Bond Behind Beast {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

The dragon rumbled a small growl before reaching out and grabbing her, flying off to his cave

Aki stared a the blood before frowning, "You're hurt...I'll be right back!" She moved quickly to her work station, grabbing some antibiotics and guaze before returning to him, "Now, I'm not allowed inside but if you come here, I can fix your ear." She smiled warmly, "You're very handsome, by the way...! I've never seen a tiger like you before, Tora-san...!"
When she was grabbed, Megohime expected him to dig his claws into her flesh carelessly, but no pain ever came, but it was quickly replaced with the fear of how high they had gone so quickly. Holding onto his scaly leg, she closed her eyes tightly, praying that he wouldn't drop her.

Yukimura groaned inwardly and trudged forward, letting his head rest against the bars with a low rumble of irritation. His long tail flicked back and forth and he eventually laid down, keeping his head by the bars so Akihime could work. "My only hope now is that Sasuke will search for me, but I am of no use in this form to my lord.."

((He's not gonna wanna do any tricks for the Ringmaster tho~ But he'd be totally willing to humiliate the Ringmaster by listening to Aki's commands without hesitation and only listening to her~ Huffy Yuki is huffy~))
Within moments, the dragon slid into its cave and it set Megohime down. "Irrashaimasen." A voice greeted. A tall middle aged man came forward, bowing slightly, "Katakura Kojurou desu. I am Masamune-sama's caretaker."
Megohime took a wobbily step back, glancing back at the sheer drop behind her before returning her gaze to Kojurou. "Tamura Megohime.." She sounded more winded than scared, but she watched Kojurou uncertainly, glancing at the large blue dragon. "Masamune-sama?" She echoed, tearing her gaze from the dragon. "Who's that? How many people live here?"
The dragon rumbled before being engulfed in flame. When it wisped away, a handsom young man stood where the dragon was - completely nude and proud to be so. His hair was wild and chestnut colored, his right eye glassy and dead. "Date Masamune. Dragon of Oshuu."


Aki reached through the bars and cleaned his ear gently, "I'm really sorry...I wouldn't wish this on any of these's so horrible here...but I promise, Tora-san, I'll set you free as soon as I can." She said gently
Megohime stood completely still for a minute, meeting the handsome man's eyes before her gaze fell to something lower, then shooting back up to look at his face. She stole one more glance at what should've been covered before a lady, before turning her had quickly, face flushed deep red. "Th-The Dragon of Oshuu is a man?" She kept her gaze down, her heart beating hard against her chest. questions raced through her head, but only one managaged to slip out. "What are you really: man or beast?" She blurted out, staying where she was.

"What even is this place? Is this some sort of house of oddities?" Yukimura snorted through his nose, wishing he could speak, but as of now, he was rendered unable of human speech.
"Beast." He answered simply as Kojurou moved to drape a robe over him and handing him an eyelatch for his eye. "Sometimes I like to wander about on two legs instead of four." He replied amusedly

Aki finished with his wound and smiled softly, "There. Good as new. Kinda..."
Megohime didn't seem to really like his answer, a soft scowl forming on her face as she faced him, but remained where she was. "If you are the beast you so proclaim to be, what is it you need the company of humans for; and a yearly reaping of women at that?" She almost spat out, this time keeping her eyes on his face as she spoke. "Why do you feel the need to be so greedy as to take village folk and terrify the lands with the plague of an exsistance you call your life..!?" Anger started to build in her chest, anger brought from fear that she promised herself she'd never show again, not in the face of anyone at least.

Golden-brown eyes fixated on the young woman, a low groan-like noise being emitted from the beast as if it were a response, large head resting on even bigger paws.
Masamune smirked, "You got a bit of a snap to ya. Well, I guess I should answer your question." He told her, moving closer, "I've been here a pretty long time. Longer than your little town, that's for sure. Many a man has come here to try and slay me to 'free the land of Oshuu from its curse'. And, to put it plainly, I ate them. And when they realized that I wasn't planning on leaving they tried offering me things to keep me from coming and killing them. I'm actually quite peaceful, but you know...big scary dragon's gonna come and kill everyone. So, they tried to give me food and wine, pointless meals I don't care for. kojurou was greatful for the food though, thank you. Then when they saw the food made me unhappy, they tried jewels and priceless ores. As you can see, I already live luxuriously, so I have no need for them either. And when they noticed that that didn't work, they started offering me women. Now, I don't really enjoy eating humans, but when they come in and take all the hunt, I get a little on edge. What else am I to do? Can't eat Kojurou. So, I have no choice to eat pretty little chicks like you. But, to be clear, I don't just chomp down. I feel bad for you females having to give yourselves to 'keep me happy', so I have Kojurou go out and gather some of the poisonous plants and mix it in to your last meal - painless, peaceful - and I just swallow you whole."

Aki frowned and stood, leaving him alone so she could check on the other animals.
Megohime sneered, leaning forward enough to show she wasn't afraid of challenging him, that or she was extremely stupid or had a death wish. "We women don't throw ourselves at you." She hissed, red eyes narrowing as she glared back up at him. "Girls starting from the age of seven are taken from their homes and sent to a special home where we do nothing but prepare ourselves for the suicide mission that is to come to us all before we reach twenty, making sure every aspect of our beings is pleasing to the eye before one of the unlucky girls is chosen to go wait for our deaths on the very rock you refused all of the money and food that our village had to offer." Her hair had become messy from the flight there, and her hairdo was almost completely undone, making her look like a puffed up angry cat. "So why not, instead of taking the form of a beast to bully your way through life and wait for offerings you don't deserve, take those poisonous plants you plan on feeding me, and shove them up your ass." She hissed.
His slitted eye gleamed with amusement even if his expression didn't. "To be fair, I was here first. You humans tried bullying me out. I gave the money back. The food and wine didn't go to waste. And I didn't ask for pretty little snap dragons to be sacraficed to me. I told the very first girl that she didn't have to do it. But she insisted. She wanted to be a sacrafice." He told her, "You humans are so complex; if you believe something to be true, it must be so. So, if you believe me - a dragon who has done your kind no wrong in the first place - to be the root of all your problems, then I must be. If you wish, return to your stupid village. But I warn you, it's a long drop." He said before turning and stalking off to where he slept.
Megohime clenched her fists and furrowed her brow, glancing back at the exit; the cave must've been high in the mountains somewhere, the fog that hung around the mountain about thirty feet below blocking out how far the fall really was. "How long will I last here before I slide down his gullet?" Megohime asked Kojurou tensely, glancing back at him.

Nana sat in the slightly cramped tank, slowly swishing the end of her tail through the water in her boredom, occasionally tapping her nails against the glass or trying to push the lid open, but overall keeping her promise to not let out a single hum, not even when Motochika wasn't in the room.
"If you're lucky, he won't eat you at all. But if you keep being rude like that, I might not have time to poison you." He answered calmly, "The last two 'snap dragons' were just as snippy and they barely lasted the week. Would you like me to show you where you'll be staying?"

Motochika strode in and looked her over, "You look hungry. Do you eat? Do you want to eat?"
Megohime felt her heart jump into her throat, deciding to at the very least be courteous to Kojurou, even if he did seem just as coldhearted as his master. "That would be delightful." She forced the nicest tone she could, but even then it sounded way too forced. She was stressed beyond anything and her time was ticking; but perhaps she could do something to fight back. Pushing the thought out of her head, she followed Kojurou, on edge.

Nana's dark eyes flicked to glance at Motochika. "Of course I eat," A slight smirk played on her lips, letting the points of her teeth show. "But I only eat sailors." She said sarcastically.
Kojurou took her to her quarters, "Would you like something to eat, drink? I hope you will be staying here for a while as a guest and not as a meal." He said. The toll of taking a girl's life was starting to show now that he was relaxed without Masamune around. He didn't like it any more than his master, but he had to do it.

"Sailors, eh?" He mused. He shrugged and started to remove his armor, "A'right then."
Megohime looked around her lavishly decorated room, jewelry and expensive looking dresses and furniture spread out amongst the room, the jewelry laying in piles that nearly reached her knees on the floor and overflowed from dressers and boxes. "No, I'll be fine." She said quietly, moving to the large bed at the far end of the room, feeling the silk hesitantly; feeling out of place in a room like this. Not even the richest lords had this much, and her family came from wealth as well.

Nana tensed slightly and stared dumbfounded as he removed his armor, letting it hit the floor with a heavy thud before she stirred. "You aren't a sailor! You're a dirty pirate!" She hissed, looking both appalled and embarrassed. "You wouldn't dare come in here." She said.
Kojurou nodded and left her as he went to go check on Masamune.

Motochika simply smirked until the rest of his armor was removed, leaving him in nothing but his loincloth. Unlocking the tank and opening the lid, he managaed to fit in the tank enough so it was more of a small pool for him than a tank, "Go ahead, nibble away~"
Nana's face had flushed red out of anger and she clenched her fists, staying on the far end of the tank and pulling her tail away when he brushed against it. Without warning she lunged, using her strong tail to send her at Motochika, her teeth sinking deep into his forearm; with two violent shakes of her head she yanked away from him, mouth dripping with blood. She had actually torn away a good sized chunk of flesh, the wound deep, but only about half the size of Nana's fist. Swallowing the flesh whole, she sunk back into the water, watching the blood from his arm drip into her tank.
The only thing that made him wince was the sting from the salt water, "There.." He huffed before climbing out ofthe tank, "I'll have those little shits of mine get you clean water soon."
She watched him, making no move to try and escape the tank, making sure she wouldn't get squished by the lid when he closed it either. "Eventually I'll no longer be your beautiful gem to flash around." She reminded, not bothering to wipe away the blood, for the water had washed it off her face already.
"Eventually all Ningyo become hideous creatures like they're naturally described." She said, following him with her eyes. "Why, does that bother you? Of course my tail and voice will remain beautiful, but I'll look nothing more than a wild beast rather than a woman."
Nana shot him a glare that could boil water. "Why would anyone wish to marry a foul beast such as yourself, you're not exactly suitor material."
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