Bond Behind Beast {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Amaya cleared her throat, glancing off to the side. "Your hand is hurt... Let me fix that.." She murmured, waving her hand, the ice turning to snow and falling from his hand.
He flexed his fingers, wincing. His skin was red and irritated, consistant with a burn, but he disregarded it and looked to her, "Thanks."
Amaya cleared her throat before thanking him once more, dissapearing into the snow drift, and returning home.

Nearly two weeks had passed since Megohime had agreed to be Masamune's mate, sleeping in his room under the protection of his wing, and often combing the dragons massive mane, which always tangled easily. Resting against his side, the two of them dozed in the dim light of his cave, a book resting on Megohime's lap.
Masamune's lips twitched and his tail flicked in his sleep, being unsettled in his slumber.
Masamune slunk through his tunnels quickly, trying to hunt down the massive stench in his caves. He stopped, frozen, seeing Kojurou slain in the main tunnel. Masamune would have to mourn later, he still had to find Megohime.
He twitched harder and let out a soft rumble of distress, whiskers wiggling furiously.
Megohime stirred slowly from her sleep, opening her eyes and getting her hearings before looking to Masamune's large head, watching him in his restless slumber for a moment before getting to her feet. She had never seen Masamune do what he was doing, weither he was hurt or ill- even a simple nightmare, but whatever it was it still concerned her. Starting for the cave entrance, she let out a soft yawn, hair a mess and sleep still in her eyes.
There was a bloodcurdling scream that echoed through the caves, one Masamune could never mistake- Megohime's. The dragons mate lay slaughtered at the men's feet, a deep wound nearly cleaving her arm and shoulder from her body, blood pooling around her quickly, and already the life had drained from her eyes.
Masamune jerked in his sleep, rumbling lowly.
Masamune hurried to where he heard the scream, skidding to a stop when he found Megohime. His eyes widened and he inched closer, nudging her gently. She didn't move and his chest tightened to the point he couldn't breathe.
Masamune whined in distress, looking pained.
Megohime stopped at the entryway and cupped w hwnd around her mouth. "Kojurou..! I think Masamune may be ill." She called, turning back and moving over to Masamune, gently touching his wing.
Heavy chains were thrown over Masamune's tail and neck, yanking him down to the cave floor. "It's an ugly thing, eh?" One of the hunters laughed, stepping on Masamune's wing. "Now all we have to do is cut off these puppies and we can bring in our prize."
Masamune thrashed hard before forcing up with all his might-
He roared loudly, forcing himself up and thrashing about wildly. Kojurou rushed in when he heard the roar, moving for Megohime, "Get away from him!!"
Megohime was knocked back when he woke, hitting the ground before flipping back over and scrambling to her feet, but she didn't move fast enough. A hot burst of flames erupted from Masamune's mouth, the flames hitting Megohime in the back with enough force to knock her back down. Within an instant the flames engulfed her, Megohime letting out a horrific scream of agony as she hit the ground. The flames ate away at the back of her dress, a hole already scorched through the silk, hair being eaten away by the flames as well. The smell of burning flesh and hair was already heavy in the room, Megohime's cries of agony reaching Masamune's ears.
Masamune sucked back his flames and looked down in horror. Kojurou moved over hurriedly, "Masamune-sama, what have you done?!" He snapped. Masamune looked panicked, whimpering and gently nudging Megohime's hand
Megohime lay face down on the ground, a look of agony on her face, even in her unconsciousness. She let out a weak noise, body twitching slightly and breathing raggedly, clothes still smoldering.
Kojurou moved to grab her and Masamune snapped at him, gently coiling protectively around Megohime. "Masamune-sama, I have to treat the burns!" Kojurou hissed. Masamune rumbled angry and nudged his head for Kojurou to get what he needed, not letting Megohime go.
Megohime laid still, her breathing coming out in short puffs and her face twisted in agony, trembling slightly even though she was in an unconscious state. Most of her hair had been burned away, leaving just less than a shoulderlength amount, and her dress was in tatters. The entire back had been burned away to reveal blackened and charred flesh in the middle of her back, and red raw flesh on her shoulders, neck and partially her face; but the damage to her face couldn't be assessed until Kojurou could get a look at her.
Kourou returned with his ointments and some cool water, carefully going to work on Megohime's burns. Masamune watched worriedly, rumbling faintly out of guilt.
As soon as Kojurou touched Megohime's back, her eyes flew open and she let out a shriek of pain, trying to crawl over Masamune's tail to get away, but she could barely move. Kicking at Kojurou, tears flowed down her cheeks in pain, making the charred flesh crack and bleed.
Megohime's struggling eventually grew weaker and weaker, but her tears didn't stop. "Please stop.." She begged Kojurou, pain making her vision fuzzy.
"Gomenasai, Megohime-dono.." Kojurou muttered apologetically as he continued to clean her burns. Masamune gently licked her cheek free of tears, blue eyes holding guilt
Megohime let out soft sobs as he scrubbed the blackened and dead flesh from her back, shaking violently from the pain. "Please no more.." She begged Kojurou in a soft whisper, trying to push his hands away from her back; the burn on the side of her face was streaked black and red, blood oozing from her swollen-shut eye.
Kojurou apologized more and more as he continued to clean her burns, getting the dead and burnt skin off and applying the ointment before working on her face.
She struggled just as much when he tried to clean her face, trying to kick out and hit him, but her legs were trapped under Masamune. "Enough..! It hurts too much!" She snapped, gripping Kojurou's arm as tight as she could, keeping his hand away from her face.
"Megohime-dono, I need to clean the wound!" Kojurou stated firmly. Masamune made a noise, shaking his head. Kojurou looked to him and sighed, "Fine...I will return later.."
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