Bond Behind Beast {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Megohime glanced at the ruined eyepatch before turning on her heel and leaving quickly. A soft noise sounded, one Megohime couldn't seem to hear, but Masamune definitely could. The injured woman had started to regain consciousness, but not completely, groaning in pain. Her face was contorted in pain and she shifted with weak moans of pain, gripping the bedsheets as she tossed and turned.
Jin opened her eyes and rolled onto her side, pushing herself into a sitting position slowly, before crumbling in pain, letting out a weak cry of pain. She placed a hand on her shoulder, squinting hard and looking around, confused for a moment before she remembered Kojurou had brought her there.
Jin looked up at Kojurou, still squinting. "My shoulder and ankle hurt considerably.." She whispered, hand that was over her collarbone trembling slightly.
Jin watched Kojurou work, a soft frown on her face. She rubbed her head gently, feeling the ridges of the sutures that closed the nasty wound she had gotten. "Katakura-dono... May I ask a question of you?" She spoke in a whisper, not wanting to alert the man Kojurou feared so.
Jin drank it slowly, a small cringe on her face at the taste, but she drank it all anyway. "Thank you.." She said softly, laying back in the bed, studying his face the best that she could. "Why do you look so frightened?"
"I'm sorry to be a burden, Katakura-dono.." She replied, her head feeling fuzzy from the tonic.

Nana laid out in her new tank, which was considerably bigger and deeper, allowing her to swim around rather than just sit. Her tail hung out of the tank as she relaxed in the sun, enjoying the breeze of the ocean air.

((You wanna do the circus performance?))
((Sure! :D Yuki gon' be so good to Aki and then Aki gon' flip her shit when Ama comes out~))

Kojurou shook his head, "Don't worry, just relax.." He assured.

Motochika moved over with a relatively large tuna fish, but it looked more like an anchovy in his hand. "Here...something to snack on."
Nana took the fish and bit into it happily, turning to face Motochika as she ate. "Where are we now? It feels like we're close to the Seto sea." She said, speaking around a mouthful of raw fish.

Yukimura found himself increasingly tired, never having been stuck as a tiger for so long before, sleeping when he wasn't training with Akihime, but tonight she had told him there was a show.
He nodded, "Aye. We're making port to rest and clean the Fugaku. She's gathered many a barnackle since we wncountered you."

Akihime fixed the red and gold garments she was given, painting her face like a porceline doll before moving over to Yukimura's cage, "Tora-san...! I know you're really tired but it'll be worth it...!"
Nana made a noise and took another bite of her fish. "How long will we be in port?"

Yukimura let out a low noise and stood, the golden and jeweled collar he wore flashing in the torch lights.
"A day or two." He answered, "Not long."

Akihime smiled sadly and unlocked his cage, petting behind his ears, "I'll get you out someday..." She whispered, "Then you can be free.."
Nana picked at her fish, pulling scales off and glancing up. "Is this place your home?" She asked.

Yukimura flicked his tail, jumping out of the cage and stretching, waiting for her to command him, oddly finding it comforting.
"What's wrong with it?" She pulled her tail back into the water, soaking it so it wouldn't dry out.

Yukimura trotted after her, keeping a sharp eye out for anyway to escape.
"I don't have any home but the sea. The town we're visiting is a town that is terrified of me so they do what I ask." He answered.

When Akihime and 'Tora' were announced, Akihime trotted out with Yukimura and smiled as she waved to everyone.
Nana dropped the rest of her fish into the water for later, hoisting herself halfway out of the tank and resting her elbows on the side. "I want to go onland with you."

Yukimura trotted around the ring like he was trained, coming to a stop when he hopped up onto a small wooden stool in the center of the ring.
"Pardon?" He asked, "Isn't that, y'know...bad for ye?"

Akihime turned to Yukimura and smiled, "Tora-san, please bow to everyone. We don't wish to be rude." She said and bowed to the audience.
Nana waved her hand. "As long as I don't get too dry; just soak a sheet in the sea and that should be okay for a while." She said. "I can't exactly go onland on my own." She pointed out, swishing her tail, splashing water on Motochika with a playful grin.

Yukimura hopped down and bowed to the crowd, tucking one paw underneath himself and bowing his head.
Motochika wipped his face and smirked, "I'll carry you~"

The audience stared in awe and Akihime gave Yukimura a treat, "Good! Back up~!" She tapped the stool, smiling
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