Bond Behind Beast {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

((And back to Chika for a bit~))

Nana had been sitting in a half-full tank of murky water for a week, stomach growling constantly by the sixth day, though not a single word had come out of her mouth for five days. She frowned down at her scaly tail, boredly chewing on her nails.
Mtochika sat on the deck meditating with his giant iron anchor club. He hadn't been in his room since he punished the Ningyo, growling orders at his men to keep his mind busy.
"S-Sir?" One of the Oni came up behind the larger Oni, making sure to keep his distance. "It's been a week, and we haven't heard any noises from your bed chambers.. Perhaps the Ningyo has expired?"
Motochika made a noise and stood, moving to his door and opening it. He moved to Nana and stared down at her, "I been thinkin'. And thinkin' isn't somethin' I usually do, but ye made a fair point the other day and I suppose if you cooperate, I will be...less aggressive with caring for you."
Nana gave him a sideways glance over her shoulder, silent for a moment before speaking. "I want a bigger tank and more sun." She said, turning to face him. "And no more cooked food, or food from the inland." She bargained.
He contemplated for a moment; the Fugaku was a huge ship, maybe he could figure out somewhere to put her where he could still watch her and he could comply with her request. He made a noise, they didn't really use the Fugaku's brig. "The tank and sun will take time," He told her, "But I can do it. And all I can offer for food is a small portion of our catch every couple days."
She made a noise and swished her tail in the tank, a soft smile on her face. "And I want to be able to get fresh air for a while." She said, a teasing tone in her voice.
"Nana." She said softly, feeling joy that he remembered to ask for her name, that and he seemed to be forgiving of her for eating his bird.
"Nana." He repeated before nodding, "Well, Nana, I'll have your tank cleaned and refilled and I'll bring you some food...if you agreee to cooperate."
"I promise." She agreed, nodding her head. "And, uh, sorry about your parrot." She said, flashing a meek smile.
As of late, the camp the circus had set up had grown colder, and snow clouds even started to gather over the Provence of Kai, leaving everyone in warmer clothes and inside. Along with the odd weather, a large steel box had been stored in the very back of the tent away from the show animals, frost forming heavily over the outside.
((Is Mitsunari gonna find her back there~?))

The metal box rumbled and a terrible noise came from inside, like a loud mountain wind with the faint sound of a woman screaming. Ice slowly spread across the door, then shattered, melting just as fast as it had formed; the sound of heavy chains moving inside scraping the metal could be heard, but just barely over the noise of the abnormal wind.
Akihime gasped and hid slightly before peeking back out and watching more before moving over slowly. Her curiousity finally took hold and she found herself drifting towards this odd box with the need to know of what it contained.
The handle was freezing, so cold that it felt like it had been in a fire, but once she opened the door, she was met with a blast of cold wind and snow. A young woman was slouched inside the metal prison, chains wrapped around her wrists and hoisted above her head so she was kneeling uncomfortably, shackles around her ankles as well. She was a stunning sight, with long white hair, ice blue lips and eyes, skin as pale as snow itself and clothed in a white kimono. It was a Yuki Onna; taking a few second to realize that the door was open, the Yuki Onna lifted her head, eyes unfocused and clouded as she locked eyes with Akihime, letting out a weak hiss, but remaining still. Many needle marks ran down her pale arms, showing signs that she was being sedated heavily to keep her from killing anyone, or escaping.
Akihime's eyes widened and she blushed faintly before bowing respectfully. "O-Ohayo...are you alright? You must feel awful...can you comprehend what I'm saying? I don't mean to be rude..." She spoke slowly, frowning faintly at this caged beauty, "The circus knows no bounds..." She muttered to herself.
The woman's expression softened for a moment, looking as though she were going to respond, but her expression darkened suddenly, making her hiss again. A shadow appeared behind Akihime, the overwhelming feeling of rage washing over her; Mitsunari had found her.
Akihime turned quickly and gulped, "M-Mitsunari!" "What are you doing back here?" He growled. She started to stammer and he fumed, "Get out!!" He shouted and she screamed softly before running away. Mitsunari glared at the Yuki Onna before shutting the door hard onher cage.
"I'll make sure... To freeze off what little of your manhood remains." She hissed weakly, eyelids heavy as she glared at the floor.

Megohime had been pacing her room, wondering if she should speak to Masamune again, seeing as how last time hadn't gone so well. Walking stiffly to Masamune's room, she stopped in the doorway, looking at the dragon. "Hey, Dragon..!" She called, shifting uneasily and crossing her arms.
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