Tell All Tales (Avengers)Moon/Lady

he shrugged. "i don't see what the difference is. besides i can't afford the high end stuff." he admitted, forgetting that he was almost as rich as Tony. Steve had been told of his bank accounts that first Peggy, and then Howard, and then Phil had managed for him, building interest and the like as well as maintaining all the monies made of his name and image, but he always forgot about them and Phil just kept up the maintenance after failing so many times to make Steve do it. "my Duty, is to keep you and Aliyah safe, sane, healthy and as happy as possible. Sue Storm has no right to pass judgement on any of us, least of all you." Steve stated sternly having seen the look of hurt on Tony's face. "so it's his meta powers that will be what allows little Jaimie to leave so soon? that's kind of interesting actually." he admitted. "i think Johnny and Jaimie should move into the tower though." Steve admitted, not that he wanted to. but he didn't want that precious girl anywhere near Sue. not when she might convince Johnny to give the girl up. oh Johnny wouldn't just abandon the child, but Steve could see the scars in Johnny's soul. Johnny would hand Jaimie over to 'more deserving' parents. for Jaimie's own good of course. Sue Storm was manipulative and wicked enough to pull it off. "hey Monkey, show Papa how high you can count." he suggested with a smile as Johnny seamed to gain some life, coming out of the shock. by the time he stepped out of the ICU, he had a deep determined look in his eyes. "she's mine." Johnny stated firmly. "and i'm keeping her, and Sue can piss off and die... oops... uh, sorry i didn't realize that Aliyah was there." Johnny admitted, blushing hard.
Tony rolled his eyes at steve’s continued insistance he was poor, because he’d long gotten used to not being able to convince him that he’s actually rich. Raising a eyebrow at steve’s words he gave the other man a quiet thoughtful look as he considered him. “....just keep that in mind. Sue’s going to be utterly....herself...for awhile. As soon as she realizes johnny’s back in the city really.”Tony muttered because he definitely didn’t care what sue said about him, but he’d stop her from talking about johnny if he could. “Yea it is. And while we knew it could, we haven’t really given it thought, but with johnny doing this, I’m sure bruce will get all the research he wants.”Tony snickered, knowing bruce was going to be utterly happy to be studying the effects of the skin grafts as they took. “me to. I’m planning on getting him to agree to it.”Tony said knowing better then to let Sue near johnny until he was prepared to deal with her. “1, 2, 3, 4-”Aliyah started before stopping looking up at johnny with wide eyes, taking in his appearance and words. “Good. And I think Cap’s already taken care of that talk. He did his best impression of a disappointed puppy.”Tony said biting his lip as looked up at johnny interested. “Piss off?” “You can explain. It’ll be good practice.”Tony teased a little looking amused before nudging his elbow against the other. "Come on. you need to get some sleep, and surgery's not until tomorrow."
Steve snorted. "as if some rich twit can ever tell me what to do." he scoffed. "Sue Storm is nothing but a bully." he stated simply, his eyes glinting dangerously. "and we all know how i deal with Bullies." he stated with a sniff. "i'll even get the press involved if i have to." he admitted. "and wouldn't she just love to have her name and face associated with Verbal abuse on her brother and niece?" he asked with a sharp grin before nodding. "plus, with Bruce working on it, we might find a way to make Skin Graphs easier on the patients. i know tht no matter what the media says, skin Graphs are very difficult and painful." he admitted. "if Bruce can make it even a little bit easier, that would be good." he admitted. "i'm not sure it will take that much cajoling." Steve admitted, refusing to let the annoyance and jealousy creep into his voice. he failed so he covered it up. "Sue is no doubt going to catch wind of the daughter and she's going to be ragging on him every second." he admitted simply before watching Johnny, highly amused. "uh... good?" Johnny asked, baffled before flushing harder as Aliyah repeated him. "Aliyah sweetie. sometimes adults say very very naughty things when they get too emotional." Johnny explained. "Piss is one of those very very naughty words that you should never, ever say." Johnny explained. "i shouldn't have said it either and i shall have to be punished for saying it." he admitted. "emotions are no reason to be vulger after all. don't worry, i'm sure you won't be punished, since you didn't know that the word was naughty." he promised her when she looked concerned. "i think i shall have to ground myself. i won't be allowed any adult toys." he decided. clearly he was going to quite drinking and smoking, just for Jaimie. "...i think i need to tell Sue what's going on." Johnny admitted with a sigh as he followed Tony.
“You are dangerous around bullies. Don’t make me lock up the shield before you talk to her.”Tony teased, shamelessly cuddling aliyah to reassure himself, before smiling. “I’d pay money to see Sue outted to the press like that.”he muttered before nodding. “We might. Bruce was fascinated, already working.”he agreed before frowning as he heard the annoyance and jealousy, not understanding, thinking steve was simply angry over him having to share private space with johnny, even if it’d been steve’s idea. Biting his lip as he tried to decide if it was something they needed to talk about or not, before nodding. “yea. We’ll take care of sue.”He muttered before nodding. “Yea good. I’ve told you for years to tell Sue where to shove it considering Charlene and everything else.”Tony muttered before smiling as aliyah frowned at johnny in understanding. “Oh. Okay.”Aliyah muttered looking concerned before relieved as tony nodded. “You wont get punished sweetheart, just don’t say it again.”He muttered pressing a kiss to her forehead, offering johnny a playful smirk. “Do I get to punish you?”He muttered to the other man as he ducked his head to kiss the other’s cheek, smirking a little teasing him because he knew he was upset before shaking his head. “No. Not yet. We’re not telling sue.”Tony decided as they walked for the hotel, glad it was close, grinning as aliyah squirmed out of his arms as soon as they were inside, indeed so she could bounce on the beds again.
Steve smirked. "just because i humiliate them beyond recognition does not mean you have to hide the Shield from me." he stated simply. "and you might have to ay money for it." Steve pointed out. "if we go that route it needs to be front page material." he admitted simply. "we will indeed." Steve agreed, sounding viciously eager to make Sue pay for many of the comments she had made. "well. i never had a real reason to before. she's my sister, vitriol and poison tongue true, but still my sister, but i won't let her ruin my chance at keeping that little girl in there who needs me so much." he admitted, his eyes blazing. "i won't let her take Jaimie from me. never." he paused, hesitated and then. "do you think Loki could help?" Johnny asked softly, Steve jerking upright, surprised. "...i'll call him." Steve decided, already punching in the number to call Loki directly. "sure. you can punish me." Johnny agreed slyly. "after i've recovered from surgery anyway." Johnny promised with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "alright, not yet. but we will have to tell her." Johnny pointed out. "good news. Loki says that once she's out of danger he can evaluate her. he can't know until then if he can help her or not but he's confident that he can at least minimize the scarring. he'll have salves made up by the time we're ready to go home." Steve admitted, grinning as Aliyah started bouncing on the beds.
“Hm, I’ll get it on the front page if we go that route.”He snickered a little smiling slightly before nodding at johnny. “As much as I think listening to you be mangled is as much cause for yelling as cap finds her insulting me to be, at least now you have a reason.”Tony smiled a little pleased to see johnny at least accepting the roll of father so easily. Startling at that, wanting to hit hismelf for having not even thought of it. “Hm, I’ll enjoy that.”Tony smirked a little turning hsi head to kiss him lightly before grinning at Steve. “Good. At least we can find that out when we get home.”he smiled gently, shaking his head at the sight of aliyah bouncing, nudging johnny gently. “Go get some sleep. You look dead on your feet. I’ll be in after a bit.”He smiled stealing another kiss before moving over to the bed, kicking off his shoes, settling in to bounce with his daughter, simply enjoying being with her, reassuring himself she was okay.
Steve grinned and nodded before blinking at Johnny, more impressed than he wanted to admit. "she doesn't mangle me." Johnny scoffed, rolling his eyes. "she's just opinionated." he stated. as always Johnny didn't seam to realize how abusive Sue really was. Tony knew that Johnny figured he deserved the horrible tirades. "i know you will." Johnny teased, kissing him back. he had no real 'love' for Tony. at least not in 'that' way, but he loved the comfort Tony offered. kissing, hand holding, sex. they both knew they would never be in a relationship, so it was more of an emotional release than it was an emotional connection. "thanks Tony." Johnny murmured as he headed off to bed, collapsing into the mattress as Steve talked to Bruce about what was happening and wincing. "Sue knows about the little girl. someone from the Hospital broke the privacy whatever and talked to the press. it's all over the news." Steve admitted with a sigh as he shook his head. "Reed already has his Lawyers on the way to sue anyone they can. he's hoping that'll keep shit like this from happening again. thankfully no one seams to be aware yet of Aliyah."
“Yes she does.”Tony said rolling his eyes himself, looking annoyed but he never could convince johnny that he didn’t deserve it. Smirking as he bumped shoulders with the other man, relaxing. Because while he refused to face his feelings for his captain, the emotional release and comfort he found with johnny was enough for now. “Welcome.”he smiled a little pausing in mid bounce, yelping a little as aliyah landed on the middle of his stomach, collapsing across him. Snuggling into her father as she yawned tiredly. “...”Tony choked a little, obviously wanting to curse even if he was stopping himself from doing so, conscious of the little girl curled up against him. “Good. Johnny doesn’t need to deal with the press.”he muttered before sitting up, wincing as aliyah whined tiredly, gripping at him, pale and shaken. “I hadn’t...there were people. Someone’s going to realize she was at the hospital with me.”he said trembling a little, shaken at the idea of the world knowing about aliyah, because there was no doubt that the small child was his daughter.
Johnny just rolled his eyes and let it go, not willing to fight in front of Steve and Aliyah. Steve chuckled when Aliyah bounced on her daddy. "easy Aliyah, you can't jump on your papa like that, it hurts." Steve warned her gently. "easy Tony." Steve ordered. "no one noticed you." he admitted. "Loki is sending a package by... Raven?" he asked into the phone. "by Raven that will hide Aliyah's true looks for now." he admitted. "i will claim her as a great great granddaughter whom i'm babysitting for a while if anyone asks." Steve admitted. "even if someone did see her, they all saw her come in with ME. so even if someone does say anything i'll get the heat and keep it off you and Aliyah. it might not work forever, since we can't hide her away or lock her up, but it will buy us some time." Steve admitted. "you might consider naming a few God-parents and writing a Will just in case someone get's the idea that they might be able to gain power if they manage to have her legally taken away from you." he admitted. "they'd fail of course, but we don't want them getting any ideas either." Steve admitted, proving just why he was a Captain. "we'll have Johnny do the same." he admitted, smiling at Tony. "i told you, your not alone anymore. we got your back, and Johnny's too."
“Sorry papa.”Aliyah muttered nuzzlign her face against his shoulder as she clung to him. Tony swallowed thickly staring at the other man, looking shaken still, but it was a a measure of his trust that tony didn’t continue freaking out, simply relaxing a little as he laid back down, gently stroking aliyah’s hair as the girl eased into sleeping. “...You shouldn’t have to do that.”He muttered swallowing thickly at the idea of steve taking credit for his daughter, even without knowing it. “I already did. You and natasha get custody if something happens, with johnny and clint backup god parents. And you have power of attorney if I’m out of commission or something.”he muttered sighing softly, squirming a little. Having not talked it over with them because he’d been utterly afraid that they’d refuse to do it. “Good.It’s...nice having family.”Tony muttered blushing a little gently easing away from the sleeping aliyah, standing, “We better get some sleep. Ali wakes up early, and we have a long day tomorrow.”he muttered fidgetting for a long moment before hugging the other man tightly.”Thank you.”He muttered.
Steve snorted. "i don't have To do anything Tony. i do this because i want to. because your my friend." he admitted simply. he also did it because he loved Tony, but he wasn't about to admit that before blinking and flushing. "oh... oh gos. really?" he asked, looking utterly delighted actually. "i'm honored to be her God-father." he admitted happily. "now i can spoil her without it being weird!" he admitted with a grin before nodding. "you might consider making me a Power of Attorney over all things if someone decides to go to court or get the media or police too involved." Steve admitted. "they would attack you with abandon because they think they can get away with blasting at your character with your past, never mind that you stopped drinking completely and stopped taking strangers home." he scoffed with a shake of his head. "they wouldn't dare attack me in the same manner." he admitted before looking startled at the Hug. he tensed, surprised before relaxing and hugging Tony back, wrapping his arms around the other. "go to sleep Tony." Steve encouraged.

a week later and Jaimie had been moved out of the Quarentein and was sitting up in a bed on her own. Loki had come over as soon as she was mostly stable and worked his own magic on her. he still had to use Johnny's skin, but already she was doing so much better. the press had been going wild and Sue had been a bitch to pretty much everyone taking Johnny's side. it had gotten bad enough that Ben had moved out and was now hanging out with the Avengers, and allowing Bruce to try and find a way to manage the others 'condition' so that Ben could at the very least turn into a human again from time to time. surprisingly, Clint and Ben got along brilliantly and Tony's Hulk Room was perfect for Ben. it was the first time since Ben had been changed that he could change the stations on a tv without breaking something. "you'll need to rub this cream into the scars twice a day. once when she first wakes up and once just before she goes to sleep." Loki said as he handed Johnny a bag. "you are, of course, coming back tot h Tower, Jaimie won't be safe around Sue." Loki admitted. "that woman is completely insane eve by my standards."
“Yes really. I mean...I don’t have anyone else. You guys are everything. Family, and aliyah’s family to.”Tony muttered flushing as he realized just how delighted steve was, before nodding. “I’ll see to it that it’s charged.”Tony muttered realizing steve was right, and that steve would be harder to attack then tony would be. “I’m on my way.”He said smiling amused as he was shooed off to bed, smiling as he headed there.

Tony smiled from where he was sitting in the chair, amused as aliyah fairly bounced in his lap, patiently waiting for the trip she’d been promised. Tony having wanted to be there when loki got there. “We’ll make sure we do. We shhould be back tomorrow or the day after Not sure when we’re leaving.”Tony said smiling softly before snickering.”Now that’s a scadry thought. You’re idea of insanity is odd.”Tony teased amused as he shook his head, Wincing as his phone dinged he pulled it out, paling as he saw what natasha had forwarded him. “....D...”He trailed off as aliyah craned her neck to look up at her father, silently holding out the phone so loki could read the news article that had just gone viral, knowing he’d understand the panic attack tony was going through. Someone had gotten a snapshot of tony, steve, and aliyah at the mall of america, with the girl looking like herself, with the title, ‘love child between the captain and stark?’ and then proceeded to be their most vicious, qoutes from sue storm, and others about tony’s utter lack of need to parent. And even knowing that it wasn’t true, the final qoute from ‘captain america’ felt like it gutted him. Even knowing steve thought he was a good father, hearing him be mangled by ‘cap’ was horrible. Swallowing thickly rubbing a hand over his face, “You okay for awhile?I think I’m going to go take Aliyah over to the park.”He muttered needing time and space, glad that at least steve was out getting lunch, so he wasn’t there to witness tony’s utter freakout.
Loki nodded and smiled at the very shy Jaimie. poor little Jaimie who woke screaming from nightmares each night, begging for her mommy. the little girl offered Loki a trembling smile in return before hiding behind Johnny. so far Johnny was the only person she ever truly interacted with, though she did talk with Aliyah when the two girls could be together. "what is it?" Loki and Steve both asked. Steve had been acting very oddly the last week, had been twitchy and slightly grumpy and had completely filled one of his drawing pads. he brushed it off as being completely unable to sleep due to the fact that he couldn't work out there without breaking something and thus couldn't wear himself out enough to sleep. he knew both Johnny and Tony suspected it was something else though. "Sure Tony i'm fine." Johnyn agreed, looking wrried. "are you sure you should leave though? people can get stupid Tony i don't think you should leave the Hospital right now..." there was a pause and Tony's phone dinged again and this time the news article declared 'Captain America to Sue Papers for Slander and Misconduct' there was even a statement in there that said 'Tony and i are good friends and he has taken care of his daughter perfectly. he's even gone so far as to select two complete sets of God-Parents and named me her Power of Attorney. any attack against Tony is an attack against me.'. Johnny looked impressed. "wow... Steve had a plan ready for this. i wonder how he got it up so fast?" Steve didn't, Fury had been monitoring the situation and followed Cap's plan to bring up a retaliation within seconds of the papers decrying Tony. Fury thought the little girl was the perfect way to teach Tony responsibility, and it was working! Fury was a bastard, but he knew a daughter belonged with her papa.
"Apparently I'm having a love child with the good captain, as aliyah looks like both of us."tony said lookin g shaken and wondering if he'd missed something obvious. He'd always thought aliyah looked like me, and Stephanie said she looked like her tony, but now as he looked down at the girl napping in his lap, he could see steve in her feautres."I know people are stupid. But I'll be okay...I just cant..."he swallowed hard needing away from the emotional pain despite reading the news article as he read steve's reaction."probably had Jarvis watching for it and had the article prewriten."tony said absently stroking aliyah's hair."....I promise we'll be okay. We're just going down to hospital playground."he said gently waking aliyah up smiling as she giggled excitedly."I'll call when we get down there and I'll check in."he promised as they left pretty much fleeing the hospital room in the face of the emotional confusion and pain he was in, and wanting away before steve came back, just in case steve was simply defending a teammate instead of him. Soon enough father and daughter were playing on the swings totally invoking the people walking by to see them, simply enjoying each others company.
Johnny snorted. "and how do they explain the fact that you and Steve didn't even know each other when this one was conceived?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow. "it's okay Tony, go play with your daughter, be the doting father." he suggested with a smile. "damn... he's good." Johnny admitted. "it amazes me that he always seams to know what someone is going to do." Johnny admitted before nodding. "okay. but seriously, be careful, there are a lot of bastards out there who would try and do something just to make you hurt." Johnny admitted watching them leave, pleased when Tony did indeed assure him that they where fine every once and a while. "Mister Stark!" oh joy, the press where here. "Can i ask you a few Ques....tions..." and there was Steve, planted very firmly in front of Tony. "unless you want to be sued for trying to tamper. i suggest you leave." Steve hissed. "You reporters are in enough trouble as it is don't you think!? besides, as both her and Tony's legal representatives you are not allowed to speak to Tony Stark or Aliyah Stark without my say. understood!?" Steve demanded, making the reporter nod wildly before fleeing. "Tony? you alright?" Steve asked, looking worried. "Johnny's packing, the reporters tried to break into Jaimie's room. they scared the poor girl to death." he admitted. "we're going back to the Hotel. Fury is leading the Legal proceedings and Reed has his legal team and Natasha is handling SI's Legal team since Pepper is doing her best to prevent a mad rush of internet blasphemy." Steve admitted. Pepper, while not happy at all about 'Tony's Kid', she wasn't about to abandon Tony. now if only they could get Sue to shut the fuck up.
“Hm, stark expriment gone wrong actually.”Tony hummed a little smiling a little as he nodded. “cap’s really good. And he’s the world’s best tactician, of course he can predict things.”Tony muttered before nodding. “I know. I’ll be careful.”he promised before wincing as he heard the reporter, straightening to deal with it, blinking startled as he stared at the broad planes of steve’s back, utterly at a loss on what to think of the utterly warm and happy feeling tightening his chest at steve defending him like this, even if he knew it was just for aliyah’s sake. Nodding a little he looked down at aliyah as the little girl tugged at his hand. “We’re okay.”he promised gently stroking aliyah’s hair before growling quietly at that, shaking his head. “Da-dang. That’s insane. They really are insane.”Tony muttered shaking his head a little before smirking, amused at the idea of pepper and natasha teaming up to do something. That was just a scary ass thought indeed. "Aliyah, time to go." "Kay.Up cap!"Aliyah demanded as she scampered over to his side.
Johnny snorted. "seriously? wow." he muttered, looking amused. "so he can plan ahead just because he's a paranoid Sob?" he pronounced it sob, as in crying, but he knew Tony would recognize it as S.O.B, short for Son of a bitch. Johnny was clever like that. "good. i'm glad." Steve admitted with a smile at Tony and Aliyah. "it is insane. the entire hospital is going on lock-down because the Press keep bothering people who are sick and hurt. the police will be here in an hour to maintain order, which means this whole place is just going to descend into chaos and soon some of the patients and people actually trying to get help are going to be gassed, tazed or maced creating an even bigger problem." Steve didn't think much of modern day policemen. "alright." Steve agreed swinging Aliyah up into his arms, blocking her from sight with his massive arms as Johnny joined them, a blanket over his own arms hiding the still terrified Jaimie. thankfully Loki was still there and cast a strong glamor on them that would make them look like total strangers, for at least long enough for them to get to the hotel. glamors rarely worked unless you where constantly reapplying them. and Loki didn't like leaving the twins alone for that long.
“Yea, something like that. Though he tells me I’m a worse paranoid genius.”Tony snickered a little amused before nodding. “I should have thought of that. Hadn’t thought the would be that desperate really.”He huffed, snickering amused because he was used to steve’s thoughts on police, before smiling as he watched aliyah and steve together. “Come on then, let’s get out of here.”Tony said looking pleased as they got out of the hospital and to the hotel, letting them all in. Settling both girls into bed he sighed softly, rubbing a hand over his face. Despite seeing steve defend him, and being incredibly hot while doing it, the genius was still feeling off balance, emotionally reeling from the nasty thoughts of the public at the idea of him being a father. “I’m having a drink, you guys want one?”He said as he poured scotch into a tumbler, and while he had no plans on getting drunk, he had every intent of taking the edge off the emotions.
"they aren't desperate, they're just vultures." Steve scoffed, disgusted. he didn't much care for the press either. things like 'paparazzi' hadn't existed in his day and people actually had privacy. so Steve didn't much think well of reporters of any kind, or new anchors, or politicians. to be honest Steve just didn't think well of anyone but the people he liked. which consisted of the Avengers, Reed, Ben and Johnny. Steve didn't much care for Fury even. Steve never said much about it, but Tony knew about it because Steve talked about it with Tony a lot. particularly in the last week. Steve was getting more and more comfortable around Tony and didn't mind letting out his opinions around Tony now, though e was usually silent as a clam when Johnny was around, or Aliyah and Jaimie. "yes please." Both Steve and Johnny sighed as they sat down. a single drink wouldn't hurt, especially when the girls would sleep for a few hours.
“They are, if you think this is bad, you should have seen them when I first became iron man. It was even more insane then this.”Tony said making a face a little amused because he knew just how steve was about people he didn’t like. He found it quite amusing that everyone thought captain america was all so good, when the man really didn’t think much of any of them, except the people he liked. Nodding as he poured the other two a drink, he slid the glasses over to them, pleased that the girls were sleeping, they needed naps. This week had been hard on all of them. Sipping the drink as he sat down at the bar across from them he sighed quietly, looking just as bad as he felt, the week having been draining for the billionaire. “I’m ready to be home.”He muttered
Steve nodded. "i've seen the reports." he admitted. "they're nothing but parasites anyway. the world would be better off without them." he admitted simply. "wow... i never realized Captain America could be so cold." Johnny admitted, looking a bit startled before accepting his drink and sipping at it. he couldn't take the risk of getting drunk so he ordered room service too. a small snack would help keep them sober. "me too." Steve admitted. "i can monitor the situation much more easily from there, and i don't like all these strangers around you and Aliyah." he admitted with a small scowl. "we'll be leaving tonight, Natasha is insisting." he admitted with a shake of his head. "apparently Sue is raising more than just a 'little' fuss and she wants my help silencing the little witch." Johnny winced but didn't say anything.
“Hm, he is. It’s very interesting and amusing isn/t it?”Tony said snickering a little at johnny’s oberservation as he sipped his drinl. Pleased as johnny ordered food, knowing it was a good idea. To eat. “I’m not quite fond of the strangers either They make me nervous.”He said agring before sighing a little. “I’m sure Natahsa and clint could come up with a perfect way to deal with sue.”Tony said snickering because he knew exactly what natasha’s rabbit was if she saw teh woman soon. “I told you the little witch needed dealt with.”Tony muttered rolling his eyes a little at steve’s words, angry and hurting that this was going to upset steve, and that hee,d even have anything downstair with them, simply enjoying both men as they relaxed.
"...yeah it kind of is amusing." Johnny agreed with a small smile and a shake of his head. "hmm. the more i like you, the meaner i am." Steve admitted, looking amused as Johnny chuckled. "i can believe that." Johnny admitted, getting up to accept the food when the bellhop came with the meal before grimacing as Tony insulted Sue again, well aware that Natasha would rather just have her killed. "no, nothing like that. Natasha can't be in charge of things. i was thinking of calling Sue's mental state into question. she's behaving very... oddly. i'd like to have her evaluated before we do anything else. if she's insane she'll get help and treatment. if she's a bitch, she'll go to jail for few weeks and see if that won't straighten her out a little." Steve admitted. "she's not dangerous. i don't think, she's just bitchy. unfortunately that 'bitchy' could ruin more than just the girls lives, it could ruin everyone's." Steve admitted, Johnny sighing even as he nodded. Steve was right of course. Sue had to be stopped.
“Hm, then you must like me lots, cause you’re being super mean to everyone.”Tony teased a little, flushing ever so slightly as he considered that. Smiling a little as he started to eat he sighed softly, nodding. “Fine. No telling natasha be in charge. I’m sure it’ll be a simply matter to get a psychiatrist to look into things, your family and reed’s her husband, easy enough to have things checked out.”Tony said sipping his drink, sighing softly as he nudged johnny. “It’ll be okay. We’ll take care of things, and the girl’s aren’t going anywhere. I mean, we have Cap defending us, and Natasha being scary. Not to mention pepper and the rest of the team, we wont lose the girls.”Tony muttered sounding vaguely upset himself, hating the idea of losing aliyah, even if he didn’t think it’d happen, because he was afraid he would. Was utterly afraid that aliyah would be taken from him, and other tony would find her. And he’d fail everyone. Downing the rest of the drink he reached to pour himself more, before stopping, paling slightly as his hand hovered near the bottle, wanting more but stopping himself. Dropping his hand after a moment he swallowed hard, staring at the bottle, for a moment memories of his father battering at a already upset genius.
Steve just smiled. "i trust you a lot. of course i like you, i wouldn't have moved in if i couldn't stand you." he pointed out. "alright we'll have Reed and Johnny have her admitted to a psychiatric unit. as long as both Reed and Johnny admit her, they can hold her for 96 hours. or four days. if they decide that she needs to stay in their care for longer, then a judge will have to appoint her into their care. we may or may not be asked to testify." Steve admitted simply. ignoring the way Johnny was gaping at him. "Google is my friend." Steve explained with a smirk. "i won't let anyone, not even Sue Storm take those babies away from you." Steve promised them both. "they need to be with their fathers and you need them too." he admitted, watching Tony reach for the bottle, both him and Johnny watching, waiting. when Tony paused they both grinned, very proud of Tony. "come on. you need a nap." Steve decided. "you let me handle all this legal shit. you and Johnny need to focus on taking care of your girls."oh and Tony? you did a good thing there." Steve admitted with a smile. "you recognized what you where doing and stopped. that's rather impressive, many people can't do that when they first start giving up something. your a wonderful father." Steve admitted, offering Tony that proud little smile before he urged them both into bed.
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