Bond Behind Beast {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

He rose an eyebrow at her, "I cannot raise morale for my men to keep this glorious ship afloat? To keep your tank clean and your stomach full of fish from the sea? I am only one Oni, lass. They are many and can more than I can at one time."
Nana hissed softly and dissapeared under the dark waters of her tank, leaving Motochika and his Oni on their own with his new human. Megohime stared where Nana had been, eyes wide. "A Ningyo.."
Megohime was brought out of her shock by Motochika's voice, glancing over her shoulder at him. "You act like I'm one of your honored guests. Did you already forget that you abducted me?"
When morning finally came around, and Masamune had woken, Megohime was still no where to be found, not a single trace of her left behind.
Masamune made a small noise and looked around, "Megohime...?" He called. She didn't even bring back food like she said she would. He frowned, "Did she get lost?"
Masamune was only met with silence, and the only scent of Megohime in the cave was stale, which meant she had been gone a few hours.
He frowned and laid back down, "She'll be back..." He muttered, "She said she would..." But then those few seconds turned to hours and Megohime still did not come back. He scowled heavily and pouted, "She promised."
Hours turned into days, and those days into weeks, and it was becoming more and more apparent Megohime was not coming back. Had she lied to Masamune? Had she tricked him like Iisaka had? When she told him I love you, was it all a lie?

Megohime had been on Motochika's ship for weeks, and most of the time, she'd stay locked in the dungeons below deck, other times she would be given a spear and hauled out on deck to provide entertainment with sparring. Of course, she almost always ended up on her ass, bruised and bleeding.
Megohime grunted and she hit the ground for the third time in five minutes, breathing heavily as she sat on the ground in exhaustion. She had no idea how to wield a spear, let alone did she have the strength to fight an Oni. Clenching her fist around the spears shaft, she stood on wobbly legs, bringing her spear up in front of her once more. She had a black eye and a split lip, and with too many bruises to count dotting her body, all she wanted to do was rest, but they were relentless.
Masamune fumed and huffed, sitting in his nest in his dragon form. He was angry. Angry, hurt and betrayed. She lied to him about everything. She never loved him, she never wanted to stay. She was just like Iisaka, got him comfortable before leaving him alone without an ounce of regret. She didn't even leave him a note.

The Oni's snickered and continued to spar with her. Motochika watched with amusement, finding a scrawny girl fighting ogres literally half her size was more amusing than watching Nana chase anchovies in her tank.
Nana had been pouring in her tank since Megohime had come aboard the Fugaku, not bothering to show herself to anyone, and they only reason Motochika knew she was still inside, was the sparkle of her golden tail.

Megohime let out a cry as she recieved a hard blood from the butt of a club to her brow, then a staff was slammed into her ankles, knocking her to the ground with a heavy thud and a road of laughter. Struggling back onto her feet, Megohime used her spear as a crutch, knuckles red and bloody from being hit, but even after being knocked down and getting back up so many times, she was getting more sluggish and sloppy. Blood dripped from the split in her brow, making a small puddle on the deck, her breathing heavily as she gathered what little strength she had left.
As soon as she heard Motochika's words, she collapsed, still barely hanging onto her spear as she rested. "Masamune will come.." She muttered to herself, something she had been doing daily since she was taken, probably to try and keep herself going.
"He didn't forget!" She snarled at Motochika, now back on her feet, with the spear pointed at him. "He wouldn't forget me.." She growled out through her teeth.
"Shut up!" She snapped, actually kicking aside some smaller Oni, and aiming a stab at Motochika, but her face said it all. Some part of her knew he had either chosen not to look for her, or refused to.
Motochika let her stab at him, his armor more than capable of protecting him. "It's ok, it was bound to happen." He said, "Date is very fickle~"
Megohime took multiple swipes at Motochika, aiming the spearhead at his face, but before she could attempt to stab him in the eye, she was grabbed roughly by two Oni twice her size. Easily disarming her, they held her back as she kicked and screamed at Motochika. "He isn't like that! He wouldn't leave me!"
The next few days, Megohime refused to eat, sitting in the back of her cell and staring at the wall, ignoring any Oni who spoke to or approached her.

((Is Chika gonna force feed her, or was he gonna spar her himself?))
((Maybe both~))

"She ain't eatin', Aniki..." An Oni said. Motochika made a noise, finishing the short letter to Masamune before standing, "Well, let's go talk to her."
Megohime didn't move when she heard the door to the cells open, nor did she move when her own cell door was opened. "I've already told you, I'm not eating." She said, her tone flat and void of emotion.
"And why's that? If yer convinced Masamune's comin', you should keep yerself fed, hm? Wouldn't wanna be feeble and weak when he gets here, he'd break ya~" He told her, "And then he'd be sad and alone and hate humans again. Yer village would keep sacraficin' girls and then no one would get anywhere."
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