Lies hiding Truth (moon/lady)

he nodded. "after the game would be best." he agreed. "no need to upset either of you when your supposed to be having fun." he admitted with a smile. "i will. perhaps i'll let you see it someday." he mused before vanishing with a small puff of curling smoke and mist.

"yeah." he agreed with a smile. "i'm fine. i think i'm just a bit... off balance? tender? i don't know. i feel funny inside a little bit. like my minds not sitting in my brain just right or something." he admitted, struggling to explain before laughing a little. "well, i could always give him mouth to mouth resuscitation. he'd enjoy that." Steve admitted with a chuckle before blinking at Tony. "Penthouse?" what in the blazes was a penthouse? "....well he didn't die." he admitted to Iron Man, chuckling. "i'm ready." he admitted. "you finish your paperwork or did you escape?" Steve asked, eyes twinkling with laughter. he would let Tony have his lie. he could understand it. besides, it was finnier to imagine Tony escaping Pepper.
"Ahhh That's a generally normal feeling when you have a panic attack. You'll settle more as time passes. Going to the game should help."ironsaid sounding concerned before snickering."he would enjoy mouth to mouth." "Uh apartment. Penthouse is just a over elegant extravagant all honesty all the avengers have penthouses really..." "he's babbling this is a good sign."iron snickered and really tony had nearly split personality but he was aware of it,and shared alot of the same traits,iron man simply also protected him from his own memories."I escaped. It was hard but I had to."tony snickered. "Lets go then."iron said ready himself to go."you two taking a car?" "Yea. We'll meet you there."tony said heading for the door.
he blinked a little. "oh. alright then." he seamed rather relieved to know what was wrong. "how will the game help?" he asked, confused. the normalcy of it mostly. the happy emotions of being with people he liked, cared about and trusted. "oh. really? i guess i hadn't noticed." Steve admitted, looking startled. it was true. his apartment was massive, bigger than anything he'd ever had before, but it was so comfortable, cozy, his. "is it a good sign? he always babbles..." Steve pointed out, looking vaguely confused. "so long as Tony's driving." Steve agreed with a grin, following Tony down to the Garage.

when they got there, Johnny Storm was there too, talking to Iron Man about some of the game line ups. "....i hate you." Steve informed Johnny, who blinked, startled. "what? why!?" Johnny asked, baffled. Steve just sneered at him and stomped up tot he seats they had, leaving it to Tony to explain to the bewildered Johnny that Steve hated the 'traitor' Dodgers. Johnny thought that was hilarious as hell.
"Cause its normal and something you enjoy even if it's the doers and yankees."iron smiled a little simply glad to be with the other."well...I guess he does. At least around you."iron snickered shaking his head a litrle. "I can control myself I don't always babble to steve."tony whined a little."I'll always drive. No one else gets to drive my babies."

"Because you own the dodgers and apparently they're traitors to the game of baseball."tony explained as he and johnny followed iron and steve inside looking a little sulky as he led the eqy to their sky box seats."johnny why are you here?"he muttered sulking a little at having his...odd little non-date interrupted even if he did like johnny he'd been looking forward to just thrm.
Steve smiled. "it is normal. and i'll just cheer every time one of the teams does something stupid to piss off both you and Tony. it'll be fun." he decided with a grin. "....i beg to differ." Steve admitted with a chuckle.

Johnny snickered, looking delighted before giving Tony the oddest look. "Tony. the Dodgers are playing the Yankees. we ALWAYS watch this game together." he pointed out, Steve blinking before he laughed. "i think he forgot Johnny." he admitted, looking sheepish. "it's okay Tony, we'll do this again next week." he promised, patting Tony's knee. "besides, don't you and Johnny have money riding on this game?" "five thousand dollars." Johnny admitted. "technically the Pot is Ten thousand, but well each gain five thou or lose five thou, depending on who wins the game." Johnny admitted with a grin. "we always bet on these games, drives our bossy women insane." "you have a bossy woman?" "yeah. my sister, Sue." Johnny admitted with a chuckle.
"You go ahead and do that. It'll be great."iron said smiling as he joined them in their ox having gotten food for them all.

"I think he did."iron snickered as tony blinked stupidly. "Oh...yes. I didn't forget. I knew that."to y sputtered lookin b startled before grinning."we do. And I'm going to win. Yanks totally rule." Tony vrinned."and your sister is scary sometimes she's so bossy."tony said his eyes slightly unfocused as he watched the teams starting to warm up, despite doing this alot it still took some concentration to run and work the suit and talk and do everything.
Johnny chuckled, suddenly looking uncomfortable as he realized he was sort of gate crashing on a 'thing' before he huffed. "The Dodgers rule!" "Fuck you, they all suck." Steve quipped, startling Johnny so bad he fell out of his chair. "did you just curse!?" oh, Steve would get a lot worse than that as the game went on. he was very vocal and took great delight in screaming at the top of his lungs once Tony assured him the box was sound proof. "well he's having fun." Johnny muttered, laughing when Steve yelled that the Dodgers couldn't fight their way out of a sopping paper bag. "Tony? your pale." Steve said suddenly, looking worried as he moved over to the other, setting his hand on Tony's forehead. "your warm. are you sick!? your sick!" Steve accused, Johnny blinking. "hey, Steve relax. Tony always runs hot." "....he does?" "yes. he's not sick, it's okay." Johnny promised, examining Tony. "he's just got a headache." "...oh.... do you want to go hoe Tony? i can take you home if it's too bad." Steve promised, looking worried about the other. "or i could go down and get you some coffee and a couple of aspirin?"
"Don't worry about it johnny."tony muttered when he realized johnny felt uncomfortable at it. "I just forgot. It's fine."he muttered. Before looking startled at steve as he cursed eyes going wide."he did...that's awesome."tony said looking amazed and amused at the idea of steve cursing."we should sell this. We'd make millions."iron snickered startling a little as steve fussed over tony. "Am not. My head hurts though."tony muttered leaning into steve's hand."yea. Extremis leaves him running hotter then most people. Sorta how the serum makes you warmer."iron said watching."no I don't want to go home. Yanks are winning."he muttered though it was obvious the strain of doing iron man was wearing on him. It was the longest he'd ever done it when he couldnt simply lay back and do it. Talking and working on talking himself and iron man was wearing him quickly. "Coffee and aspirin. Johnny go get some. Can't let cap miss the game...."
Johnny relaxed and smiled at Tony. "okay. you've been stressed lately. that's probably it." he admitted before shaking his head. "we would make millions. god look at him go." he muttered, laughing as Steve called the Ump everything but a white boy. "the Yankees aren't winning because they both suck." Steve admitted with a chuckle before gently rubbing Tony's head, trying to help. he knew he always felt better when he got a head massage. "oh. i guess i forgot..." Steve admitted, a bit ashamed that he'd forgotten about the Extremis inside of Tony. it wasn't like it really defined Tony though... so? "here. lay back and doze. Iron Man you just sit there and be quiet a bit okay?" he asked before focusing on the other. "your feeling alright too?" he demanded of the mechanical suit. "Johnny was gone and back again with the Coffee and the aspirin. "i got the aspirin from the commons but i got the Coffee from the coffee shop across the street." he admitted, handing the hot cup to Tony. "don't trust the nasty stuff they sell here." he admitted with a chuckle, gently stroking Tony's hair. "come on Tony. let's get you home. thi could be a migraine." he warned. "Migraine?" "it's a side effect of Extremis. when the neural...." he paused at Steve's look and rolled his eyes. "sometimes his brain starts firing too fast, gives him a boost of brainpower, but it can put him in crippling pain. a dark room, silence and a cool rag across his eyes and temples will help a lot." and it was close enough to the truth that Steve wouldn't question it. and he didn't. "yup. home." Steve decided, gathering Tony into his arms. "Sorry Man, we'll do this again next week okay?" he asked Iron Man with a smile. "Tony needs rest though and i can't...." he couldn't leave Tony alone if he was in pain. "oh! Johnny, i wanted o talk to you about something later...." "have Jarvis ring me up, he has my number." "great, thanks. uh..." "i'll see to it that Iron Man isn't mobbed on his way out." "great! thanks!"
"We would. It'd be awesome."tony snickered as he watched steve."I'm totally. Video recording this and using it whenever I need something to cheer me up."he snickered."most people do. Don't look upset you forgot about it."tony made a face. "Lay down."iron man said as tony looked ready to protest."I'm fine."iron said watching them and helping them Make tony lay down."thanks. I don't need poisoned by stadium coffee on top of a headache."tony snickered groaning as it made his head pound as he took the medicine. Leaning inot the had stroking his hair he made a protesting noise."no stay. I'm okay."he muttered. "Go. We'll do this another day."iron said nodding goodbye to the two as steve carried a protesting tony out."don't worry about it steve. Just take care of tony."iron said shaking his head as he watched them go.

"You're going to have to drive....can you?or you want me to get johnny?"tony said as he realized it was indeed escalating into a migraine and that he had no business getting behind the wheel
Johnny chuckled a little and looked at the machine. he'd give the Voice Command Override as soon as Steve was out of earshot, letting Jarvis take control and giving Tony's brain a break. "i do feel a bit upset." Steve admitted. "i'm not sure if it's okay to forget about something like that." he admitted. "or if i should be forgetting about it..." "it's fine, forgetting about it just means you see him, and not a meta human." "...ah." Steve nodded, that made sense, he didn't feel so bad now. "of course." Johnny agreed with a smile. "take him home Steve." Johnny assured the other. "thanks Johnny. Iron Man. i'll see you guys later." Steve promised, never hearing Johnny order Jarvis to take command of the Iron Man suit.

"yeah i can Drive, Clint's been giving me lessons." he admitted. "i'm getting really good. i was even able to parallel park without denting anything yesterday." he admitted, sounding quite pleased. "lay back, i'll get us home." and indeed he did, parking in the garage and carrying Tony up the stairs to his own floor, laying Tony in his bed. completely ignoring that Tony had his own room and bed. he didn't like the idea of leaving Tony alone and he knew Tony was too possessive of his bedroom to let Steve stay. so he turned off the lights, made sure his dirty journal was well hidden so Tony wouldn't find it and gently settled a cool cloth against Tony's face to help him and settled in to sketch Tony sleeping. just letting the man rest.
"Rather just be tony then meta."tony muttered in response to steve'steve's worry relaxing as he was carried out knowing johnny would make sure the suit got home.

"Wow. That is impressive. No scratching the car might kill you if you do."tony teased as he curled up in his seat making a pained whimper as he buried his face against steve's chest as he was caried. He'd always suffered migraines they'd just gotten worse with extremis when it overrode everything and sped up his thoughts. Running iron man had just brought it on. Settling into the bed he sighed in pleasure pain as he felt the coolness of the rag shifting around to get comfortable, hearing the quiet brush of the pencil and knowing he wasn't alone. It was a few hours later,and while it still felt like a railroad spike was being driven into his temple he wanted something. And feeling awkward enough about it that he was fidgeting. "Cap?"he muttered
Steve smiled a little. "no i won't scratch your car." he promised. "not unless we're attacked on the road and i can't exactly help that." he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "shh, tony it's okay." he whispered once he'd parked and pulled Tony into his chest again. Steve didn't move from Tony's side at all but the once, to get a bucket of Ice water so he could periodically change the rag on Tony's face. "i'm here." Steve's voice the softest of whisper, loud in the utterly silent room. "do you need anything?" Steve asked, gently stroking the others hair. "Johnny texted, said you'd probably be in pain for the rest of the night, so anything you need, just let me know." he promised.
Tony smiled slightly as steve spoke, even if it made his head throb. “...”Biting his lip he turned his head into the other’s hand, simply accepting the comfort before nodding a little.”...Lay down with me?I don’t...usually lay down...I wouldn’t...mind being held.”he muttered flushing a little. Because it was such a rarity that he allowed anyone to see him like this, even more so that he allowed them to stay and take care of him. Wanting to be held, and simply rest. “....Please.”he sighed softly, shifting to let the other lay down, biting his lip, tensing though. Despite steve offering, he was still preparing to be turned down, to not get what he so desperately wanted. Because even if he never allowed it, he still did want comfort of another’s touch.
Steve smiled a little. "okay. give me just a minute." he ordered, setting his sketchpad down and leaning over to kiss Tony's forehead before heading into the bathroom to brush his teeth and change into his sleeping pants, since he doubted he'd be getting up again. then he was back with Tony, never minding that he had done his nightly rituals completely in the dark. then le shifted the covers up and laid down, tucking the blankets down again. he gently eased the washcloth off of tony's face, wet it down, wrung it out and settled it over Tony's eyes again before wrapping his arm around Tony's shoulder and gently, carefully slid him so that he was laying against Steve. "there. now you can keep the cold on your face, and i can still hod you. hows this?" he asked, his chest hot against Tony's back, arms loosely wrapped around his shoulders and arms. "better?" he asked, voice even softer now. aware of his closer proximity.
“Kay.”Tony muttered as he absently listened to the other moving around, simply enjoying the dark and cool. Shuffling a little as he was moved he whined a little as he settled against him, sighing in pleasure at the constrasting tempratures of hot and cold. “It’s good.Better.”he muttered already allowing the other starting to sooth him to sleep despite the pounding pain in his temple, it was allowing him to relax enough to try and sleep.

The next morning found tony shifted and turned to lay on his side, his face pressed into the other’s chest, cuddling up against him. It rarely happened with most people, but he was extremely cuddly after a migraine, simply enjoying physical comfort and touch because it was such a rarity that as a child he’d be comforted, that he found it utterly enjoyable now. “....Steve?”He muttered shifting, easing back, to see if the other was angry at him for having taken up his bed for the night.
Steve smiled a little as he watched Ton sleep, settling in to sleep himself.

"morning." Steve whispered, awake and reading a book of some sort. "how are you feeling? do i need to pull the shades?" he asked, still looking worried about Tony, gently brushing a thumb against the others cheek, offering a bit more comfort. "i asked Jarvis to cancel all of your meetings at the time and he told Pepper you had one of the Migrains. i haven't heard anything from her so i'm assuming she agrees." he admitted with a wrinkle of his nose. "well. no. she has sent me a text telling me i'm meeting Dr. Greenwright today..." he admitted, shaking his head before looking at Tony. "would you... uhm.... would you mind coming with me? to... to Dr. Greenwright i mean?" he asked, looking nervous. "pepper said he was a mutant so i'm assuming he has mental based powers and i...." he fidgeted, not wanting to admit that it bothered him a bit, having someone near him who might be able to poke around in his brain and mess with his personality or emotions.
“Morning.”Tony muttered before smiling slightly, turning his head into the other’s hand, simply enjoying the touch for a moment before rolling over to his back, sprawling back over the bed, he was such a bed hog when he was feeling okay. “No I’m okay. Just need to take it easy today, otherwise I’ll break myself again....Extremis....because of the unique way it works, it makes my mind work faster then human, it overwhelms me sometimes. And considering I already suffered from migraines, they just got worse...”Tony sighed feeling better for trying to explain, even if it wasn’t the whole truth, it was a good chunk of it, before nodding. “Yea, pepper usually does make me rest and not do anything after, so you’re good.”he muttered before smiling slightly.”Already planned on it. Greenwright thought you would feel better with me there, since he is my therapist to.”tony said glancing up at the other, “He’s...I’m not sure how to explain it...he...exudes calming influences, and makes it easier to breath and talk....he thought you’d want me there, to know you’re okay....”Tony said smiling slightly, he still looked pale but not nearly as bad as he’d been,
Steve chuckled as he closed his book and set it down. A Tale of Two Cities. "your like a giant cat. take up more space than should feasibly be possible." he teased with a grin. "and looking adorable when you do it." he admitted with a chuckle. "okay. good. i'm glad your alright. you scared me a little bit." he admitted. "i've never seen you look so pale before..." he admitted. "and don't worry, i know how agonizing migraines are. i used to get them all the time, back before i was made into a Super Soldier." he admitted. "i could be bedridden for days with one." he admitted before relaxing, sighing with relief. "'s still a loss of control and... and i just..." he shuddered and rubbed his arms. "too much of my life has been at the whims of others." he admitted softly. "i don't know if i can give up that kind of control." he admitted. "not willingly. not ever maybe." he admitted, smiling at Tony. "thanks for coming with me." he whispered. "i.. hate to admit it but i'm a bit scared." he admitted. of course, River wasn't just going to up and drench Steve, he was going to let Steve come in without any Calm at all and slowly let it out, let Steve get used to the sensation. River didn't need to use his powers to help someone after all, they just helped. "you want some breakfast? i'll bring it in here." he promised, smiling at Tony. "breakfast in bed sounds kind of awesome right now."
“...I am not. I’m taking up a reasonably portion of the bed.If anyone’s taking up to much of the bed, it’s you and your ridculously big self.”Tony teased looking amused and happy, because he knew it was a lie. “And I’m not adorable.”he pouted a little before nodding, “I’m okay I promise. Scared myself to a little, even if I know I’ll be okay with them after, it still scares me.”He sighed a little before looking at the other.”I know. Which is why I wanted to tell you what he could do. But he doesn’t have to use his power to help until you’r ready. He’s still a really good therapist. He comes god approved, he’s a friend of Thor’s actually.”Tony smiled a little before nodding.”you’re welcome. Even if you want me to go with you for a bit, I will.”Tony said tilting his head a little before his stomach growled.”Yea.But something light and easy, otherwise I’m just going to throw it up.”
Steve snorted. "it's my bed. shouldn't i get priority?" he asked, amused. "you are adorable. like an angry kitten, puffed up and spitting but too tiny and adorable to really be frightening." he teased. "and then you bite and we all remember why Kitten's are actually dangerous." he admitted before blinking at the other. "pain like that is always scary." he agreed before nodding. "really? he won't use them if i don't like it?" he asked, sounding almost like a child, asking if Tony was sure there where no monsters under the bed. "yeah. i was thinking fruit." Steve admitted, heading into the kitchen and coming back a bit later with a huge tray full of sliced and cubed fruit. "i've never seen a selection like what they have now." Steve admitted with a grin. "i haven't trued most of these." he admitted. "i mean, sure we had oranges, banana's, grapes. if we where really lucky we had apples of various kinds, or even peaches from the south. but some of this stuff i've never even heard of." he admitted, sitting down in the bed and picking up a white coconut cube and slipped it into his mouth, chewing slowly, savoring every taste. "hmmm. i like coconut." there was also Mango, Kiwi, pears, peaches, apple slices, grapes, pomegranate seeds, Strawberries, bananas, orange sections and some grapefruit sections. he savored everything, enjoying everything. it was funny to remember that Steve had probably not even been able to afford bananas on a regular basis as a child. he had lived mostly on stale bread, sliced meat and apples with bad spots and cheese that was on sale because it was moldy. probably why he enjoyed cooking, and eating so much now.
“It’s my tower, I get higher priority.”Tony said before frowning, indeed puffing up a little. “I am not a kitten. And I’m quite scary, I have a lab full of dangerous toys.”Tony huffed whining a little before nodding. “Really. He wont. He really is good to talk to.”Tony said smiling at the other gently, before smiling.”Fruit is good.”He muttered shifting to snuggle into the bed as he relaxed. “...I haven’t either. I think this is the most fruit I’ve ever seen in the tower.”Tony snickered a little as he nibbled on a little bit of everything, “Well, I’m glad you’re enjoying this century. We might screw up alot, but there’s some good things about now.”Tony said smiling, pleased that the other was happy, stretching lazily as he finished eating.
he smiled a little. "you are scary." he agreed, biting his lip to keep from laughing at how damn cute Ton really was. "okay..." he sighed, it would be okay. Tony would be with him. and he did need help. he really did. the nightmares weren't getting any better to be sure, even if he had slept better than he had in months with Tony in his arms. "there are a lot of good things about this century." he admitted. "the huge selection of fruits and vegetables. oh! and all the candy! i never got much back before i was frozen. i actually gorged myself on the different candies when i first woke up. i actually got sick if you can believe it." he admitted with a grin. "and the internet is great! you can look up anything Tony! look! i have fifty thousand recipes now! i... oh... Jarvis where did i put that portfolio of recipes?" he asked, confused. he'd printed off a couple of his favorite 'want to makes' but he couldn't remember where he'd put them. "i suppose we should go." Steve admitted, realizing if they didn't leave, he was going to be late. "...Tony? how does Thor know Greenwright?" Greenwright was one of the only dragons left. Thor, an eager youth, had decided to try and slay it like in the old stories. River had laughed at him, kicked Thor's ass and sent him home to Odin. this happened again, ad again, and again until River decided to move his Hoard to Midgard, because he liked Midgard better. Thor followed him, got his ass kicked again and threw a temper tantrum. so, River taught him a few tricks on how to wield a heavy weapon better and they had been friends ever since. well, according to Thor anyway. River told it a little differently. 'i thought if i just taught the snot nosed brat a few things he'd leave me alone' was how River told it.
“Good. Glad we all agree I’m scary.”Tony huffed before smiling a little before laughing. “Seriously?I can believe it. I once made myself sick eating candy in college. Rhodey laughed his ass off.”Granted, he’d been 14, but it had been the first time he’d ever been able to eat as much candy as he wanted, and he’d eaten himself sick. “It’s in the kitchen, Captain. You wanted to try something new for dinner.”Jarvis answered. “Well, I greatly thank the internet for how amazing my dinners have been recently.”Tony snickered a little before snickering as he rolled out of bed. “River’s one of the last of dragons. Thor tried to do the teenage thing and go on a valiant quest to kill the beast, got his ass kicked over and over, and eventually became friends. It’s a great story really.”Tony snickered as they headed down for river’s office, a little nervous, but relaxing as he stepped into the room.
he snorted. "didn't you go to collage when you where like, fourteen?" he asked, amused. "no teenager has self control." he scoffed, amused. "did you really know Rhodey even back then? that's kind of amazing." he admitted. "oh. thank you Jarvis." Steve chirped happily before smirking at Tony. "that's just my skill." he admitted. "i could make two eggs, chocolate milk and a bag of flour taste like heaven." he teased. "...Dragon?" Steve asked, looking rather curious now. " know... i am not surprised." he admitted. "Thor was always a bull headed guy huh?" he asked with a grin before following Tony to River's Office. "...ah! Tony, Steven, please, come in. Coffee? Juice?" he asked, Steve going tense at the sight of the man. "....uh... forgive me if i'm being... insensitive but are those..." "Bug fluffy ears? yes. would you like to touch them? Tony likes to." River admitted, pleased when Steve chuckled and relaxed again. "so. please. come, sit. i think it would be best if i didn't use my powers on you. no, much too controlling for someone of your nature." "my nature?" "Dominant. you would never submit to anything, let alone a mentally manipulating force." River admitted and Steve relaxed even more. "we can try it, if you want to, but i don't think you would take it well at all." "uh... no, i'd rather not." Steve admitted. "i did not think so." River agreed with a smile. "so. what would you like to know?" "know?" "yes. surely you have questions about how therapy will go? how it will work?" "uh.... i guess i hadn't thought about it. i was too freaked out about the fact that you could control my brain." "ah. well no, that's not what i do, but close enough i suppose." River admitted with a smile.
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