Bond Behind Beast {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

"Ready to go home?" Sasuke asked. He was so tired, being nocturnal thanks to his master, but he wanted to help her back to Kojurou like she wanted.
Irohahime nodded and yawned, getting to her feet, still rubbing sleep from her eyes. "Hai.." Her hair was a mess, no longer neatly pulled into a loose ponytail; a leaf stuck out from her hair, and random strands stuck up all over her head.
He stood and peeked out of the cave, seeing the snow had indeed let up just enough for him to safely leave without getting gravely injured. "Let's go, then." He said, holding out his hand.
Irohahime took Sasuke's hand, bunny still clutched to her chest as she followed him out the cave, letting him lead her as she was still half asleep.
He walked down the snow covered hillside and made the long journey toward the Dokuganryu's mountain. He could make it easier by shifting into his fox form and just bolting for it, but he didn't want Irohahime falling from his back or throwing up on him.
Irohahime matched Sasuke's pace, though she did have to jog a bit to catch up every now and again, but she didn't complain much during the walk, she was just excited to go back to Kojurou.
By the time they got to the mountain, it was night time. Sasuke huffed, exhausted, "Welp, we're here." He said softly, "Do you need help up?"
Irohahime looked up at the mountain, then to Sasuke, then back up at the mountain. "This isn't where I live." She said simply, her expression blank.
"This isn't where I live." She repeated, pointing off into the forest behind them. "I live in a house- it's that way; why would you think I lived in a mountain?" She asked, her face scrunched in confusion.
Irohahime pointed back into the forest again. "This way." She said, leading him along the path and into the forest, keeping a hold on his hand.
The walk was only thirty minutes away from the mountainside, and in the middle of the dense forest stood a solitary home, right in the middle of a small clearing. Smiling widely, Irohahime broke away from Sasuke and ran for the home, squealing in happiness.
Sasuke debated whether following her was a good idea or not. He made a noise and followed anyway, just to make sure everything was still ok. He also wanted to know why the Dokuganryu's familiar was not living in the mountain with his master.
There was light coming from inside the house, and before Irohahime could get any closer to the house, the door opened and a small woman stepped out. She had bronze hair and wore glasses, and from her scent, she was a human. "Kaa-san, tadaima!"
The woman crouched down with a smile and held her arms out to embrace the child.
"Okaerinasai, Irohahime-chan." She held the girl and pet her messy hair, looking up at Sasuke with a blink.
The woman let go of Irohahime, instead taking her hand as she stood. "Thank you." She said to him. "For bringing her back, we were worried she had found trouble." She bowed to him, her words soft, and her expression calm.
He merely nodded before disappearing, not wanting to stick around for much longer and make things uncomfortable for everyone. She seemed like one of the few humans that didn't seem to mind a kitsune, but past experience made him hesitant to want to find out if it was a ploy or not.
Irohahime stood in her spot for a moment longer before turning to Jin.
"Is Tou-san here?"
"He's inside." She answered, ushering her into the house, following close behind, giving one last glance out into the forest before closing the door behind her.
"Tou-san! Tou-san!" Irohahime called, hurrying further into the house.
Kojurou looked up from his tea and smiled softly, "Okaeri, Irohahime. You had me a little worried when you didn't come home last night." He said as he gently pat her head.
Irohahime smiled brightly, holding onto Kojurou's sleeve. "I was looking for something..!" She said, a lopsided smile on her face.

((Is Masa gonna scent her soon??))
((He's actually gonna leave the mountain here in a second~))

"And what would that be?" He asked gently. He was so comfortable enjoying the company of his lady friend and the cute little dragon girl they had kind of adopted that he couldn't here Masamune shouting and roaring for his attention at the top of the cave. The dragon was growing increasingly impatient with his caretaker, he was debating actually leaving to find him.
"I was looking for something tasty, but I never found anything.. Well, I kinda did, but it didn't belong to me.." She puffed up one cheek, a soft frown on her face, but that quickly disappeared when Jin entered the room with dinner.
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