Lies hiding Truth (moon/lady)

“Scary bossy is what I call her.”Tony said snickering a little before grinning. “It is awesome. As long as it’s not being directed at me.”Tony muttered before growling a little, “Stupid bint. You need a new therapist....and I sorta wanna talk to yours.It’ll be epic.”Tony grinned a little at the idea of making steve’s therapist throw up if he shared some of things in his own past. Looking up at pepper as she calm in.”Hey Pep.”Tony said gently untangling himself from steve and hunching over his coffee cup and sipping it as he ate.. “She needed to know, captain, I am sorry.”Jarvis said though he didn’t sound that sorry at all. “He has a habit of understating things. But he’s doing okay.”Tony said looking at steve in concern, tilting his head. Focusing on steve because he didn’t want to talk about himself.”We’re going to a ball game this afternoon. It’ll be good for both of us to get out of here.”
he snickered a little. "i know. even i end up doing exactly as she wants, even when she's not there." he muttered, sulking. "i really do think she's psychic. we had a psychic you know. in the war." he admitted. "not officially of course, but she had a crush on me, so she'd give me these readings. like 'don't go in the building' and 'you'll need to be in this town on this day'. saved my life more than once. and stopped the front lines of the Nazi more than once too." he admitted before chuckling. "it's okay. i already planned on leaving her. she's clearly not doing me any good at all." he admitted before smiling at Pepper. " she didn't." Steve muttered unhappily, Pepper rolling her eyes. "the sanity and mental health of the Avengers is, in fact, my job." she stated. "your previous Therapist has been informed that you will not be returning. you will be seeing a new one. Dr. Earthwright is a specialist. he deals only in PTSD and Battle Shock Syndrome as well as other War and battle related mental issues." she admitted. "Dr. Earthwright is the same Therapist that Clint used after Loki stole his mind." she admitted. it was also the therapist Tony used, but Pepper didn't admit that. Dr. Earthwright handled more thn just battle issues, he dealt in childhood trauma, abuse cases and rape victims as well. Natasha used him extensively for most of the above. "sounds like i don't have a choice." "you don't." Pepper stated with a smile. "just be aware that Dr. Earthwright is a mutant, he looks a little... strange." she admitted with a smile as Steve sulked at Tony. "it wasn't that bad! i just cut too many onions." he huffed, Pepper rolling her eyes. "yes. a ballgame sounds just about right. however i need to borrow Tony, he needs to finish his paperwork." Pepper admitted. "i'll have him back well before the Game starts." she promised. "come along Tony. you have work to do."
“I heard that, just thought dad was just hating on the woman for helping you.”Tony shrugged looking interested in the idea of the howling commandos having ha a psychic before nodding, relaxing a little. “No she isn’t.”Tony muttered before looking at pepper, tilting his head a little. “Exactly what you said you needed. A doctor who deals with vets and warriors.”Tony smiled a little relaxing as he realized he wasn’t going to have to deal with trying to bring dr. Earthwright in without admitting that he’d been seeing the man to. “You’ll do good with him, Cap, and he’ll be better then the old idiot. At least Earthwright is pepper approved, which should say something.”Tony pointed out before smiling a little. “A ballgame is going to be great. Its yankees vs. Dodgers.”Toyn said sounding pleased with that as he whined, sulking. “I don’t want to go. Paperwork’s boring.”He whined but following the other out of the room with a sigh, relaxing, trembling ever so slightly. “Earthwright waiting for me?”He muttered knowing the woman would have called his doctor as soon as she realized he was falling apart.
he rolled his eyes. "Howard didn't like her because she saw his future and neither of them liked it. he preferred to think she was a phony and hated that she was proven right again and again. neither ever told me what they saw, but from what i know of Howard it was probably pretty bad. she never even looked at him again, for fear of seeing something else i'm sure." he admitted. "the Commandos adored her though. you know she foresaw Gabbie's marriage and children." he admitted with a smirk. "i think his grandson currently works for Shield." Steve admitted. "sounds perfect." Steve admitted. "anyone whose Pepper Approved has to be good." he agreed with a smile. "tough. you have to or you won't get to go to the ballgame." Pepper stated sternly before glancing at him once they where out of hearing. "Yes, he's waiting for you." she assured him. "will you be okay, do you want me to wait outside for you?" she asked worried, stopping in front o the door that Dr. River Earthwright was in. he always chose that room when he had to come to Tony.

Earthwright, by all appearances, was too young to have seen the kind of battle that Tony and Steve had. he appeared to be even younger than Steve was to be honest. in truth, he was well over three thousand years old. Thor had first recommended him 'as an old friend'. he had lived the last few hundred years in the Orient, moving from China, to Asia to Japan as he pleased. he had learned much in the course of his life, and being an Empath and a type of Psychic, using what was known as Technosis to hypnotize and manipulate emotions and mental energies meant he was well equipped for his personal hobby, which was Therapy and Psychology. he was one of the Last Great Dragons, a creature that Asgardians had once hunted for Sport. Earthwright was the strongest and oldest, and as far as anyone knew, he was the last. of course he typically just told people he was a mutant and left it at that. it was easier for human's to grasp. "Tony. come in." River offered, smiling at him with his golden eyes. "i heard you where having trouble." he admitted, motioning for Tony to sit while he gathered up the Coffee he'd been making for Tony, exuding calming waves to help Tony settle a little more. "better?" he asked Tony, he had told Tony from day one about the energies he manipulated, so he knew Tony knew what was happening. River refused to work with anyone until they consented, because if forced, it could leave a person feeling rather defiled, molested or taken advantage of.
"I have no doubt that it was nasty whatever she saw."tony shuddered a little at the thought even if he smiled slightly at the thought his father had known how bad things would get for him."fine.paperwork it is,you slave driver."he grumbled though he looked amused as they left slumping slightly as he looked at the woman."no.go ahead you really do have paperwork to do."tony said snickering a little as he walked in.

Relaxing almost immediately when he saw the other so conditioned to relax and respond to him that he was doing well. Snickering as he took the coffee he was amused that everyone kept giving him so much coffee. He really was going to be wired."I am...and better."he sighed sipping his drink as he stared at the floor."steve had a hard night last night and...I don't just hit me hard seeing him like that....I think because I have memories of my father screaming at me for not being as perfect as him hurt to know he wasnt...I mean I'd known he wasn't perfect...but it was hard to see him like that."he sighed looking frustrated at not being able to explain well
Steve nodded. "i have no doubt." he agreed. Pepper just smiled at him and kissed his cheek, watching hi head in before heading off to do her work.

River smiled at Tony, large fluffy ears twitching with faint amusement. it never failed to amaze him how correct Pavlov was when he said humans could be conditioned. for good and for bad. "Good." River said, pleased that Tony felt better. he waited, listening calmly, sipping at a glass of fruit juice from a cute little teacup. River was an odd duck like that. "Tony. your father was many things. correct was never one of them." he admitted. "he made Captain into a saint, someone who was perfect in every way but we all know Steve was only human. is, only human. yes he's better than most, but still he has the same problems the rest of us do." he admitted. "still, even though you know that he is such, seeing someone who you idolized for so long, in so much pain must have been a great shock. it hurt you deeply, seeing someone you care so much about, grew up worshiping to break down in such a spectacular manner." River admitted. "even knowing, in your mind that he wasn't perfect, your heart still bleeds finding out that it was true." he set his cups down. "not to mention, that all the emotions and memories you have buried, will surface from time to time through certain triggers. like it or not, Captain America is a trigger."
Tony smiled wider as his ears twitched,it never failed to amuse him that his doctor had fluffy ears. "I know. Better them anyone I know he was wrong about everything but science most of the time."tony sighed twitching a little as he got up to pace the cup cradled in his hands as he greedily sipped his coffee."I don't want him to be perfect. I would be horrible if he really was the stuck up bastard I thought he was at first...I just...I couldn't help hurt. Not to mention everything else he doesn't hurts seeing him chase after iron man."he sighed tiredly before tensing."he is not!cap is not a trigger. I just want to be his friend. I can't do that if I can't stand to be near him."
River snorted. "Tony, you've proven him wrong with Science more often than not as well, and what you couldn't prove wrong, you completely surpassed." he admitted with a smile, sipping his juice while Tony paced. "Tony. is he not fine this morning? whole and unhurt. even happy?" River asked. "that means that you helped him far more than you realize. most people who experience their first panic attack are fidgety for days on end. even after your fiftieth, are you not upset still in the morning even with Pepper helping you? you gave him everything he needed." River assured Tony. "and it is not Iron Man he wants." River admitted with a smile. "it's just a crush, Iron Man was the first person who was truly kind to him in this century." River admitted. "you misunderstand Tony. it is not Captain America, or Steve Himself that is your Trigger, but your memories of having to live up to a standard that you thought was his." he admitted. "it is the memory of Captain America that is your trigger, not the man himself. hearing his past, his memories triggered your own." he admitted. "you will never heal if ll you do s put everything into a little box in your mind. by all rights, you shouldn't even be able to do such a thing. your lucky it hasn't driven you mad." he admitted, watching the other. "do you need more?" he asked, wondering if he was going to have to use his Technosis to calm the other. "You need to stop hiding Tony. until you stop hiding, stop closing off part of your mind you can never heal. until you heal you can't love yourself. if you can't love yourself, then how can you love others?" he asked softly. "you need to start opening up."
“...well. That’s true.I have.”Tony muttered before frowning glancing at him, before nodding. “Yes. I guess he is. I mean, he seemed okay. And we’re going to a ballgame later.”He said before wincing. “I am. I spend the day nervous and worried.”He muttered before shaking his head.”No, iron man is what he wants.”Tony said sounding sad at the idea before frowning, sipping his drink before nodding. “That’s true I guess...”he sighed tiredly at the idea of trying to live up to a impossible standard before wincing. “....Really? It isn’t a normal coping thing?”Tony said looking interested in the idea that he had done something that most people wouldn’t have done. Buried the memories so deep that he couldn’t find them again. Looking agitated he shook his head a little, before wincing, nodding.”No...yes.probably. I need to calm to go to the calm.”he sighed taking a deep breath before wincing a little. “But....but I don’t know how to. I/...I can tell there’s memories....moments...that I just don’t know. I mean, what I remember is bad enough but...”he shrugged looking scared and helpless at the idea of remembering.
River smiled a little. "yes. a Ballgame would be good for you, forget your troubles for a while." he agreed. "fo something normal." he admitted with a smile. "no. Iron Man is what he thinks he wants. someone who can't get hurt because of him. for him, Iron Man is faceless, someone who will never like him back and that makes him 'safe'. he doesn't really want the Iron Man, he only wants the symbolic nature of him." River admitted. "No Tony. it isn't coping at all and in truth it's very dangerous." River admitted. "most humans could never manage what you have. those that have tried developed the disease known as Schizophrenia. others developed multiple personalities. that you have done neither speaks a lot of your mental state." he admitted. "unlocking those memories could also be extremely dangerous. where you seeing a human therapist, they might very well have caused massive, irreparable damage." he admitted. "as it is, my powers have been stabilizing you mentally, but even that will not last forever. i have not told you this before because you weren't ready. but i believe that now you are. now you want something, and in order to get that, you have to be healthy mentally." he admitted before smiling at Tony. "relax. it is not as if i am going to unlock all the memories at once. that would be bad. we'll deal with the memories you do remember, and then move on to the locked ones. you have years, before it becomes too dangerous. but the longer it takes, the harder it will be to recover once we start unlocking the hidden parts of your mind." he admitted. "you have to be ready for them. until your ready, we will not delve too deeply into your memories." he admitted, issuing another layer of calm over Tony, making him feel as if he'd just gotten out of a hot bath, or off a massage table.
“That’s what I was thinking...not only that, it’s going to be great watching steve freak out when the Yankees win.”Tony snickered a little before frowning. Thinking that over. “...I guess. I mean...that makes sense...”He muttered looking down, shaking his head a little. Wondering if his split between iron man and himself, was a result of hiding so much of himself. “Well.I knew I was always among those unique...”he muttered before before sighing, slumping into a chance. “...Okay.Well.We’ll figure it out then. When I get the memories...”he said looking concerned bt relaxed as river hit him with more, sighing quietly. It felt amazing really. “Okay. Well....I should be to get to the ballgame...."
he smiled a little. "Steven does not like the Yankees?" he asked, looking amused. "of course it makes sense. i phrased it in a way you would understand." he admitted, looking amused. "you are a genius, but have little knowledge in the field of Psychology. probably a good thing, if you did you would convince yourself you where fine or worse, try to fix yourself." he admitted. "you are very unique actually. your brain is not wired the way most people's are, giving you the ability to absorb and maintain mass quantities of information. and this was before the Extremis." River admitted. because he had known Tony before that whole mess had started. "Your mind is one of the most amazing things i have ever come across." he admitted. "it seams to be inherited, this sort of brain pattern. however your has a distinctive... lacking at the same time." he admitted. "most genius like yourself, develop... a wrongness." he admitted. "that same wrongness is found in child molesters, mass murderers and so on. it is very relieving that no matter how deep i look into your Psyche patterns there is no wrongness." which would also help Tony feel better, good thing it was very true. all the darkness was locked away, they would have to peel back the layers very very carefully. "don't worry Tony, while not common in humans, Asgardians do develop what is referred to as 'mind-lock Syndrome' which is very similar to what you have now. i have practice handling locked memories." he assured the other. "are you feeling well enough to go tot he ballgame? do not mistake the Technosis for actual stability Tony." he warned. "if you are still shaken, it would be best to wait, even if you will be a little late. we can blame Pepper, you know she will cover for you."
“No he doesn’t. But he dislikes his traitorous dodgers even more. So it’ll be fun watching him watch that game.”Tony snickered a little before twitching a little. “....I would not. I know my own limits you know.”He pointed out. Which was such a lie. Tony didn’t understand the idea of limits. “Really?Even before Extremis? Maybe that’s why I took so well to it.”Tony said looking thoughtful before looking relieved that he wasn’t wrong....”Well, maybe my wrongess is self inflicting. I mean, I have a serious problem taking care of myself. Though it is good to know there’s nothing there.”He said looking relieved before nodding a little, glad that he wouldn’t be doing this without help. “...well...that’s good to know. We’ll do okay.”Tony muttered though he didn’t look so sure about that, biting his lip as he considered that, before slumping back into his chair, as much as he wanted to run away, he knew he needed to stay and settle more. “....No.Not quite yet...”He said looking disappointed.

Iron sighed a little as he stepped into teh apartment,”Steve?”He called as he walked around, the armoured warrior looking around himself.
River chuckled a little. "so in other words, he's only going to make you happy." he said, very amused. "you don't. but that's okay, most people are that way. and i'm not talking about 'just' mortals either." he admitted with a smile. "it is highly likely that is why your powers where enhanced mentally while Pepper's came out in a more physical way." he agreed. "no, that is not a wrongness. that is a taught trait." River admitted. "not unlike a bad habit in a way. you where told repeatedly that you where worthless, so you begin to think so for yourself." he admitted. "thus leading to an inability to decide if your hungry, need to sleep, or need to stop doing something." he admitted. "because you do not care enough about yourself to realize such things. don't worry, we are working on that." he assured the other. "there's nothing to be disappointed about." River assured him with a smile. "your actually one of my best clients." he admitted. "you are doing very well. perhaps we will talk about Steve?" he offered. "you do seam to like talking about him." he admitted. "and i admit, i am curious about him. Pepper says he will be joining me in Therapy now. i'd like to get a good idea of him before he comes in. would he prefer a softer touch, for example? while you need a more blunt approach." he admitted with a smile.

Steve yipped in surprise and shoved the journal under his bed before staggering out into the living room, looking rather sleepy. "you scared the piss out of me dude." he complained, rubbing his eyes. "fuck... what time is it!? i'm not late am i!? shit i need to take a shower! i stink!" he was full on freaking out now. "i haven't even figured out what to wear!" he complained. he wanted to look nice. not just for Iron Man, but for Tony too. "aaaaugh i don't have anything nice to wear!" he groaned, already stripping off his shirt and racing into the bathroom to clean up a bit.
“Exactly. And my happiness is the most important thing.”Tony snickered a little before looking thoughtful. “Huh. I had never considered why I got control of tech more then her. I mean, I’d assumed it was just me getting what made sense for me as a tech person, but the mind thing makes sense.”He hummed a little, befoer sighing. “Well....that’s true. And I was taught not to ask for food....Dad only gave me food when he wanted to. Makes sense why I don’t notice until someone points it out to me.”He said before tilting his head at river, “....Steve is awesome. I think everyone would like to talk about Spangles.”Tony snickered a little before nodding. “he is. Apparently his last therapist was a idiot, who he had to convince he’s really as old as he is, instead of lying about it.”He sighed before shrugging. “He’ll prefer blunt, but he needs a softer touch,he’s not...he’s not doing as well as he thinks. So if there’s a soft blunt approach, go with that.”

Iron snickered a little looking him over. “Sorry. It’s only 1, I’m early, you’re not late. Calm down.”Iron said shaking his head a little. “Take your time, we have a few hours, I just stopped by cause Tony called to say he’s probably going to be running late, said he’d meet us at the ballpark.”Iron said looking thoughtful before shaking his head a little.”Just wear jeans and a yankees jersey, I know tony bought one for you.”And indeed, the monstority that was a yankees jersey, was in the closet.
River chuckled. "isn't it? i know your trying to be flippant and mouthy, but honestly Tony, how can others like you if you don't like yourself? how can others be happy with you, when your not happy?" he asked with a smile. "well, there isn't much known about Extremis is there? it seams to have bonded more to your personalities. you, appearing to be cold and unfeeling, a repetition after a repetition when underneath you are code after code, thoughts and feelings and a delightful complexity that is like the richest flavor. Pepper, controlled, compliant like a lighter flame. but one wrong move and as destructive and vengeful as a raging forest fire. possessive and passionate." he pointed out with a smile. "do you not agree?" he asked, his head tilted. "yes, precisely. you where taught that you where not worth such basic amenities, which is why you never go looking for it. you eat when you are given food." he admitted. "it is good that Steve cooks for you, i think he has recognized that you do not seam to eat as much as you should. you have gained a good amount of weight. it makes you look much more handsome." he admitted with a smile. "not all therapists are cut out to be as such." he admitted, sneering a little. he had very low opinions of therapists who worked with the average person. the average person didn't really need therapy, they needed lives and friends. yes some of those average people did need therapy but not for years on end. jeez. "ah, yes i know the way to handle him." he agreed with a smile. "no one is ever doing as well as they think they are." he admitted. "but he seams to be adjusting well."

"oh... oh good... good." he sighed, shaking his head. "late? they didn't get attacked or anything right?!" he demanded, worried. "did something happen?" he demanded before shaking his head. "i can't wear it. i burned it." he lied, digging in his closet. of course, he didn't care that Iron could see into his closet and see the hanging Yankee shirt. as well as the Yankee Hat Tony had given him. "...hey... do you... i mean..." he paused hesitated, fidgeted and then shook his head. "never mind..." he examined the other. "don't you get tired of wearing that thing everywhere you go?" he asked, his head tilted. "it's gotta be heavy right?" he paused and then narrowed his eyes, examining him intently. "...your not an Asgardian are you?" because there was no way in hell he was going on with an Asgardian. nuh uh. he was a Dom, straight up, he knew that for sure. and he wasn't sure he could dominate an Asgardian.
“...You’re ruining my effort to be flippant, it’s not funny.”Tony sulked a little before tilting his head thinking that over. “Well, you know, that’s makes sense. It bonded with us individually instead of simply giving us the same thing.....Extremis changed us in a way that suited us both the best, instead of generic change.”Tony hummed a little pleased with the thought before sighing as he ran his fingers through his hair. “Well, the good captain feeds me some of the most amazing food as a bribe to keep me working out. It works.”Tony snickered before flushing a little.”You know, you’re the second person who told me I look better.”Tony smiled slightly. “No they aren’t. Even more so in Cap’s unique circumstances, he needed someone who didn’t handle the ordinary.”Tony sighed a little before nodding.”He is, considering he’s lost everyone he cared for when he went on ice, he is doing very well.”Tony sighed, running his fingers through his hair, starting to truly relax now that he wasn’t thinking about his own problems, it was allowing him to step away from the thoughts, even if he could still feel them, threatening to sweep him away. Having a feeling that now he’d opened pandora’s box, he wasn’t going to be able to shove the memories back, that no matter what he did, they were here to stay.

“No, but I saw Dr. Earthwright on my way in, so I think tony’s hiding out in his therapist’s office.”Iron shrugged a little, “I think he’s just talking and wanted more time.”Iron said, because tony himself, couldn’t hide anything from steve, so it wasn’t any real surprise that Iron told steve things to.”Liar. You should totally wear it.”He snickered a little before frowning. “Do I what?”He said before looking at the suit, “I do sometimes and it’s heavy, but tony made a lightweight one, so it’s not quite as heavy all the time.”And it was true, though it was lighter and narrower simply because tony wasn’t in it, so he didn’t have to leave space for him to fit into it. “And no, I’m not asgardian. I’m human. Well, as normal a human as you can get and still do what we do.”Iron snickered a little.
River smiled a little. "it is m job." he teased with a chuckle. "yes. it sounds most likely." he admitted. "where you've stabilized it, and slipped it into the Phil Coulson, i imagine he too will develop some sort of interesting powers." he admitted. "from what i understand from Clint, Phil is rather excited about possibly gaining super powers." he admitted with a smile. he was helping Clint get over what Loki had done to him. he was actually helping Loki too, but they didn't need to know that. "oh? Pepper was the first?" River asked with a smile. "it's subtle enough yet that most people wouldn't notice i don't think." he admitted. "but i am a God after all, not much gets past me." he teased with a smile before nodding. "yes, the Captain is in a very unique situation indeed." he admitted. "it could be that he has not yet realized everyone he knows and loves is dead." he admitted. "after all, when he woke up, he was sent straight back into battle, was he not?" he asked, his head tilted. "he has never had time to truly deal, that's why he had the breakdown last night. he's never had a quiet place where he could before. i'm sure more will follow, but we will be there to help him, yes?" he asked Tony with a smile.

"Earthwright? he's going to be my new therapist." Steve admitted, "i.. i broke down. last night. it scared me a bit. a lot." he admitted. "Pepper recommended him." he admitted. not wanting to lie to the first person who had ever treated him like a normal human being. "i hope Tony'll be okay." not surprised in the least that Tony was talking to the Therapist. "he's so proud, you know? and so broken... it's like he thinks he deserves to be in pain and deserves to be half starving... he's gained weight you know." he admitted, looking fiercely proud of that. "and he's gained muscle too. i'm glad i was able to help, even just a little." he admitted before smiling at the other. "i would rather die." he admitted simply, scowling at the shirt. "but Tony gave it to me and i know he'd be really hurt if i got rid of it... it's the first present i've ever had you know." he admitted. "we where too poor as kids to get presents. and as an adult there wasn't much i could afford either. why celebrate anything anyway?" he asked. "so Tony gave me this and it's the first i've ever gotten." he admitted, offering the shirt a soft smile as he carefully picked lint off before sighing. "thank god. though, if you where Asgardian that would have been a little weird. why would a God need Armor after all?" he asked with a chuckle. "i'm going to take a shower.... then i'm going to head up to the Art room. there's something up there for you. don't go int until i say so!" he ordered firmly. "i mean it!" he demanded before heading into the bathroom with the clothes he'd chosen. wondering if this was a date?
"Of course coulson is looking forward to be a freak. He is such a geek."tony said though the soft amused smile said he didn't mean it as a insult really. Simply teasing,which was a rarity for tony before now, having friends to simply tease."no actually. Steve told me I was looking better."tony shrugged a little."I'm sure there's things that get past you,your godilness."tony teased before sighing looking worried."it might be...I mean we ended up talking about I think it's starting to hit him that they're all gone. I don't know if we did him a favor or not sending him right back into battle instead of letting him adjust."

"Yea,he's tony's therapist.It's normal to be scared first time it happens. But you're doing better this morning then most people do after their first breakdown."iron said before smiling."of course pepper recommended him. He's good."iron said before wincing."his..parents never gave him food with any regularity or when he asked for it, so he doesnt ask for food,but he'll eat if you give it to him."iron explained knowing steve had to be wondering about tony's habits."I know. He's looking good these days."iron chuckled amused at how proud the man looked before sobering.""he would be hurt...."really?he'd be so happy he was the first."iron snickered before laughing."well they do wear armor just not man made armor."he pointed out settling onto the before with a laugh at the other's orders.fine I'll wait right here then."
River grinned a little. "are you calling me a freak Tony?" he asked, sounding amused. after all, if Tony and Phil where Freaks then what was he? "you enjoy him." River teased Tony. "you like that he is around. it is good for you to have people around you, who honestly care about you." he admitted. "oh, i'm sure there are too, but nothing YOU could ever manage." he teased with a smile before he nodded. "there is no telling if it would have been better for him had he been given time to deal. could be he would have simply died during a mission because he was too upset, or maybe he'd be better now. there is no way to tell." he admitted. "he has people to actually help him now, so personally i think it's better that he is breaking down now."

"yeah i guess..." he admitted. "i've never... cried, or grieved. i guess i just didn't really realize that..." that everyone was gone. "Tony held me, i think. through it. he was there. it helped a lot having him there." he admitted. "i'm almost sure i'm going to have more. i can almost feel them inside of me, wanting to come out." he admitted before scowling. "Howard was a pretty sick fucker..." he admitted softly. "i'm not going to sully the man since he's dead and all. but fuck i wish i could have been the one to wrap my fingers around that tiny neck and squeeze until the light left his eyes." Steve had never sounded so..... violent before. he'd never sounded so eager to hurt something. as if there was an inner psychopath just itching to get out. "i'll have to keep feeding him. i like feeding him. makes me feel useful i suppose." he admitted, smiling again, once more the innocent, do-good Captain they all knew. "and he likes the food so much, it's nice cooking for someone who appreciates it." he admitted with a chuckle. "well. you have a point there. they do wear Armor." he agreed with a chuckle. "good. you wait right there." he ordered. when he came out he was dressed in tight jeans that showed off his well muscled legs and a button up shirt that stretched across his body like it was painted on. he knew he looked good. 'edible', Jarvis had told him so. "ready for your present?" Steve asked with a grin. upstairs Tony's painting was once again covered. this tie clips where in place. he didn't want Iron Man to see it. it was for Tony, and only Tony.
"Yes yes I am. We all are."tony snickered."...he's amusing. He gets so bent out of shape when I call him capsicle."tony said refusing to admit that he liked having the other around for more then that."...well no matter what this is what we have. So we'll help him through it."tony smiled looking and feeling truly steady as he stretched lazily in the chair not wanting to get moving just yet.

"Well...its good that you're staying to feel that and deal with it with the people here. They're good people. They'll help cap."iron said smiling. Before wincing looking curious though at the inner psychopath looking out. It was both a disturbing and arousing sight,and tony looking through iron's eyes could barely hold back a groan."it's good to do things for people who appreciate it. It feel...more complete to have people liking it."iron said chuckling a little. Nearly groaning outloud at the sight of steve when he came back he tilted his head."5ony either going to jump you or make fun of you for being a young hipster."iron teased at least as iron there was no chance steve would guess his physical reaction to the sight of the good looking man despite his staring. Moving to his feet he followed the other ."I'm always ready for presents."
River chuckled. "does he get frustrated, or upset?" exasperated more than anything. like he couldn't believe he was saddled with THAT nickname. "we will help him." River agreed. "i'd like to have you here for his first session. he might not take to my powers very well." he admitted. "he seams a man who likes his control, he might be less likely to panic if he sees you handling my Technosis just fine. and he trusts you as well." he admitted. "he might be more willing to open up to me if he knows you trust me." he admitted with a smile. "don't take a nap." he warned. "you'll be late for your ballgame if you sleep now. and i know you can't control the Iron Man when your sleeping, Steve might panic." he warned with a smile.

he nodded. "they are good people." he agreed with a smile. "i'm glad i had my panic attack here and not at Shield Headquarters... could you imagine the headlines? Captain America, going insane!?" he asked, flashing his hand across empty air as if highlighting something only he could see. "doubt i would be as okay as i am right now if i was still at HQ." he admitted. "yeah." Steve agreed with a smile at Iron Man. "that's why Tony makes us so many Toys right? because he knows we actually appreciate them." he admitted with a smile. "don't tell him i said so, but those knives he made me? they are pretty awesome." he admitted with a grin before flushing brightly at the others groan. "...should i change? Jarvis said it was good...." he admitted, fidgeting a little before grinning as he led the other up the stairs and showed him the Kremlin that was going to Natasha, once it was finished, it just needed a few more details, and the Iron Man painting. "what do you think? Tony said you'd like it..." he admitted, blushing again.
"Exasperated more often."tony smiled a little before tilting his head before nodding. Not looking sure about being with them but understanding rivers reasoning "tokay. Well that'll be fine."tony said nodding."you're right. He's not...a control freak but after having so many things not being his choice he prefers being in control."tony smiled before wincing as he jerked up wide awake now as he considered being in control of iron man. More then missing the game that got him moving."you're right. I better be going though."he said smiling."as always it's been fun."he said waving goodbye as he left.

"For a spy organization 5he don't do well keeping things to themselves do they?it would have been horrible if you'd been somewhere like that."iron winced."probably not. Youre all doing better here then you did when you had rooms at hq."before nodding."exactly. If he's feeling appreciated he makes some awesome things."iron snickered before laughing."don't worry I won't tell him."he assured the other before shaking his head."it's fine. Just don't expect tony to talk right might kill him with the blood rushing south."iron teased even if he was watching steve himself. Oh yea totally was definitely interested in those ti the time pants. "I like the kremlin.that's a fairly good one and-"he stuttered to a stop at the si ghost t of his. Even if he'd already seen it it was still amazing."it's amazing steve. Really."
River chuckled. "then he probably reacts more for your amusement than he's actually upset by it." he admitted with a chuckle. "it will be fine." River promised with a smile before nodding. "you will be here then?" he asked happily. "good. i will of course have Pepper relay that information to Steve. better he knows and approves." he admitted. "i'm going back to my hoard. if you need anything, just call." unlike most people, River never went 'home' he went to his hoard. which Thor had explained was a hidden place where a Dragon kept his treasures. all dragons collected treasures. as old as River was, he had a hell of a hoard, even if no one else had ever seen it.

"no they don't." Steve growled. "and they can't even keep their hands to themselves either." he grumbled, shaking his head. "they would have been touching me if i broke down like that and i HATE it when people touch me." he muttered. "i mean... no that's not right. i like it when Tony touches me, because i know he won't, can't hurt me. i don't mind when Clint touches me because he won't pin me down or strap me in. i like it when Bruce touches me because he knows what it's like to be turned inside out. but Them? no... They don't... i don't like it." he admitted, rubbing his arms as if trying to rub off the last time a stranger had tried to hug or hold him. definite control issues. "well, as long as he doesn't actually die." he admitted with a chuckle. wondering if he should have told the truth and admitted that he didn't really like the suit touching him. it was hard, and cold, and stronger than him. " like it?" he asked with a smile, feeling much better now that he'd given it to the other. "i know you can't really display it, since people don't know your iron man, but i just... i had to paint you." he admitted softly.
"Well...maybe."tony smiled a little at the thought of steve pretending to get upset just to amuse him."I will. I'll talk to him to. After the game."he said not about to ruin the game with serious stuff but it was something to think on."I will. Enjoy the hoard."

No they really cant. Even if I really can't feel it it's still disliking to be touched. I'team's different,they're just annoying."iron said before frowning at the okay?"he said wondering if he'd upset the other before snickering."he won't die."he reassured."I do.its amazing. I'll figure something out."he said. "Well you could just hang it in the penthouse. I mean,you're here enough to enjoy it."tony said before going still as he stared at steve. Seeing through iron's eyes was totally different then seeing it in person."...uh..."he paused for a moment his thought derailed."you guys ready to go?"
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