Bond Behind Beast {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

"But I didn't actually steal anything!" Her eyes were wide in fear of time out.
"Now, I'm sure time out can wait, dinners ready and we don't want Tou-san's catch to go to waste do we?" Jin served everyone a bowl of rabbit stew, Irohahime taking hers happily.
Kojurou smiled softly before the house shook and a thunderous roar was heard from outside. His heart sank into his stomach and he stood quickly, "Jin, take Irohahime and hide. Quickly!"
Jin nodded and took Irohahime by the hand, leading her to the back pantry to hide. "Tou-san?" Irohahime looked to Kojurou worriedly as she was led away, both Jin and Irohahime hiding in the small storage space.
Kojurou stood and moved to the door, but the entire front of the house was ripped open by Masamune's large claws. Kojurou bowed lowly, "Forgive me, Masamune-sama, for not telling you I had left." He said humbly. Masamune snarled, whiskers wiggling. "I come here every so often to be in peace. I feel more connected here to the woods, you know that." He explained.
Irohahime whimpered softly as the house shook violently, Jin hushing her quietly as to keep them from being discovered.
Masamune growled lowly, his whiskers catching two other scents. He ripped the roof off, staring down into the storage space at Jin and Irohahime. He growled loudly and snapped his attention at Kojurou, who was rushing to protect them from his master, "Leave them be, Masamune-sama!"
Irohahime let out a scream of terror and Jin used her body to shield the child, though she still shook from fear of the great beast that loomed over them.
Masamune glared at Kojurou and snarled, the familiar scowled heavily, "I would not break the pact I made with you for a human woman, you know this. But I couldn't live with myself if anything bad happened to her in these woods. The child was found starving and abandoned. I saw you in her, my Lord, I could not allow harm to befall her." He stated. Masamune sneered and inched closer to Irohahime, his whiskers wiggling around her.
Irohahime looked up at Masamune and instantly her eyes teared up and she started to sob. Jin moved Irohahime away from Masamune, putting herself between the two, her face hardened, but her eyes showing fear.
Masamune snarled lowly. "She didn't steal a hatchling, Masamune-sama! For the longest time, you were the only dragon! You should be happy!" Kojurou stated. Masamune rumbled and backed off a little. To be honest, Masamune didn't know how to feel. There was another dragon, and she looked almost like him. He was confused and looked almost a little hurt. There were other dragons, which means not one of them had tried looking for him. He felt alone again. He backed off completely before flying off back to the mountain cave. Kojurou relaxed slightly and turned to Jin and Irohahime, "Are you both all right?"
Jin let out a shaky breath, collapsing to her knees with a nod. "We're fine, Irohahime'a just scared.." She said, not letting go of the sobbing child.
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