Bond Behind Beast {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

((Time for work!))

For a couple days, a new and odd scent had been scented closer and closer to the small cave Sasuke often took refuge in, and one day upon his return, there were clear signs someone was in his home. The scent was much stronger, and noises could be heard from inside the cave.
Sasuke looked up and moved out into the frosty air outside his cave and made a noise of discomfort. Every now and again he would leave the estate when he wasn't needed to visit Amaya, and he claimed a small cave near the shrine she lived in. He pulled his fur-lined leather cloak closer to himself, his kitsune mask appearing over his face in a wisp of blue flame. He walked about slowly, following the odd scent.
The noises and scent grew more prominent as Sasuke drew closer to where he kept a small food supply for when he'd stay overnight or a couple of days in the cave. As he drew near, the noises moved away and when he entered his food supply room, he would find he had been robbed of all of his food, only small crumbs left behind.
"What the?!" He pulled his leaf out and it transformed into his shurikun as he scanned the area, "Alright, come out here, food thief! That's all I got and I can't get anymore til the snow clears up!"
A shadow moved out of the corner of the kitsune's eye as the assailant moved through the shadows and toward the mouth of the cave for a getaway, too cowardly for any confrontation.
What Sasuke probably wasn't expecting next was for the their to turn on him and chomp down hard on his hand, allowing him a closer look at the little scavenger. It was a young girl, whose age couldn't exactly be placed, but by her looks she was somewhere between six and ten. She had neat black hair, pulled back by a red cord, her eyes such a dark red they were nearly black.
"Let go!" She demanded, holding a bundle in her free arm, presumably the stolen food.
"It's not all for me!" She tried to wretch her arm free. "And I've seen you go to that fancy estate, so I know you have more food!" The girl protested, and upon closer inspection, small blemishes covered her face and arms; no, scales, small black and grey scales.
Minehime refused to answer Sasuke, trying to pry his fingers from her arm. "It's none of your business, let go!"
"No!" The girl argued back, reminding Sasuke that the thief was still just a child. "Let go!"
"What?-" Irohahime hit the cave floor with a thud, and she would've scrapped herself up if it hadn't been for her thick layers of winter clothing.
The young hatchlings cheeks were flushed pink, and tears were welling up in her eyes, her small fists balled up. "No.." She mumbled, keeping her eyes downcast.
As expected of a child who was caught red handed and was now in trouble, the young girl began to cry, tears falling down her cheeks, her lip quivering as she wailed loudly.
Still, even with his intimadating mask gone, she kept on crying. "I want Kojurou!" She barely made out between sobs, rubbing her tears from her face furiously.
The hatchling nodded her head, her sobs slowing to hiccups. "He said he was going away for a little bit, but I got lonely, and left, and it's hard to track in the snow, and I can't find my way home, and I just wanted to bring Kojurou something for once..!"
Sasuke blinked, mostly out of his increasing confusion. He had only met Kojurou once, and that was when he was asked to leave the mountain the familiar had been guarding. How could this little thing know such a being and be raised by it if Kojurou already had important duties to deal with? He shook his head and made a noise, "Well, the snow is getting worse and it wouod dangerous for you out there...stay here until it clears, ok? I'll let you bring him some food.."
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