Bond Behind Beast {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

"Then where are all the women that lust after you?" She sneered back. "Let me guess, you weren't interested or got hungry?"
A look of nervousness flashed across Nana's face, gills flaring as she turned her back on the brute of a captain.

The next morning of Megohime's taking, and even before the sun rose, there was faint scraping and clanging coming from the cave entrance, pale light filtering in through the carved window in Masamune's room.
The large dragon's first and secondary lids opened, pupils large as he glanced around for the sound. When he finally realized what it was, his pupils slitted and he darted from his room, slinking quickly and fluidly to the entrance of the cave
Megohime stood at the entrance, a large pile of golden trinkets and other valuables in a pile at her feet. Discarding a handful of jewelry, watching it fall through the morning mist and to the canyon floor below. When Masamune entered the room she gave him a moments glance before grabbing an intricately carved vase, and tossed it over the edge. "Good morning, Dragon."
Masamune roared furiously at her, causing Kojurou to rush out to investigate. Masamune changed to his human form and roughly grabbed Megohime's arm, "What the hell is your promblem?!"
Megohime had a silk kimono in hand, holding it out to drop it over the edge. "My room was too cluttered, I thought I'd make some more room, and there was no where to place them," She looked into his blue eye, and let go of the dress, letting it fall through the air. "So I thought others would enjoy them when they found them."
He exploded and picked her up easily, dangling her over the cliffside, "Give me a reason I shouldn't just drop you right now! One good fucking reason is all I need!" "Masamune-sama, you're going to far!" Kojurou moved over to stop him but Masamune snarled at him, making him freeze.
Megohime glanced down before looking back at Masamune, fear flashing in her eyes, but her face stoic. "I suppose you wouldn't want to bloody the possessions at the bottom, now would you?" Her voice was low, keeping her eyes glued to his. "So go ahead, drop me. But you won't get another sacrifice for another year, Dragon."
Megohime's hand shot up when he loosened his grip on her, baring her teeth at him. Shame weighed heavy on her at the thought of offering pleasure up for her life to be spared, but being cornered, she felt she had no other option. "Because... I can make it worth your while, and I don't think Katakura over there is very good at keeping your bed warm."
Megohime gave a shakey laugh. "Probably not that low." Without warning, Megohime kicked her leg up hard, her foot slamming hard into his exposed manhood. She felt disgust within herself; offering sex? That wasn't her, she had panicked because he had her dangling over a thousand-foot drop, and unlike him, she couldn't fly.
Masamune hissed in pain and let go of her to recover from the shock and pain. Kojurou's eyes widened and he rushed forwardto try and catch Megohime but was too late
Megohime let out a short scream, dropping from Masamune's grip and plummeting down to the floor below. She clenched her jaw tightly and covered her ears, in a half curled ball as she fell, tears fell from her eyes, hair whipping wildly in the wind. "This is it, oh Gods I'm going to die. I can't believe I offered to sleep with that grotesque beast, at least this death will be quicker."
A blue burr whizzed passed her before she was grabbed by Masamune in his true forme, growling lowly under his breath as he stared at her with his right eye. It was cloudy and his pupil looked like it had the night sky in it; a detail she missed when he first encountered her. Snorting, he flew back up to the cave, setting her down roughly. Kojurou moved over to her, "Are you alright?" He asked. Masamune stood to the side, not bothering to change back.
Megohime sat there shaking, pale as snow before nodding and standing on wobbling legs. "I'm fine." She muttered quietly, leaving for her room quickly as to hide her shame.

Yukimura remained in the cramped cage for days, Akihime always bringing him food and water so he wasn't starved, usually just watching the circus folk practice. But finally two men came, one with a large metal collar and a chain attached and the other with a large prod like stick. Yukimura sat up when they opened the cage. "You aren't going to do what I-!" The second man smacked him hard in the head with the prod, stunning him so that the other man could attatch the collar, dragging him out of the cage hissing and snarling. The men brought him into the ring, where a tall slender man with silver hair stood, bringing the tiger inside of the large cage before removing the chain and closing him in with the man. Yukimura paced, throwing a few glances at the man, something caught his eye, a whip.
Akihme watched nervously as Mitsunari worked with the new tiger. As ringmaster, he was a little rough with the animals, but she was told it was the only way to get them to cooperate. Mitsunari snapped the whip, ordering Yukimura to jump through the hoop they had set up.
The tiger stopped and looked to Mitsunari, then at the hoop, before sitting down and looking back to Mitsunari. "I don't know who this man is, but already I don't like him."
Yukimura felt agitation tingle down his spine, his shortened temper caused by his transformation making him especially testy. Folding back his ears, he let out an angry snarl, letting Mitsunari he wasn't a willing subject.
Yukimura let out a yowl of pain, backing away from Mitsunari and letting out a low snarl, not looking happy at all.

Every time they had to clean out Nana's tank, it took at least four men to do so, each one having a job to do during the hour period to drain the tank, scrub the sides and put fresh salt water in; but Nana usually just sat at the far end of the tank quietly until they finished. Watching them dump fresh saltwater into the tank, she enjoyed the feeling of the cool water against her flesh, letting herself soak in the saltwater. A loud squawk pulled her from her thoughts, looking up to see a large, bright yellow parrot sitting on the edge of her tank, making devious thoughts creep into her head. "Aniki!" One of the Oni came rushing out, bloody claw marks running down his face. "Your prized bird; the sea devil, she-" He looked scared of what the Big Oni might do once he learned what happened to his bird.
Nana sat in the tank, the lid still wide open, blood and feathers in the tank around her. She twirled a golden feather between her pointed teeth, blood dripping down her chin. "Afternoon Captain." She gave a small grin, nodding her head to him as he entered.
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