Bond Behind Beast {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

Megohime nodded, then stood, hurrying to Kojurou's room, which smelled heavily of herbs. It took her a bit to find the Poppy Milk, but when she did, she hurried back to Kojurou, kneeling beside him and handing it to him.
He thanked her and took the bottle, pouring the whole contents into the dragon's mouth. "That should ease the pain for him. He'll be even more dizzy now, but he'll be fine."
Megohime nodded and looked to Kojurou. "I'll sit with him, I want to make sure he's ok." She said, looking back to Masamune, and allowing him to rest his large head in her lap.
He laid the end of his snout on her lap, fighting to keep his eyes open. Kojurou nodded and stood, "I'll go out and get the ingredients needed to make more Milk of Poppy. Please do not leave the cave."

Motochika finally came stomping back, the bite marks and charred flesh now more evident since they had had time to fester a bit.
"Hai." Megohime cooed softly to Masamune, telling him to close his eyes and rest, all while still running her fingers through his mane.

Nana perked up when she smelled the festering wounds, sitting upright in her tank. "Motochika? What in the Seven Seas happened to you?" She sounded concerned, eyes glued to the injuried Oni.
Masamune rested peacefully, tired from the fight. His breath was hot and steady from his snout, the sounds of his breathing loud but soothing.

"Got into a tussle with a friend, I'm fine." He answered, "Just need to dress these wounds.."
Nana bore her teeth, but it wasn't as a threat to Motochika, it was more of a sign of discomfort, or even disagreement. "They already smell infected, you're going to have to do more then just dress them." She said.
Nana watched the kni scramble about the large ship, helping Motochika with his wounds, a soft frown on her face. "You said a friend did this to you, but I somehow find it hard to believe that you have friends - what happened, really?"
"You don't smell like Oni..." She pointed out. "I don't know much about the creatures onland, except for the ones that reside off the coast, but I'd have to say it was something bigger, or as big as you are." Her ears were flat against her head now. "What was it?"
Her ears perked up instantly. "A dragon? Seriously?" Her eyes were wide and it was clear she was interested. "Was it the Dragon of Oshuu? I've heard sailors speak of him, but I've never once seen him with my own eyes."
Nana was about to scold him for being stupid, but the scent of a human caught her off guard. "You smell like a human." She hissed out.
Nana made a noise of disgust, her lip curling into a snarl. "Pathetic, the only thing humans are good for is food." She spat. "But judging that you don't smell of blood - other than your own and the dragons - you didn't kill her did you?"
"Didn't get tye chance." He answered, "She didn't look very filling for me, though...maybe you, but.." He shrugged, "I'm not one for stealing mates for food."
Nana shifted away from Motochika, a frown on her face. "I guess I can't expect you to kill every human you come across." She muttered sourly.

((Time for more human Masa~?))
He scowled darkly before stomping to his chambers.

Masamune had recovered well, laying in his nest in a pair of trousers for Megohime's sake. He didn't talk much, mostly out of shame for losing his teeth.
Megohime entered Masamune's room, moving over and sitting down beside him. "Masamune-sama, please, you should get out in the sun, at least a little." She said softly, taking his hand and kissing the back of it.
He shook his head, not wanting to move. It wasn't that he was in pain, he was tired from all the painkillers he was drinking since they only lasted so long with him.
"We don't have to leave the cave, just come and get some fresh air. Please?" She begged, cupping the good side of his face.
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