Bond Behind Beast {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

"I want to talk to you." She said, her voice serious. "Turn into a human." She said, but it sounded more of a request.
Megohime waited for him to put his hakama on before speaking. "Why am I here? If I'm not here to be raped or slaughtered, why am I not allowed to return home?" She asked, folding her arms over her chest. "What purpose do I serve here for you? All I've done is sit in this cave and read old books for a week."
"Why don't you just go out to the market and speak to the people there?" She asked, giving him a skeptical look. "Or a brothel? What about Katakura?"
"I've had Kojurou for as long as I can remember, he kinda runs out of things to talk about...and I can't really...leave the mountain..." He answered.
Megohime didn't seem to like that answer. "Can't leave the mountain? What kind of crap is that?" She asked.
Megohime moved closer, brows furrowed. "You know what I think? I think you're scared. You're scared so you sit up here all day and take the offerings people throw at you so you so you don't have to try..!" She hissed.
Masamune scowled softly, "I'm getting real tired of your shit. Do you want to know why I can't leave?! Fine! It's not because I'm scared, it's because you fucking asshole humans are! Do you think I've tried being human and blending in so I can have friends?! I have, when I was still young, and they still fucking knew I was a dragon! It's this fucking right eye of mine that gave it away! And you know what happened?! Men bigger than me as human and dragon came and beat me so hard, I couldn't even fly back!! I had to hide in the forest for days because I couldn't move without immense pain keeping me earth bound! So if you want to scurry down the cliffside and go home then be my guest!! I don't care any more what you do!! Now, GET OUT OF MY CAVE!!" He transformed back and roared in her face before turning away from her and curling up tight.
Megohime only flinched when he transformed and roared in her face, standing there for a moment before turning and leaving. For the next two days, they avoided eachother, which wasn't very hard considering the cave was rather large and Megohime went out of her way to stay clear of the dragon, mostly staying in her room. The woman Kojurou had pulled from the rockslide was still unconscious, but her injuries were healing nicely, her slight fever leaving easily. On the third day, Megohime returned to Masamune's room, standing there as she waited for him to notice her, frowning softly.
Masamune snarled under his breath when he caught her scent in his room, turning his head to bare his large pointed teeth and fangs at her.
Megohime turned her head away from the heat of his snarl, standing tall. "Shut up and turn human." She said, something gold flashing in her hand.
Megohime glared back at him, arms crossed over her chest. "Don't be childish." She said, not willing to move. "...Please?" She offered a nicer approach, expression softening.
Megohime moved closer, reaching up and gently fastening something over his cloudy eye, not bothering asking for his permission as she pulled out a comb, pulling it through his wild hair. "Eventually I'd like to go out, and seeing as I can't fly, you'll have to take me. You complained about people knowing about your identity, so." She finished combing out his hair and moved back. "You can probably find a less flashy one at any market, but everything here is mostly gold so you'll just have to put up with it. They might even think you're a nobleman if you wear the right clothes and walk straight." She said, admiring the golden and leather eyepatch that covered his eye; but she was still uneasy around him.
"Yeah, whatever gives you the most satisfaction." She muttered and turned, going through some of the hakama and kosode she had brought with her. "Now stop complaining and try this.." She picked out a dark blue hakama with a white kosode with a dragon pint, tossing it at Masamune. "Try that on, see if it fits, people are going to notice you aren't normal if you don't wear clothes."
Masamune watched as the clothes fell to his feet, staring at them before looking at her, "Whatthe fuck are doing?" He was more curious than angry.
Megohime sighed and rubbed her temple. "You said you wanted to go and be social, well then you're gonna have to put effort into it. Put those clothes on to see if they still fit." She said, brushing hair behind her ear and turning to face him. "And... I wanted to apologize about the other day... I'm not sucking up to you, so don't mistake the two."
Megohime's expression change from hurt, to anger. Moving forward, her arm shot out, smacking him hard across the face. "I was wrong to assume I could do something nice. So fine, turn back into a beast, swallow me whole, tear me appart, push me out of the cave, or have Kojurou feed me those poisonous plants, I don't care. I was trying to make the best out of this situation, and you can stay here and rot."
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