Bond Behind Beast {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Megohime smiled softly and kept him steady as he walked, helping him sit at the mouth of the cave. "See? It's nice, isn't it?" She said, looking out over the mountains.
Megohime laced her fingers with Masamune's telling stories of where she grew up, and of the lands beyond her village, even though he had probably seen and heard it all before. Soon night was upon them, Megohime resting her head against his shoulder.
Megohime gave his hand a small squeeze, her heart racing. "I love you, Masamune.." She said, face flushed.
"You should get to bed early, it'll help with your wounds." She kissed his cheek as gently as she could, standing, all while keeping ahold of his hand still.
"Oh, I'll go see if we have anything to eat." She said, ushering him off to his room. "I'll be just a few minutes..!" She called, then headed to where they usually kept that day's food, but for some odd reason, the storage was empty. Making a face, Megohime poked her head into Kojurou's room, but he too was no where to be seen. Thinking they'd have to wait for Kojurou, she let out a soft sigh, but then noticed Kojurou's bow and arrows. "Oh... I can work with that.." Shouldering the weapon, she trotted off without a second thought, thinking a couple rabbits would help tide him over until Kojurou could gather deer - not that she couldn't hunt them, she just couldn't move them at all, let alone carry them up a mountain.
Megohime had gathered six rabbits, field dressing them before putting them on her belt to carry easier, when she stopped. Looking down at a small patch of flowers, she felt her heart swell. "Snap Dragons..." She muttered, crouching down to pick the colorful flowers.
A familiar rumble was heard in the distance making its way towards her. "Little hen's away from the nest~" It was Motochika's voice. And even though he wasn't close, he sure sounded like it with how well his voice carried.
Megohime shot to her feet in an instant, turning to face where she heard the voice coming from. First she felt fear, absolute fear, but then she grew angry. Hadn't he threatened them enough? Hadn't he hurt Masamune enough? Quickly drawing her bow, she dropped the rabbits in the road and moved into the bushes for cover, knowing she had no chance taking him head on. Hell, she had no chance taking him by surprise either, but at that moment, her body moved on its own. Grinding her teeth, she drew back the arrow, aiming for the pathway, waiting for Motochika to emerge.
As soon as Motochika came into view, she fired her arrow, and just as soon as she had let go of the first one, she notched a second one and aimed for his chest again. The first arrow had hit Motochika, but it only entered just under his thick skin- a mere flea bite.
Another arrow shot out, and this time, hit one of the deep claw wounds Masamune had created on his arm. Though the shot landed, it was quickly dawning on her just how weak she was in comparison to him. Clenching her fists, she wiped away her tears, and changed tactics. Darting out from behind the protection of the bush, she ran as fast as she could back toward the mountain valley, all she had to do was get within earshot of Masamune.
Megohime struggled and beat her fists against Motochika's massive hand, doing her best to try and break free. "Masamune-sama!!" She screamed as loud as she could, trying to escape the Oni's grasp.
Even if Masamune did hear her, he was in no condition to spring into action to save her. He was tired and weak from hunger, he would barely fend for himself against Motochika let alone protect Megohime as well. Motochika chuckled and started walking back to his ship with her, "You'll make a fine little pet for me and my men. Nana won't like it but I'm not one for giving a shit."
"Let me go!" Megohime demanded, kicking and screaming the entire way she was brought back to the mighty ship. Only once she spotted the horde of Oni on board did she fall silent, but still squirming as hard as she could.
"Who's this, Aniki?" "A guest. Kinda. She's the Dokuganryuu's mate, and a feisty one at that. I've decided to bring her aboard and let you lot play with her." Motochika answered and tossed Megohime to the horde of small Oni. They all crowded around her and prodded her with their nails and blades, tugging her hair and clothes. "She's so plain lookin'. Doesn't Date prefer fancy things?"
Megohime felt a jolt of icy cold fear run through her body and she immediately stumbled to her feet, swatting away at the Oni who were examining her like a little kid would a new toy, only not as carefully. "Don't touch me!" She snapped, eyes wild with fear, but a spark of anger was still lit in her red eyes.
They all awed at her, Motochika was correct in her being feisty. "Don't worry, we won't hurt you!" They said, "It's nice to have company!"
"The moment I take an Oni for his word, is the moment I'll have signed away my soul." She hissed out, trying to keep away from all of the oni.
"What the fuck?" Nana growled out, watching Megohime do her best to stay in the middle of the circle the Oni had created around her. "Why is a human on the ship?"
Nana slammed her tail against the side of her tank, the Fugaku actually swaying slightly, but it wasn't from the blow struck inside her tank, waves had crashed into the side of Motochika's ship, but where only big enough to rock the ship. "I'm not worried that she'll eat me." She hissed, ears flat. "I'm worried you've gotten soft, letting a human on board."
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