Bond Behind Beast {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Masamune appeared in a gust of wind and snarled at Motochika. "Welcome, Dokuganryuu!" He greeted. Masamune roared at him and hovered over Megohime, examining her.
Megohime had old yellowing bruises, and fresh purple ones too, the cuts and scrapes were at a minimum, mostly being on her knees and elbows, as well as one on her forehead, but the worst was her broken arm, dangling uselessly at her side.
Megohime shook her head and rubbed her eyes free of her tears, returning his gaze with a knowing look; if she were to open her mouth to speak, she feared all that would come out is wailing.
He moved and roared at Motochika, who smirked challengingly. "Careful, dragon. One wrong move and yer pet gets a knife in her spine." One of the human sized Oni grabbed Megohime by her bad arm purposely, yanking her away from Masamune and putting a dagger at her back.
Megohime let out a cry of agony, her knees going weak as she stumbled away from Masamune and toward the oni. "You said you wanted a fair fight!" Megohime could barely get her words out, in agony from her arm.
Megohime clenched her teeth. "You're truly a despicable beast, Chosokabe, keep your word and fight honorably!" She demanded, worried for Masamune's safety.
Motochika made a noise and shrugged, "What kind of Oni would I be if I did?" He asked. Masamune growled and Chosokabe glared, "Settle down and land, dragon." He ordered. Masamune scowled but obeyed, landing - albeit roughly - onto the deck of the Fugaku.
"Masamune... Stop..! Please, he's going to kill you..!" She begged the dragon, squirming in the Oni's grasp, only getting the blade dug further into her back, nearly piercing the skin.
"Quite a number I did on you, eh?" Motochika moved closer, seeing the missing fangs. Masamune growled at him, only to be punched in the snout. Masamune roared and snapped at him, only to be punched harder.
"Stop.. Please.." Megohime flinched each time Masamune was struck, tears streaming down her dirty cheeks. "Don't hurt him anymore.."
"Change into a human, or she dies." Motochika ordered. Masamune glared hatefully but obeyed, changing in a wisp of fire. As soon as it cleared, Motochika grabbed him around his chest and squeezed. Masamune couldn't even manage to scream, his mouth open but only air escaping. "What a weak thing you've become, dragon. For a woman, no less."
"Stop!!" The oni that held Megohime let out a cry of pain when she dug the broken off end of an arrow into its eye, making it let go of her and the dagger, stumbling back in pain. Snatching the dagger off the ground, she charged Motochika, gripping the dagger so hard her knuckles turned white. Even with a broken arm, she still rushed the ogre- even knowing she'd die.
Motochika looked to her before tossing Masamune over board and into the ocean, grabbing her and doing the same before stomping off and barking at his men to set sail again. Masamune sank like a rock, not really knowing how to swim.
Megohime writhed for a moment, then fell still, liquid dripping through Motochika's fingers and onto the deck: blood. Something jagged poked at his hand, but she had dropped the knife of the ground when he had grabbed her. Her bone piercing though her skin was enough to make her pass out, but the air being crushed from her lungs also didn't help.
Motochika tossed her into the sea, uncaring what happened at that point. Masamune changed back into a dragon and tried to slither through the water, catching sight of Megohime and struggling to catch her.
Megohime sunk in the water, her hair and robes flowing around her unconscious form, blood streaming from her further broken arm, leaving a trail of red in the water.
He willed himself faster, darting through the water and grabbing her gently before darting up and out of the ocean. He flew off back to the mountains so Kojurou could help her.
Megohime was limp in Masamune's claws, her robes and hair soaked and sticking to her slender form, and though she looked dead, she was still alive and kicking.
Masamune brought her back safe and trilled for Kojurou, who came out of his room in a jog. He took Megohime gently and carried her to her room to work on her, Masamune slunking behind him worriedly.
Megohime had begun to stirr when they got closer to the cave, coughing up some sea water and groaning in pain. "Masamune..?"
Megohime looked down at her arm and made a noise that could only be described as nauseating. "Is that... My bone sticking out of my arm..?" She asked shakily.
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