Bond Behind Beast {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

The woman groaned in pain, lips dry from dehydration, a split on her head from the rocks falling. She peeled her eyes open, exposing startling gold eyes, coughing and wheezing. "Who... Are you..?"
The woman cried out in pain, cringing as he uncovered her, blood had dried and stained the front of her ragged kosode, her collarbone broken and pushing against the skin and her legs badly bruised; her left ankle broken and twisted at a painful looking angle.
Once she had been completely unearthed, she struggled to try and move, but she trembled in pain. Her ribs must have been bruised or even cracked, dry heaving before laying still again, her eyes closing and falling unconscious.
Kojurou cursed and picked her up gingerly, grabbing the sack of food in his mouth before bounding up the mountain to get to his master's cave.
When Kojurou got to the mouth of the cave, Masamune and Megohime were already digging into each other, both already yelling at full volume. "Oh! Really, and you're the one who had a complete meltdown when I tossed a few necklaces out!" The unconscious woman let out a weak noise, cringing in her sleep.
Kojurou tensed slightly and tried to sneak to his room, thankfully his master was too distracted to notice. "Holy shit, calm down, you're starting to get under my scales."
"Oh, so cute." Megohime sneered, storming back to her room, not really wanting to be scorched alive. Once in the room, the woman had been laid down so Kojurou could find the ingredients and supplies he would need to heal her injuries. Laying on his bed, she had a look of pain on her face, her breathing shallow, but it appeared to only have been induced from the pain, drifting in and out of consciousness. "Where are we..?" She croaked, turning her head slowly, light brown hair stuck to the side of her face just below the gash and dried blood.
"My home, stay quiet..." He said gently as he worked on healing her, "My master is very tempermental and doesn't like unexpected company..."
She gave a small nod, letting him work in silence, trying to keep her noises of pain quiet when he put her collarbone back into place before wrapping her upper chest and shoulder to keep it as still as possible. She ground her teeth and gripped the bed, breathing through her nose steadily. "What happened, why am I here..?" She asked as quietly as she could.
She risked a glance down at her legs, her face going pale when she saw the angle that her ankle was in. "I can't feel my foot really... It won't have to be cut off will it..?" She whispered shakily, keeping her mind busy by watching him make ointments for what she assumed to be for her cuts.
She nodded again and stared up at the ceiling, flinching every now and again, but otherwise remaining relatively still.
Kojurou finished the ointment and made a drink to numb her nervous system, helping her drink and letting it sit before he went to work on her ankle
The poor woman practically fell into unconsciousness again, laying perfectly still, even when he set her broken ankle, not even making a noise.
Kojurou wrapped her ankle gently and applied the ointment to the rest of her wounds, letting her rest before going to check on his master and Megohime
Megohime was back in her room, sitting in the corner and going through her books with a heavy scowl on her face. "Don't worry, I'm not going to toss out anymore of your lords things." She said to Kojurou, not even looking up from her book.
Kojurou blinked and shook his head, "I can find him more." He muttered more to himself before looki to her, "I was wondering if you were hungry?"
She glanced up at him before turning the page in her book. "Is it those poisoned herbs you promised?" She muttered bitterly.
Megohime looked up at him, a guilty look in her eyes. "Whatever is the easiest for you." She said softly, then gave a small frown. "You have blood on your hand, did you hurt yourself hunting?"
Kojurou looked at his hands and frowned softly, "It isn't mine, it's from skinning the animals. I will return shortly with your meal; do you want any wine?"
Megohime gave a small nod, closing her book. "That would be nice... And if it wouldn't be too much trouble, could I..." She rubbed her neck and looked away. "Would it be too much trouble to get a few more books?" She asked softly, actually looking embarrassed.
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