Lies hiding Truth (moon/lady)

Johnny smirked. "i know all. i see all, i am all." he said in his best mystical voice. "bad?" Steve asked, looking amused. "on purpose or by accident?" ah, Steve DID know a bit more about Submissive behavior than Johnny had insinuated. Johnny just chuckled. "he was in a bad head-space is all, he needed attention." he admitted, running his fingers through Tony's hair. "he hasn't cum yet." "" Steve asked, looking startled. " can do that? control his orgasm?" "sure. it just takes practice, on the subs part, and self control wich Tony can have when he really wants to. the Cock Ring helps." "the... what?" "oh. it's a ring that compresses the cock, it makes it harder to cum. for some men, like Tony, they can't cum at all with it on." "....huh... and he likes that?" "oh he loves Orgasm denial, don't you Tony?" Johnny asked with an impish grin. "he's down low enough that he can't lie." he explained to Steve who nodded. "....forgetting?" Steve asked, sounding a bit, off. then his hand was on Tony's back, in the middle of the shoulders and stroked down, over the welts. calloused, massive hands dragging against those welts. "they're so warm..." "it's because the blood has pooled there." " know. i don't think i realized just how tiny Tony really is..." he admitted. "he's always so... big, attitude i guess." Steve muttered, smiling. "so much energy. he's tiny like this, all loose and calm and easy...."
“You are not yoda, you know.”Tony muttered before whining a little.”Accident.”He muttered whining quietly as he leaned johnny’s hand, squirming a little, “I always have self control. I do manage to go to work sometimes you know, instead of simply doing what I want.”Tony muttered, though that wasn’t so much self control as it was his utter need to get the ideas for new things out. “Oh yes. I know when I do come, it’ll be cause I was good enough to be allowed to.”tony muttered a little nodding. “Forgetting. I’m a horrible person normally, and I’ve done some things I’m not proud of. Like this, none of that matters to me.”Tony muttered arching into the man’s hand. Oh yea, definitely low enough to be honest with men who’d be pissed off if he admitted to his normal self disgust and hate. Shuddering as he rocked his hips into the bed under him at the feel of those battle hardened hands on his back, not aware enough to stop the motion when he enjoyed the touch that much. He’d be embarassed and out of sorts when he came up, but for the moment...well. “Not tiny. nope.I’m huge, and hung like a horse.”Tony muttered relaxed and content.
Johnny smirked. "Awesome at all, i am. obey me you will, or harsher punishment awaits." he warned, smirking as he looked up at Steve who tilted his head at Tony. "i don't think that counts Tony." he teased with a small smile. "we all know that you only go to work when Pepper makes you." he admitted before nodding, realizing for Tony, almost everything was about punishment and praise. he'd have to keep that in mind. "your not a horrible person." he assured Tony. "i've met horrible people you know. Red Skull, Nazi, Arnold Schewer who went out of his way to beat the shit out of me every other day when i was in school. your nothing like them." he admitted. "i've met all kinds of assholes, perverts, bastards and dicks and honestly? while you have a little bit of Snark n you, it's kind of nice once you get used to it." he admitted with a grin. "no. i'd say your not horrible at all." he admitted, stroking the others back again, this time going back up before gripping the back of Tony's neck gently, letting Tony feel the effortless power there. "i never imagined he'd be so responsive." he admitted to Johnny, slightly breathless. "yeah, he's like a giant cat once you get him low enough." Johnny admitted with a chuckle. "want to learn how to do the aftercare for welts?" "if Tony doesn't mind?"
“Obey I will.”Tony muttered squirming a little, it was utterly adorable really, listening to another geek talking like yoda. “....”Tony whimpered, whining a little, flinching at the mention of perverts and dicks, pressing down into the bed as it tripped into a memory, before the hand on his neck jerking him back up out of the memory, trembling and shaking under the effortless power, trembling as he rocked his hips into the bed, eyes widening as he met johnny’s eyes, having come even with the cock ring on, startled and upset as he trembled under steve’s hand, for a moment so spaced out that he didn’t even hear the question that was being directed at him, simply enjoying being under the captain’s hold.
Johnny watched Tony, amused that the other was still trying to deny that he was in lust with the big captain. at the very least. "is he supposed to be doing that?" "no. but he can't help it." Johnny admitted with a chuckle. "it's been too long, he doesn't have the restraint." he admitted. "when a Sub goes down for the first time after a long time, it messes with their head a bit so allowances have to be made." he admitted. "it doesn't help that mentally, Tony is pretty torn up right now. he uncovered a few traumatic childhood memories that he'd repressed so he's a lot more... hating on himself then he otherwise would be." "traumatic memories?" "yeah. that's all i know." Johnny admitted. Steve snorted, clearly not believing Johnny, but knowing not to ask because it wasn't his business. "...Good boy Tony." Steve finally said when he realized the other was too spaced out to respond. "i should go check on Faith and make sure Clint hasn't blown anything up." Steve admitted, a bit reluctantly. he wanted to watch Tony get taken apart, but couldn't bring himself to watch. not when he couldn't have Tony. "i'll bring you guys up some Dinner later okay?" he asked with a grin before skipping off, Johnny chuckling as he looked at Tony. "you came, didn't you? impressive." he admitted. "you where such a good boy for the captain. i think you deserve a reward."
Tony whimpered as they talked about him, not following well as the man held his neck. Finding a new kink that he hadn’t lnown he had. “...bad memories...”Tony muttered shuddering a little, trying to add to the conversation, but to strung out on pleasure to follow. Smiling in pleasure, the afterglow of his orgasm leaving him sleepy and content as he looked up at steve, smiling quietly. “ good.”Tony muttered watching steve go, before his head turned around to look at johnny, eyes wide before nodding a little as he shifted, snuggling into johnny.”I did.”He muttered sounding utterly undone with pleasure before whimpering, “No no don’t deserve anything. Never do. Didn’t want to come...did anyways....”He whined, having been punishing himself, but the strentgh in steve’s fingers, the casual power and control and tipped the scales on him without even been aware that he’d been that close.
Steve smiled and stroked the other with his thumb, still gripping the back of his neck, oblivious to the fact that he had made Tony cum. "yeah i've a lot of those too." Steve promised Tony with a smile. "yes, Food is good." he assured Tony with a smile. he was making a mixture of Tony and Faith's favorites. since they where feeling poorly. it was a pain in the ass to get Faith to eat anything but sweets though, so mostly it was Faith's favorite hot potato soup and cake of various kinds along with a mountains worth of cookies. "Brat." Johnny hissed, gripping Tony's hair Tightly. "it is not your place to decide what you do and don't deserve. that is my job, my right." he warned. "if i say you deserved that orgasm then you deserved it. besides. he's like.. the super Dom, even i can't stand up against him." Johnny admitted. "don't tell him that though, he hasn't noticed" he admitted, kissing Tony's hair with a grin. "now. i think i'm ready to fuck you, would you like that?"
Tony moaned, eyes going wide as the othr jerked his hair, panting and startled as he looked up at johnny, nodding a little. “Deserve it. You said so.”H muttered whimpering softly squirming a little as the othr kissed his head, giggling a little. “No, can’t tell him. He’d never let us hear the end of it.”Tony said smiling a little, squirming as he nodded eagrly. “Please, I’d like that, please.”
Johnny snorted a little. "that's right. you deserve it, because i said so." he agreed before setting in to rock Tony's world. three times that night Tony was woken up to a horny Johnny, leaving him loose limbed and well sated by the time morning rolled around. Steve was looking very amused when they staggered out of bed. "morning! i saved you guys some breakfast." he admitted. "Faith is doing so much better today." he admitted. "he's sitting up on his own now. and whining of course." Faith hated being stuck in one place for too long. he got 'bored'. Faith hated being tied down to anything and being on bed rest, for him, sucked as bad as being locked in a room. again, it was Tony's and Faith' favorites. Faith's cheesecake pancakes smothered in glazed strawberries. way too much sugar for Steve's tastes, but oh well. he made them anyway, anything to get Faith to eat more than three bites.
“Tony grinned as he ran his hands through his newly washed hair, indeed loose limbed and well sated, his normal quiet manic self. “Good. And breakfast?”Tony perked up at the mention, “you made food-oh!You didn’t just make food. You made amazing pancakes.”Tony grinned happily as he moved to sit at the table, smiling as he grabbed his plate of food, so utterly happy at finding food, even if it wasn’t steve who’d dominated him the night before, or if he wasn’t down actually, the man was utterly happy at being taken care of, of looked after. For once not fighting being taken care of. He’d settle, rest easier, and come back his bitchy, annoyed self soon enough, but for the moment h was content. "Thanks Steve."
Steve grinned a little at him. "yep. Breakfast." he agreed. "Faith should be coming down soon too, i know you want to check on him." he admitted to Tony. "Jarvis told me they where your favorite." he admitted with a grin, letting the other take as much as he wanted. "morning Faith." "good morning Steven." Faith said happily. Faith was small and slender, shorter even than Tony was by nearly a full head. he had white, white hair, which he'd streaked with green, blue, purple, yellow and red to make him almost a rainbow. his eyes where the softest baby blue, framed with eyeliner. and he was currently wearing a skirt with leggings and a blouse that matched. "pancakes!" Faith cried, delighted, sitting down gingerly and helping himself. "Does he always call you Steven?" Clint asked, walking in with a curious expression. "yup." Steve admitted. "it's his special privilege of sorts." Steve admitted, which only made Clint blink, grab enough pancakes for him and Phil, and leave. "hey! before you go, someone was in the vents last night after Natasha drugged you... or you drugged yourself..." "that happened ONCE! that's all, just once! and it was YEARS ago!" Clint protested, making Steve snort. "anyway, would you mind looking into it later?" "yeah sure."
“They are. And something people don’t make me often,as it’s like the world’s biggest sugar rush.”Tony snickered a little as he started to eat, smiling at faith. Glad to see him up and moving, looking him over. “How are you feeling?”Tony said fussing over faith a little, eyes flicking up at steve’s answer, a small frown quirking his lips before he hid his reaction. It wasn’t his business if steve wanted to sleep with faith. “Careful clint, I didn’t see anything in the vents, but they’re not as well watched, whoever it was could have left a present of sorts.”Tony warned watching clint leave. Settling in to eat some more.
Steve snorted. "yes well, get too hyper and i'll lock you up in your lab." he warned with an easy grin. it was a common threat. 'don't make me lock you in your lab'. it was the best way for Tony to work off a manic moment, or worse, a sugar rush. "I'm feeling-" Faith paused and did that little head cock he did when he was about to lie and wasn't sure he wanted to get punished for it this early in the morning. "i'm a little sore yet but i'm too high on painkillers to really care." Faith admitted brightly, Steve snorting and ruffling the boy's hair. "do you think Johnny is mad at me?" Faith suddenly asked, twisting his shirt. "about what?" "my age? i was just... i was scared. Chris.... he... he could have gotten me if i went to a halfway house... i didn't want to go back..." "hey, Johnny's not mad." Steve promised. "Johnny loves you. no matter your age. he just feels a bit like a pedophile at the moment that's all. your above the age of consent." he assured the other. "that's all that matters now." "okay." Faith muttered before blinking at Tony. "you aren't mad either? i... i had sex with you too..." there was a pause and then. "i thought you and tony where both submissive?" "Tony and me can flip roles from time to time, if Johnny wants to watch." "....that's hot." Steve admitted, Faith beaming. "want to watch?" "not really." Faith sulked at him. "you won't even let me suck you off!" he complained, Steve snorting. "i'm saving myself." "well it's not fair." "i know. i'm sorry. besides i think Johnny would cut my fingers off if i actually ever agreed to have sex with you." that brightened Faith up again. he loved how possessive Johnny was. so far, only Tony was allowed to touch Faith intimately. only Steve was allowed to touch him with a whip. "eat some bacon." "i have to watch my fig.... yes Steven." Faith sighed when he caught the mild scowl, indicating that it wasn't a suggestion. "Coffee Tony?" Steve asked, already pouring a cup, nearly clocking Clint in the face when he dropped down from the vent overhead. "nothing in the vents but a bunch of scrape marks and a listening bug." Clint admitted. "crushed the bug and grabbed the tape it was attached to as well."
“Hm, enforced lab time. I knew you loved me.”Tony grinned at the captain. Looking at faith he sighed a little as he tried to figure out if he’d been lied to or not before nodding. “Good.well, at least about the painkillers.You’ll be okay.”Tony smiled at the other man before frowning slightly, shaking his head. “He would have preferred knowing how old you were, as he’s feeling icky for sleeping with you, me to for that matter, but you’re okay. So that’s all that matters.”Tony smiled a little, refusing to look at the emotional wounds faith having been so young had ripped open. He was steady and he wasn’t even ever going to compare himself to howard. At least not right now. Glancing up at steve he smiled a little, “We are for the most part.”He said blushing at steve’s words, and biting his lip a little to keep from sulking as steve said no. Watching the other two he studied them for a long moment, relaxing as he realized that steve and faith weren’t together. “So bossy.”Tony teased even as he nodded, making grabby hands for the coffee. “Give me the tape and what’s left of the bug. I’ll see what I can find out about it, and I need you down in the lab later. I’m locking the vents, but setting them to you, so you can still come and go to.”Tony smiled at the assassin. “nothing else?”Phil asked as he walked in, while he was still recovering, and usually used the wheelchair, the man was starting to walk more, trying to be more himself.
Steve offered Tony a small, soft, honest Smile. "well. i have to show you somehow, don't i?" he asked with a grin before examining Faith and nodding. no lie there. Faith was good at lying of course, but he did have a bit of a tell that Steve had noticed, that Johnny knew of. he wasn't sure if Tony knew about it but then, he didn't really need to know. "...i know it was wrong to lie... but i... i just.... i felt so safe, with you and Johnny." he admitted softly. "i didn't want to leave, not when you took such good care of me. not when you where so perfect and loving and...." he paused and wiped his eyes. "you where the best thing that ever happened to me, you and Johnny." he admitted. "and i won't send you away." Johnny promised as he scuffled in. "Your mine. always, no matter your age." he promised, making Faith beam brightly, so happy that he would be able to stay with Johnny. "very bossy." Steve agreed handing tony the Coffee and setting a hand on his shoulder. "you finish eating first, and then you can do your science." he ordered before smiling at Phil. "nothing else." Clint admitted, scowling. "there where no fingerprints, not strands of hair, no sweat. whoever did this, is just as trained as i and Natasha are." he admitted. "and that's not a good thing for us." Clint admitted, Steve grimacing.
“...Yes, you do.”Tony said looking so honestly confused on whether steve meant it like that or not, that you just wanted to hug him. He was so confused on how to deal at the moment. “...We wouldn’t have sent you away, but it’s done. We’ll just go on from here.”Tony said looking upset that the other was crying as he reached out and ruffled faith’s hair. “Morning Johnny.”Tony smiled happily at the other man, because while him and johnny would never be dating in the traditional sense, it was still good to se him so much. “Fine. No science until after I eat.”Tony sulked as he drank his coffee and started to eat again. “...No, it’s not a good thing, but it also narrows the window of suspects down. You two are good, the field isn’t that big on how many other’s can match you in skills.”Phil pointed out though he didn’t look pleased at the news either. "I'm also making us all bracelets, trackers and everything, with jarvis being the only person who has access to the data, but if someone manages to work their way around jarvis and the tower, or something happens when we're in the city, I want a way to track that can't be destroyed."Tony said starting to get a little manic in his need to protect the family he'd chosen for himself.
Steve grinned a little and chuckled at Tony's confusion. the man was so cute, he really was. "okay." Faith sniffled, smiling at the hair ruffle. "your messing with my do." he complained, trying to straighten the shoulder length locks. "morning Tony." Johnny chirped as he helped himself to some pancakes. "good." Steve praised, happy that Tony was behaving for him. "your right of course... you don't think it's one of Hydra's Assets?" that was where Natasha learned most of her skills, the Red Room of Hydra. "bracelets? isn't that a bit girly?" "it's better than being kidnapped ad not having anyone notice." "true. but isn't it a bit noticeable?" "i'm sure it's a first draft Clint. what, did you want him t put the trackers in your teeth like in that James Bond stuff you made me watch?" "James Bond is awesome! how dare you!" "whatever." Steve huffed before smiling at Tony. "you ate enough, you can do your science now." he stated, pleased with the amount Tony had eaten. "oh hell..." Johnny muttered as his phone started ringing. "Storm... Reed? what is... seriously?! FUCK!" Johny gasped, looking horrified. "who did it!? what d you mean one of that bastards men!? i'll fucking kill them!" Johnny snarled, flames starting to flicker around him. good thing the phone was a special Tony design and was completely fire proof. "Sue's been shot." Johnny explained. "i have to go. she's in critical care." "i'm coming with." Faith ordered, already on his feet and following Johnny. he needed to be there for Johnny. "go." Steve ordered. "i'll manage things here." meaning Tony. "You go. go on." he ordered. "Tony? you had Vent things?" Steve asked, trying to get Tony moving before he did something stupid.
“You ‘do’ deserves messing with. It’s to neat.”Toyn snickered a little smiling. “Most likely. I mean, NAtasha learned there, you picked it up from her....Hydra has some of the best trained spies, simply because they stayed out of sight for long. I wouldn’t be surprised if they were hydra, which is worrying.”Phil mused frowning a little. “Hey. Not all bracelets are girly. Iron man has some for the suit if he needs them.”Tony made a face before wincing, ducking his head a little at the arguing, having only said something because he needed to be able to track them, the negative response hurt. Even if he was used to it, and usually handled things well, and hide well, it still hurt to hear. “..I’ll figure out something...”Tony muttered before perking up as steve told him he could go work, before pausing as johnny answered teh phone. “...I can come. Do you need me?”Tony said pausing in the door, looking at johnny, frowning a little at the sound of steve’s words. “...I did...but...”He looked torn, lost. Wanting to both go work, and go with johnny.
"it's not! it's supposed to be neat!" Faith protested, plucking a hairbrush out of his ever present handbag and brushed his hair until it was silky and smooth once more. "i picked it up from the circus." Clint corrected. "i was better than Natasha." still was actually, when it came to sneaking anyway. she was better at subterfuge and tricking people. "if it's Hydra, then most likely we're all being targeted." Clint agreed with a grimace. "the Bracelets could save our lives..." he admitted with a sigh. he didn't want to admit it, but he would. "your a genius Tony, if anyone can do it, you can." Steve agreed, smiling at Tony. "Tony. go do the science thing. the sooner we're safe the better. Johnny has Faith and reed taking care of him at the hospital. we need you to make this place safe so we can bring the Fantastic Four here once Sue can leave the hospital. okay?" he asked, stroking Tony's hair. "go. make us safe." he ordered gently.
"True. Though I think yoube gotten better now that you have to hide from her wrath sometimes."phil teased a little even if he tried not to worry. He knee just how bad this could be."they could. Though I'll try to not make them to horrible to wear."tony promised smiling at the other a little before twitching. He didn't have nearly the kind of faith in himself that steve did. Despite his ego it was mostly talk half the time, his own need to reassure himself that things would indeed work." safe for sue. I can do that."tony said as he headed down to work. Definitely sliding straight into that manic state of being as he worked.

Hours later steve found tony with so many prototypes of bracelets and security things that it was hard to see which ones he was keeping and which ones were trash. His hair a mess with both grass and actual wire abandoned in it as he worked on making a intricate new toy for steve. Not evendors realizing steve had joined him
Clint huffed. "i never hide from Natasha. i'm not scared of her." granted, the words where ruined when he looked around to make sure she wasn't hanging around to hear him. he was totally her bitch. "well. you do have a really good sense of fashion." Clint agreed. "i'm sure you can make them look cool." he admitted with a smile. "that's right. a safe place for everyone." Steve agreed, a bit worried about Tony.

"Jesus Tony...." Steve muttered, looking around him at all the stuff tony was working on. "alright. that's enough." Steve decided. "your not getting anything don at all." he admitted, moving over to the other and gently catching his wrists. "come on Tony. up. you need a break."
"Totally ruined that there clint."phil teased his boyfriend smirking at the man as he looked around for na5asha."don't worry. Shewent into town to see if she could find anything out about our visitor."phil smiled though he to looked worried for tony as the man left.

Tony didn't respond until he was grabbed nearly falling over before simply shaking his wrists to try and free the hold, not even showing any signs he'd heard the other man. And he hadnt. So focused on getting things made and built that he wasn't really aware he wasn't really getting anything truly done.
"ah, right, i was just checking. no need to make her feel insuperior to me." Clint stated, trying to save face a little bit. it failed. "does she really think she'll learn anything?" he asked, worried. "She'll be careful right?" he demanded, wondering if she was about to get shot too.

Steve grunted a little as he pulled the other up a little more, holding him up off the ground by his wrists. "Anthony." Steve growled, using his best Captain, or in this case Dom voice. it was the super strong one too, the one that made even Johnny, who was as Domnant as a person could get, pause. even Phil paused when Steve used that voice, Fury too. Tony would have no chance against it. "That is enough." he growled again, gently settling the other down. "you aren't getting anything done. it's time for a break."
Phil snickered a little, letting him pretend he was saving face before nodding. “She does. She was looking at the building nearby for video. Since we didn’t get it, she was hoping that security in a building nearby did. Probably wont, but she’s frustrated so she’s trying.”Phil shrugged before nodding.”She is. She asked Maria to come and be her back up, and said something about going shopping after.”Phil said, not wanting the man to feel slighted that Natasha hadn’t asked him to go with.

Tony yelped as he was pulled up, eyes going wide at the sound of his full name in that voice. Pausing as he stared at the other, trembling a little under the other’s hold as he was held trapped. Whining quietly as he was set down he swallowed thickly, “Can’t. Have to finish the bracelets. Can’t get you guys hurt. Need you guys to be okay.”Tony muttered even if he was making no move to try to work again, simply staring at the other man, whining quietly, trying to reason with the other to get work done, to convince him that he was okay to keep working. Even if it was obvious that even just the sound of the captain's time had started to drop him into a quiet place under the manic mood
Clint huffed at the snickering before nodding. "hopefully she'll find something." Clint agreed, relaxing at the promise that Maria had gone with. he didn't like Natasha being out on her own. it was dangerous.

Steve examined Tony and then shook his head. "no. you need a break." he ordered firmly, studying Tony. "Tony, i need you to answer me honestly. do you need me to bring you down?" he asked. "do you need your subspace?" he could already see Tony settling a little. "I can do it, Johnny's taught me how." he admitted. "but if you don't want me to do it, i can go get Bruce or call Johnny or Reed." part of him hoped to god that Tony asked for someone else. so he wouldn't have to worry about giving away more than he was ready to. but the other half of him rose with a rage at the thought of someone else, anyone else touching Tony. he was only moderately okay with Johnny, because Johnny was Tony's rock. even if he and Tony did start something serious, he would never keep Tony away from Johnny. "Anthony. answer me."
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