Bond Behind Beast {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Akihime let out a small scream of surprise, hiding her face in his neck

Sasuke barely moved away in time, one of his paws getting caught and sealed in ice. His ears went back and he stared at the pale maiden before him, getting into a pounce-like stance
Before she knew it, they were running down halls, crashing through doors and toward the heart of the estate they were currently inside, maids and other workers jumping out of the way and letting out screams of surprise. Slamming through one last door, they were inside a large sanctuary like clearing, Yukimura leaping into the pond in the center, bubbles surrounding them both. The feeling of fur was replaced slowly with skin, Akihime holding onto long locks of hair now instead of fur, a young man surfacing with a loud gasp.

It was an odd sight to see a Yuki Onna so far from the snowy mountains, and roughed up and ragged looking; it went against their natural gracefulness and gentle looking appearances. "Great.. More fire.." She growled out, staggering slightly as she moved forward, arm raised. "I really hate fire.." She ground out, ready to send out another blizzard, but before she could even think of sending snow at him, she suddenly fell forward. Hitting the ground hard, she was barely conscious enough to see straight, trying to get up and failing.
Akihime surfaced with a gasp of air, coughing slightly. When she opened her eyes, she was surprised to see a young man instead of the tiger, "Tora-san...?"

Sasuke changed back into his human form, sliding his mask to the side as he moved over, "You don't look too good.."
Yukimura panted heavily, blood rushing in his ears, then he heard Akihime. He had almost forgotten she was on his back when he ran there. Cheeks flushing darkly he coughed out some more water. "Sanada Yukimura desu.." He said, turning to face her.

"And you're naked.." She sneered back, cringing when her head started to ache, feeling like her head was going to implode.
Akihime covered her face shyly, "Y-You're naked!"

Sasuke didn't seem bothered that he was without clothing, "What are you doig this far out from the mountains?"
Yukimura quickly covered himself, moving away from her. "I- um, I didn't intend on being naked..!" He seemed apologetic, looking around for the fresh clothes Sasuke usually left by the pool, finding them and quickly slipping into them.

She let out a soft breath, resting her eyes. "That damned circus has been capturing creatures left and right... They had gotten their hands on the strangest of tigers too.." She muttered, her body feeling heavy.

Jin slept most of the time while she recovered, and when she wasn't resting, she would often just sit and listen to the winds outside the tunnel. Kojurou had just given her a fresh dose of painkillers and she was sleeping heavily; a scent had been hanging around for days, a new one that smelled human and lingered on Kojurou, coming from his room. Of course only Masamune and Kojurou would notice such things, but it soon became apparent there was another being in the cave.
Akihime sat and waited for it to be safe, "P-Please tell me what's going on!"

"A strange tiger?" He repeated, "Is he still there?"

Masamune growled as he stalked through his cave system, trying to find where the scent came from
Yukimura finished putting on his clothes and held his hand out. "You may look now." He said.

She shook her head. "I don't know... And if he is, he's dead by now, he killed someone.." She muttered, slowly sinking into unconsciousness.

The scent grew stronger as Masamune grew closer to Kojurou's room, smelling like herbs and vegetables, along with the faint iron scent of blood.
Moving her hands and looking up at him, she took his hand and climbed out, "You aren't a tiger, then?"

Sasuke made a noise and reached out to grab her, knowing full well it would hurt him, but she needed help.

Masamune stuck his head through Kojurou's room entrance, whiskers wiggling about frantically.
Yukimura made a noise. "Well, that's not technically true, I am a tiger; the Tiger of Kai." He said, but it almost sounded sad.

Steam hissed and rose from the Yuki Onna as Sasuke touched her, causing her to groan weakly in pain, her snow magic not mixing well with his fire magic.

It took a moment before his whiskers brushed Jin, making her shift slightly in her sleep and let out a weak noise; exposed and completely vulnerable.
Akihime frowned, "You sound so thrilled.."

Sasuke winced and pulled her up, taking her to the estate.

Masamune drew back and snarled loudly before roaring in anger.
Yukimura averted his gaze for a moment. "Once I gained these powers, the previous Tiger of Kai fell extremely ill. It's how it always has been, once a new Tiger shows, the old one begins to die."

Jin barely reacted, only continuing to breath steadily. Megohime however came to investigate. "Dragon?" She called, moving down toward him.
Yukimura shook his head. "It's how it's always been... But you must be cold..!" He shook his head. "I can see if there's anything that will fit you?"

Megohime moved forward carefully, peeking into the room before looking to Masamune. "It's just a woman." She said, giving a small shrug. "She looks sick or something.."
"O-Oh, uh...yes, thank you..." She said bashfully, "It is a little chilly..."

Masamune rumbled angrily before forcing his head through the entrance and wrapping his tongue around Jin, pulling her out and preparing to eat her.
Yukimura led her out of the clearing and back into the estate, finding one of the maids and asking for a change of clothes for Akihime. The woman agreed and led Akihime to the bath house to clean up and once she was done, a fresh pair of clothing was waiting for her.

Megohime's eyes widened in surprise and she backed up a bit. "Wait, you aren't going to- Kojurou? Kojurou!!" She called, frozen in shock and fear. Jin was still unconscious, completely limp in Masamune's grasp, but she stirred as he began to swallow her, groaning weakly and opening her eyes.
Akihime finished her bath and dressed in the simple clothes given to her, pulling her hair into an over-shoulder braid before going out to meet Yukimura.

Jin was met with a pink moist dripping cavern decorated with sharp pearly white spikes. Kojurou had heard Megohime calling, returning from gathering more food. When he finally climbed up to the entrance to the cave, he froze with wide eyes, "Masamune-sama!!" Masamune froze, eyes landing on Kojurou before he continued to swallow down Jin. Kojurou rushed over and grabbed Masamune's to gue, yanking it from his mouth, "Let her go!" Masamune rumbled angrily and unravelled Jin, dropping her.
Yukimura was waiting just a ways outside of the bathhouse, toweling his hair dry, waiting patiently.

Jin slipped from his mouth and landed on the cave floor, crying out in pain as her ankle hit the ground. "Kojurou..?" She slowly pushed herself into a sitting position, trying to figure out what was going on, but her vision was too blurry.
"So..." Akihime began shyly, "Will staying here...?"

"Jin-dono!" Kojurou picked her up gently and Masamune growled loudly. Kojurou glared, "She was injured and needed aid, I couldn't let her di-!" Masamune roared so loud the cave rumbled, little bits of rock crumbling from the roof and walls.
A blush settled over his face, having not thought everything through. "Yes, we have many extra rooms if you'd like to stay.." He rubbed his neck, a sudden feeling of guilt weighing heavily on him. "Um, I'm sorry, Akihime-dono... I didn't mean to take you from your home, I just.. I didn't want you to be injured."

Jin flinched and held onto Kojurou when Masamune roared, eyes widened and looking up at the large blue mass. "The Dragon of Oshuu..." She breathed.
"Oh no, you don't have to worry!" She smiled widely, "I was practically a slave there! You did me a favor...!"

Masamune snarled and growled and Kojurou stomped his foot hard, "She needed help, Masamune-sama. I couldn't turn a blind eye!" He snapped and then realized his poor wording when Masamune's eye slitted.
Yukimura nodded, feeling a bit awkward before motioning down the hall. "I should, uh, show you to your room." He said and headed off down the hall.

"That's enough!" Megohime moved forward, but maintained a safe distance. "Kojurou saved someone's life, someone who did no harm to you, and you sentence her to death? If this is how you want to live, then no wonder the villigers fear you and want you gone; you're behaving no better than a crazed beast!"
Akihime followed quickly, playing with her sleeve.

Masamune turned on her quickly, snarling at her before glaring at Kojurou; who lowered his gaze in shame. Masamune spat a small flicker of fire at Megohime before storming off to his room
((Ditches Aki and Yuki for a little bit))

Megohime's dress sleeve actually caught fire, but she quickly put it out, frowning heavily. "I don't understand why he was so angry.." She muttered.
"It's just his fear of humans.." Kojurou told her, "You don't understand...not that you would want to, all you seem to do is upset him..." He looked to Jin and frowned heavily, "Gomenasai, Jin-dono, but I have to return you to the local village.."
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