Bond Behind Beast {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Megohime did as she was told, her face pale as she swallowed down the pain reliever. "Don't tell me when you're going to do it, just do it, please.." She sounded scared, her eyes glued to the far wall.
Megohime tensed up hard and let out a short scream, clutching the bed sheets with her good hand. "Shit!" She hissed, a bit dizzy.
The Milk of the Poppy was really setting in, allowing Megohime to relax, dozing off every so often as she watched Kojurou work, then slowly turn her attention to Masamune.
Masamune still sat outside the entrance to her room, whiskers wiggling like chaotic worms on his snout. Kojurou finished wrapping her arms and bandaged her smaller wounds before standing, "Rest, Megohime-dono. I'll be back later to give you more poppy milk..."
Megohime nodded. "Thank you." She said softly, watching Kojurou leave before looking to her bedroom door. "Masamune..?"
Megohime laughed drowsily at the sight. "You can come in, but I don't think you'll fit through the entrance in that form.." Even after taking a beating and being half-drown, Megohime still smiled as she watched Masamune.
He changed into his human form, a small wheeze could be heard when he breathed - probably from when Motochika grabbed him - and he crawled into bed next to her good side, "I'm so sorry, Mego...I thought you left me for good...I was so angry..."
Megohime shook her head, looking into Masamune's good eye. "I told you I loved you, didn't I..?" She cupped his cheek and gently stroked it with her thumb. "I promise I'll never leave you, Masamune.."
Sasuke trekked through the snow, bundled up in enough winter gear that a normal person would rather dare the cold instead of simmer in the fabric. He figured while Yukimura was occupied with Akihime, he would take the opportunity to find the Yuki Onna - Amaya - and make nice. She was very pretty and she seemed rather pleasant. It was the damn cold that was making it difficult.
Amaya had taken temporary shelter within an old shrine, and was enjoying the cold outside when she spotted Sasuke bundled from head to toe in enough robes to clothe a small army, she perked. The temperature around Sasuke got slightly colder as Amaya approached him. "Sasuke...-san?"
Amaya noticed Sasuke flinch and she took a quick step back. "Gomenasai..!" She bowed her head and quickly tried her best at letting the air around Sasuke grow warmer. "You aren't intruding at all.." Her cheeks were flushed blue again. "I'm just surprised you're out this far."
"I figured I would make a friend..." He answered, "Are you hungry? I brought food.." He pulled a leaf from his sleeve and in a small puff of smoke, a bento appeared in his hand.
Amaya seemed a bit more interested in how Sasuke had done the trick with the leaf. "That was amazing..!" She smiled up at him in awe. "Can you do that with other things as well?"
He blushed a bit, "Well, only certain things..." He answered, "Like with my weapons..." He pulled an orange leaf from his sleeve and in a puff it became a giant pinwheel shurikun.
Amaya watched sith a grin on her face. "That's amazing..!" She said, then looked down at the snow at her feet, wiggling her fingers ever-so slightly above the snow. Snow piled up and hardened into ice, taking the form of a katana that she picked up easily and looked it over. "I can't do what you can with leaves, but I can make quite a bit out of snow." The sword in her hand turned back into powdery snow and she looked up. "But I don't usually have to use weapons at all."
Amaya's smile wavered, the memory of her being tormented with fire at the carnival flashing through her head, but she quickly shook it off. "Do you want to go inside the shrine? It's still cold, but there's no snow inside, so you won't get wet."
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