling. “Okay. And it’s okay. Considering how happy you normally are, being a little grumpy is okay.”he muttered before snickering. “Ohhh, I’ll telling them you like them more then the dodgers.”he teased looking amused as he shuddered a little as the other pulled away. “I would totally go for making this a thing. It’d be fun.”Tony grinned looking amused at the idea before smiling.”Tomorrow afternoon. And on what? If you’re going to ask me about sex or something, I have to warn you, you’ve had boring sex, and it needs corrected sometime.”Tony said before looking at the painting, grinning. “Oh man, he’s going to love it.”he said, and he did. He wanted to grab it and run away with it, and never let anyone else ever see it. “....”Tony stared at the painting of himself, biting his lip a little. “...That’s painted me...Why?”tony said looking so utterly confused you just knew that he hadn’t had alot of dealing with genuine gift giving moments, or genuine affectionate gifts.
Steve smiled a little. "yeah well. there's a lot to be happy about. i figured out how to turn the washing machine on!" he informed Tony, quite pleased with himself. never mind that he'd been washing his own clothes since he'd woken up. "you will tell them nothing!" he declared. "don't forget! you like them! it would stink for them to all have to be replaced so late in the season after some masked madman broke all their arms." he teased, looking amused. "it would be fun." he agreed with a smile before blinking a little. "you really think so?" he asked nervously before blushing brightly. "...well.. yes it's... a painting of you.. i... i was going to give it to you when it was finished..." he admitted. "because your my friend you know? my best friend and you don't mind that i'm weird or anything... and you can tease me and not make me feel terrible and... i just... wanted to show you how much i really appreciate you." he admitted. he also felt guilty for making dirty pictures of Tony but he didn't need to say anything about that.
“That’s awesome. I totally knew you’d do it one day.”Tony grinned before pouting. “Finnnneee. I wont tell them. I’d hate to have to replace a whole team.”He muttered looking amused before nodding. “I do. He’ll love it.”He smiled before blushing as he moved over to inspect the painting a little closer, looking bemused at the idea of someone doing something like this for him. “Oh. You’re my best friend to. Well. You. and bruce. And Johnny. but it’s different you know?I poke him with things, and he does science with me. Johnny is...Johnny.”He skittered away from that conversation blushing brightly as he considered the man in front of him, wanting to give in so fiercely in that moment that it was horrible as he studied like the world’s most perfect dominate....if only steve knew it. “You simply go with my insanity. It’s awesome.”tony smiled before smiling at him. “Finish it sometime, I’m totally putting it in my office so everyone can be jealous about my captain america painting.”He said grinning happily.
Steve smirked before pausing and turning to face the other, looking very, very suspicious. "Tony? you... own, the Yankees?" he demanded, looking both frustrated and amused. "you do. don't you. that's why you have tickets to that game, because you get them free!" he complained, pointing at him. "you sneak!" he complained, shaking his head. "you should own the Mets! they are twenty times better than those silly kid Yankees!" he complained. "i'm freaking buying the Mets! that'll Teach you! if you can afford to buy an island, i can buy a single amazing Baseball team right!?" he asked before blushing and fidgeting. "it's not done yet...." he muttered, finding it very, very hard to let Tony keep looking. he hated it when people saw his work hen he wasn't finished yet. "Bruce and you are Science buddies. you and Johnny are sex, alcohol clubbing buddies." Steve admitted with a smile. "i guess we'd be baseball buddies?" he wondered before smiling and covering it up again. "it'll be done by tomorrow i think." he admitted before snorting. "your not that insane." he scoffed. "i believe the term is 'eccentric Billionaire Genius'." he corrected with a grin. "you never did say when the Game is." he admitted, reaching out and snatching up his ticket to look at it.
Tony gave the other that wide eyed look. “I do not!”oh yea, totally a lie there. So cute. “I would never dare buy the Yanks.”Tony said smiling a little, before snickering. “You could totally buy the Mets. It’d be amusing.”he smiled before moving away from the painting knowing it bothered Steve. “Yes!Exactly. And we’re everything else buddies. Seeing as you kick my ass around the room, and make me food, and do everything pepper used to do, and did I tell you she’s dating someone and wont tell me who?It’s making me sulk.”Tony pouted a little before smirking. “Definitely eccentric.”He smiled before handing over the ticket. “Like 2 or something tomorrow afternoon.”Tony shrugged a little.
he snorted. "the yankees suck SO BAD though!" he whined, far too dramatically. "they SUCK Tony why would you buy them!?" he complained before shaking his head. "at least you don't own the Dodgers... might never forgive you if you owned the Dodgers." he teased. no, Tony didn't own the Dodgers... Johnny did. Steve was going to be very, very unhappy about that, because Johnny could have the decency to bring their good name back and move them back to Brooklyn. "you know what? screw the Mets. i'm making my own Baseball team." he decided. "they'll be called the Americans.... or... or... lets see... the Eagles are taken aren't they?" he asked frowning before smirking. "Team Freedom?" he wondered. "i do make you food. and if you start calling me your wife? i will stop making that food." he warned with a chuckle before blinking at Tony. "...she is? who?" he asked before shaking his head. "never mind you just answered that question." he admitted, wondering who in the hell Pepper could be dating? Happy was affianced to some woman that Pepper worked with. Rhodey? would Rhodey and Pepper be a good couple? maybe it was someone they didn't know? "Does Jarvis know who she's dating?"r
“No, no they’re better then they used to be!I promise. I’ve added new better players, it’s not so bad.And well, it reallllyyyy pissed off my dad. It made it so worth hearing him howl over it.”Tony snickered before starting to laugh more as he realized just how pissed steve was going to be when he realized johnny owned the dodgers. Snickering as he shook his head he smiled a little. “You could, but then we’d all lose our players, since everyone would just want to play for your team.”he sulked a little before making a face. “Fine, no calling you my wife.”He smiled a little before shaking his head. “I have no idea. And I think so, jarvis wont tell me. He finds it amusing when I don’t know things about people sometimes.”Tony sulked a little before shrugging. “Anyways, you promised training, I was told I couldn’t skip another day simply to have sex.”He pointed out, once again totally back in control and relaxed after his breakdown. The mood would last probably for awhile, until stress or memories pushed him over the edge and sent him spiraling out of control again, but for the moment he was okay.
he huffed. "i'm not sure i believe you. besides i have always, and always will hate the Yankees." he stated with a sniff. "you owning them doesn't change that at al no matter how much i like you as a person. i do have to worry about your mental state though." he admitted before smirking. "i take it Howard didn't like the Yankees either?" he asked. "maybe they aren't THAT bad." wow. Steve must have really hated Howard... "this is exactly why i should make my own team." he admitted with a smug little smirk. "just think the best players in the world all on my single team and no one can do anything about it because i am Captain America and no one would dare." he admitted, looking very, very pleased with himself for this idea. "...well. if Jarvis approves then it's someone we'll like at least right? if he knows the person he would have done very extensive background checks and stuff. even more than the FBI would do. so at least we know he's treating her well... right?" he asked, his head tilted. "Jarvis? if i ask when Tony isn't here, and promise not to tell him, will you tell me who Pepper is dating?" he asked hopefully before smirking at Tony. "that's right. i let you have it easy cus that fucker with.... actually i'm not sure what that thing was, it almost looked like a whip but it wasn't long enough and it was too fat..." he admitted. "anyway, Johnny said he hurt you pretty good. and that Extremis would take a lot out of you healing it so i waited for him to give you the okay." he admitted. "you can have sex after i'm finished making you wish you'd left me in the ice." he teased.
“You should always believe me. Especially about the Yanks.”Tony said looking amused before huffing. “You should always worry about my mental health, but not over the baseball time I chose.”Tony said before smirking. “He really, really did.”Tony said looking interested in the other man’s reaction to howard, wondering what his father had done to the other. “....That would be unfair. Totally.”Tony sulked at the idea of steve having a team of his own. “Well. That’s true. Jarvis would investigate.”Tony said looking bemused and then whining a little at jarvis answer. “Yes ,Captain, since Ms. Potts has expressed a desire to be the one to tell him, I will not allow you to break the news, but she said nothing of you.”Jarvis said sounding pleased with himself. “...It was a riding crop.”Tony shuddered looking at the other man, before nodding. “He did. And is even worse considering since it’s usually very hard to cause damage as bad as that with a crop.”Tony said shuddering away from the memory, of not only that night, but the time he’d wound up in the hospital. Actually fairly amazed really that steve hadn’t found out about that yet. Humming a little he ran his hand through his hair, he smiled. “Hm, I’d never wish that. But when I cuss you out in five different languages, you might wish I had.”He snickered as they headed for the gym.
he rolled his eyes. "i will never like the Yanks." he assured the other. "no matter your mental health." he scoffed before snorting. "bastard probably just didn't like them because i didn't." he grumbled. he would never admit the extremely unhealthy obsession Howard had of him, before and after his own 'death'. even Bucky didn't know the Things Howard had tried to get away with. trying to frighten off both Bucky and Peggy, even going so far as to try and rape Peggy and then pretend it had never happened. Peggy, as far as Steve knew, had never realized it had ever been Howard under that mask that night, but Steve certainly knew. "awesome! thanks Jay, your the best!" Steve chirped happily. "well. if Pepper wants to tell you... then it's either someone you know, or someone you hate. knowing Pepper....." it could go either way really. "Riding Crop?" he asked, looking a bit baffled. "like what they use on horses?" he pondered that and then nodded. "in any case Johnny said it would take a lot out of you." he admitted. "yeah... Pepper said if you'd been an average human you'd have been in the hospital." he admitted. "Johnny sid the manager was paid to look the other way by some asshole. asshole's been arrested, managers been fired and arrested and the bastard green horn was just a bastard greenhorn. Johnny said he's been... uh, picked up? by a... uh... Dom?" faltering at the terms the same way he asked if it was a DVD or a Blueray... whatever that was. "Tony, i speak the same languages, i'm liable to just tell you to shut up and keep working." he pointed out with a grin, making Tony get into the rin and use the moves he'd learned before on him. again, and again, and again until Tony didn't even think about it, he just did it.
“It would help my mental health to share a love for a team with Captain america.”he teased studying the other before shrugging. “Maybe. I dunno, I was a kid, and only knew that making him go to games pissed him off.”Tony shrugged before rolling his eyes at Steve’s praise. “It’s unfair that he likes you more then me.”He whined before snickering. “It could go either way, it wouldn’t surprise me.”Tony shrugged before nodding. “Yea. Bt this one was made for humans, a little heavier then a regular one and all.”Tony shrugged blushing a little as he considered talking his sex life with steve and refusing to consider why he wanted to discuss this to closely. “Yea Pepper told me. And it all stayed out of the papers, which is even better then the idiot being taken care of....and Yes. A dom.”tony said smiling slightly at steve’s words before making a face. “Fine fine, lets work then.”he sulked a little, even if he was getting better at fighting, not overcorrecting for not being in the suit nearly as much anymore, simply moving with the other man. Shuddering a little as he panted, stepping back as they finished the fighting, looking exhausted and worn. Having finished quicker then normal, while it was good for him to fight and stay in shape, extremis still had taken alot out of him to heal, even completely healed he was still recovering. “That was fun.”he snickered panting as he looked up at the sweaty captain, biting his lip as he tried not to think about things that he could do to make steve even more sweaty.
he snorted. "i am never ever liking the Yankees." he stated simply. "ever." he admitted with a nod before shrugging. "well. i'm not convinced anything Howard did made sense." he admitted before beaming at him. "he stays up with me at night sometimes." he admitted. "i don't need much sleep so when 'm bored we'll talk about stuff, or he'll try to teach me how to work something. he's a pretty good teacher." Steve admitted. "you know... knowing Pepper, i wouldn't be surprised if she was dating Stern." he admitted. "i could just see her, making Stern feel so smug and superior and then drugging his tea with... arsenic or something." he admitted with a snicker. "yeah Pepper, Johnny, Phil and Happy all worked double time to keep it killed down. word is you just had food poisoning and ran into the bathroom at the sex club so you didn't puke in the streets. not great news." he admitted with a smile. "and yet, very clever." he admitted with a chuckle. "your getting better." Steve admitted. "a lot better. you really are a natural at this. i might have to hand you off to Natasha." he admitted. "as far as fighting styles go, i don't have much. you'd do better having some real hand to hand training. a fighting style." he admitted, pondering that. "actually, now that i think of it, isn't Phil a brown-belt in Jiu-Jitsu?" he asked. "maybe he culd teach you some stuff." he mused, smiling at the other. "it is kind of fun." he agreed. "your punches are getting hard enough they actually hurt after a dozen repetitions." he teased, smirking.
“I’ll convince you to sometime. I’m sure there’s a way.”Tony said smirking a little before snorting. “Of course he does. He stays up with me to, though that usually consists of ‘sir, you need to sleep’ or ‘this insanity has to stop’ it’s amusing that he sounds so much like pepper sometimes.”Tony snickered before whining. “Oh god, I could have lived without picturing her and stern.”He whined a little. “Good. And you know, very clever in that it would surprise no one that I got food poisioning, and it’s really quite uninteresting.”He smiled, looking pleased.”Thanks. It’s been hard working at it. I truly do dislike working out you know.”He grumbled before shrugging. “Well, you do have a style, it just requires being able to lift your shield. I can’t do that.”He shrugged before nodding. “He does. And so do the assassin twins. I’ll ask them until phil’s feeling better.”he smiled before rolling his eyes and punching the other in the shoulder. “they’re supposed to always hurt.”he sulked
Steve snorted. "you could fire them all, i'd like them a lot then." he admitted with a grin. "yeah i am well aware, because when you do that he complains to ME." Steve pointed out. amused. Jarvis did complain, but so long as Tony slept in and didn't stay up for more than forty eight hours Jarvis didn't bother getting Steve to intervene. "i bet it's Stern. she hates him enough to pretend to get close to him and then poison him." he admitted. "Tony.... with the things you put in your mouth, no one would be surprised if you really did have food poisoning. do i really have to bring up the Shwarma again?" Tony and Thor had been the only ones who hadn't gotten sick as a dog. "i noticed. you only complain about it all the time." Steve teased with a chuckle. "alright, we'll get Clint and Natasha to help." he agreed. "Phil really is doing a lot better though." he admitted happily. "ready for lunch?" he asked with a smile. "i made something new. spanakopita, Fakes and Moussaka. it's all Greek." he admitted with a grin. "i found te recipe's on the E-ter... er. i mean Internet. well, Jarvis found the recipes." he admitted. "i made these Loukoumades for dessert too. they looked too good to refuse." he admitted with a grin. "dig in, tell me if you like it."
“Noooo I can’t do that. I like them.I’m going to win you over, Cap.”Tony snickered before rolling his eyes. “only when I become a danger to myself, or when I keep poking Bruce with even more dangerous things....or giving him hulk growing things. I mean, that toy was epic, he totally did not apperciate it nearly enough.”Tony sulked as he remembered the toy sponge that he’d created that when you put it in water it’d grow. Not realizing bruce loved them, was jst calm around tony about it to keep the genius from coming up with more toys. “...Oh god. It is stern.”Tony shuddered a little before making a face. “What?Shwarma was amazing!And I’d just died. Eating shwarma was good!”Tony grumbled. Before nodding. “He really is, but I don’t want him stressing himself simply on my account.”He shrugged before nodding, staring at the other for a long moment.”...You’re making shit up now. There’s no way that’s real stuff.”Tony said as he settled at the kitchen bar, looking at everything in amusement, because well, he really was a food person, and steve was right, he’d eat anything. Grinning as he started to eat. “You know, I’ll like it. If you really want someone’s opinion on how good it is, you should ask pepper or someone else who doesn’t eat everything.”
he rolled his eyes. "i'll have more luck convincing you that they suck." he pointed out before snorting. "yes. i heard that was still a thing." he admitted, sounding rather baffled. "growing things?" he asked, confused. "you made a toy that grows?" he asked, looking confused. "why not just make a big toy?" he asked, looking baffled. "it's totally Stern." he agreed, trying very hard not to let the laughter seep through. he knew it wasn't. Pepper would stab the man before she ever let him touch her. she wouldn't even shake hands with the bastard. "Shwarma is edible only to gods and people who drink enough alcohol to kill anything that enters their bodies...." Steve pointed out. "Johnny might also be able to handle Shwarma... being Russian i'm shocked Natasha couldn't." he admitted. "he stresses out about everyone." Steve admitted. "i think Clint is the only reason hy he doesn't currently have an Ulcer.... of course, Extremis would fix that wouldn't it?" he asked curiously. "so we might never know."it's real stuff." he promised with a laugh. "JArvis? would you make the glowy things and show Tony it's real?" he asked. "yes, but i know it has to be truly terrible before you turn it down... of course, you did eat Shwarma..." he admitted, smirking as he bit into one of the stuffed breads. "besides, i haven't recovered from the last time they where all in here." he admitted with a grin.
“It is a thing. It’s a science thing!”Tony said sounding amused before nodding. “Its a kids toy, that was like really popular in the 90s, little sponge animals, like a baby animal sorta, and you put it in water and it grows into a adult...and it’s the hulk. Bruce is the baby hulk, and then he grows into the adult hulk. It was a very awesome toy.”Tony said looking pleased with himself. “...I don’t drink that much.”He said making a face, even though the glass in his hand held scotch instead of water, sipping it. He was definitely a alcoholic, the only sign he ever showed of being even slightly tipsy was the slight slurring to his words. “Natasha says she has to many taste buds to handle shwarma.”Tony snickered a little. “It would. And probably the only reason he doesn’t have a ulcer really.”Tony snickered before looking at the holograms,”They’re holograms cap.”he teased looking over the articles amused as he ate. “Would you stop with the shwarma?It wasn’t that bad.”Tony rolled his eyes as he ate, snickering. “it wasn’t that bad. They were all calm, and there was no death least I don’t think so.”Those two days he’d been down was a little hazy to the man.
"science? no i think it's your borderline suicidal habits." he corrected with a sigh before he blinked a little. "...uh... okay..." he didn't get it. he'd look it up later. "it sounds awesome.... sure. Pepper wouldn't let you market it would she?" he asked, looking amused. no she wouldn't, fearing Bruce might actually get upset on that one. "Tony, i hate to tell you this, but the only drink you ever drink is an alcoholic one." he pointed out. the only reason why he didn't try to stop Tony was because it wasn't a destructive Habit. not yet. at least, he didn't think so. besides, he'd get drunk too... if he could. "Halophrams then." Steve huffed. "blue glowy things sound so much better. and he Shwarma was that bad!" he complained, shaking his head. "well. no. but they're a bit too loud and hyper for me all at once." he admitted. "the noise gets to me a bit sometimes." he admitted. "it's not so bad usually but i've been... twitchy i guess. i've been dreaming a lot about the war... loosing Bucky, sometimes when i dream it's not Bucky that falls, but Bruce, or Natasha... it's worse when it's you." he admitted, rubbing his eyes. "because your a civilian you know? you don't belong in war and yet you always die in the worst ways in my dreams." god no wonder he was grumpy lately.
“No. It’s science.”Tony said rolling his eyes. “No...she thinks Bruce would find a toy hulk upsetting.”Tony sulked a little before raising a eyebrow. “...”Tony shrugged, not bothering to protest when indeed he was drinking. Smirking a little. “Blue glowy things could be anything. Holograms are better.”Tony teased before snickering. “They are a little hyper aren’t they?You’d think they’d manage to be quieter really.”Tony smiled before tilting his head, watching the other. “...Bruce is a civilian to you know.”toyn said not sure how t ohelp, or to reassure the man, or help calm the dreams. “If it makes you feel better, the way I’m most likely to die isn’t in a fight or anything, I’ll probably blow myself up, or maybe piss off the hulk.”Tony said watching the other, biting his lip before squirming over, wrapping his arms around the other, hugging him. “What can I do to help?”
he snorted. "he'd probably laugh. Bruce is getting a lo better about the Hulk after he saved your life." he admitted with a smile. "yeah they are. i don't do so well in crowds these days. Bucky was always the one who liked the parties." he admitted. "i preferred to stay at home and draw, or read, or cook." he admitted. "anything but a party, ugh." he admitted with a smile. "...yeah he is. but he has the Hulk. i'm kinda certain the Big Guy can't die." he admitted. "i mean for gods sake he took a cannon head on without a flinch. he gets shot, all the time... he fell, from fifty thousand feet up and all he did was get knocked silly. he's rarely in my dreams, i think, because physically i have to worry about him the least." he admitted. "on the other hand i worry about you the most, because your the only person i know who isn't an agent, doesn't have superpowers, and can't really protect himself... not yet." he admitted, shaking his head before laughing. "you would Blow yourself up." he huffed, shaking his head. "i can see the headlines now. 'Tony Stark Kills himself in accidental explosion! takes don twenty city blocks and only him hurt! Read all about it! only Three Cents! Read all about it!" Steve called in a shockingly perfect mimicry. he smirked. "i was a paperboy for a while. until i got too sick to do it." he paused. "i'm still a little shocked they don't do that anymore... and that newspapers are almost two dollars now. yeesh." he admitted before smiling at Tony. "just seeing you is help enough." he admitted. "training you is helping more." he admitted. "i have an..." here he paused and wrinkled his nose in distaste. "...appointment, with my regular therapist in a few days, she'll help me through the worst of it. too bad she doesn't know the first fucking thing about war or battle. she's never even been in a fist fight. i might start checking out the VA. i am technically a Veteran, they'll probably be able to help me more." he admitted.
“He is. Though if he threatens to rawr at me again when I’m not dead, I’m going to poke him with sharper objects.”Tony sulked a little before nodding. “I know what you mean. Despite always being the center of attention, crowds bother me most of the time really.”Tony shrugged before snickering. “Well, that’s true. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him hurt thoughtfully.”he said looking amused before sighing. “...Steve. Gotta tell you something. Something that only a few people know.”Tony squirmed, because while he wouldn’t admit to being iron man, he could make the other feel a little better. “I wasn’t rescued in afghanistan like the other’s think.”Tony bit his lip, “I walked out...well flew out really, on my own. They wanted me to create a weapon for them, and I talked myself into having exactly what I needed to get out. Even bound, gagged, and nearly dead since they had me hooked up to a car battery to stop the shrapnel from killing me, I walked out steve. If I didn’t die in that cave, I’m not dying anywhere....unless it’s by my own stupidity.”Tony snickered a little before starting to laugh. “It would totally be the correct headline.”He snickered amused at steve’s mimicry, “That’s adorable. You should totally start selling papers again like that, people would totally buy it.”he said before tilting his head, watching the other. “....Do that. If it doesn’t work, I might know someone you can talk to.”Tony said squirming a little, not about to admit to steve he was seeing someone, but willing to share his therapist if he needed to.
Steve looked puzzled. "did he rawr at you?" he asked. as far as he knew, only Iron Man had gotten rawred at. he knew Hulk had saved Tony's life, during an explosion at the labs, but he hadn't realized Tony had gotten rawred at. "Iron Man got rawred at too. after he fell during the Chitauri invasion.... i honest to god thought he was dead." Steve admitted, shaking his head. "well... i saw him get a paper-cut once." Steve admitted before he smiled at Tony. "Tony. i am well aware that you created Iron Man in that cave." he admitted. "i know you built it, and it saved your life and that the torture and the hell changed you. it changes everyone." he admitted. "i also know as soon as you got out and saw all the good it could do you gave it to someone noble and who would always do the right thing. i thought, at first, it was Rhodes, you know? but then he comes out with War Machine." he huffed. "then for a while i was super convinced it was you, of course i'd seen you near Iron Man before. so it couldn't be you. hell i even thought it was Pepper once until you and Iron man had to save her from Killian." he admitted, sulking because he couldn't figure it out. hell as far as he knew, not even Fury knew who Iron Man was. "you know that Killian had been stalking her ever since she was in collage?" he asked Tony. "completely fixated on her. he had shrines of her. Fury found them. it was super creepy." he admitted, smiling at Tony. "i know your stronger than you look." he admitted before snorting. "it would be worse." he admitted with a smile before he paused, frowning. "you where attached to a car battery?" he asked, looking baffled, and a little bit horrified. "why a Car battery?" he asked, stunned.
“Yea. Well, apparently nearly blowing myself up gets me rawred at from a angry hulk.”Tony said sulking a little well aware that that wasn’t it. Only iron man had ever gotten roared at, and it scared him a bit he’d messed up in saying something. The hulk knew who iron man was, and he suspected bruce had a idea, even if the man had never said anything. “...Yea. I heard.”Tony muttered not about to admit that he’d actually been dead for a few long moments until the rawr and arc reactor restarted his heart. “...Yea.Something like that.”Tony said squirming a little, hating that he’d brought it up now, because it totally brought up awkward conversations that he had no idea what to say, because while he trusted steve, more then anyone really, he still couldn’t force his mouth open to tell him....not with a ghostly echo that was every nightmare that haunted him, not able break it yet. Simply ignoring the other’s wondering on who iron man was, not ready to face that yet. “hm. I saw. Pepper threw up after she saw what he had been collecting.”Tony shuddered a little before looking down, nodding a little.”Cause it was powering a electro-magnet that kept the metal sharpnel from one of my own bombs from reaching my heart.The victims of it were called the walking dead, cause usually the metal reached their hearts in a week, instead of killing outright...the doctor who safed me, found a way to counteract it by using a magnet....Jarvis. Bring up the picture of when I got back.”tony hesitated, “I’ve not shown this to anyone really before, a few but,....just don’t tell anyone.”He muttered before showing steve the picture he’d taken after then getting back of the arc reactor in his chest. “This is the finished version of the original. I built that in a cave, to replace the car battery.”Tony explained staring down, waiting for the bad reaction he expected.
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