Lies hiding Truth (moon/lady)

“No, no it’s not. I used a spoon and I can cook. Totally.”Tony sulked making a face. “...He might have. I don’t think he did.”Phil frowned trying to figure out a way to distract them from clint. “Maybe.”Tony frowned a little before nodding. “I’ll go get to work on it.”Tony said sighing softly, hating that he’d missed something for someone to work around. “I’ll block it so the birdbrain can’t go falling out of the vents.”Tony grumbled looking worried as he patted steve on the shoulder.”Put me down Cap.”He said shuddering a little as he felt muscles moving under his hands, it was amazing to feel the simple strength in the other’s hold. “Okay. I’m going to go down to the lab, work.Bye people.”Tony said as he waved over his shoulder, his emotional trauma sliding straight into manic-ness,
Natasha rolled her eyes. "he probably did Phil, i bet you twenty he stabbed himself with his own arrow. the drugged ones and that's why he fell out of the vent." she scoffed. the arrows where potent enough that just a scratch could have made Clint stagger. no matter that he had built up an immunity to his own poisons, some of them where strong enough to stagger him anyway. the team relaxed, if it was just something like that, then of course Clint would keep it hidden, he had a man's pride after all. they let it go. Steve gently put Tony down, and watched the other leave, sighing a little. "Tony i'm not sure you should be working right now..." "it's alright. i'll go help him." Johnny promised. "you got Faith?" "yeah. i've got Faith." Steve promised. "you got Tony?" "i'll do my damnedest." at that was about all you could do when Tony was involved. still, Johnny knew Tony the best, Steve could trust the other with him. Johnny just sat with Tony while he worked, only looking up when Steve came in with a huge plate of Spaghetti for both men. "i'm not letting you miss lunch." Steve admitted, picking Tony up, away from his computer and sat him down in front of the food. "eat. then you can go back to working." Johnny used his hand to keep from laughing. he knew how much Tony liked being manhandled. which was to say, not at all unless he was down. granted, this WAS Steve, who got away with so much, so who knew how Tony would react.
“.....Oh, he probably did. Idiot’s done it before.”Phil shook his head, and it was the truth. Which was all the more amusing. “I’m fine to work. Don’t worry.”Tony said as he left, for once ignoring the captain’s advice. Indeed the whole time tony worked he muttered and talked to himself, which wasn’t abnormal really, it was just adorable that for once it wasn’t mostly work he was talking about, more that he was talking about what he’d remembered, getting the poison of the memories out without really being aware he was doing it. Yelping as he was picked up, having not even registered the other’s presence before he was picked up, sputtering and annoyed as he squirmed trying to get away. “Cap, gotta work. Stop it. I don’t need you manhandling me. I’ll eat later, I want to work, and I’m making miniature iron men to guard the gates of my castle and stop it, I need to work.”Tony demanded trying to squirm off the stool he’d been sat on, definitely responding like normal at being manhandled.
Steve snorted a little. he knew that some of those Arrows where specifically designed to take down the Hulk with minimal damage. not that they'd needed it yet. ever since the Invasion Hulk had been very compliant to Steve and he seamed to adore Tony. probably because Tony made Hulk friendly Toys for the big guy to play with. Johnny was feeling rather sick as he listened to Tony but said nothing. River had popped in when Johnny had texted him, told Johnny it was fine and to let Tony talk it out and vanished again to handle Bruce, who was having a 'twitchy day'. "Tony. that is enough." Steve ordered in his 'Captain Voice'. "You need a break. you are talking nonsense and when you talk nonsense then you build nonsense." he pointed out. "Take a break, eat your lunch, and rest your mind a little bit. you'll work better and more efficiently for it." Steve promised, hesitating before running his fingers through Tony's hair, the way he did for Faith when the subby was upset. "just eat and then you can go back to work." Johnny agreed.
Tony’s head snapped up at the sound of steve’s captain voice, looking at th other, as the words backed up, simply listening to the other man. “...I am not!it’s not nonsense to want little iron men. It’d be awesome.”tony whined a little even as he stared at the other man for a long moment before swallowing hard, eyes glazing a little as the other man stroked his hair. Oh. That was nice. Whining a little at the orders from both doms, he shuddered as he started to eat, though you could tell he was still sulking about it, and subconsciously goading them to get punished for it.
Steve smiled a little at Tony. "it's impractical and worse, someone might try to steal them thinking that they're toys and cause all kinds of problems. you can still make little Iron Men but i doubt they would work well for the Vent problem... they could be useful in spy missions though, especially if they can each work interdependently on a limited A.I system." Steve admitted, flushing brightly when Johnny stared at him. "i've been studying..." he admitted. "Jarvis has been helping." he admitted. "i figured if tony was going to babble at me about it, i should at least try to make sense of it..." he admitted. "good boy." Johnny praised when Tony started to eat, smiling a little. once Tony was half done, Steve decided Tony had eaten enough and headed off to make Faith eat something other than cookies. "your such a brat Tony." Johnny teased, smirking at the other. "your just begging for a spanking aren't you? such a naughty boy."
“...Oh. That’s true. But I’ll make them. Maybe in black and purple, Birdbrain and spidey would probably like them.”Tony mused looking thoughtful and interested before pausing, staring at steve in much the same way johnny was. Squirming a little in his seat, finding it undeniably hot to hear tech babble from his....well not his...captain. “ I can tell. Brains and beauty, you’re going to make someone a good wife someday.”Tony teased the other a little, blushing as he was praised. Ducking his head a little as he ate, smirking as he watched steve go. “Am not. I’m not a brat.And I don’t need a spanking. What I need, is to work.”Tony said as he picked up hsi plate and moved back to the workbench so he could eat and work at the same time.
Steve snorted a little, amused. "if anything, make one for each of us. we could carry them in our pockets and they could activate if we get caught in trouble somewhere or something." he suggested. "sort of like a safety measure or something." he mused before flushing as he was stared at, fidgeting. "i'm not that smart. i can't even work a blender." Steve grumbled, sulking. "i broke the second one so i'm gonna need new ones...." Johnny laughed and watched Steve leave before smirking at Tony. "you are. you where showing off for the good captain weren't you? you wanted him to bury his hand in your hair and yank it back and make you kneel and submit." Johnny breathed. "you still want it. yearn for it. crave it. when was the last time you where under Tony?" he asked, watching Tony without moving from his seat. simply sitting there, watching him. waiting to see if Tony would fight it, or submit. it was hard to tell with Tony, unpredictable. that was why Johnny loved it so much. he would miss Tony once he left to start a relationship with Steve, but he would be very happy for Tony too. Steve was so intuitive, always knew just what to do to keep the Sub stable. Steve would be perfect for Tony.
“...I like it. You’re is going to look like a flag. I can totally see it, Captain.”Tony grinned indeed liking the idea as he smirked a little. “...Well, a blender is a complex piece of machinery. I can’t work one either.”tony pointed out, before smiling.”I’ll make one for you. Make it user friendly.”he looked amused. “No. I wasn’t. And no, I don’t. Stop it. I’m working.”Tony made a face looking annoyed as he started working, also feeding himself sometimes, because steve had told him to eat, so he was eating. “...what day is it?”He frowned a little, thinking about it before johnny answered. “Well, then two weeks.”Tony muttered
Steve snorted a little. "i look like a flag." he reminded the other. "or i used to until you fixed that damn suit." he had nearly strangled Phil when he realized the other had designed the original suit. until he realized Phil had only planned the color scheme and design not the fabric. Steve had looked, originally, as if it was painted on until Fury noticed it and warned the scientists that they where to fix it so Steve didn't look like a male stripper or else. the next design was so much better. it was Tony's Kevlar black and white suit that Steve liked the best. "thanks, that would be great." Steve agreed with a smile. "Tony. you need to drop." Johnny warned, eyes blazing as he adopted his Dom voice. "Get, Up. On Your Knees. Now." he demanded, waiting for Tony to fight, or to Comply. if he fought, then Johnny was going to have to... force sounded wrong, but he was going to have to make Tony drop. he was too wired to be trusted on his own and too upset to be left as he was. he needed to drop and Johnny was just the man to do it.
“Hm, you still look like a flag some, just like a black and white one.”Tony teased amused because while the kevlar was still form fitting and tight, it was more combat made, loose to move in, but tight enough to not hinder movement either. “...Do not. Stop it. I’m working.”Tony demanded as he set the plate aside to work more, looking annoyed that johnny was daring to interrupt him.
Johnny was up in a flash, his fingers tight in Tony's hair, pulling hard, forcing Tony into an arch. "What did you just say to me!?" Johnny demanded. "did you just tell me 'No' and then give me an order all in the same breath as dismissing me Cunt?" he demanded. "Well!? i gave you an Order, Brat! on your knees, now!" he demanded, pulling Tony off the stool and onto the mat that was suddenly laying there. it was soft, springy, not unlike a Yoga Mat to save Tony's knees the hard concrete of the floor. "That was a very naughty thing to do, Boy." he warned. "your going to have to be punished. i'll give you a choice. you can do Corner Time, and then i'll fuck you after, or you can take the whip, and a plug and you'll wear it the rest of the night before i fuck you. and you won't be allowed to cum." he warned. well aware of which one Tony would pick, but making him choose anyway because it was cruel and would drop him into the right mindset for a punishment.
“N-no. Working.”Tony panted, eyes wide as he looked at the other. Still fighting despite starting to drop. His memories leaving him to emotionally raw to want to drop. Yelping as he was dragged off the stool he groaned as he knelt on the mat, trembling a little as he blinked away tears, indeed starting to drop as he watched the other. While he didn’t like being called a whore or slut, anything else was fine. Even if he never admitted that he didn’t like the name calling, he’d never said it, even if johnny knew it. Whimpering at the choices he bowed his head, groaning a little as it pulled on his hair. “.....Whip.”He whined squirming a little, indeed dropping straight to where johnny needed him, where h needed to be
Johnny knew calling Tony Cunt was straddling that line, which is why he only did it when the other was being punished. Boy, Brat, Bad Boy, where often used too though Bad By was only used if Tony had actually done something wrong. granted, telling Johnny 'no' and the way he had acted was very bad, it was only because Tony was in a bad head-space and Johnny refused to call him 'bad boy' for that. not when it affected Tony so much. Naughty worked so much better in this situation. "Strip." he ordered, heading to the hidden closet where Tony kept his 'Kink Kit'. getting the hitting whip, which was shorter and fatter than a bullwhip. Johnny wasn't good enough with a bullwhip yet, he couldn't pull the strokes consistently enough and tended to flay open whatever he was practicing on. currently, pillows. so he used a safer whip, one that hurt just as much, it just didn't make as much noise. "you where such a naughty boy." Johnny accused. "acting up like that when you knew you needed to drop. so naughty." he stated, running his fingers through Tony's hair as he passed. his way of letting Tony know that everything was okay. "how many strokes do you think, Tony? Answer." he ordered. knowing Tony wouldn't say a word unless Johnny told him to.
Tony whimpered a little at the name calling, shuddering a little as he closed his eyes before moving to his feet just long enough to strip, trembling as he knelt again. Listening to johnny move around the room was dropping him even further, dropping so far that you knew he’d be feeling it for awhile, even after he stasrted coming up. “...”He stared at the other, beyond words or really thoughts, turning his head a little into johnny’s hand as he trembled, blinking studpidly at the other, “...20?Twenty sounds good.”Tony muttered blinking up at him.
Johnny smiled, pleased that Tony was now behaving. good. "that's good. much better." he praised Tony. "Twenty Strokes? alright. Brace." he ordered. Ton would be expected to turn and grip the bar that was in front of him. it was usually a... well Johnny wasn't sure what it normally was for but he'd seen Tony using it for all sorts of things, welding and cutting. a wrought iron half square welded into the floor that was just at the right height for Tony to grip tightly and hold himself still. Johnny flexed and handled the whip, cracking it against the floor, warming it up before turning to Tony, sliding the tail over his skin in warning that they where going to begin. he never surprised Tony with a hit, it did bad things, so he warned the other first. he lashed Tony across the shoulders, working his way down. the bright singing pain, the crack of whip was like a song and Johnny lost him to it. he loved the way Tony cried out, arching, trying to get away while trying to lean into it. "Twenty." he declared, watching Tony, his back a lone line of welts each a finger space between. he dropped the whip and stroked the lines, kissing the back of Tony's neck. "good boy Tony. such a good boy. do you want to cum Tony? or should i just work you open, set the plug and let you get back to work?" he wondered, sometimes Tony answered and sometimes he didn't. either way, he was probably just going to work the plug into Tony and if he came. well then he did. if not, well then he'd just have to wait until later that night for his relief.
Tony shuddered, groaning quietly as he was praised, smiling quietly before nodding absently, bracing his hands onto the bar. Tense and waiting for a strike. Tensing a little as end trailed over his skin, whimpering quietly as he groaned, squirming and panting as he was worked over. Slumping a little at the last stroke, he moaned, blinking slowly as johnny stroked his back, turning his head up to look at the other as he spoke, but a single look was all johnny needed to know was that he to far gone to talk. Shivering as the other started working him open, shivering and aching as he simply let the other was plugged. Simply to needy, needing punished to much to come, resisting the pleasure as he let the other take care of him.
Johnny smiled as he watched the other. Tony wouldn't be getting anymore work done, bt that wasn't a bad thing. he took his time working Tony open, sliding his fingers in and out of the tight little hole, a grin on his lip when he worked the plug n. it was big enough that Tony would feel it with every move he made. "you won't Cum, Tony." he warned, sliding a cock ring around the other's cock, stroking the length before standing. "up. get dressed." he ordered. "your in no condition to work now. we're going up to your bedroom and i'll watch TV while you... well. i'll think of something for you to do." he promised, rubbing his own crotch suggestively, knowing Tony would get the clue. blowjobs.
Tony whimpered, squirming as the man worked him over, shuddering as he felt the plug, blinking slowly as he looked up at johnny. “...”he stared, whining quietly as he heard the other’s words, despite being far down, he wanted to still work. Groaning as he watched the other rub his cock he nodded eagerly, stumbling to his feet to get dressed, before following johnny upstairs. Quite content indeed to simply use his mouth for johnny’s pleasure.

Later tony panted softly as he rested his head on johnny’s hip, simply laying with him, having exhausted johnny for once, blinking slowly. “...Should go see Cap.”He muttered even as relaxed and calm he was, even though he was still full and needy with both the plug and cock ring on, he still wanted to see th captain. Even if he wouldn’t admit to wanting the other, he still wanted to see him. Down enough to sort of admit that he needed to see the other man.
Johnny smiled and stroked his fingers through Steve's hair. "Tony i don't think your in the right mind to ask for Steve." he pointed out. "if you really must see him, wait an hour to calm down first." he ordered calmly. "of course, i could always ask him up to draw you or something." he mused, examining Tony. "you'd like that too much though." he mused, grinning as he stroked Tony's neck. "well, it's up to you of course." it's not like Steve would treat Tony any differently and it might help Clue Tony in a little.
Tony went quiet again, frowning softly. “...oh.Okay. A hour.”Tony muttered relaxing more, thinking about it. Before frowning again, “Would he really come up and visit with us?I don’t,...want to go visit’re right....can’t go out of the room yet....but he could come up here.”Tony said with a quiet neediness, before flinching at the memory that hit him, pressing closer to johnny. “ mind. I’ll see him in the morning.”He muttered with a quiet sadness, so sad because the man wasn’t dealing well with the news his father had raped him, and each time he considered seeing steve, or being with him like that, it made him feel so sick and disgusting, not because he thought it was disgusting to want steve like that, but it made him feel dirty for wanting steve to be with him, like he didn’t deserve the other’s company. Closing his eyes, he sighed, starting to fall asleep, having every intention of simply sleeping it off.
Johnny chuckled a little and nodded. "he'd come up if you wanted him to." he admitted. "Tony. don't sleep." he warned, stroking the others cock a little more. "you go to sleep and i'll fuck you back awake. and you still won't be allowed to cum." he warned with a grin before pausing and then. "here. put your underwear and pants on." he ordered. "i'm calling Steve up. he'll want to see your back." he admitted. "he's never whipped a person before, i want him to see the welts." he decided, making it Johnny's decision for Steve to come up. which would hopefully help Tony decide what he wanted more. "Jay? call Steve up?" of course, if Ton sad no, Johnny would rescind the order.
“...Why not?You know I like sleeping like this.”Tony muttered, though it would probably be a very bad idea for him to sleep like this when he was so emotionally wrung out and a mess, and disgusted with himself. If he did, he’d probably just torture himself with dreams. “Kay...”Tony muttered even as he squirmed around to get dressed, flushing a little at the idea of steve seeing him, his stomach rolling with self-disgust but not protesting either. “Of course sir.”Jarvis said after a moment to make sure tony wouldn’t say no. “...”Tony sighed quietly as he slumped back down onto the bed after dressing, he laid on his stomach studying johnny. “Why not?You’re good with the whip.”He muttered.
he shook his head. "you'll have nightmares if you sleep now." he stated simply. "don't think i don't know." he stated simply. staring at the other before smirking, pleased when Tony just did as he was told. "Good boy. i'm good with a whip, yes but Steve's not. no yet. he's a damn quick study though." he admitted before looking up when there was a knock on the door and Johnny blinked. "that was fast. come in Steve!" and in came Steve carrying the creme that Johnny preferred to use on Tony's welts. "hey. Jay said you gave Tony a..." here he paused, head tilted, thinking for the word he wanted. "thrashing?" "no. that sounds harsh. i don't like that one." "punishment? whipping?" "punishment." Steve decided before blinking as he saw Tony. "wow..." Steve muttered, moving over to Tony, his head tilted. "it's gorgeous." he admitted, eyes taking in the thick welts. "the spacing... will i be able to do that?" "eventually. with enough practice." Johnny admitted with a chuckle. "Tony? can he touch?" Johnny asked, running his fingers through Tony's hair. he knew this would be a big step for Tony. a good step. this could help Tony heal, but only if he let it. "what does it feel like?" Steve asked suddenly. addressing Tony. "i tried. Johnny hit be, once with every thing but all it did was make me panic... the pain didn't do a damn thing for me, so i was wondering...."
“...You know to much sometimes I think.”Tony muttered as he laid down again, looking amused. “He’s always been a quick study.”He said looking amused before frowning as he realized that steve had probably nearly run to get up here that fast. Looking curious about the rush, but to spaced out to really worry about it as he laid on his stomach, running his head to the side to watch steve and johnny discuss words. “I was bad. Needed punished.”Tony muttered, down enough to be utterly, truly honest, nearly brutally so. Shivering a little at the other’s praise he smiled quietly, leaning his head into johnny’s hand, whimpering quietly, a sound of utter...near disgust. Not with the idea of steve touching him, but his own fear of contaminating steve with whatever was wrong with him. “ long as he thinks it’s safe, I guess.”Tony muttered compromising between his disgust with himself, and his need to have the man touch him. Even if he didn’t want to admit it, tony wanted steve. “...release. A way of being punished for everything that is wrong with me. A way of forgetting.”Tony muttered, hm, so so honest. It was about pleasure for him to, but for the most part, it was a way to forget.
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