Bond Behind Beast {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

He chuckled under his breath, "Thanks.." He muttered. He hesitated before kissing her cheek quickly and moving away, clearing his throat and looking away bashfully.
Megohime made a soft noise, cheeks a soft pink and she closed the distance and kissed him softly on the lips, pressing her against his firmly, resting her hands on his bare shoulders. She held the kiss for a moment longer before taking a step back. "You're not all that great with sealing the deal with a woman, are you?" She teased, flustered herself.
"Human courtship is so strange...we dragons are so simple; you find a female you want to court, fight another male to show your dominance, once you win, you go to the female and show her the heat of your flame - the brighter, the hotter, the better. And once she accepts you as her mate, you touch foreheads and entwine your tails. But humans, you have to take the female out, get her nice things, bring her food and constantly do things for her to make her happy before she agrees to being your mate. It's so odd." He stated, smiling amusedly.
"I never said I'd agree to becoming your mate." She said, her embarrassment showing clearly on her face. "... But... I wouldn't be against a relationship with you.." She said softly, glancing at him.
"W-Well... Maybe not entirely.." She said softly, her blush growing, casting her gaze down and rubbing the side of her neck.
In a flash of fire, Masamune was back as a dragon, moving slowly and lowering his head to gently touch her forehead with his. He slowly closed his eyes and gave an affectionate rumble, his tail slowly coiling around her protectively.
Megohime gently placed her hands on his large head, resting her forehead against his and closing her eyes, finding it odd at first, but she settled in against him.
"Does... This mean we're mates?" Megohime asked, watching him with an unreadable expression. "Like a marriage?" She sounded curious rather than scared or uneasy.
He tilted his head briefly before changing back, laying on his rug with his head in his hand, "Mateship is like a marriage...but you aren't ready for that, and I understand...I don't want you throwing yourself off the moutain so I will try and move with human courtship...though I would like to offer a mating session, it can be as brief or as long as you wish...but you can tell me no."
Megohime had to admit, she had her own needs that hadn't been satisfied, and she didn't exactly hate Masamune. She could even go so far as to say she enjoyed that he would always stand his ground with her, and that she could do the same; plus he wasn't all that bad looking. Moving over to the rug, she kneeled down on the thick rug made up of many different pelts, cheeks pink as she slowly moved over him. Megohime stared down at Masamune, her black hair brushing against his face, her knees on both sides of his hips and her hands on both sides of his head. "I don't mind."
"You'll be my first human.." He teased lightly, "Iisaka was adament that she didn't want to mate, so..." He actually looked a little embarrassed, "I'll try and be gentle.."
Megohime leaned down to silence him with a kiss, cupping his cheek and closing her eyes, chest pressed against his. Pulling away slightly, she let her lips brush his as she spoke. "I'll be okay."
Megohime made a soft noise, deepening the kiss and moving to gently straddle his hips, her face growing hot.
Megohime shivered as the cool air hit her now exposed body, tangling her fingers through Masamune's hair and placing her free hand over one of his hands, guiding his hand up her side.
A low noise sounded from him as he mapped her body with his hands, his kisses trailing down her neck and shoulder gently before running his large canine's along her skin
Megohime's grip on Masamune's hair tightened when he dragged the fang across her skin, leaving a thin red line in its wake. A soft murmur escaped her and a quiver shook her thighs, leaning her head back with a soft sigh.
Megohime's breath hitched in her throat, moving her legs open slightly more for him, lips parted slightly as soft murmurs escaped her.
Megohime made a soft noise, taking control and flipping so he was back under her, kissing down his neck and letting her hand grope his manhood gently. "Don't tell me you don't know how to please a woman..~?" She teased.
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