Bond Behind Beast {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

His words broke Megohime's heart further, lowering her head, and clenching her fists. "He... He isn't..." She choked back a sob, shaking visibly, on the verge of admitting what she knew deep in her heart: Masamune wasn't coming.
"I'm sending a letter to see if he cares or not. We will see then, won't we?" He stated. "If he does come fer ye, though, ya may wanna eat some. Ya don't want me forcin' ya."
Megohime only shook her head in protest, wiping away her tears in silence, and though her stomach growled audibly, she refused to take any food or water from the Captain.
Motochika rolled his eyes and signaled for the ogres to grab her. They took hold of her arms and dragged her towards Motochika, forcing herto kneel in front of him as he grabbed the food and water left for her.
Not bothering to fight back, Megohime knelt before Motochika, but still refused to raise her head to look at him, keeping her eyes downcast, and her mouth shut tightly.
Tears fell freely from Megohime's face, in humiliation, frustration, and from sorrow, but she still obeyed Motochika. She opened her mouth enough to show she had let her jaw go slack, but she still barely put any effort into picking her head up.
After Megohime had been fed enough to keep her going for a while longer, she was returned to her cell, where she moved herself back into the far corner once again.
Masamune had been inconsolably for weeks, ever since Megohime had dissapeared, and even Kojurou couldn't soothe Masamune's wounded pride.
The dragon kept to his nest, brooding and pouting, not moving or leaving his spot. Kojurou approached him, a letter in hand, "Masamune-sama, this came for you. It's from Motochika." He said. Masamune sneered and hissed, but Kojurou read it to him anyway. Masamune's blood ran cold before boiling. He scortched the wall in front of him before shooting out of the cave.

Motochika watched the Oni pick at Megohime, smirking slightly. It had been some tike since the letter was sent out, and they had set sail since then. Megohime had been doing a lot better against his crew than before.
Though she wanted nothing more than to collapse and allow the Oni to beat her bloody, something kept Megohime fighting, successfully blocking and countering attacks; also having put on a bit of muscle, she was even able to push the smaller Oni back, that flicker of fire in her eyes having diminished, but not having been extinguished.
Without answering, Megohime turned her spear on Motochika, wiping the sweat from her forehead before charging forward at the massive Oni, hatred burning brightly in her red eyes.
Megohime aimed for his feet, being uncovered and unprotected, first going for his ankles, then quickly switching tactics and aiming for his head.
Megohime tumbled to the ground, but refused to let go of her spear, springing back onto her feet and charging at Motochika, letting out a scream of fury as she aimed at his head with the butt of her spear, only to change directions once again, impaling her spear deep into Motochika's foot.
Megohime flew clear across the deck and slammed into the mast of the ship, crying out in pain before collapsing to the ground. The air had been knocked out of her, leaving her reeling on the ground. Rolling onto her back, she gasped for air, eyes full of tears of pain; her arm definitely broken, and though a clean break, it still kept her floored.
Motochika moved towards her but stopped when he heard something on the wind. It was a roar. He looked to the horizon and saw a mass zooming towards the Fugaku. He smirked and looked to Megohime, "He just needed some remindin'~"
Megohime moved her blurry gaze from Motochika, to the small dot in the distance, barely able to make it out. Her heart skipped a beat, and she had to clench her jaw to keep from wailing openly, struggling to her knees, still finding it hard to breathe. Backing away from Motochika, she kept her eyes on Masamune, cradling her broken arm to keep it from moving around too much.
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