Tell All Tales (Avengers)Moon/Lady

“I have. Papa let me feed him yesterday.”Aliyah side with wide happy eyes, simply happy to be with her family. “....”Tony stared at him for a long moment before nodding.”I know.”he said softly, in that way you knew he really didn’t. “You wont.”Tony said smiling a little before making a face at loki. “I was not in a complete panic.”he grumbled before smiling a little. “And Tony II had extremis to. We both ran a little hotter then normal humans.”Tony pointed out absently stroking aliyah’s hair as the girl snuggled against him
"Very nice." Steve agreed with a smile as h held the tiny infant. "James Anthony Stark, right?" he asked, hesitantly touching the tiny hand. "he really looks just like you Tony." he whispered looking amazed before looking up at Tony with a look on his face that just said 'oh my god look! i'm holding a baby!' "you where convinced James was dying." Loki scoffed, rolling his eyes. "i made Jarvis record it." "really?" Steve asked with grin before gasping as James Hiccuped. "oh my god, Tony i broke him!" Steve said, looking utterly panicked. Loki just started laughing. "Tony! Tony fix it! what did i do!?"
“Yes. Tony...named him before.”Tony smiled a little. “And he should. Definitely my son, even if I wasn’t the one involved.”Tony snickered quietly before smirking at the look he was getting. “I did not. He wasn’t dying.”Tony huffed, before yelping a little at the hiccup looking concerned as he glanced at loki. “that was just a hiccup right?He’s okay?”Tony asked even as he took james back to rub his back and trying to ease the hiccups.
Steve blinked a little and nodded. "it's a perfect name for him." he agreed with a smile, "besides, it's still your DNA so it counts... even if thinking about it tends to make my brain hurt." he admitted. "it's just a hiccup." Loki promised through his snickers, Steve sighing. "okay... so, maybe we're a bit paranoid." he admitted, smiling at Tony before leaning over him and kissing him.

over the next year, Steve's 'episodes' became less and less. he still had moments where he would retreat inside himself, particularly after a blood mission. those where becoming more and more rare though. he had healed, mentally, to the point where he could have sex without ever having a panic attack. granted, in a fit of madness he did once try to carve off the branding on his dick. it sort of worked, though the scarring there just got to bad to make out the branding Steve was content that you could no longer tell what it was. or rather, what it had been. "come on James... you love mashed pees!" Steve complained, frowning at the stubborn one and a half year old who had just learned his new favorite word. "No!" "yes! eat your pees. come on...." Steve ordered, rolling his eyes and James just scowled. "no!" "yes!" "no!" "yes!" "no!" "No!" "no!" "well what do you know. the cartoons lie." Steve mused, chuckling as he gave in and washed James face and let him down out of his high chair. "there you go scamp, go crawl off and pester your siblings." he ordered, watching the toddler scoot off on hands and knees. he was a quick little shit. faster at crawling than walking at that point but getting much better at walking.
“hm, it makes my head hurt to.”Tony snickered a little, ebfore smiling quietly. “We might be.”He agreed kissing him back.

Tony to had gotten out of his funk, easing back into the better mood and easier with parenting. Starting to trust himself with his children, trusting steve knew what he was talking about when he said he was okay. Smirking a little as he leaned against the doorjab, studying his soon to be husband as he tried to feed their son, he grinned a little. “you know, you could have gotten james to feed him while you got ready.”He said snickering a little, amused that even a hour before they were getting married, steve wouldn’t give the task of feeding any of the kids.
Steve smiled up at Tony and shook his head. "the last time i let Bucky feed James there was mushed pees and steamed carrots on the ceiling." he pointed out. "no. i think not." he admitted with a grin, following the other out, dressed immaculately in his wedding suit. "i thought you said you where going to get a dress?" he teased, looking very appreciative of Tony dressed in his suit. Tony always looked gorgeous in his suits. "are you ready?" he asked with a smile.
"Well, it was still a interesting day."Tony snickered a little before smirking a little. "Do you want me in a dress?I did get one, I just didn't like it."Tony said blushing a little as he looked up at the other, smiling slightly at the sight of their family and friends waiting for them out on the balcony. "I am. You?"
he chuckled a little. "you weren't the one who had to clean all that up." he complained, looking amused. "...did you really?" he asked, looking startled, pupils widening as he imagined Tony in a wedding dress. "we'll use ut during the honeymoon." he decided. "stripping you out of a wedding dress is very pleasing an idea." he admitted with a grin before kissing the other deeply. "i was born ready." he whispered, smiling. "let's go get married." he whispered, chuckling as he watched Aliyah skip down the aisle with Jaimie and the twins, throwing flower petals all over everything. it was the only wedding in the world where most of the guests where blue.
"True.'Tony snickered before smiling a little. "I did."He muttered groaning as he was kissed, leaning into him."Hmmm, it is isn't it?"he smiled at the idea of getting stripped out of the wedding dress, laughing as they went down to get married. utterly amused and happy at his wedding and family, this was utterly perfect. So much more then what he thought he would ever have.

Tony II smiled a little as he watched from the side, unseen and unheard, pressing a kiss to Stephanie's head. "You did well. They're going to be okay."The man said even as they faded from sight, happy to know that in this world, they could be happy.

The End
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