Lies hiding Truth (moon/lady)

River snorted. "Tony. i am a Dragon. we cannot lie." he reminded the other. "at all. you tested it remember?" he asked, amused. "extensively." River reminded the other before shaking his head. "right now Steve does not remember it at all." River admitted. "he has made no mention of Howard Stark except for a few, rather disgusting passes onto Peggy Carter and Bucky Barnes." River admitted. "he mentioned he hated Howard more than he's ever hated anyone else, but he couldn't tell me why because he does not remember, and telling him now would only tear his mind apart." River admitted. "especially now that he's only just starting to open up about his own self. no, wen he starts to dislodge things then i will help him through it, but telling him now will only drive him insane." he admitted before nodding. "Jarvis? call Johnny?" River demanded. "warn him that i'm fully Dragon Out, as he calls it." because yes, River spoke to Johnny sometimes. "Tony! bring gifts!" Johnny called, coming down the steps and grunting when he walked into the doors. "fuck!.... too used to the doors opening for me." Johnny muttered, punching in his access code and then walking in. "heya fluffers!" "Johnny." River greeted, looking amused. "Tony could use your touch." "yes i imagine so." Johnny admitted. "here Tony!" he offered Tony a platter of about two dozen cookies, each one a different flavor. "Steve hasn't stopped baking since he got back from teaching people a lesson." he admitted. "said something about it 'soothing his inner rage monster' whatever that means." he admitted offering Tony the platter. "eat up. you missed Dinner right? not the best breakfast but better than none." he admitted. "go on. eat up. Steve made them with all the rage in his heart." Johnny admitted, wrinkling his nose. "honestly. i mean, it would be great if i was actually dating Steve, but all of a sudden all my est contacts don't wanna fuck no more because they all think Steve's gonna be pounding on their door! it's not fair!" he complained. knowing that it was bothering Tony he wasn't stupid after all. "besides! we look, exactly alike!... well. i'm handsomer. but serious;y, Tony! thats like, Twincest! or maybe masturbation? it's gross either way."
“....I didn’t say lie. I said he simply told you to save them both the embarassment. I mean, they probably don’t want anyone to know they’re together. Though that’s kind of pointless, seeing as the public knows now.”Tony mutterd before wincing, “,...Well. He’ll still need your help when he does start to remember.”Tony muttered fussing over the idea of upsetting steve, giggling a little at River’s demand to get johnny. Amused because he knew johnny found th full dragon amusing. “...Gifts?”Tony muttered squirming under the blankets to get a look at what the other had before reaching out and taking the plate, shifting and pulling the plate under with him, definitely not a good sign if he was so intent on nesting still and hiding out, that he refused to emerge to eat, instead of simply snuggling down and eating under the covers. Snorting a little. “Hulk. Told Bruce once he had a inner rage monster, and steve had one nearly as impressive as our jolly green giant.”tony snickered a little as he started eating his food, snorting a little. “Well, he will be. I mean, he doesn’t share well.”Tony muttered before smirking a little. “...I thought you’d enjoy having sex with yourself. I mean, you are a narcissist.”
River huffed. "don't be stupid Tony. you think Steve Rogers could lie about being in a relationship when he still blushes at the word 'cock'?" River asked, snuffling at him. a Dragon form of laughter of sorts. River made just as many sounds as a human did when e was in Dragon form, all of them just as complex, and altogether alien as the human language was. "and when he starts to remember i will help him." River admitted. "but i don't anticipate that being any time soon at all." he admitted. "it would take a very serious mental jarring to shake those memories loose. something so traumatic that it brings up old memories all in a flash. if seeing Agent Carter in a bed and repeating herself every fifteen minutes didn't do it, i don't know what could short of Howard Stark coming to life and taunting him about it. and i have insured that the monster never so much as crosses a toe outside of the ninth ring of Hel." he admitted. "that' where all the worst go, you know. Hitler is there. and the Anti-christ too." he admitted. "there are others but i forget their names." he admitted, smiling when Tony accepted the cookies. that was good. he was actually accepting them. had Tony still been in overly dangerous waters, he wouldn't have taken the cookies. "i'm going to go and check on the Little One." River decided. "i might be able to heal him a bit. physical healing was never my forte, but i have learned a trick or two." "we'd appreciate that, thanks." Johnny agreed, smiling as River vanished in a puff of smoke. "ah... you know you might be right. i've never seen Captain America honestly infuriated before. it's scary as shit." he admitted before blinking at Tony. "....Tony. i hate to tell you this. but me and Cap aren't dating." he admitted. "i've been giving him lessons." he explained with a sigh. "he's really hopeless and he felt bad for bothering you all the time since you actually have a life so he came to me." he admitted. "i taught him how to use DVR you know... at least i think i did. i'm pretty sure anyway.... maybe i better do a refresher course?.... anyway, i also taught him how to use a bullwhip without actually cutting the skin, he's damn good at it, even if he does scare himself more often then not." he pouted. "i did offer of course, just sex you know. he actually avoided me for three days and then had the damn audacity to apologize for it." he huffed. "i think he has his heart set on someone else." he admitted. "oh and for the record, never, ever mention Old Yeller in front of him, he starts bawling."
“....H does blush so prettily. Sometimes I just want to talk sex just to watch him blush.”Tony muttered before sighing a little. “....True. I’ll stay buried then.”Tony muttered relived that indeed he’d be the only one remembering this shit. Smiling quietly, “Good. He deserves to be there.”Tony muttered as he nibbld on th cookies as he hid under the blankets.”Thanks River.”Tony muttered as he watched river go before sighing. “I’m always right.He’s impressive angry.”Tony said sounding thoughtful before huffing a little, sulking. “Giving steve lessons is my job.”Tony whined sounding put out that steve had dared go to someone else for electronic help, before frowning, shivering a little at the idea of steve using a bullwhip, biting his lip to keep from groaning, his body responding to the idea of steve and a bullwhip. “He seriously avoided you?”Tony asked sounding quietly interested, and wondering about who steve wanted. “...Seriously?old yeller?”
River snickered a little. "it will stay buried for now, yes. someday, when he's ready i might induce the memories, but he has far too much other things to deal with right now." River admitted. "he does indeed. he is paying dearly for the sickness he spread." River agreed. "of course Tony. i'll be back." River promised. "but not until after you and Johnny are done having sex, so take your time."River assured the other. "it is our job, but your always so busy and you've been acting weird. he thought you where mad at him." he admitted with a smile. "i'm saving the more impressive stuff for you, but teaching him how to use stuff you won't think about. like DVR, since Jarvis always does that for you." Johnny admitted with a chuckle. "and we both know you don't know how to work a washing machine." he admitted with a grin. "yeah, like, completely. wouldn't answer my phone calls or nothing." Johnny complained with a huff. "yes. Old Yeller, it was on his list... have you seen that thing?" of course Tony had. "i figured i'd leave the fun movies for you and show Steve the ones that you don't like, like Annie, old Yeller, where the red firn grows, stuff like that. i know how much you hate that 'gushy' stuff." he admitted with a chuckle before he turned and flipped on the TV after a ring from his cellphone. "Steve's on TV." Johnny admitted. and indeed there he was, in all his Captain America glory, ball busting the entire news population.

"I have to say i have never been more disappointed in my entire life with such a small group of people before. what i do in my private life is none of your business. if i wanted you to know who i was dating i wuld say so. you have run my name, the Avengers name, Johnathon Storm's and the Fantastic fours names through the mud, and may have painted a target on both of our backs. any enemies we have will now target our so called Lover, whether that is or is not true." Steve stated, voice and expression thunderous. "when you comment on our lives you give the bad guys something to pick at, something to expose and take advantage of and more than that, you could b ruining our attempts at keeping the State, the country or even the world safe." Steve informed them. "you have done your damnedest to pretend that we are just celebrities, but we are not. and every single one of you will be paying the price for it now. as of this moment i am no longer on active duty. Johnathon Storm has been giving me help i desperately needed and now because of you and your actions i can no longer get that help. have a good day." there was nothing but silence when Clint stepped up and spelled it out. how Steve had never had time to settle, never had time to grieve, never had time to adjust. explaining that Johnny storm had been showing Steve how to survive in the twenty first century, had been helping him get over the fact that everyone he had ever known and love was dead, and how Johnny wouldn't come out of his house because of the number of death threats and hate mail he had received because of the lies and slander the press had spread. all in all it was mostly lies designed to make the entire American public feel bad about what they'd done. and it would work. "damn i know Steve said he would handle it but shit. that's heavy! look at that! some of those evil bitches are crying!"
“Ahh, I do impressive well.”Tony snickered a little before making a face. “Well, it makes no sense to not have jarvis start the movie.”He huffed before snickering.”I can do the laundry. I don’t like to, or want to, but I can.”Tony whined a little before looking amused that steve had been avoiding johnny. Feeling guiltily pleased at the idea. “Yea, I have.. And good. I’m definitely leaving the gushy movies to you.”he snickered before frowning a little as they turned on the tv. Grinning a little as he watched.

“ it wrong to find him so hot when he’s being so righteously angry?”Tony snickered as he shifted to get comfortable, not completely crawling out of his nest, but simply looking bundled up now instead of hiding.”He’s so very good at making them feel good. That was awesome.”
"you are very impressive." Johnny agreed with a chuckle. "besides, you have no idea how much Steve appreciates Jarvis." he admitted with a smile. "you cannot do the laundry. the last time you tried the washer caught fire." he reminded the other. "how? i have no clue, but you did it." he admitted before smiling at the other. "you know. it would be easier for you if you admitted you had a crush on him." he admitted, watching Steve as well. "he is pretty sexy. still creepy how much he looks like me though." Johnny admitted. "what if he's like, my great uncle or something?" he asked, mortified. "it was pretty awesome." he agreed. "he's pretty worried about you though." he admitted, blinking at Tony. "and i'm not sure i believe what River told him." he admitted. "i know Faith didn't upset you that much." not when Faith had been like that before. he was so feminine and frail too many people took advantage of him.
“Good. Everyone should appricate Jarvis, though I didn’t know stev liked him. I thought J freaked him out a bit, in all honesty.”he said shrugging a little before snickering. “No more amazing then me catching my suit on fire once.”Tony muttered befoer making a face, sputtering.”What?I don’t-I mean, I don’t have a crush on steve!”He protested looking annoyed as he snuggled down into his couch. “Hm, it is a bit. But it’s okay, you’re much more of a asshole then him.”Tony pointed out befire snickering. “You could always have jarvis research and find out if he is if you’re really concerned.”tony smiled before shifting, pressing his face into the blankets, snuggling down into it as he nibbled on the cookie, going quiet. He knew he probably shouldn’t but....well. Johnny took care of him, knew him th best, needed to know how things stood, and what he remembered, at least some of it“ father had a thing for our good captain....he...attacked me...once when he was drunk, and didn’t realize I wasn’t steve.”
he chuckled. "yeah Jay freaked him out a little bit at first but after Jarvis started showing him how to work your thirteen button showers he started to ask JArvis other things. now whenever Steve doesn't know what something is, or can't figure out how to work his toaster again JA helps him. they talk a lot too i think, since Steve doesn't sleep much. two a night i think and a catnap curing the day? so he's got a lot of time on his hands and JArvis and he talk about stuff. like the book Steve's rearing or how the city used to look or the art Steve's working on and stuff." Johnny admitted. "i think he didn't tell you because he doesn't want to think he likes Jarvis more than you. you are clearly Steve's favorite." he admitted "i already did." Johnny admitted, deciding to ignore Tony's decidedly bad attempt at pretending e wasn't in love with Steve. "he didn't find anything, but it's still creepy!" he complained, shaking his head. he went very still when Tony talked again and gasped a little. "oh my god Tony. i'm so sorry!" he whispered, stunned. "how bad?" he asked, worried. he knew what it was like to have a crappy parent. his mother had been so controlling, that until she died when Johnny was seventeen, he couldn't even choose his own meals, or his own clothes. Sue was so messed up over it that she and reed had a full time Master/Pet thing going on. Reed was a great master though, always making sure she was eating and sleeping properly. Johnny went the other direction and refused to let anyone else choose over him again. he'd never anticipated Howard raping Tony though, never. "fuck Tony..." he muttered, gently gathering Tony, blankets and all, into a snuggly hug. cradling and cuddling the other. adding another layer of safety, he hoped, to Tony's nest.
“it’s a fairly cool shower, even if I agree with Cap, and it’s a little outrageous.”he snickered a little, before smiling quietly. “....Good.I’m glad they get along. Makes me worry about him a little less.”Tony said sighing softly, looking pleased that steve was being looked after by his AI, because it meant that the othr man was okay. Flinching a little at johnny’s tone he whined a little, well. Even without answering it was his obvious reasons for th way he was. So overly controlling in his public life, so distrusting of everyone that he couldn’t even tell his closet friend that he was iron man, even johnny, rhodey and pepper had found out by accident, as he nearly died and needed saving, had been the only reason any of them knew who his split personality was. So utterly divorced from himself in some portions that he was truly a split personality when it came right down to it....and yet, in the bedroom, he was so submissive that he could barely do anything without being told how to do, is control over the rest of his life shattered, so uncaring about himself that he’d let others abuse him however they wanted. “...Bad. remember that time I came back to school?...that was then.”Tony had been utterly broken for months, suffering both a concussion, broken arm and gingerly moving. Without extremis, he hadn’t been able to heal, simply healing human slow. “....Warm...”Tony muttered shifting to snuggle into johnny as the man pickd him up, sighing quietly, relaxing, protected.
he snorted. "you built the damn thing." he pointed out, amused. "they do get along. very well actually." he admitted. "i'm half expecting the two of them to start pranking people, the way Steve will flash a tiny smirk at one of those camera's. as if he and Jay know something we don't... it's kinda making me nervous actually because i just know they're planning something, but they don't even so much as hint at it except those damn little smirks." he muttered, wrinkling his nose. "shh. it's okay tony." Johnny whispered, trying to sooth the other. "fuck.... yu never told anyone..." he whispered, rocking him gently. "i can understand why... i never told anyone either. not that i was ever...." he shook his head. "people like us don't tell people. we just suffer because we're too damn stupid to know we deserve better." he admitted with a sigh before smiling at Tony. "yeah. i'm pretty warm." he agreed. "you go ahead and sleep Tony. i'm here. i got you." he promised softly.
“I know, so I’m allowed thinking it’s outrageous, no one else is.”tony muttered before smiling making a face.”noo...he wouldn’t do that. Cap is good. He wouldn’t go pranking everyone.”Poor poor delusional Tony. Whining softly at johnny’s words, still upst, but slowly being soothed as the other rocked him, “...”Tony was silent, simply not protesting, because well, he still didn’t believe he deserved better, but he’d learned if he told people that, they got annoyed with him. “Kay...”Tony muttered as he fell asleep, trusting johnny to take care of him.
he snorted. "Tony i can't even use that damn shower." he complained, amused. "no matter how fucking fantastic that massage feature is." he admitted before he started at Tony. "....Tony... did you not just see him prank all of America?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow at him. "did you miss the time he turned Barton Pink for that lewd comment about Steve's ass?" he asked. "he's a prankster through and through, just like me and you.. hey, i made a rhyme!" he admitted, delighted by that for a moment before smiling a little at the other. "i've got you." he promised. and indeed when Tony woke up, Johnny was still holding him, and talking to Steve through Jarvis. "okay, so if i just,... twist this it'll...." Steve muttered before shrieking wildly. "Johnny! all it did was spit shit everywhere!" "you have to put the top back on dude!" "well why didn't you say that!?" "because i always forget." "well dammit now there's a mes and the smoothie is ruined! now i have to start all over again!" "hey your the one who wants to learn how to work a blender for yourself. "blender? i thought this was a ninja?" "that's the name brand." "oh! like Hershey? and Kellog?" "...uh... yes." Johnny agreed. "look, try again, just put the cap back on first." "Fuck you Storm." Johnny just snickered, watching Steve rinse out the blender, purple stuff all over him from when the blender had spit up on him. he looked so cute. "at least i know it tastes good... are you sure i should be putting blackberries in it? i'm pretty sure Tony hates blackberries." i said Blueberries." "no, you totally said Blackberries." "well i meant Blueberries." "well why don't you shut up and let me focus here?" yeah, Steve and Johnny definitely weren't dating. "how about i keep talking and tell you what a shitty job your doing?" "how about i come down there and cram this spoon so far up your ass you... uh... morning Tony..." Steve stated, blinking at Tony, realizing the other was awake.
“...I know, it’s awesome. I even stumped Agent on how to work the shower.”Tony snickered before frowning. “...that wasn’t a prank. It...oh.Yes. I guess it was....and... He did?How did I not know this?”Tony frowned sulking a little looking amused, “And steve’s ass deserves all the lewd comments in the world.”he muttered. Stirring when he woke he frowned slightly as he tugged the blanket down enough to look at the video feed, looking sleepily confused as he watched, snuffling a little as he remembered johnny always did forget to put the top back on the blender, and wasn’t that amusing. “....I thought you two weren’t don’t get to fuck him...”Tony frowned looking sleepy and confused as he tried to follow the conversation, still off balance enough he was down some, not in subspace, but floating a little. “....don’t like blackberries...”Tony muttered making a face, before smiling, looking quite adorable himself all swaddled up and mostly hidden in a ridiculous amount of captain america blankets and laying on Johnny.”Morning.”He said.
"well. to be honest i'm not sure i'm supposed to know about it." he admitted. "got Clint drunk a few nights ago and he told me about it." he admitted with a chuckle.

"we're not fucking." Steve and Johnny chorused before glaring at each other. "it's your fault they think we're dating." Steve complained. "me!? why is it MY fault!" "your the one that kept insisting i had to eat in actual restaurants with you. i grew up int he twenties, not the ice age! i know what a hamburger is." "well then why didn't you SAY something?!" "mostly because i was hungry and you where paying." "your such a DICK!" "we've covered this extensively. i am well aware of that, and of the fact that mine is both bigger, and better." "we have NOT and it is NOT!" Johnny squalled. "i know you don't Tony." Steve promised the other, voice and expression soft and fond. "don't worry, i won't put blackberries in yours." he promised. "oh! hey before i forget, Faith is doing a lot better. River couldn't do anything about the back, but he was able to heal the,,, uh... the..." he paused, frowned and then. "Jay?" Rectum was the answer. "yes! Rectum, so he'll be able to sit without wincing." he admitted. "he was pretty upset when he woke up but i think i managed to get him to calm down." Steve admitted. "from what i gather, he actually struggled against the guy this time. that's why the man fucked Faith up so bad. because Faith wasn't supposed to have the willpower to fight or some crap like that. Police had whats his face in their custody and he's not getting out...uh... i hate to tell you this part but... uh... did you know Faith is really only Seventeen?" "WHAT?!" Johnny demanded, stunned. "i've been... two years! he told me..." "i know." Steve admitted with a wince. "according to the police reports, Faith was actually sold by his father when he was thirteen to this guy. the Club you rescued him from is actually owned by tat asshole and they run a minor underage drug and slave trade of sorts. Fury is pissed. apparently it's where Hydra has been getting some of their younger recruits, save them from hell ad they become the loyal fanatics you see. you know, the ones willing to blow themselves up 'for the cause'... it's pretty messed up but Fury's cleaning house big time." "good!"
“Good.You two would totally kill each other.”Tony huffed, trying not to sound as pleased as he was to have steve confirm that. Even if he’d known it, it was good to hear. “ is, and it’s captain america’s dick, anything that tastes like apple pie and freedom, is better then what you got John.”Tony said smiling a little as he snuggled, smiling wider, pleased at the knowledge steve knew what he liked or didn’t. “Rectum, captain.” “Ah. Well at least he can sit now.”Tony said looking happy before grinning. “That’s amazing. At least he’s learned he deserves better then that asshole.”tony said sounding pleased for faith before looking startled, eyes wide and hurting as he realized how young faith was, his own rape and problems leaving him feeling emotionally raw at the idea of how young faith had been. Whining quietly h frowned a little, “Good. Fury’ll take care of things.”Tony muttered before slowly undoing the blankets, sighing quietly as he moved to get up.
they both snorted. "i'm amazed we haven't already." Steve admitted. "he's a giant ass." Johnny agreed, Steve huffing. "you can't call Captain America that. people will get mad at you." "whose here to get mad? it's just you, me and Tony, and Tony agrees with me, don't-cha Tony? Steve's an ass right?" he asked with a grin before giving Tony a startled look. "how do you know what his cock tastes like." Steve just laughed and blushed, shaking his head. "that is NOT what i taste like." "how would you know? it's not like you've ever sucked yourself off." "well no, but i have had blowjobs before. during the war you know?" he asked. "they where pretty rushed but they always told me i tasted kind of sweet and a lot salty, so there." Steve huffed. "he can sit. yes. he's been talking with River a lot. Shield's remanded Faith into Johnny's care permanently. at least until he becomes a legal adult. congratulations Johnny, your a daddy." Steve teased with a snicker before cursing. "now nothing's happening!" he complained, twisting the dial that made the Blender work, the cap on firmly this time. Johnny made a protesting noise when Tony tried to get up and tightened his arms. "not yet. lemme hold you a little longer, okay?" Johnny asked, blinking at Tony. ah, Johnny was in his 'i need to fuss over someone' moods. no doubt because both Tony and Faith here so badly hurt, one physically, the other emotionally.
“...You can’t call Captain america a ass. It’s unkind to lie like that.”Tony said smirking a littl before snickering, “Cause he’s Cap. He tastes like things america’s famous for, namely apple pie and freedom.”Tony snickered at the look he was getting even as he blushed. “...”Tony stared at steve, swallowing thickly, and very glad he was covered up in blankets. Whining quietly as h shifted to get comfortable with a erection he sighed. While he wasn’t admitting he was liking the other man, well...his body was in full agreement that steve was amazing. “Hm, johnny makes a good daddy.”Tony teased a little before frowning. “Is it still plugged in?”tony asked before sighing as he looked at johnny, nodding a little as he shifted to get comfortable again, simply letting johnny hold him.
Johnny snorted. "but he is an ass!" "no, i have, a nice ass." Steve corrected. "Jarvis said it was one one of those glossy magazines." Steve admitted. "i got first place or something." he admitted. "funny how i didn't even realize i was a contender." he admitted before blushing furiously at Tony. "i think you need to go back to sleep before i decide you don't deserve this Smoothie." he admitted before blinking at tony. "plugged in?...oh. it came out of the wall, hold on." he went over, plugged it in and cursed wildly when the lid to the blender popped off, followed by smoothie. Captain America dissolved into his 'rage monster'. he cursed, excessively and turned the blender into scrap and Johnny laughed his way through it as Steve shook his head, got the back up blender and tried again. "okay. that was hilarious." Johnny admitted. "i'm beginning to understand now when people say Steve has a temper. he never really looses it on people, but things? yeah i see it now." he admitted with a grin when the screen went blank but the sounds still came through because Steve had tried to mute it, so he couldn't hear Tony and Johnny making fun of him anymore, though he'd still be able to talk to them. "you did it wrong!" Johnny informed Steve, who cursed again and told Jarvis to 'would you fix it please?'. and then he shrieked as the Alarms started blaring. not the 'there's an emergency' or 'there's a fire' but the alarm that went off when someone was trying to intrude. someone was breaking into the Tower. "...who in the hell would be dumb enough to try and break into Stark Tower?" which meant it was probably night time and all the people who worked there had left for the day. of course when they got there, the intruder, who had tried to break in using one of Clint's vents from the ground, was already gone surprisingly, everyone in the tower was gathered, even Phil. everyone but a certain Bird Brain. "where's Clint?" Steve asked, wondering if this had been a kidnapping... or if Clint had accidentally set off the alarms? "Drugged to his eyeteeth upstairs." Natasha admitted. "i dosed him when he wasn't looking because he hurt himself and wouldn't stop moving." she admitted. "sorry. my bad." that was a lie of course. Clint WAS sleeping, but that wasn't why he wasn't down there. truth was, he just hadn't heard the alarms. "
“...If you got voted People’s sexiest man alive, I’m going to sulk and be annoyed at being outted of the running by a 95 year old.”Tony sulked a little before huffing. “I deserve that smoothie!I always do.”Tony huffed before nodding, snickering as the captain exploded over his smoothie, biting his lip before nodding. “It was. Hey don’t forget the Yankees, he yells at them to.”Tony teased a little amused as steve tried to mute them smiling a little more when jarvis fixed it, yelping as the alarms went off. Looking confused as he stumbled to his feet. “I don’t know, but we’re going to go find out.”Tony said stumbling a little, cursing as he realized he wasn’t going to be suiting up yet already heading upstairs to find out what was going on. “He’s buried under blankets and pillows, I doubt we’ll see him until tomorrow.”phil said frowning a little, he knew clint could sleep through the Apocalypse even without drugs. “Jarvis?What happened?” “Someone tried to use the vents to get in, Sir. But I do not have a clear visual on who or what. I am working on it.”
Steve shrugged. "that sounds right?" he asked, head tilted. "i'm not sure you always deserve it." Steve admitted with a grin. "but you've been good for a while now so i guess you can have some." he agreed with a grin. "i don't think the Yankees or the Dodgers could as people to him." he admitted with a grin. "and he doesn't do it when other people are around to hear him." he admitted. "i think it's just because he hates me and likes you." he admitted with a smile. "he's comfortable with us so he feels okay for cursing." he admitted before following Tony down to the ground level. "so. we can't get him in there to check things out? shit.... okay..." Steve muttered, peering into the Vent before frowning and reaching in. "" Steve muttered. "black. longish. probably a woman if they where slight enough to slide around in there with ease." Steve admitted. "could be wrong though, doubt there's a whole lot of long haired men with the dexterity of a Circus performer running about though." Steve admitted, handing the hair to Bruce. "i'll see if i can't get any DNA. fingerprints?" " looks like whoever it was, was wearing Gloves." Steve admitted. "...Steve... what is that all over you?" Natasha asked, Steve flushing. "'s supposed to be a smoothie..." "...."
“...Not fair!”Tony whined sulking before making a face. “I always deserve it. You tell me I don’t eat enough.”He sulked a little before smiling a little. “You might be right about that. Though I’m fairly certain he doesn’t hate you.”He pointed out before huffing as he considered the vent. “I’ll have Clint look at it tomorrow, see if he finds anything else.” “I made a mess of things. You know me Nat, can’t use kitchen appliances, I made a mess of both me and Steve.”Tony covered not about to let steve take teh blame totally for looking like a delicious mess, looking startled as clint wandered through to the kitchen, absently getting into the fridge to get something to drink, either to tired to pay attention to them, or simply ignoring them as he turned to go back to sleep, not realizing the man had simply not heard them.
Steve snorted. "you don't eat enough but your doing better." he admitted. "and besides, that's food. this is a treat. by the way, did you like those cookies? i tried a whole bunch of different flavors... i'm not sure i liked some of them." he admitted. "oh no it's not actually hate. but it's one of those love hate things you know? where he likes some of me, but really doesn't like the rest of me?" he asked, grinning impishly. "of course, i exaggerate the parts he doesn't like." he admitted with a snigger. "...yes. i do know." Natasha huffed, amused at him, shaking her head. "you know better than to cook." "help." Steve corrected. "he was trying to help me work the blender. i guess i should have known better." Steve mused, flashing Tony a playful grin. "...Barton?" not even a twitch. "Clint?" again, no response and he flashed Natasha a suspicious look. "how much did you give him?" "a lot." she admitted, following after him to make sure he knew to act sore in the morning. she wasn't sure why Clint didn't just tell them. "well... this is odd..." Bruce commented. "look... marks on the vent. metal against metal. what do you make of this Tony?"
“The cookies are amazing. I think I’ve made myself sick eating all of them.”Tony said after a moment, realizing that indeed he’d eaten all of them. “Ahhh I see.”Tony said tilting his head a little rolling his eyes because really, johnny was such a ass. “He couldn’t work the blender!I didn’t think it’d be that bad.”Tony whined a little before looking at clint. Looking thoughtful. “As amazing as your vents are, it still takes skill to wander around them. He fell out of the one in our room, apparently he fell asleep and rolled over. It was quite amusing until I realized he’d hurt himself.”Phil snickered a little, adding a litle more to the story, he didn’t know why the other tell them he was deaf, but he was willing to let it go for now until clint was ready to tell them. “Huh?”Tony frowned punching steve in the shoulder. “Lift me up. I need to see.”he sulked, short enough that he couldn’t see well into the vent, shuddering a little as the good captain picked him up, frowning a little as he looked at the marks. “Looks like it was just something on one side...most likely a belt or something.”Tony frowned a little.
Steve grinned. "i'll keep all the recipes then." he agreed, Johnny just smirking. "it's fun getting him so worked up he turns red and starts to sputter." he admitted with a giggle. "Tony. it is ALWAYS going to be bad when you use any kind of cooking utensil." Natasha admitted. "he's never fallen out of the Vents before..." Steve muttered, worried now. "are you sure he wasn't hurt before he fell out of the vent?" he asked, concerned about the sluggish assassin. Steve huffed at being ordered but bent down and picked Tony pup effortlessly, holding him in place as easily as if the other was a baby. no. it's too big for a belt. gun?" Bruce asked, ignoring how Steve tensed. "you think someone in the vents had a Gun!?" he demanded, setting Tony down. shit. that mean someone, who knew how dangerous or deadly, was out to kill someone in the tower. any one of them could be a target. "we're going to have to beef up the security, make... cameras, or motion sensors on all the windows and vent entrances and exits. no one should have been able to get in, no one." Bruce admitted. "Tony's made this place nearly impenetrable and it... annoys me, that someone worked around him like that." "Tony's brilliant, he'll find a way to patch up this leak so it's stranger than ever." Steve assured Bruce. "i know he'll even find a way to do it while still giving Clint full access to the vents." he admitted with a smile. "you should go check on Clint and make sure he was telling the truth though, i really doubt he 'fell' out of the vents." Steve admitted. "he's probably trying to get out of going to medical."
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