Tell All Tales (Avengers)Moon/Lady

Loki huffed as Steve snorted. "you are not. you have such an ego." he teased. "i'm okay." Clint promised. "just nervous." he admitted softly. "my memories of Loki are extremely unpleasant." he admitted, glancing at Thor, as if worried about upsetting the other. "i'll do my best but it's hard..." he admitted, holding Natasha's hand, glad for the comfort. then, he felt as if he'd been gutted. "...well. no wonder the Asgardian's are unhappy with your mate." Steve stated when the silence had stretched on too long. he winced a little when Clint just stood up and walked out. "well that went better than i thought it would." Loki admitted as he walked in holding two bundles. two tiny babies, looking perfectly normal, both with hair as soft and blond as Thors but with Loki's pallor. "This is Torbjorn and Anthosy" Loki stated as he handed Thor one sleeping baby. "never. ever leave my babies alone when there is an invisible creature hanging about!" "invisible... oh! you mean Jarvis?" "it is unnatural, i care not for it's name." Loki grumbled before smiling sweetly down at the little twin in his arms before angling so that Aliyah in Tony's lap could see. "this one is Anthosy." Loki admitted with a smile, purposely not looking at Tony because he knew the man was probably a bit wet eyed as he realized Loki had named one of his babies after him.
“I’m the Captain’s favorite, which means I’m everyone’s favorite.”Tony huffed. “I know they are. I am sorry....”Thor said nervous himself, biting his lip as he nodded a little, looking upset himself. “Yes, they are very unhappy about it...”Thor sighed quietly watching clint watch him go, biting his lip before looking up at loki. “Yes, it did.”He agreed smiling softly as he watched loki and the twins. “He’s a computer system, a AI. Loki, he can’t do anything.”Tony said before his eyes widened slightly, startled as he realized what he was hearing.”What?”He sputtered a little looking down at the twins as aliyah leaned closer to the twin looking him over. “Papa, its so tiny.” “Yes, be careful Aliyah.”He warned softly, holding her close, refusing to look at the other man, or cap, knowing if he did he’d be sniffling and crying.
Clint snorted. "as if your the Captains Favorite." "Aliyah is my favorite." Steve stated simply, Loki looking surprised before he snorted. "she doesn't count! children are in their own level of competition." Clint protested. "Fine. Natasha's my favorite. mostly because she's not bothering me when i'm trying to cook." he watched Clint leave and he sighed. "i'll go talk to him later." Steve promised. "he's just upset. he'll be okay." he hoped. "he's invisible and nefarious." Loki grumbled, shaking his head. Loki had never forgiven Jarvis after the AI convinced him that forks where supposed to go in the light socket. "yes. Anthosy." Loki admitted with a grin as Steve chuckled. "Babies are fragile, so you have to be very careful with them." Loki explained. "Anthosy is only six days old." he admitted with a smile. "six days?!" Steve demanded, startled. "but you never looked pregnant!" "of course not. if those fools knew i was pregnant they would have killed me and my 'spawn' without remorse." Loki admitted. "i hid my pregnancy with a glamor. Odin knew, and Thor knew and that's what matters." Loki admitted. "here, touch his hand." Loki suggested to Aliyah, gently guiding her finger to a tiny hand, smiling when Anthosy wrapped tiny fingers around hers. "see? he likes you."
Tony sulked at that, pouting.”Fine. I’m no one’s favorite.”he whined a little. “Thanks Cap.”Natasha said smirking a little, even if she knew it was a lie. Everyone knew tony was steve’s favorite, even if tony didn’t know that. “He will be.We’ll talk to him.”Tony reassured thor, looking worried for him, smiling a little before glancing at the door. Wondering if he should go after clint. “I got it. Enjoy some time with the kids.”Natasha muttered grabbing to plates of food before heading after clint. “I promise, I’m very careful. Papa says I’m even more careful then him.” “She is.”Tony agreed smiling a little before smiling as aliyah giggled happily at having her finger grabbed, smiling gently as he ate. “Papa!Look he likes me.” “So he does Tink.”Tony laughed quietly, gently pulling her back, “Come on. Time to eat.”he said gently settling her in his lap more to eat, having every intention of putting off his talk with loki as long as he could, because he knew nothing good would come of it.
Steve grinned a little. "as my favorite, you get to clean Tony's room." he stated simply. "he's worse than a pig." he huffed, shaking his head. "thanks Natasha." Steve stated as he loaded her plates up so she could take them with her. "it's very good that your careful." Loki admitted with a smile. "careful people get hurt less." he admitted. "but you should still have fun too." he admitted, chuckling as Aliyah crowed her delight, making Torbjorn scrunch his face up. he didn't cry thankfully, but he was quite unhappy about being woken up. "here Loki." Steve set a plate down in front of him. "there's plenty if you have the same dietary needs as... well, most of us." he admitted as he set a stack of six waffles in front of Thor and himself. "Bruce is going to be up soon i think." "here." Bruce muttered sluggishly as he shuffled in. "food?" he asked sleepily as he sat down with a thump. Bruce was never awake in the mornings, he ran on autopilot until he had breakfast and at least three cups of nasty black tea, both of which was set in front of the man who hadn't even noticed other people where in the room.
“What?”Natasha sputtered at that, before making a face.”Fine. But you owe me, Cap.”She warned at the idea of cleaning tony’s room snickering a litle as she left. “That’s what papa said to. He said we’ll have lots of fun.” “Yea well, no one can ever accuse me of being all work and no fun.”Tony snickered a little pressing a kiss to aliyah’s head as she made distressed sounds at having upset the baby. “It’s okay Ali. You just can’t yell around babies. They get upset.”Thor reassured the girl smiling as he shifted and cuddled the baby, smiling as he relaxed again.”We have food. You are quite amusing like this. I forgot you were like this.”Tony snickered watching bruce.
Cap smirked. "three boxes of Petite fours." Steve bartered, knowing that she would do almost anything for the Petite Fours that he would bring back. he refused to tell her where he got them from, he knew she'd even resorted to trying to stalk him on occasion. the boxes he brought back had assorted Petite Fours and Bon Bons and he knew she would kill for a box. "babies are very sensitive to sounds because they've never heard any before." Loki explained with a smile. "so loud noises frighten them." he admitted. "if you like, you can hold one after breakfast." Loki assured her. "you have to sit on the couch and hold it in your lap and be very calm." Loki explained. "can you do that?" he asked with a smile. "Food." Bruce grunted again before squinting at Tony as if trying to figure out who he was before ignoring him and returning to his meal and nasty tea, Loki chuckling. "and what would happen if he didn't get food?" Steve froze and turned to look at Tony, uncertain but not doubting it would involve Hulk at some point.
“....You drive a mean bargain Cap.”Natasha huffed though she sounded amused. “...You got her to do something. How?And can I do it?”tony said looking mightily impressed. “Oh.I’ll be quiet then.”Aliyah said quietly before her eyes went wide, looking up at loki as she bounced on tony’s knees a little. “Yes please.I would like that.”Aliyah said smiling at the godling. “You remember that episode, that I have filmed for prosperity, and have threatened to show to your children as proof you are a puny god?Yes, that would be what happens when he doesn’t get food.”Tony snickered smirking at the godling, smiling as aliyah finished her food. “Papa, can I hold the baby now?” “Hold on Tink. Let me finish, then me you and loki’ll go sit down and hold the baby.”Tony said smiling a little, even if he wanted to avoid it, figuring it was better to get the talk over with. Smiling a little as he finished before heading for the living room with the chattering toddler sitting on his hip.
Steve smirked. "she's my favorite." he teased. "and i speak Natasha-ese." he admitted as he snickered. "i doubt she'd do anything you told her, most probably because you'd ask her to do really ridiculous things like... uh, clip your toenails or something." Steve admitted as he passed Loki a glass of milk before choking as Loki actually cringed at the memory. "ah... yes. lets not deny the Green Beast his meal then." he agreed quickly before scowling at Tony. "and i swear i will get enough blackmail upon you to destroy that filthy video for all time." he grumbled finishing his own meal. thankfully he only required Tony like portions unless he was working major magic. "sit down just so, hold your arms like this, see? that supports the head. a baby can't support it's own weight so you have to hold them very carefully. would you like to feed him too?" Loki asked as a bottle appeared in his hands, slipping her arms into the proper position. "he's very little, so he only eats a little bit at a time." Loki explained, watching her carefully as she fed the baby. she listened to instructions very well. surprisingly, he didn't say a word to Tony, and instead gave Thor a rather adoring look as his mate fed the other twin.
“I thought you spoke tony-ese. I’m jealous and put out that you’re learning all languages now.”Tony pouted a little before making a face.”I would not!That would border into sexy times, and I think clint would have a problem with me making overtures to his girlfriend.”Tony snickered a little before smirking at loki. “There is not enough blackmail on earth to make me delete that video.”Tony said refusing to back down, even if he was fairly certain anything to do with cap that loki could find would definitely make him back off. Aliyah nodded a little as she sat down, following loki’s instructions and nodding excitedly as she held the bottle. “I would.”She said smiling. “....You’re being surprisingly quiet and respectful of boundaries. I’m suspicious of your motivations, snowman.”Tony said quietly as he rolled his eyes at the adoring look, amused as thor gave loki a similar one, but to wired over his own domestic situation to rest easy until he knew loki wouldn’t say anything to steve.
Steve smirked. "learning languages is something i like to do. i'm going to learn Bruce-Ese later." he admitted with a chuckle before grimacing because he KNEW Aliyah was going to be asking what Sexy-Time was later, or worse, repeating it. "this is true, plus i think Natasha would gut you." he admitted with a grin as Loki grinned sharply at Tony. "we will see about that Mortal." he stated before smiling as he watched Aliyah handling his baby. "your doing very well Aliyah." Loki praised before glancing at Tony. "i am unaware of the full situation and as such i will remain silent until we can be alone to talk about it in proper privacy. after, i will decide if something, if anything, needs be done." he admitted simply. "as it stands i understand little about how it could have happened and since i'm fairly certain it's not your..." he paused looking for a proper word. "certain you are not the cause, i am more willing to remain silent." he admitted simply as he gently took the baby back, summoned a burp rag, threw it over his shoulder and expertly burped Anthosy before setting about changing his diaper right there in the middle of the living room. thankfully, Loki could just vanish the dirty diaper and create a new one so there wouldn't be stinky diapers hanging around. even if they where cloth.
“What’s sexy-time papa?” “It’s adult alone time. Not for you yet, little one.”Tony reassured the girl smiling a little even though she sulked. “...Probably.”Tony said cringing at the idea before making a face at loki. “Nope. Definitely not enough blackmail to get rid of it.”He said. “Thank you Loki.”Aliyah said pleased at the praise before settlign in to simply watch the baby as she held him. “...Good.”Tony relaxed realizing loki really would leave it alone until they had a chance to talk, instead of telling steve, before wincing a little. Even if it hadn’t been him, he still shouldered the blame for it. Like everyone said, he had a guilt complex. “...Not the total cause, but it is still part of my blame.But we’ll figure it out.”Tony muttered sighing softly absently resting a hand over his chest as he leaned back on the couch, playing with the ring, a habit, a touchstone to reassuring himself that his love for his captain wasnt’ that odd, even if he was sure it wasn’t going to be returned this time. “...Cap?You on babysitting duty this morning?”Tony said smiling at the man as he walked into the living room.
Steve chuckled a little and shook his head. "there is certainly Blackmail. hmmm. i wonder what i would find if i rifled through your top left dresser drawer underneath the false bottom?" he mused, smirking at Tony in a way that said he knew EXACTLY what was there and why it was mortally embarrassing and that he had known about it for weeks, if not months. "Tony, i'm sorry but even as smart as you are, i highly doubt that you are capable of managing this." Loki stated, looking amused, his sharp eyes picking out the ring. "sure, i can take babysitting duty." Steve promised. "Thor? take the twins would you?" Loki asked after changing the other diaper. Thor couldn't change a diaper without throwing up so it was Loki's job, not that he cared, he had magic so he never even had to touch the icky. "everything alright?" Steve asked, worried as he looked from Tony to Loki. "it's fine, i just had an idea on transdermal shielding implants." Loki lied effortlessly, Steve blinking at him. "while i'm pretty sure you just spoke English...." Steve stated, making Loki chuckle. "come on Aliyah!" Steve chirped. "would you like a piano lesson?"
“.....What?No. There’s nothing there.”Tony huffed looking startled at the man’s knowledge, blushing ever so slightly as he considered it. Before smirking a little. “Hm, somewhere along the line, I did.”He muttered amused though, looking up at steve.”Thanls. You okay with spending the afternoon with steve, ali?” “Yes papa.”Ali said looking excited at the idea hugging her papa, even if she knew he wasn’t leaving, she always hated to leave his company, since he’d been the only constant for weeks, the only person she’d seen until the other’s had movd in. “Yea....he means a shield built under the skin. Which would be great. Like you said, I can have the suit taken from me, if I had this, I would never be totally unarmed.”Tony said easily picking up the idea, and sounding interested in it actually, wondering if the man really had the idea. “Really?yes!papa coming?”Aliyah said bouncing a little in tony’s lap. “Later sweetheart. I’ll come by and see what you learned. Go on.”He said smiling as he shooed the two along, looking amused before standing. “Come on. We’ll go down to the lab.”He muttered checking on thor to make sure he was okay with the twins before walking downstairs with loki, nervous and not sure where to start really.
Loki smirked. "i'ma Trickster Tony, of course the first thing i find when sneaking about is hidden places." he scoffed, looking amused before lifting an eyebrow at him. well, so. that put another piece together. "she's a good girl." Loki admitted with a smile. "and Steve is very responsible, they'll be fine." Loki assured the other. "oh... actually that does sound pretty cool. sign me up for one if you get it working." Steve suggested as he swung Aliyah up into his arms and then tossed her in the air. "lookit that! a flying princess!" Steve chirped with a grin as he led the little girl away explaining that sometimes learning how to play the piano could be very boring, but if she kept learning and stayed focus he could teach her how to play twinkle twinkle little star and i'm a little teapot and possibly Mary had a little lamb. Loki chuckled as he checked to make sure Thor was okay with the twins, not that he was too worried, Thor had as much practice as Loki did. "i like your Lab." Loki admitted, perking up as he followed Tony. he really did love Tony's lab, the mortal was as mad as they came, but still such a damn genius. "so. Dimension hopping?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow. "it takes a deep desperation to manage that one." he admitted. "more so with the current human technology. granted being that it was someone else coming to this dimension, i'm assuming anyway, their technology might be a bit more on par with Dimensional transduction." he admitted as he picked up something and examined it. "how did you come to have the child and are you aware of who her parents are?"
"She is good. And steve's responsible enough to babysit me. Guess Ali'll be okay."he snickered smiling a little. "I definitely will if I can get it to work."tony grinned at the idea before laughing as they left amused at aliyah's excited giggling as they left."I know you do. I like my lab to."he smiled a little before slumping down onto a work stool as he nodded."she was desperate. And scared."tony sighed staring at the table before nodding a little."it is. In her world I never got out of weapons, I simply added iron man, and being a avenger to a long list of weapons. With me still making weapons tech was more advancd then here."tony sighed before sighing softly biting his lip,feeling utterly gutted and hurting."Stephanie rogers-stark was desperate to hide her child from her husband. So desperate, she turned to the only doppelganger in any world, that hadn't gone to war with his steve rogers. Yet."tony shuddered looking utterly devastated. Because he was sure that no matter how he tried, he was going to destroy the world. The odds weren't in his favor of not going to war.
Loki nodded. "they are both good." he agreed with a smile and a shake of his head. "and of course you will get it to work. your a mad genius." he scoffed, rolling his eyes, because he did have the basic formula in his head that he'd wanted to show Tony. "well of course you like your lab, it's got all your favorite things in it." he pointed out before listening intently. "...good god..." he murmured. "no wonder you've been all twitchy." Loki muttered as he sat next to Tony, wrapping an arm around his shoulder. "Tony. think about this for a moment, just be quiet a second and let me talk and think about what i say." Loki ordered. " a You that is not you, made the CHOICE, to continue working with weapons. a CHOICE, you decided not to do." he pointed out, staring at Tony. "there's a big difference there, is there not? in all dimensions one thing is always the same. the things we choose to do." he admitted. "in some universes i chose not to try and dominate the earth. in some i gave up on life before i was even sixteen. in others i turned into a homicidal madman. we cannot let the choices of others affect our own choices, no matter that they are us. because no matter how much we look alike, they are not us, because it is our choices that make us who we are. you chose to give up weapons. you chose to accept Aliyah. you chose to take the steps to prevent the horrible future you caught a glimpse of in that other universe. you have surrounded yourself, here and now, with good people who will stop you if you try to go down that path. you chose to find a way to prevent yourself from becoming that man and that choice is the strongest one yet. i have no doubt you can fix the mistakes the other you made, and prevent what you saw." he admitted. "and i'm here to help you do that." he promised. "you will be okay, because you have set in motion the choices of others to help you prevent that."
“Hm, so I am. Though your not supposed to tell everyone I’m a mad genius.”Tony snickered a little because he was totally interested now. “Hm, not all my favorite things.”Tony whined, because it was true. Though, it was more favorite people, rather then things that were missing. Shuddering at loki’s words he swallowed thickly, about to protest before nodding. “Okay. Being quiet here.”He muttered going quiet, listening to him. Nodding. “Yes it’s a difference...but in every world that she tried, Steph found us at war with each other.”She muttered shuddering a little, before nodding. “...I know. It’s just...I don’t know how to do this loki...”He muttered running a hand through his hair, looking utterly frustrated and stressed, and in definite need of some relief. Because this had given him a chance to really talk about things, and with loki, he knew he wouldn’t tell the others until tony was ready to, so the fact that tony had told someone, and was allowed showing just how freaked out he was....yea. It was good for him.
Loki shrugged. "you are a mad genius." he pointed out. "your as insane as i am and that's saying something." he pointed out. "Steph?" Loki asked, looking amused. "when you tell Steve, if you tell Steve, i am totally going to start calling him that." he admitted with a smile. "besides, in nearly all the universes, the changes are singular. one moment of difference. sometimes that can have huge devastating results and sometimes nothing happens at all. you made a choice here and that meant the young woman thought it was safe for her to leave Aliyah here, with you. if you can't trust yourself then trust me, trust Steve and Trust Steph." he suggested. "clearly the choice you made in this world was the right one." he admitted with a smile. "you don't have to know." he admitted. "you think i know what i'm doing? i assure you i don't have a clue. i'm fucking a man i used to love as my brother, with our fathers blessing at that." he pointed out. "by any rights, that's pretty fucked up." he admitted with a chuckle. "the point i'm making here is, just because you don't know what your doing, doesn't mean you'll fail at it. after all, you didn't know how to ride a bike, yet you can do that now." he pointed out. "Aliyah is safe here with you. any idiot can see how much you truly love her." he admitted with a smile. "and she adores you. even if Steve and i can't keep you on the right path, i guarantee she can." he promised the other with a smile.
“That’s true.”Tony snickered a little not even bothering to protest over the mad genius before laughing. “Yes Steph. She told me to call her that.”he said sounding vaguely defensive, before tensing. “No!You can’t tell him.”He said looking utterly upset at the idea, shaking his head.”No. No calling him steph.”He muttered before sighing softly. “...I can trust you guys. She seemed intelligent. She was amazing, I wish you guys could have met her...”Tony muttered sadly, frowning a little, before snickering. “You always wanted to fuck thor, no lying.”He teased before nodding a little. “...Yea I guess you’re right...she’s fairly okay here.”He admitted, well that was cause the others were here, not him. “....I think I’m going out think Cap would be pissed if I asked him to babysit for the night?”

Aliyah smiled tiredly as she cuddled against steve’s side as he drew, looking utterly content to be with him like this. Cuddling while he worked. It was fairly adorable really. “...My mama used to draw you.She was good.”Aliyah muttered sleepily, “I miss mama.”She muttered sounding sleepily upset, it was getting close to naptime.
Loki chuckle a little. "Stephanie. yes? it's very odd to think of the good captain as a woman." he admitted as he shook his head. "i won't tell him a thing Tony unless you ask me to." Loki promised. "but you should. you can't keep this a secrete from him forever you know." he pointed out. "and it's not fair to him. technically, she is his daughter as well." he admitted. "Steph had the instincts of a mother on top of that Tony. nothing beats a mothers instincts. she knew you where safe." he pointed out. "i admit nothing." he stated with a sniff. "but i agree i used to have very shameful dreams of the lout when i was younger that i did not fully understand." he admitted with a faint blush. "she is wonderful here. you are giving her an environment where she can thrive." he admitted. "if you do not want to ask Steve, i can take the little one." he promised with a smile.

Steve smiled at her, drawing a picture of her and Tony cuddled up. "Your mother liked to draw?" he asked, his head tilted. "i know you do little one." he admitted, stroking her hair and kissing the top of her head. "come on then Clever One. we'll go take a nap on my bed hows that?" he offered with a smile.
“Yea, it is. But he made a amazing woman. The peak of human perfection and all.”He snickered a little before relaxing, nodding a little. “I know...I just...I want him to like her before I tell him....I don’t...I don’t know how to tell him.”He muttered sighing quietly, knowing he had to tell steve. Cause aliyah was his to. “...Well, she has better instincts then me then.At least you guys are around to make sure she’s okay.”He mtutered before snickering at loki’s protests.”Whatever you say, snowman.”He teased before nodding. “Good. I’ll ask cap, since she’s already spending time with him. She’s probably got him wrapped around her pretty little fingers by now.”he snickered a little nudging loki. “Come on. Let’s go see how they’re doing.”he said despite trusting steve, the man was still nervous about leaving aliyah alone. And even if he did go out, he was going to be totally calling to check in, the overworrying and anxious father even if he didn’t think he was doing it okay.

“Uh-huh. Mama drew all the time. Papa, and me, and her. Lots of pictures.”Aliyah muttered, to her, tony was tony. Though she was aware things were different, that things were different here rather then at home, papa was still papa. To young to understand that this wasn’t the papa she’d always known, but utterly happy at having so much of her papa’s time when she’d never had it before. “I like that. Mama took naps with me to. Do you think papa will?”
Loki snorted a little and shook his head. "i think no matter what world your in, Steve is always going to be a perfect specimen." he admitted with a chuckle before smiling at Tony. "wait a while and let him bond with her on his own. i'm sure he already suspects." he admitted. "and he'll understand why you kept it a secrete, you have to admit, even for the Avengers dimension travel is a bit out there." Loki admitted. "your instincts are just fine." he assured Tony before glaring at him, tossing his head and stalking for the door, melting perfectly into a woman right before Tony's eyes. "yes. i desire to check on my own offspring. while i do trust Thor, he has been known to be spectacularly stupid on occasion." he admitted. "who knows what he could do if left on his own for too long." he muttered, suddenly looking rather Anxious, uh, herself.

he smiled at her even if he felt a puzzled curiosity. how did Steph have pictures of Tony? "do you like living with your papa sweet-pea?" he asked, his head tilted before he smiled at her. "if course he will, if you ask him." he admitted, kissing her forehead and grinning as Tony walked in. "there he is now! you should go ask him." he suggested.
“...And it seems that no matter what world we’re in, Tony Stark is utterly fascinated with Steve....Stephanie...”at that tony giggled a little. “Rogers.”He grinned amused before nodding. “Well, then I’ll tell him soon.”He smiled a little before nodding.”Yea, even for us, it’s weird.”He agreed snickering as loki melted into a woman, rolling his eyes. “You keep doing that, I’m going to grope you. You’re pretty like this.”He teased before nodding. “well then, we better check on our offspring.”He said grinning, feelign better for having talked to loki as he headed for steve’s rooms.

“I do. Papa’s home alot. It’s fun having him around. And you all make him happy. I’m glad you came here.”She said smiling tiredly before bouncing up, looking at her father as tony walked in. “Hey Tink.”Tony smiled wincing a little as the girl collided with his legs. “Ask me what?” “Nap with me papa!”She demanded. Tony smiled a little before picking her up. “Okay, I could use a nap.” “Cap said we could use his bed, papa.”Aliyah said utterly unaware of how her words made tony blush brightly as he carried her towards the bedroom.”Did he now?Well then, we’ll have to. Cap, you joining us?”Tony said smiling at the man, tilting his head.
Loki chuckled a little. "that doesn't surprise me in the least actually." he admitted. "have you ever heard the term Soul Mate?" he asked with a smile. "it's a bit of a coincidence that in every single realm you and Steve end up together in some manner." he admitted. "Soul Mates typically respond in one of tree ways. they either love each other desperately. they ignore the bond and simply have a lot of heated passionate fights but never actually get together even if everyone thinks they aught to... or they try to kill each other mistaking the strong passionate love for hatred. there's a very blurry line between the two emotions after all." he admitted with a smile. "it makes a lot of sense." he admitted. "granted, not all soul mates actually love each other." he admitted with a chuckle. "it's just a very strong bond that draws the two of you together." he admitted before smirking. "Grope me at your pleasure. just be warned i'll tell Thor and he'll turn you into paste." he warned playfully.

"well i'm glad you like living here." Steve admitted with a smile as he kissed her head. "i'm glad i came too." he admitted as he set the pad down when Tony walked in. he followed Tony into a blush as he headed for the bed as well. "sure. i could use a nap." he agreed, hesitant but unable to say no. not only because she was a kid, but also because he was going to be sleeping with Tony Stark! he couldn't refuse!
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