Bond Behind Beast {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Megohime scowled and turned, leaving and heading to her room. Jin frowned softly but nodded. "I'm in your debt, you saved my life... I don't have money I can repay you with though, I'm sorry." She said softly.
Her cheeks flushed red and she nodded. "H-Hai.." Standing slowly, she still had to keep most of her weight off her ankle, but she was able to limp alongside Kojurou. "Where are we? It's very windy.."
She shook her head. "No, thank you, my ankle feels much better.. Thank you so much." She said softly. Once Kojurou had left to take Jin back to her village, Megohime left her room and moved to Masamune's, entering the dark room without alerting him, but she had no reason to.
"Dra- Masamune." She called, standing behind him with a soft frown on her face, studying the smooth scales on his back.
Megohime was still wearing the dress that had caught fire, a soft frown on her face. "I'm sorry." She said, meeting his good eye. "I don't even know how to really apologize to a dragon.. I guess I could start with apologizing for throwing out your things..." She muttered.
Masamune watched her for any sign of falsehood in her words. The only thing he noticed was that she was forcing herself to do this. He lifted his claw and wrote carefully into his rug, 'Why?'
Megohime rubbed the back of her neck, glancing off to the side. "It would be a bit easier to speak to you if you were in human form.."
Megohime kept her gaze off of him, out of embarrassment, but mostly because he was nude. "Because I always thought of you as a tyrant... But you not.." She shifted uneasily. "I'm sorry about everything, even the things I didn't do; the things that were done to you in the past."
"I've already told you that you can leave," He told her, "Kojurou is more than capible to take you down the cliffside...I don't understand why you insist on trying to make peace with me...if you were a dragon, I'd dare go as far as to say you'd make a fine mate for your persistance..."
Megohime's cheeks flushed pink at his words. "I'm not done. I'm sorry for what humans have done to you, but what about the innocent women that people have offered to you, the women you could have refused, the ones you took anyway and killed them once you were done with them. You were wronged, but in the end you still became the very thing these people thought you were all along. You're a murderer, Masamune."
He stayed quiet, not really having a retort that wouldn't result in her lashing out at him again, "Better to be feared than loved, I guess..." He murmured
"Better to be feared than loved? Are you stupid or just bitter?" She was practically scolding him now, fists clenched. "Have you even felt love before..!?"
"Once..." He voice was soft, the faint warbles of sadness mixing in to his tone, "Many, many years of the sacrafi- girls...decided to try and make peace with me. Iisaka was her name and she was just so..." He hesitated, "She was different from the other ones. She didn't show any fear or any hatred...she did everything she could so I would like her and I...I took her as my mate." He laughed bitterly and shook his head, "Huge mistake, I guess...I practically worshipped her and treated her like a queen and she-!" He stopped and drew away, glaring at the ground, "I don't want to talk about it anymore..." He said lowly.
Megohime moved forward, crossing her arms and glaring up at him. "Are you telling me a single woman was able to knock a dragon from the heavens?" She said, poking a finger into his chest, looking up at him, leaning forward slightly. "I don't get it, no, I don't buy it. What did she do, leave you for another dragon? Lie about loving you?"
Masamune snapped and grabbed her, shoving her hard against the wall, "She killed herself! Threw herself right down the cliffside because she didn't love me, not one bit! She was toying with me just so I wouldn't kill her! I don't like it! I don't like the killing, Megohime! But that's all they do after a while, they just beg to die because they would rather cease living than be known as a friend or companion to the Dokuganryuu! You don't understand, you will never understand what it's like to be me!"
Megohime let out a gasp when he grabbed her and cried out when he slammed her into the wall, pain flaring from her back. Turning her head away as he yelled at her, she calmed her nerves, waiting for him to finish speaking before she spoke. Turning to face him, she looked him dead in the eye. "Then help me understand. How is anyone supposed to understand someone who shuts themselves away?"
"Shutting away is easier. Hiding and letting humans believe what they want is easier. I tried, Megohime, I really did. I tried with all of them. But they were either lying to me or just fearful. I'm tired of trying." Instinctively like a hatchling with its mother, he nestled into her neck, loosening his grip, "I just want someone to tell me they care and mean it...that's all..."
Megohime hesitated when he rested against her neck, her expression softening as she gently rested her arms around his shoulders. "You really aren't all that different from a human, you know.." She muttered, resting her forehead against his head.
"What makes you say that...?" He asked softly, "Surprised I actually have feelings...?" It was a bitter joke but he still managed a ghost of a smile
Megohime pulled his chin up so she could study his face, cupping his cheek. "No, because like the men in my village, you have feelings but refuse to acknowledge them, or you just ignore them; you're thick headed." She teased.
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