Bond Behind Beast {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Megohime flinched at the sight of his large teeth, retreating closer to Masamune, swallowing the lump in her throat.
Masamune growled at Motochika and the Oni backed off a bit. "I came to see how the humans were treating ye...but I see now that they still treat you well. If you won't eat her, can I? Tell me lass, what seasonings do you like so's I know how to prepare y-" He didn't get to finish before Masamune tackled him out of the cave and down the mountain side.
"Masamune-sama!" Megohime scrambled to the edge of the opening to watch Masamune and Motochika plummet to the valley floor below, her chest tightening. "Kojurou!!" She screamed for Masamune's companion, not able to do anything to help her lover.
Kojurou moved out quickly, "What happened, where's Masamune-sama?" He asked hurriedly. Said dragon shot passed the opening, coiled tight around Motochika and trying to bite and char him while the Oni beat on his wings.
"An Oni climbed up the mountain, a-and Masamune, h-he - please help him!" She begged, pointing down the mountain side, where Masamune and Motochika could be seen plummeting to the ground.
"But Masamune-" She fought back the thoughts that came to mind, looking back down at the two fighting mid-air before she shrugged off her kimono and begain to climb down the side of the cliff, following the narrow foot-path Kojurou used to get to and from the cave, moving as fast as she could without taking her eyes off the two.
"Megohike-dono, it's too dangerous, come back!" Kojurou called, chasing after her. Motochika smashed his fist into the side of Masamune's face, dazing him and causing him to falter and lose altitude.
She let out a startled gasp, watching Masamune plummet to the ground even faster, stopping to call out to Masamune momentarily. "Masamune!! Get up!!" She screamed over the loud winds and sounds of fighting below, before picking up her pace again and hurrying down the cliffside.
Everything was spinning to Masamune, both due to his downward spiral and the daze from Motochika's punch. Motochika hit him again, sending them falling down even faster until they eventually hit the ground. Masamune let out a weak and winded roar before hissing when Motochika wrapped his big meaty hands around the dragon's long throat, smashing his head into the ground over and over. Masamune managed to claw Motochika's chest, causing the Oni to stumble away and give Masamune a moment to breathe and stand.
"Stop! Please!" Megohime had finally made it down the steep cliffside, and rushed to Masamune, putting herself between the two massive beasts, arms outstretched to further shield Masamune. "That's enough, hasn't here been enough violence for one day? Just leave him alone! You've liked your fun, now leave!"
Motochika huffed and puffed, "Aye. I've had my fill, I s'pose." He wiped his mouth clean of drool and snorted, "Keep that overgrown lizard on a leash, will ye...? Maybe a muzzle, too."
Megohime didn't respond verbally to his request, only turning and hurrying over to Masamune, dropping to her knees and cupping his bloodied face. "Masamune-sama, daijoubu?" She smoothed his fur away from his eyes.
He looked up, eyes hazy, but nodded, rumbling softy. Kojurou finally made it down to meet them, breathing heavily, "Are you both all right?"
Megohime looked to Kojurou, then brought one of her hands away from Masamune's head, her blood covered hand shaking. "He's hurt, but I don't see any wounds." She the feel of Masamune's blood on her hands brought tears to her eyes. "I think it's coming from his mouth." Her voice trembled, looking back to Masamune.
Kojurou moved closer and gently pulled back Masamune's lip. His left top canine was hanging on by the nerve, another bottom fang on the same side was bent into his mouth to the point that the roots could be seen. Kojurou frowned, "His fangs are loose and need to be removed."
"That monster came here and talked to Masamune like he knew him, what- what was all that?" She stroked Masamune's head, frowning heavily.
"That Big Oni was Chosokabe Motochika, Ogre of the Western Seas. He and Masamune-sama have been rivals for some time, since before I became his Familiar." He said, "Can you move, Masamune-sama?" The dragon made a low noise of pain and Kojurou frowned, "We will wait here with you, then.."
"Would it help if he turned into his human form? We could help him up the mountain - carry him." She was still shaking from just the sight of Motochika alone.

Back on the Fugaku, Nana waited patiently for Motochika, letting the end of her scaly tail hang out of the water tank.
Masamune groaned and in a wisp of flame was in his human forme, spitting out blood and groaning. Kojurou helped Masamune stand and changed into his real form, a large stag with fur as dark as night with small swirls of lavendar melded in. Masamune struggled to climb up even after Kojurou had knelt down to make it easier on Masamune.
Megohime helped keep Masamune steady, making sure he got onto Kojurou's back, as well as keeping him from falling off. "Go up ahead of me, take care of Masamune-sama." She said to the large stag.
Megohime hurried up the path after Kojurou, but he easily reached the top first, and by the time Megohime had gotten to the cave, Kojurou was human once again, and even dressed.
Kojurou was sitting beside Masamune, who had returned to his form of a dragon, and had begun removing the damaged fangs and cleaning the gums so they wouldn't become infected.
Megohime sat with Masamune as Kojurou worked, soothing him and keeping his attention on her to help lessen the pain. Stroking his mane and gently tracing his scales, she also helped clean the dirt and blood from his uninjuried areas, a soft frown on her face. "Shouldn't he have milk of the poppy?"
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