Bond Behind Beast {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

"Well good, because my feet are starting to hurt..~" She joked, wiggling her tail a bit.

Yukimura jumped easily back onto the stool, sitting down and letting his tail sway; cold winds blew through the tent again, making many of the people in the tent shiver, Yukimura's ears flattening.
Mitochika chuckled and moved to keep growling orders at the smaller oni, they would be making port soon

Akihime looked to where the wind came from and frowned softly before turning back to Yukimura, "Tora-san, stand please.."
Nana watched the Oni scramble around the deck, picking chunks off the fish and popping them into her mouth.

Yukimura stood on his hind legs, towering well over Akihime when he did so, his powerful hindlegs not wavering at all.
The audience swooned and awed at Yukimura and Akihime gave him a treat before signalling him to step down before asking him to hop through a couple hoops
Yukimura did his tricks, hopping through hoops and even some flaming ones, jumping high to catch a treat from the air before landing on all fours. Once their act was done, Yukimura bowed once more to the audience, trotting out with Akihime.
As Akihime waked back to th cages with Yukimura, two men held the chains of the weakened Yuki Onna, who stumbled as she walked, eyes far away once again and even more needlemarks running up and down her arms.

((Is Mitsunari gonna be the one to handle her in the ring??))
The two men handed the Yuki Onna off to Mitsunari, hurrying out of the ring; the woman standing there and looking around at the audience, swaying slightly.
"Ladies and gentlemen." Mitsunari began, "This maiden here we found in the moutains and felt she would be a lovely addition to our circus." The audience gaped and awed at the girl, fascinated
The young maiden lifted her lip in a silent snarl, tugging weakly on the chains and try to back away from Mitsunari, hair flowing as if it were windy inside the tent, but wind only swirled around her. "You'll all be frozen in time, for all to see like a caged beast chained to its shame." She hissed at Mitsunari.
A bitter laugh as cold as winter erupted from her, stumbling slightly when he yanked her chain. "Fine, I'll use my magic." She said darkly, turning and narrowing her eyes, letting them land on a man who hadn't stopped ogling her since she had entered. Even in her drugged state, she held her arm out, a cold gust of wind tearing through the tent with the deadly force of a snow blizzard, and when the winds died down, the man sat frozen - quite literally - in horror.
The audnce screamed in horror and Mitsunari tugged the chain so hardshe was knocked over. The circus hands moved quickly and grabbed her, dragging her back as others worked on escortig the audience out.
The woman didn't waste energy on struggling as she dragged through the dirt, laughing more instead, grunting when the man who was pulling her out tossed her against the side of a large crate. She sat up glaring but was caught off guard when her arms were yanked a over her head and she was pinned against the crate, another circus hand rushing over and yanking her sleeve down, stabbing the needle into her arm and administering a large dose of sedatives to her.
The Yuki Onna actually looked nervous now, fear flashing in her crystal blue eyes as she pressed herself as far away from the flame as she could. "You wouldn't want your little prize going out with a burnt face, would you?" She sneered sarcastically.
"I can burn you in other places." He hissed. Akihime watched in horror and she rushed over, shoving Mitsunari down, "Leave her alone!!" "Hey!" The men grabbed her and threw her down, making her bump her head. She whined and sat up, shaking her head before she got up and shoved more of the men away from the Yuki Onna before she was finally punched and knocked back down.
The chain went slack and the woman slouched over, the drugs having finally kicked in, rendering her lame for the moment, the sounds of struggle sounding far away to her.
"You worthless little whore!" "S-Such an empty insult, Mitsunari." Akihime hissed faintly, "I'm disappointed." Mitsunari growled under his breath before kicking her in the ribs, making her cough and hack
A loud snarl at the other end of the tent made everyone stop all movement, the large reddish tiger standing there with an angry snarl on his face and his ears flat. One of the circus hands ran off the moment he saw Yukimura and the other grabbed for his club, but Yukimura was faster. Charging full speed he tackled the man and knocked him to the ground, standing on his chest and tearing easily into his throat with his teeth. Turning on Mitsunari, he bore his teeth once more, heading towards him and growling lowly.
Yukimura let out a ferocious roar, swatting at Mitsunari before turning to Akihime and moving over, nudging her hip, trying to move her closer to him; it was almost as if he wanted her to get on his back.

The Yuki Onna had vasinshed, the only thing still there being the chains. Already having making it many miles away, the snow woman stumbled down the road, stopping occasionally to steady herself.

((Bring in Sasuke please?))
(( (•^•)7 Of course!))

Akihime blinked before nodding, climbing onto his back and holding on to the scruff of his neck.

Sasuke had been searching high and low for Yukimura for days, running around in his fox form. His orange and white fur was definately out of place, especially his five tails dancing behind him as he ran
As soon as Akihime had a firm grip on his neck, he bolted, running faster than any animal should been able too. His breath came out in hot puffs in the cold night, heading straight back to Kai, and back to Kai.

The scent of fire hit her before she saw him, and when he did come into view, she was ready, blowing freezing winds at him to stop him in his tracks, moving slowly and jerkily onto the path in front of him; she looked angrier than a wet cat.
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