Bond Behind Beast {1x1 with DarkMudkip}


Motochika blew a gasket, storming to the tank and reaching in, grabbing her by her hair and rippin her out of the tank, "You think it's a good idea to just do as you please?! That bird was one of a kind, and unlike you he cannot be replaced! So here's what I'm going to do. Since you were so kind to feed yourself, you're not going to eat anything for a whole week. Your tank will not be cleaned and you will get half a bucket of fresh water everyday for that week."
She let out a strangled noise of pain, holding onto his wrist tightly and glaring up at him, baring her bloody teeth. "Perhaps this wouldn't have happened if you hadn't shoved me into this small tank, tried to feed me human food, and not even bothered to ask my name!" She snarled. "If you had only thrown me back into the ocean, where I belong, you would've still had your damn bird!"
He dropped her back into the tank and locked it, storming out and slaming the door. "Don't touch her. Tomorrow, take some fresh water and put it in her tank and then leave." "Y-Yes, Cap'n!"

Akihime moved over to the tiger slowly, "Tora-san..." She slowly pointed to the hoop, "J-Jump..."
Yukimura rumbled lowly, standing up and trotting over to the hoop before jumping through easily, turning to face Akihime and letting his tail sway back and forth, waiting for her next command.
Yukimura trotted over to Akihime, carefully taking the dried rabbit meat, he licked his maw and sat beside her, looking to Mitsunari with a smug look.
Mitsunari looked furious and Akihime's victory was replaced with fear, "I-I-I'll help you work with Tora-san, M-M-M-Mitsunari...!" She stammered
Yukimura let out a huff, lowering his head and glowering at Mitsunari. "This man is both unpleasant, and a sore loser as well."
"Work with him, then." Mitsunari ordered. Akihime gulped and nodded, turning to Yukimura. "Mm...Tora-san, can you stand on your back legs?" She asked, holding out another treat
Yukimura made a noise and stood on his back legs, wobbling slightly before steading himself with his large tail. "Well... She does ask nicely.."
"Good job, Tora-san!" She praised, giving him the treat before petting his head affectionately. She then held out her hand, palm up, "Paw, please, Tora-san."
Yukimura picked up a massive paw, placing it into Akihime's hand as lightly as he could, nearly losing his human senses and falling into his primal senses of obedience for food.
Yukimura stood and bowed his head to her before sitting back on his rump and waiting for his food. "I only have to get through this month.." He reminded himself, hoping he'd figure out someway to get out by the end of the month.
She smiled and held out both treats to him, "Good job, Tora-san...!" She praised. "I'll feed you some vension for dinner tonight for such a good job." She whispered
Yukimura took the food gratefully and let out a low rumble, liking the idea of getting something other than old beef and leftovers that the circus provided for him.
Yukimura lifted his lip up at Mitsunari before padding after Akihime, keeping right by her side, looking up at her and making a low noise.
Yukimura looked up at her, his eyes showing understanding, gently pressing his large forehead against her hand before hopping easily into the cage, sitting down and facing her.
She gave him another treat just because before locking up his cage, "I'll be back after I take care of the others!" She said and jogged off
The beast laid down, letting his tail hang outside the cage with a low rumble.

Tremors had been shaking the mountains for days, sending small showers of dust down onto the blue dragon as he slept. Megohime had been avoiding any social contact, only leaving her room when Kojurou left and Masamune was asleep, and since Kojurou was out collecting herbs and getting food, Megohime was out and about. On the path that ran under Masamune's cave, a rockslide had blocked the way, making it impossible for anyone to pass through.

((Now I just need Kojurou to come along~))
Kojurou was aking his way back with a sack full of pheasant, hare, boar and vension. He sighed heavily as he carried it along, making sure his herb pouch was still tied to his belt before he realized he had no way back up the mountain. He groaned inwardly, grumbling anout the gods making it difficult for him every time he left.
The sound of shifting rubble and a muffled grown could be heard just a way down the path, a large rockslide covering the path, but upon looking closer, a person seemed to trapped under the pile of rocks. The person must've gotten struck by the rockfall while bringing through a cart of vegetables and spices, the cart being completely crushed and the woman being almost completely trapped under the rocks.
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