Bond Behind Beast {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Megohime pulled herself closer to the dragons chest, trembling as she held onto him, tears streaming down her cheeks. "It hurts.." She sobbed into his chest.
For the next day and a half, Megohime refused to leave Masamune, usually hiding under one of his wings or curled against his chest, always trembling in pain. She still refuse to let Kojurou clean her face, having covered it with a makeshift bandage she had torn from her destroyed dress, but still, even she could smell that it had begun to fester.
Masamune whimpered at her, sometimes changing to his human forme to try and convince her to let Kojurou finish cleaning her wounds. He clawed into the cave floor, writing 'please', wanting her to get treatment for the wounds he caused.
She shook her head, clawing at the furs beneath her. "It hurts too much..." She said, looking up at him with her good eye, which reflected the fear that comes along with any serious injury. "Please don't let him... No more.." She begged, tears welling in her eye.
Megohime bit her lip hard, holding onto the furs and burying her face into the soft pelts, giving a small nod. "... Will you stay with me..?" She asked quietly, turning her head slowly to look up at him. "A-As a human..?"
Letting Kojurou clean her wounds again was a loud and long process, Megohime trying her very best to not struggle too much as he scrubbed off the dead flesh from her face and neck, fresh tears staining her face and her pained wails echoed loudly in the cave.
After Kojurou had cleaned and bandaged her wounds, Megohime curled up against Masamune, not letting go of his hand; her skin feverish.
Masamune pet her head gently, "You did great, you can heal and get better and be the snappiest of Snap Dragons." He said gently
Her lip trembled and she shook her head. "No... I-I just want to sleep.."

((Is there anything you wanna do?))
((Ok! Let's see, I don't think Sasuke has met Aki yet, we can do that!))

Nana, with her golden tail wrapped in a sea-soaked cloth almost large enough to cover Motochika himself, sat upon the Ogre's shoulder, looking around the inland with awestruck eyes. "I imagined it'd be different, but not this different.." She muttered, twisting and turning to get a good look at everything.

With the pain from her burns slowly fading, Megohime was able to move around more, eventually able to walk herself out to the ledge to enjoy the cool mountain breeze. With the constant cleaning and ointments Kojurou had administered, Megohime's face was healing faster than anticipated, only the deep burns remaining on her back. She was lucky to only lose her hair, her eye being unharmed other than the scarring on her face, but she didn't seem to place any blame on Masamune at all.
The giant mass of muscle and power known only as Motochika chuckled at her curiousness. "Well, I would imagine so, seeing as it's dangerous for a pretty thing like you to be ashore."

Masamune, who was in his true form so Kojurou could help his shedding scales, watched Megohime in silence as to not disturh her. He still felt bad for burning her so terribly and tried his best to give her space to heal physically and mentally.
Nana didn't let the comment get too far under her scales. "Well, I'm no Oni, but even I could best you at sea." She said with a soft grin. "Demon of the Sea or not."

Megohime watched the clouds roll by absentmindedly, instead focusing on listening to Masamune rub off the irritating scales that had grown too small. Standing up, she turned and headed back into the cave, approaching Masamune. She reached up and touched his snout gently, smiling softly, before carefully resting her forehead against his nose.

Eversince Yukimura had escaped the circus and returned to his human form, he struggled maintaining his more human side, more than likely a side affect of remaining as a beast for such an extended period of time. No matter, he still allowed Akihime to keep residence at the Takeda estate, allowing her her own room as well as anything else she requested.
"Where would you like to go, little gem?" He asked, "We'll explore anywhere you like."

Masamune snorted a small huff of smoke, rumbling gently to voice his affections. Kojurou continued to gingerly pull off the scales until his arms were sore, which he then placed some damp cloth over the rest of the patches to help them flake off easier.

Akihine walked around the estate, having never seen anything so big in her life. She was entranced and excited, only knowing the circus life.
"I'd like to see a forest." Nana stated, pointing further inland toward the large mass of trees. "I've never seen so many trees in one place up close before."

Once Kojurou had finished, and left the two on their own, Megohime moved to sit comfortably between his front legs, gently running her fingers down his large claws. "Do you ever want to return to the humans?" She asked softly.

((Can we have Sasuke and Aki antics~? Also, probably gonna bring in Amaya soon~))
((Sasuke and Aki antics??))

Motochika nodded and took long strides towards the edge of the forest, the earth rumbling beneath him.

Masamune made a small noise of distress, not liking the idea at all. He rested his head beside her and rumbled softly in discomfort.
((Hells yeah~ While Yukimura is busy at least~ He tries to visit her everyday~))

Nana swung her tail lazily from side to side as she was carried under the canopy of dense trees, dark eyes wide in wonder. "This is amazing.."

Megohime pet his wild mane gently, making long strokes through the thick hair. "One day... I promise you, we'll go down there again, and I'll show you not everything is terrible.." She soothed.
((I'm...really confused...why would Sasuke wanna do anything with Akihime?))

"Oh aye, if ye like green and the stench of dirt." He said amusedly. He reached out and pulled a magenta colored flower from the foliage and presented it to her.

His eye begged her to reconsider, his whiskers wiggling nervously.
((Because Yuki asked him to keep her company?))

Nana took the flower and smiled, her pearly white teeth glinting in the spotty light that came through the tree leaves. "It reminds me of the coral off in the warmer regions of the sea."

Megohime took his large head in both hands. "I promise I won't let anyone harm you, Masamune-sama, I promise." She said, her eyes set with determination.
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