Lies hiding Truth (moon/lady)

“yea. Then again at 21.”Tony grinned a little before nodding. “I did. Though we really didn’t become best friends till we were older.. Only person I’ve known longer was johnny.”Tony shrugged a little. “....Hmmmm...chocolate milk sounds good. You know, for this adorable kitten.”Tony said rolling his eyes as he remembered steve’s teasing before nodding. “Dragon. Just don’t ask about his hoard, he’s very protective.”Tony snickered a little before nodding. “He was. Though these days, he’s got the size to back up being bull headed.”Tony smirked a little as he slumped into a chair, “Coffee.”he grinned relaxing simply, even without river’s powers in play, the man was to well conditioned to not simply relax at being in his presence, even if he was a little twitchy, worried about steve. “...They’re soft, and fun to pet.”Tony said smiling at steve’s question shuddering at the idea of steve being dominate, biting his lip to keep from venturing down that thought process, even if his eyes glazed a little as he listened to the other two.
he blinked. "you went to collage twice? why?" he asked, looking baffled before smiling. "it's funny how people think your an ass, yet you've managed to keep friends for a lot longer than they ever managed." he admitted with a smile. "Chocolate what?" he asked, looking startled. "you mean hot cocoa?" he asked his head tilted. wow, Steve hadn't discovered flavored milk yet. very amusing. "Wow. a real life Dragon." he muttered, amazed. "Hoard? you mean, like, he actually collect gold and sleeps on it?" well, he never actually said he slept on it, but it was a likely bet. "Tony. i think he was bigger than me when he was three." he admitted, looking amused. "yes i am well aware of what you want Tony." River promised, already pouring him a cup. "Juice, please." Steve decided, smiling. "i'm still getting used to all the flavors." he admitted. River smiled at him. "yes, it must have been an extreme shock, seeing so many things the same, and yet so many things different." he agreed, handing Steve a little teacup full of dragon-fruit juice. there was a joke there but Steve didn't know enough to voice it. "....this is a teacup." "i like being refined. plus, i like the patterns in the tea cups." he admitted, making Steve blink at him. "....your crazy, huh?" "hm. probably." River admitted. "i prefer to think of myself as more cultured." Steve chuckled at that. relaxing a little more, little by little beginning to be soothed by Rivers calm and gentle nature. they talked about Steve's first day awake. how confused Steve was, how frightened, how nothing made sense. he spoke about how they had tried to talk to him, but how it had been like they where speaking another language. talking about things that made no sense. internet, and you-tube, television and Cd's and all kinds of things he just hadn't understood. he talked to River about how it was days, weeks, months before anything started to make sense, how he felt defiled again ad again because people wouldn't stop staring at him all the time, undressing him with his eyes. how they always wanted to touch him, how much he hated that. Steve paused suddenly, blushing a little as he realized he'd pretty much poured his heart out to a stranger and River smiled. "you feel better now, yes?" "GOD yes... i don't..." "it's alright, everyone is a bit surprised. it's because i'm not human i think. i'm so old that very little takes me by surprise." he admitted. Steve blinked at him. "oh...." he admitted, blinking at him. "well... thank you..." he admitted softly. "i feel... better than i have in a long time." he admitted with a smile.
“yea. Once for engineering, and once for computer sciences.”Tony shrugged a little. “Currently working on a degree in astrophysics to.”Tony smirked a little before making a face. “Well, I kept one or two friends for a long time, and they’re just as damaged as me.”He pointed out shrugging a little before laughing, looking startled.”Chocolate milk. You know, milk that tastes like chocolate?”Tony said looking amused before nodding. “WEll, he collects it, and he’s never said he slept on it, but I totally have the vision of him being smaug, sitting on his treasure.”Tony smiled a little. “Thanks.”Tony smiled sipping his drink as he settled in his chair snickering quietly. “Don’t let him fool you, he’s not that refined. He’s just eccentric.”Tony snickered as he settled down to listen simply there if steve needed him, though he twitched every once in awhile as he realized just how defiled steve had felt, though his features were under control and masked, it was brittle. Because they’d managed to crack the walls he’d built up to protect himself, he wasn’t able to stay in control as much as he used to be able to around steve, who like it or not, was a trigger for him. “...GOod. Aren’t you glad you got rid of the other bint?”tony muttered smiling a little.
he blinked a little. "Astrophysics.... that's what Selvig works with right?" he asked, his head tilted. "and i think i know what engineering is. that's technology right? building, upgrading, designing and stuff.... uh... i'm assuming Computer science is for computers." he admitted with a smile before frowning a little. "uhm... eah... sure... chocolate flavored milk..." he sounded very baffled. what Tony probably didn't realize was that there was Chocolate milk in the Victorian Era, and certainly on shelves during WWII. Steve had even managed to steal a carton once. he and Bucky made themselves sick drinking it. the other flavors baffled him a little bit, strawberry and banana milk just made him wrinkle his nose. and he wasn't sure what flavor Soy was but he wasn't sure he'd like it either. "uh... Smaug?" he hadn't gotten to The Hobbit in his book list yet. "Refined, Eccentric, what's the difference?" River asked with a grin. "yes. very glad." Steve admitted, smiling at Tony. "thank you... for setting this up Tony. i know Pepper is the one who did the planning but i also know it was your idea. so thank you." Steve murmured, patting Tony's hand. "oh! i almost forgot... your painting is done." he admitted with a smile at Tony. "so feel free to come get it anytime." he admitted happily, feeling even lighter than he had after Tony had held him. "Tony? would you mind staying behind? there's something i needed to discuss with you." River lied, seeing the strain on Tony's face that Steve had noticed as well but hadn't commented on. "yeah i need to go hit something." Steve admitted, fleexing his fingers. "i'm gonna hit the gym for a while." he decided, River smiling.
“Yea. Considering I have a god regularly visiting me, I figured it was a good idea to figure out how it worked, bifrost I mean.”Tony smiled a little before snickering. “Engineering is indeed building stuff. Like the suit and everything, and computers is the building and creating better computers, sort of like how I made jarvis.”Tony explained smiled a little looking very amused at steve’s reaction to chocolate milk. “Yea. The dragon in the Hobbit, lord of the rings books. You need to read.”Tony snickered a little before smirking at river’s questions. “Refined is what I am, you’re just eccentric.”Tony snickered before raising his head to look at the other, shrugging a little. “You’re welcome.
He said blushing slightly at the praise, before grinning. “Awesome. I’ll come get it.”Tony smiled before looking at River, tilting his head a little before nodding. “kay. I’ll see you later Steve.”he said watching him go before slumping back into the couch, staring at the floor. “....I have...I can’t...block out the memories anymore. At least...not like I was. I don’t like this. I know what I remember....and that’s bad enough...but its like...I know there’s something worse, and it involves Steve. I don’t....I like spending time with him. I don’t want to fuck it up...”tony muttered tiredly, sounding so very defeated.
Steve smiled. "do we have the technology to figure that out?" of course they did. well, no, TONY did, because Thor had offered Tony whatever he wanted, including an entire library of asgardian science. which was different from sorcery. Tony didn't get any sorcery books because those where Loki's and since Loki was starting to respond to 'treatment' they where all hoping Loki could become an ally someday. well, not everyone, they'd all settle for 'not an enemy' at least. "it's on my list, i'll read it next." Steve agreed with a smile before chuckling as River lifted an eyebrow. "you named your wrench. your the eccentric one." never mind that River had named most of his treasures. that was a different thing entirely. "later Tony." Steve agreed. "Tony. something shook loose that night, yes. you have new almost memories. you can't help but poke at them, like a child with a loose tooth." he admitted. "the memory is bad, i am sure but there is no need to be afraid of what has already happened." he promised. "i will help you through it, you know i will." he promised, holding his hand out to Tony. "for now. i can either help you unlock it all the way, or temporarily wedge it back into place." he admitted. "if you will let me, the decision of what to do can only be yours."
“Of course I do. Thor might not understand the science books he gave me, but it’s quite interesting to read. And I talk to his lady love alot, Jane is quite amusing to talk to.”Tony snickered a little. “Good. You need to read it.”Tony smiled a little before staring at river. “I am not. You are.”Tony made a face. “...yea...something like that. Though I’d like to think I’m intelligent enough to not go poking at it.”He huffed. “...Help me wedge it back into place, and I’ll deal with it later.”he said as he took the other’s hand, because he was still feeling shaky from his migraine, he simply wanted a few days peace so he could recover all the way before he dealt with whatever he was starting to remember.
he chuckled a little. "Thor is by no means stupid, but his interests lie in other pursuits." River admitted, amused. "makes me wonder what a delight like Jane sees in him?" he mused before smiling as Steve left, focusing on Tony, letting the calm wrap around him gently. "okay. but be aware, it will work loose again, and i won't be able to wedge it back again." he warned. "close your eyes, relax, and let me in." River breathed, his voice hypnotic and calm. there was a jerking sensation in a place that wasn't physical and suddenly Tony felt settled again. like there wasn't something niggling at him constantly. "there. better?" River asked, his head tilted. "i can see why you where bothered. it had very nearly popped loose." he admitted. "if you feel the niggling again Tony you must come to me immediately, do ou understand? it should hold for a week, longer is most likely but once it starts coming loose again, there is no stopping it and it will be strong." he admitted. "i don't care if you have to use the emergency pager to get me, do it immediately."
“I know he isn’t, he just doesn’t like reading. And there are other benefits to dating a blond god, I’m sure jane appreciates them.”Tony snickered a little. Before swallowing hard as he watched river before nodding. “okay.”He said relaxing closing his eyes and letting out a quiet relaxed sound as the memory stopped. “I do. I’ll get you.”he said sighing quietly as he ran his fingers through his hair. “Don’t worry, I will.”He promised getting up to leave.

And indeed it was a week later that had tony growing even more agitated then he’d been before. Growling quietly as he landed the punch, he sighed quietly as he looked at steve, panting quietly. He hated this, not only his memory starting to work loose, but steve had been spending alot of time with johnny all week.don’t get him wrong, he loved johnny to death, but had been very annoyed to be discovering this his normal practice time and visit after had become shorter as steve spend most afternoons with the fire starter. Added to the fact that the memory was starting to knock his feet out from under him, he was in a foul mood, and despite his promise, he was enjoying spending time with steve to much to be willing to leave just to deal with the memory just yet.
River snorted. "i'm not entirely convinced he can read." River admitted. "a large cock, a good boyfriend does not make.... though it is a very nice bonus." he admitted with a grin. "good." River stated, watching the other leave and sighing. this was going to be a mess.

Steve had gone to Johnny a week ago and was very pleased with his own progress. he wasn't sure if Johnny knew exactly why Steve was doing this, but he supposed it didn't really matter. they had moved on from the simple things, to the extremely complex in just a week and Steve was starting to be allowed to actually practice. granted, it felt a little... weird, practicing on a stranger but Johnny had assured him it didn't always have to be sexual. where Johnny had gotten such a subby sub Steve didn't know, but he was glad Johnny was protecting him because the kid, and it was a kid, had no 'tap out' at all. just like Tony. which was probably why Johnny was using him, so Steve could learn how to read the body behavior and mental ability of who he was working on. "Ooof!" Steve grunted as Tony landed another hit. this time right in his solar plexus and Steve staggered for a second. "fuck!" he muttered, sulking at Tony. "memo to self. i can't loose myself in thought when sparring with Tony anymore." and that was one hell of a compliment. coming from Steve anyway. "good work. very good work." Steve praised with a grin. "hey. you ready for lunch?" he asked as his oven dinged. "i made Senegalese Chicken and Peanut Soup, Curry with Rice, Chickpea Salad and some Cinnamon oranges with Baked Banana's for dessert. it's all African stuff." he admitted. "at least, that's what the... uh.... pages? said. it's a food place, where you can find any kind of recipe." literally. Steve, or rather Jarvis, had hit the mother load. "i have hummus too, with vegetables." he admitted, grinning brightly as he started dishing out the food. "it's a bit spicy, the Curry." he warned.
Tony grinnd as he heard the other’s sound, smiling slightly as he stepped back as the man sulked. “Good. If you’re treating me like you do Clint and Natasha, that’s high praise indeed.”Tony said smiling as he considered that, flushed with the pride. “Yea, lunch sounds amazing....and chicken and peanut soup?”He questioned looking interested before smirking, “Jarvis?”He asked. “, Sir. He has found a quite good site.” “That’s pretty awesome.”Tony smiled as he headed for the kitchen, smiling a little as he sat down at the bar, simply enjoying the other’s attention. “That’s okay, I enjoy spicy.”He smiled, for the moment simply relaxing.
he snorted. "not quite that good, but certainly getting there." he admitted with a chuckle. "now. i talked to Clint and Natasha, they are going to start training with you too. once a week." he admitted. "i'm not sure they can handle you more than that." he teased. "or more than that, you can put up with them bossing you around for more than that." he admitted. "hey. that's what it's called. i'm a bit wary of trying it myself but Bruce assured me it's a delicious dish." he admitted before smiling at Jarvis. or, rther at the corner where there was a camera. "good! i'm glad. here, try it." he ordered, nudging the Curry over to him while hesitantly trying his own soup. "...hmm... i'm a genius." he admitted with a grin before pausing when a knock came at the door. "uh... come in." clearly Steve wasn't expecting company. "...Johnny? i thought we weren't hanging out tod.... Jesus Christ! Faith! what the hell!?" Johnny was holding up a young boy, barely twenty. the boy was someone he and Tony had rescued from a nasty club, one that didn't have rules. just like Tony, Faith had no limits, not really. looks like the kid had wandered into the wrong club again because he was trembling, his face was bruised, his chest hac been cut with a knife and his back had been whipped bloody. "son of a bitch! what happened?!" "kidnapped." Johnny explained. "his old Master swung 'round and caught him. don't worry, i made sure the fucker couldn't do it again but he's in a bad place and the Tower was closest. i tried to call Tony but i couldn't get a hold of him." "i make him turn his phone off during training. fuck i'm so sorry! sit him down." "can't, they tore him.... down there..." "shit... Jarvis! call Bruce! Faith? can you hear me?" the boy just slurred and Steve grimaced. this was a bad head space. "i don't..." they hadn't covered this yet in his training.
“I’m always that good!”Tony grinned looking amused, before whining a little. “They are fairly bossy aren’t they?Though you’d think Barton would be more laid back, I mean, he is dating Agent.”Tony snickered a little before smiling. “Well, I do trust bruce’s taste, despite looking like a geek, he knows his food.”Tony snickered a little, groaning happily as he started eating, before starling a little at knock.”John?”Tony startled, responding like he normally did, calling johnny by his real name instead of his nickname when he was worried, “Faith?”He stared looking utterly shocked and at a loss for a moment before waving towards the bedrooms. “Lay him down in steve’s bed, its the softest.”Tony said nudging steve away before crouching down to look at faith, for a moment ignoring the bad headspace th sight of the boy was starting to drop him into. So used to having sex with faith and johnny, that even like this, it was enough to start dropping him even as he fought for control. “Faith, we’re going to lay you down okay?And thn you’re going to rest, and I’m going to gt a doctor in here.” “He’s on his way sir.”jarvis said as they moved towards the bedrooms.
he snorted. "i'm half convinced that Phil is the sub in that relationship.... that's the right word right?" he asked. "you know. the guy on bottom." Steve thought Phil was the submissive? well, it made sense. he controlled so much, while Clint usually took orders all day. then again, Steve gave orders all day and gave orders in bed too so that's wasn't exactly a fair assessment. "your right of course, Bruce has had food from nearly every corner of the world, he'd certainly know best on what's good and what isn't." he agreed before wincing. "we can't lay him on his belly, it's all carved up." Steve protested. "lay him on hi side and brace him from the front." he ordered, getting the emergency medical kit and pulling out a dose of painkillers. Bruce had very carefully shown Steve how to do this in case of emergencies. he filled the needle to the appropriate amount and then gently slipped the needle into Faith's arm. "what is that?" Johnny demanded. "painkillers. he'll probably fall asleep, as far down as he is." "good. if he can sleep it'll help right his head space." "his what?" "Subspace." "oh, the floaty cloud..." Faith always called it his 'Floaty Cloud'. it was all the hint Tony needed to know that Steve had been having sex, with Faith if not Johnny. Bruce swept into the room like a tidal wave, snapping orders that Steve obeyed to the letter. "the chest cuts are all superficial." Bruce informed them. "i can butterfly a few of them but that's all that he needs there. it's the back that's bad. he's going to need stitches here." Bruce admitted, pulling out his suture kit. playing a few butterfly adhesives to the worst of the chest cuts. "lay him on his belly and i'll... examine him." Bruce explained, Steve gently rolling the now sleeping Faith onto his belly. Bruce winced. "there's something... still in there. i'm going to have to...." take whatever was in there out. with swift practiced movements Bruce removed three vibrating eggs, all of them turned off thank goodness. "he's torn down here but it's not too bad. two stitches." he admitted. "but h's going to have a lot of trouble sitting." he warned. "his back is a mess. it's going to need a lot of stitches."
“It is the right word, but I totally don’t think so. I bet you he’s top.”Tony snickered a little though he looked thoughtful at the idea. “...Well, there’s no real good way to hold him then.”Tony said looking annoyed even as he did so, gently holding Faith in place as he looked up at the other two men, shuddering as he heard the sharp tone from johnny. “Sleeping it off will help.”he muttered before frowning, looking up as he stared at steve for a long moment, for a moment so utterly thrown off balance, he didn’t know what to think. Looking up at bruce he moved away to let the other man work, wincing as he realized that the bastard had really hurt faith. Swallowing thickly as he ran his fingers through his hair, sighing softly.”I’ll go make a chair or something to be used while he heals.”Tony said already heading for the door, looking a little lost and a little confused, so he did what he always did, heading downstairs to the lab, because he always worked when he was upset.
he snorted. "they probably... switch?" he asked, his head tilted. "no, there really isn't." Steve agreed with a sigh. "T...ny?" Faith slurred, wondering how he'd ended up in Tony's arms. "Shh. Faith. it's okay." Johnny whispered, stroking his 'boy-toy's' hair. "okay Faith. go to sleep." Johnny agreed. "it's okay. your safe." he promised. Faith slurred something, closed his eyes and was asleep before Bruce even showed up. "tell me who did this." Steve demanded, his voice a snarl and Johnny grimaced. "Faith's last 'Master'... Carl Anderson. but it's too late. i burned off the top layer of his skin. he isn't in life threatening danger but he's in a shit load of pain and he'll be going to prison as soon as he's healed enough." Johnny admitted. "thanks Tony." Johnny whispered, examining the other, wondering what was wrong with him. "...i'm going to go talk to the police." Steve decided, his lips tight and angry, running his fingers through Faith's hair before heading out to deal with the asshole who had done this. unaware of the 'breaking news' that was the 'Johnny Storm and Captain America' Romance. it was wrong, but most of the news stations where running a story on how Captain America was dating the Human Torch. basing the story on hw much time and the places they'd been going to. they didn't say exactly what places, but the time they spent together was very highlighted. Steve was going to be even more furious when he found out.
“Hm, maybe.”Tony said seriously looking amused. “Yea, hey Faith.You’re safe.”Tony reassured looking down at faith before sighing softly as teh man went to sleep, looking up at steve as he shuddered a little at the utter anger in steve’s voice, swallowing a little, shuddering at the idea of the skin being burned away, knowing just how bad that had to be. “Bye Steve.”tony muttered. And indeed it was driving tony even more insane, as Jarvis had kindly informed him of the news, which in turn, had the man holing up in the lab for the few hours, before the worst thing happened. The memory that had so nicely been stuffed away, was broken, leaving the man a shaking mess as he curled up on the couch of the lab, so obviously upset and hiding that he’d grabbed a few blankets, including the soft fleece blanket he’d stolen from steve’s rooms....and the captain america blanket he’d had as a kid...and the one as a teenager, while it didn’t happen often, when he was so totally upset and utterly lost and unbalanced the man nested, not as bad as clint as he didn’t hide in the vents, but he holed up in his lab, burrowing down into the couch to simply wait for the memories to kill him, because he was pretty sure that was what was going to happen, he couldn’t live through this surely.
Tony." River was suddenly there, smoke curling around him as he stepped out of whatever it was he traveled through and approached Tony, his head tilted. "Jarvis called me." he admitted, reaching out with his power and wrapping Tony up in layer after layer of calm, slowly sinking him into it, not unlike how Johnny would immerse him into a subspace. slowly, carefully, letting him feel each layer before letting it stop once he was too calm to feel anything else. "you promised to call me Tony." river said, voice worried instead of upset. "a Memory like that, you can't handle it on your own. he murmured. he didn't try to crack Tony's nest, it was better that Tony felt safe and comfortable. the nest did that and River had no intention at all of making Tony move. "Talk to me Tony. i can't help you if you don't tell me." he whispered, worried about the other.
Tony snuffled a little as river talked, shivering a little as he calmed, sighing softly as he relaxed down into the couch,”...forgot....”Tony muttered the only thing visble was the very top of his head, the curly oiled mess of his hair. “...My father hurt Cap.Badly. Horribly.”Tony muttered whimpering quietly. “Showed me the videos....thought I was Steve once...”He shuddered trying for calm but not having any at all, feeling utterly destroyed.
River grimaced a little. "how badly Tony?" he asked, looking worried. someday, Steve might remember some of it. but others? Steve had never woken up for them so he would have no idea of the horrible surgeries he had undergone. the amount of biology based tech stuffed inside of Steve, unnoticed because it was mostly made from Steve's own flesh and blood, was staggering. Tony was probably the only person alive who knew the hell Steve had undergone at the hands of Howard. "...Tony. Howard hurt you?" he asked softly, looking very worried indeed. "can you take some deep breaths for me Tony? deep, deep breaths, keep breathing. there's a good boy." he breathed, upping the Calm that was wrapping around Tony. "tell me about it. if Howard has hurt Steve, then i'm going to have to help Steve through this as well. the more i know, the more i can help him." because Tony would do anything to help Steve. never mind that he was helping himself in the process. "Jarvis? lock down the lab would you Doll?" River asked. "tell Steve that Tony's having a breakdown, set off by Faith's condition. this would give Tony ll the time he needed to recover, and not make Steve worry overly much. hopefully.
Tony shuddered,”Badly.”Tony muttered as he shifted, hiding even more under the blankets, and even through the blankets you could see he ewas shaking some. “...Yes. He did.”tony muttered shuddring a little, taking some deep breaths, whining softly as he realized he was indeed going to have to tll River. “Of course, Doctor. Don’t worry, I’ll get him making cookies or something equally interesting.”Jarvis said sounding worried. “....Cookies sound good.”Tony muttered before wincing as he started telling river everything he remembered, after nearly two hours of talking he trailed off into a exhausted silence, feeling sick and disgusted himself as he tried to cope, and definitely not doing well.
he nodded. if Tony of all people was saying it was bad, then it was bad. "it's okay Tony." River promised. "it's alright." he murmured. realizing it wasn't just one memory, all of them had shaken loose and where flooding his friend. not good, definitely not good. "Thank you Jay, you're just a Darling." River admitted before smiling at Tony. "Cookies are delightful." he agreed with a smile. "Tony. it's okay." he promised softly before moving in, shifting as he did so. he looked a lot like a Japanese Dragon, covered in thick soft fir with a long serpentine body that looped around Tony's nest, bathing him in warmth and good feelings until he was totally surrounded by safety and calm. "Breath. and Sleep. let the good feelings fill you. breath them in. let them flood you." River breathed. "take it in, and Relax." he knew this was cheating. no mortal, most immortals couldn't fight him once he let it all out, let the Technosis seep out from every scale and every follicle. but Tony needed to sleep before he truly started to panic. before he started to loose his mind in the whirl of emotion. he stayed with Tony for the rest of the night, soothing his dreams and singing Dream Song for Tony, helping him sort his new memories while he slept and helping sort his emotions as well, giving Tony a leg up for when he woke up. he would be by no means recovered, not even close, but he wouldn't be drowning anymore. he was still there, still fur and Scale and Dragon when Tony woke up, wrapped around him so that there was no chance for Tony to escape.
“No it’s not...”tony muttered shudddering as the dragaon wrapped around him. And inded when he woke, the man was still utterly lost. While not drowning still, he was shaken, hurting and utterly disgusted with himself for being alive. While he wasn’t dream, his sense of self, and how he felt about himslf had taken a hit, he was definitely going to have to watched, otherwise he might hurt himself. “....”He shuddered a little, biting his lip, knowing river needed to know. “Johnny and Stev are dating. And he’s sleeping with Faith...he’s going to need you need to check on him...”Tony said sounding utterly sad and wistful, not only because the man wanted steve for himself-not that he’d admit it-, but he was utterly upset that no one had told him that thy were seeing each other.
River shifted a little when the other woke and blinked at him. large, gentle yellow eyes filled with a soothing soul. "oh Tony." River sounded amused. "Steve is nt dating Johnny." he admitted. "he's spoken to me about it." he admitted. "Johnny is giving him... lessons." he explained with a chuckle. "he feels quite ashamed and disgusted with himself really, wanting such 'perverse' things. but he is doing them anyway because he likes how right it feels. "however, Steven has not had actual intercourse. he did let Faith give him a blowjob once, but he felt so ashamed and guilty after that he couldn't do it again." he admitted, chuckling. "he hasn't fucked Faith or Johnny and he certainly isn't dating them." River promised. "Steve is very ashamed that he wants things like what he saw and it's only going to get worse now that he's seen what can happen when a person lets that power go to his head." River admitted. "Steve is struggling Tony. struggling a lot. with who he is as a person. he can't even decide if he likes men or not, you think he would be okay with people knowing, any people, that he likes the things you like? that he likes to hit people. hurt them, hold them down, control them?" he asked, tilting his slender, wolf like head. "he did not tell you, because he is ashamed of himself, and thinks you will judge him for it, no matter that he knows you like the same things." he admitted. "he's also currently trying to figure out why Johnny is suing the news for slander."
“...Yes he is. You don’t have to lie for him. I don’t mind really, they’re good together.”Well, tony could be stubborn and annoying if he thought he was right and refuse to believe anything else. It’d probably take steve, and even then probably not, to convince tony that this wasn’t exactly what he thought it was. “...You need to talk to him. I mean...what my father had to mess him up. Not that I think he’s mssed up or something’s wrong with him, but he’s not going to be okay, he can’t be when it comes to sex...even if he doesn’t remember he’s still upset about it...”Tony sighed sadly, so very disgusted to be related to howard, shifting he snuggled back into his nest, having every intention of going anywhere yet. “....Will you tell Johnny to come down?”He asked, the impulse taking him hard, and needing the other man, simply to force his self disgust away in a wash of pain, and knowing better then to voice the need to river, simply wanting to lose himself before wincing. “Nevermind...”He sighed sadly, not wanting to upset johnny by asking if he was dating steve. He was so so horrible about accepting things when he didn’t believe what people were telling him. He simply would set his heels down and refuse to blieve.
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