Bond Behind Beast {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

"You're welcome." He said, "Figured you might want to bring something back.."

He made a low noise but gave a huff of agreement, trusting her completely
Nana kissed the large Oni on the cheek, curling her tail. "It's beautiful; now, let's get back to the sea before I dry out." She said, keeping ahold of her flower.

((Time for Takeda stuff!))

Winter had come early this year, and with Yukimura still providing Akihime with protection and shelter, the two spent more time together as the snow trapped them within the warm confines of the estate. Yukimura, whom was still shy around Akihime, found her company more than enjoyable. "Akihime-dono, I hope you know you are free to leave at anytime, but should you choose, you always have a home here at the Takeda estate." He said, looking up from his tea.

((Could I have one slightly disgruntled and cold Sasuke please~?))
((Of course, my sweet~))

"If I had another home, perhaps I would leave...but you have been so kind and hospitable, I can't really bring myself to leave." She answered. Sasuke grumbled as he huddled closer to the fire, not having the temperament for the winter or cold. He was dressed in at least three robes and two pairs of socks over his feet with a pair of slippers on over those.
Yukimura felt his heart flutter when Akihime said that, in all honesty, he was quite smitten with her, and didn't wish for her to go. "Then you may stay here and call this home your own." He said with a gentle smile.

The wind outside of Sasuke's room picked up, before a gentle knock came at the door, the figure of someone kneeling outside of his room could be seen through the paper door. But that then raised the question on who in the world would be kneeling outside, waiting for Sasuke to let them inside, in the middle of a snow storm.
Akihime blushed heavily and smiled, bowing to him, "Thank you so much, Yukimura-sama..!"

"Who is it?" Sasuke asked cautiously, "It's a damn blizzard outside."
Yukimura's own cheeks flushed when he saw Akihime's radiant smile, casting his gaze back down on his tea.

The person outside didn't answer, they simply knocked once more, a heavy feeling hanging in the air.
"So...may I ask why you were a tiger...?" Akihime asked shyly, "I heard of demons and monsters that lived in the mountains...the ringmaster tried catching a few for the circus but his hunters were always killed."

Sasuke groaned and forced himself away from the fire to open the door.
Yukimura rubbed the back of his neck, not looking all that comfortable with answering, but he did so regardless. "It's a curse that falls onto the current ruler of the Takeda clan, and since my master had fallen ill before the end of his rein, I was appointed ruler." He said, glancing up at her nervously.

Once Sasuke opened the door, he was met with a woman clad in pure white, the Yuki Onna he had previously helped. "Excuse the intrusion.." She bowed her head slightly, now completely clean and neat, long hair loose around her shoulders, skin just as white as her hair, with white lashes to shadow ice-blue eyes. "You're the Kitsune from before, I wanted to thank you for helping me." She said, keeping herself bowed.
"I'm sorry if it was too personal a question...!" She said quickly, worried she had offended him, "You didn't have to answer, you could have said it was none of my business...!"

Sasuke physically winced and bundled tighter in his robes, "Yeah, no problem...!"
"No, it's not anything uncomfortable, it's just you're the first outsider to be told of this curse." He admitted with a slight grin.

The Yuki Onna noticed Sasuke flinch, and that's when she noticed the snow blowing inside the room. Raising her hand, she moved it in one fluid motion, and the air that blew into the room ceased from entering. "Sorry, I had to make it a little colder to travel down here comfortably, but I should've controlled the winds a bit more carefully." She said, getting to her feet. Though she had snow piled on her shoulders, her kimono was bone dry, not at all affected by the snow.
"I'm sorry.." She muttered, "Honestly it was none of my business.."

Sasuke relaxed a little and shook his head, "No, I understand, it's fine.." He replied, "Don't worry too much about it.."
"You have nothing to be sorry about, Akihime-dono, you're a dear friend who helped me and showed me kindness in my time of need, and I will do the same for you in return." He said, bowing his head with a soft smile.

The Yuki Onna stood awkwardly for a moment before clearing her throat. "A-Amaya desu.." She said quietly, eyes cast away from the Kitsune.
Akihime smiled faintly and nodded, "Your words do me a great honor, Yukimura-sama...I have never been treated with such kindness before so please forgive me if I react awkwardly.."

Sasuke perked, "Oh! Uh, Sasuke desu!" He said quickly, "Sorry, I'm not good at talking to beautiful women."
((We can ditch those two until my plan a little later for them~))

Amaya blinked in confusion at Sasuke's words, her cheeks turning a pale blue. "O-Oh.." She averted her gaze once more, shuffling in embarrassment. Never before had she been talked to so regularly, let alone been called beautiful; it stirred something deep within her she hadn't felt before.

"Do you want anything? Iced tea, sweet snow...? I have no idea what Yuki Onna's eat so forgive me if I offend you.." He said, "It's bad enough danna brought a girl home and I have to watch her every now and again..."
The more Sasuke talked, the more blue Amaya's face turned, before the temperature dropped even colder. "G-Gomenasai.." And with that, she dissapeared into the snowstorm.

((She's gonna be super shy around Sasuke~))

Megohime always had a habit of waking before the sun rose, and in turn of leaving the warmth Masamune provided for her when she slept, she sat at the cave opening to watch the sunrise. With a heavy kimono draped over her shoulders, wearing just a kosode, she watched the pale light of the sky turn from a soft pink-white, to blue.
((Kawaii desu))

The birds were seen flying off in the distance, as if something had startled them. Closer and closer a faint sound of rumblimg coud be heard at the base of the mountain, small tremors growing stronger and stronger through the rock and earth.
Megohime shifted her position from where she was sitting to see if she could spot what was at the base of the mountain, but when she couldn't see passed the clouds, she chalked it up to an earthquake. Still something made her rather uneasy. With a soft frown on her face, she contemplated if she should call for Masamune or not, but decided against it and remained where she was in silence.
The entire mountain began to shake and soon beneath the fog of the clouds, a massive indigo colored hand with long sharp nails shot through and grabbed the rock. The hand hoisted up an indigo Big Oni, it's left eye covered with an eyepatch. As soon as it spotted Megohime it seemed to start climbing faster.
Megohime felt like she had been dunked into an icy river, her entire body frozen with fear as she watched the large Oni climb closer and closer. Tears of terror fell from her eyes and even though she had been dangled over a thousand foot drop, and terrorized by a dragon, the fear she felt at that moment was nothing in comparison. "M... Masa.." Her voice was barely audible, not able to stand, or even look away from the large beast that approached her.
"Well, well~ a bit early for a new sacrafice, eh~?" His voice was loud and thunderous, vibrating through the cave and over the valley. Instantly Masamune seemed to appear, baring his fangs at Motochika and snarling.
Once Masamune appeared, Megohime seemed to gather the courage to scramble to her feet, turning her back on the ogre and nearly falling over herself as she tried to get away from the beast.
"Greetings, Dokuganryuu! Been a while, ne?" Motochika greeted, "When do you plan on eating this one?" He nudged his head to Megohime and Masamune shielded her with his wing. "Ah, I see. Another Iisaka. Here's hopin' she doesn't off herself too, eh?" Motochika laughed dryly and Masamune snarled loudly.
Megohime held onto Masamune's side, staring at Motochika, all whilst trembling. "Eat a bag of dicks, you monster..!" Even though she still had tears in her eyes, her face had twisted with anger, a snarling scowl on her face.
Motochika turned towards her and grinned, "Gladly, if they were filling~ but you seem to me like a right better snack than a gaggle of cocks~" He said before chomping his teeth at her
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