Tell All Tales (Avengers)Moon/Lady

Pepper snarled, enraged that her Tony would go against her like that. how dare her Tony betray her like that!? "we'll bring the baby to you once it's been delivered." the nurse promised Tony. "Pepper can't be trusted with a baby. she could ver well harm an infant. she'll be allowed to hold it for a while under supervision but that's all." the nurse admitted. "we'll have one of the nurses show you how to properly care for the baby until Loki can assist you." she promised. Steve was awake when Tony got there, but he was completely unresponsive to everything, ignoring both Loki's when they walked in and held Tony, comforting him as best as they where able.
"No she cant. Be careful with her."tony muttered because while he didn't want her anymore, but he still cared for her. Settling into the chair he whimpered a little when steve didn't respond curling up in the chair nearly unreposive to the loki'vs stirring little at the sound of them talking frowning at him."Pepper's in labor..."she said sounding lost and scared.
"we know. that's why we're here." Loki explained, sighing. "this is just the crappiest day ever for you." Loki II admitted, sounding highly upset himself. his only friend in the entire Multiverse had jut died after all. he was there more for his own comfort than Tony's, but hey, they where both getting something out of it so what did it matter? they stayed with him and Loki showed Tony how to hold the tiny baby boy, James Anthony Stark named after Tony II's dead best friend James Barnes, who died defending Stephanie and Tony from a barrage of bullets by an unknown sniper. "he's a cute little thing." Loki admitted, smiling at little James Jr. "Aliyahs here by the way. Doc thinks she might be able to pull Steve out of it a bit. wanna try? introduce her to her new little brother?"
"It is...and if you want to stay...and it's can stay here loki. We'd welcome you..."tony muttered relaxing a little as he rested back into the chair. Stirring a little as he was handed the baby looking so freaked out at holding a baby,but trying to be calm and together. Looking up at loki before glancing at steve. Worried about showing aliyah steve so hurt but needing steve to come out a little."yes. We'll introduce her to JJ."tony said smiling when loki returned with aliyah wincing as her happy giggle disturbedJJ. "Papa!papa you got daddy." "I did. Come here ali. I have someone for you to meet. This is your brother james." "He's so tiny!"aliyah said with wide eyes. "So he were this small once."
Loki blinked at Tony before smiling. "i would like that." he admitted softly, settling in easily with Tony and closing his eyes. just resting because what else was there to do? "it's okay Tony, your doing very well and i've already spelled the child so if you drop him he won't actually fall." Loki promised with a smile. "as well as an entire host of other spells to help me monitor him at all times." he promised. "so even if you do something wrong, it won't hurt him and i'll know to come help, okay?" he asked with a smile before letting Aliyah in. "My babies where just as small, don't you remember?" Loki asked her with a smile. "the only difference is that your little brother will grow much more slowly than the twins will." he admitted. looking worried when Steve didn't even twitch in response to Aliyah's voice.
"That's not completely comforting. I should be able to take care of him."Tony said anxious a little frowning slightly at the idea before sighing a little because it was a relief to him to know loki would be there if he needed him."they were tiny."Aliyah said before pouting."why not?I wanna play with him now."Aliyah pouted. "Cause he's small ali. He'll be small for awhile." "Oh...okay...daddy. daddy you have to get up. I wanna hold JJ but I want to hold him with you."Aliyah said with wide worried eyes as she moved to the bed,trying to pull up onto the bed that she could barely see over,wanting her daddy.
Loki smiled. "you can take care of him, but this way the horrible gut wrenching terror of doing something wrong that all first parents have will be greatly diminished." Loki admitted. "you know. when i had my first, i was too scared to pick him up for the first three days?" Loki asked with a smile. "i was convinced i would hurt him, so his body remained firmly in contact with his cot at all times." he admitted. "it was only because of my mother that i realized i could not actually hurt the child. you can't really hurt JJ either, you would never drop him. or drink hot coffee over him or anything silly like that. your much too instinctive of a parent." he admitted before wincing as Aliyah called out for Steve. "Aliah, sweetie come here okay? Daddy is very hurt." he explained. "he's in a dreaming place right now. you know how when you sleep, you have dreams? well Daddy had a nightmare in real life. so he went into his dreams because he hurts too much." he explained. "we can't climb on Daddy right now. and he's dreaming right now even if he looks like he's awake."
"Well that's true. I mean...its easier knowing you'll come help if I need you."tony said sighing softly before relaxing feeling relieved he wasn't the only one who'd been utterly scared at being a parent." can't hurt him can i?we'll be okay..."he muttered. "No I want daddy."Aliyah whined annoyed and unhappy as loki pulled her close looking up at him frowning. Eyes wide and scared for her daddy."will he come back? I want daddy. Daddy needs me if he's hurt. I'll help."
Loki nodded and smiled. "just ever ask me what happened when i actually dropped Sleipnr." he ordered with a chuckle. "it was Thor's fault of course and he suffered mightily. Sleipnr thought the whole thing very hilarious." he admitted. "i know love. we all want Daddy to wake up, but he can't right now." he explained, smiling at her. "your helping him right now." he promised her. "just by being here. when he doesn't hurt so badly, he might start waking up." he explained. "and if our here, he might realize that he's not in his nightmares anymore." he admitted. "so we'll just talk and not touch Daddy at all for right now. okay?" "...Aliyah..." Steve groaned, turning slowly to the sound of her voice, blinking stupidly. "Loki? Tony...." he paused, swallowing thickly. "hurts..." "i know Steve... i know. i'm sorry. you where hurt ery badly." "...what happened?" Steve had repressed the painful memories. probably a good thing for now, though it would be bad when he remembered.
“...Okay then.”Tony said looking at the other man a little wide eyed, wincing as aliyah got upset, gently cradling James even as he shifted the baby to stroke aliyah’s hair. “I’m helping daddy?” “you are. You’re helping him know that it’s safe to come back. That he’s safe.”Tony muttered looking upset, looking relieved as steve turned. Even if he didn’t remember, and tony knew that was going to be a mess when he did, it was good for the moment. “Pepper turned you over to doom. We got you out. You’re safe, Steve.”Tony promised shifting reaching out to carefully touch the other’s cheek, reassuring him this was real, that he wasnt’ dreaming the safety.
Loki smiled at Tony in that way that you knew Loki was fucking with him. "you are helping." Loki agreed before smiling, relieved as steve woke up. he knew the other would retreat again, periodically here and there but for now he was out of dangers. "Doom? but he..." he paused, swallowed thickly and closed his eyes. realizing he had probably been brutalized in very bad ways but too scared to ask how bad it was. he leaned into the touch, tears gathering in his eyes. he tried to blink them away but all that happened was that they fell faster. "you won't hate me, even though i'm useless right?" Steve asked softly, begging Tony with his eyes not to leave him because he wasn't strong enough to save himself from Doom, no matter that he couldn't remember it.
“Yea, I know.Doom.”Tony muttered watching the other, tears misting his own eyes as steve started to cry. Eyes going angry and pained at steve’s question, the only reason he hadn’t lashed out at the man, was the small baby and aliyah, because the question of if he’d love the other, that he’d abandon him simply because he’d been hurt, was starting to undo the ever so carefully built walls that kept him from totally falling apart. “No, I wont hate you. You’re mine.Though you might hate me, when you see what we have to deal with.”Tony said shifting a little so steve could see the baby he was cuddling. Struggling so hard, to not fall apart.
Steve swallowed thickly. "you promise? you promise you won't leave me?" Steve whispered. "i need you. more than anything." he whispered before blinking at the baby, his head tilted. "isn't that...?" he asked, looking confused. "...the other Tony died saving us all from Doom." Loki explained softly. "so Tony is taking care of the baby." "i like babies." Steve admitted, staring transfixed at the little thing in Tony's arms. "what's her name?" "his." "'s a boy?" "es." "...where's it's penis?" "it's there." " it supposed to be that small?" "he's a baby. yes." "...oh..." he muttered before sighing and closing his eyes. "i think Tony should name him..." he admitted sluggishly, going back to sleep. in too much pain to stay awake any longer. "that went better than i thought it would." Loki admitted softly. "we better let him sleep. he has a lot of healing to do."
“I promise. I’m not going anywhere. I need you just as much, Cap.”Tony muttered before nodding. “It is.”He muttered smiling a little. “Good. Cause I’m feeling torn and lost on the idea of a baby, so you gotta get better, and help me okay?”Toyn muttered smiling a little. “Its a boy, and he has a penis. At least that’s what loki assured me.”Tony said sounding just as unsure about that fact as steve was, before looking up at loki. “It did go well.” “papa, I want to sleep here.” “No aliyah. You can sleep in bed with me.Come on.”Tony smiled a little as he let loki get the girl and heading to the connected bedroom that had been set up for him aliyah and James, settling them all into bed, and cuddling aliyah, clinging to the daughter he desperately needed to hold onto, otherwise he was going to fall apart.
Steve smiled at him, calming a little. glad that Tony didn't think him disgusting or weak. "okay. you'll do fine. your wonderful with kids. just have faith in yourself." Steve murmured. "your the best parent i've ever seen." he promised. "are we sure we should trust Loki though? i mean, he is a shapeshifter. he spends just as much time as a woman as he does a man, maybe he's confused?" Steve wondered. when Tony came back later that evening, Steve refused to look at him, curled up on his side, the one that wasn't damaged. just laying there, back to Tony, face to the wall and crying because he was so disgusting and pathetic and helpless. as the days went on, Steve's body started to heal again, so did Bruce's. while Bruce was fine mentally, if extremely frustrated that he couldn't feed himself because his hands shook too badly, Steve was not. some mornings he would be fine, not remember a thing, others he couldn't even remember who Tony was, glaring at him instead for looking too much 'like that prick Howard'. other days he grinned at Tony and asked him if he was ever going to settle down with a dame or if he was just going to screw his way into every woman's pants, thinking he was Bucky. most days though, he laid there, focusing on nothing, thinking nothing, retreated back into his 'safe haven' inside his mind. occasionally he would simply sit there and cry.
“No, you have to have faith for me. I suck at believing in myself you know.”Tony muttered smiling a little before snickering. “...Maybe. I’ll ask the nurse next time I see her.”Tony teased a little.

And as the days past, it was obvious tony wasn’t doing well, looking nearly as battered and lost as steve did, tony hadn’t slept more then a hour at a time for days, so bad that it was nearly as bad as when he was still the merchant of death, overworking and demanding of a body that just didn’t have any more to give. The fact that he hadn’t broken down yet, or lost his cool with any of them, was a feat in itself and a obvious struggle for a man who always was in control to the point of simply shutting down. Nearly as disconnected as steve was. Looking up from the book he was reading to steve as the man simply laid there-having started making his way through 20,000 leagues under the sea- he paused, giving loki a tired and worn smile. “hey.”
Loki examined him for a moment before stepping forward without warning and grabbing Tony, slinging him over his shoulder and walking out with him while Loki II settled into place to watch over Steve. an intervention apparently. "you are going to take a shower, eat food, and then get some sleep." Loki informed Tony. "then you are going to pay attention to Aliyah, who believes you are mad at her since you've been ignoring her. then you will snuggle James, since you have apparently forgotten he even exists. then you can go back to Steve. are we clear?"
"What?no. I'm okay...and I'm not mad at aliyah. I spend time with her every afternoon. I'm not a bad father."tony frowned looking angry at theme both even as he let tony carry him around. And indeed he did spend time with both his children but it was just his body there most of the time,his mind was a million miles elsewhere."I need to be there...steve might need me..."
Loki shook his head. "no you don't. you sit there listlessly while she tries to get your attention." Loki stated simply. "and i'm not saying your a bad father, i'm saying your extremely depressed and need to snap out of it." he sighed when Tony failed to truly interact with his children. "Tony. look at me." Loki demanded. "being like this is not helping Steve. at all." Loki stated firmly. "behaving like this is not helping. you need to get a grip, the more happy and calm you are, the more Steve will start to realize things are okay." Loki informed him before pausing, his head tilted. "....the other me says Steve is awake. asking for you and Aliyah." Loki informed him. "come on." he ordered, sighing as he realized that he probably wouldn't get through to Tony any time soon. "come on Aliyah sweetie, time to go see Daddy." Loki informed her, leaving James in Tony's arms. "Tony." Steve muttered, staring at the other before smiling and reaching out to him. "your you...." he whispered, sounding so relieved. as if he'd expected this all to just be another trick of Dooms.
Tony frowned looking at the other, looking anxious and angry as he growled. “I’m fine! I’m in control. I’m not hurting them, or upsetting them or drinking. I’m fine.”He snarled, yep he was starting to slip. Looking up at loki he winced, looking like loki had hit him instead of simply told him the truth. “I’m trying loki.”He said looking down, looking so defeated. “Okay.”Tony smiled a little as he shifted james in his arm, cuddling the baby. “Yay!I wanna see daddy.”Aliyah smiled happily as she held onto tony’s pantleg, acting just as clingy as she had when she first arrived, looking excited when they got to the room. “yea it’s me Cap.”he said offering a small smile as he sat down on the edge of the bed, wincing as aliyah tried to climb up into his lap. “Careful, Ali.” “But papa, I want up.” “Loki, can you help her up here?”He said looking at the man.
Loki shook his head. "but you are upsetting them Tony." he informed the other. "no your not hurting them, but you re neglecting them." he stated softly. "and sometimes that can be just as bad." Loki would know more than anyone, Odin's constant neglect had left scars on Loki that would probably never heal. it was one of the reasons why he had done what he did to Thor, too desperate to have any of Odin's attention, good or bad. "no, you aren't trying. your giving up." Loki stated sternly before smiling as they walked in to Cap, self aware for once. "yeah." Loki promised, gently picking Aliyah up and setting her on the bed, Steve smiling. a tired, pained little smile but better than the beaming ones he gave when he thought Tony was Bucky. "hows my girl?" Steve asked, cuddling her. "i'm sorry i'm so broken right now." physically he was fine now. almost everything had healed, though he would forever bear the scar on his dick from the branding Doom had given him. it was all psychological damage now. "i'll be better soon i think." Steve admitted gently, snuggling his daughter before looking up at Tony, begging the other to help him stay himself.
Tony flinched, looking away from the other man, looking so hurt and even more at a loss, and it was obvious he was drowning, drowning and had no idea how to ask for help. His own memories inflicting even more pain as he realized he was becoming his own father. Looking utterly lost but pulling the mask on, his normal tony stark mask settling into place, fake and happy, because he was indeed trying. “Hey.”He muttered smiling back. “I’m okay daddy. But I’m worried for papa, he’s not doing good.You’re not broken. Just hurting. Papa says you’ll be okay. And I know you will be.”Aliyah said wisely, so happy to be cuddling her father. Tony smiled nodding a little, pressing a kiss to the blond’s head, silently promising to help him, even if he was hiding how he was really feeling, the emotional and mental wounds he was currently inflicting on himself from loki’s words, hadn’t been what the godling had meant to do, but the damage was already done.
Loki sighed a little and shook his head, realizing he'd made it worse. "i'm glad your doing good bellissimo angioletto." he admitted with a smile. "and i know Papa's not doing so well. he'll get better too, we just have to be patient." he promised her. showing that he wasn't fooled by Tony's mask in the least. "we'll be okay." he promised her. "but you have to be patient with us until we are, okay?" he asked her with a smile before leaning into Tony. "i love you Tony." he whispered. "...can i hold James?" he asked, staring at the baby with that awestruck look he always got when he saw the baby. "i won't hurt him will i?" "no, you won't hurt him." Loki promised. "are you sure? he's so tiny..."
Tony smiled a little watching them all. “Me to daddy. Papa said I was perfect, even if he’s not talking alot.”Aliyah said, proving even if she didn’t understand why her papa was being weird, she knew he was upset, and worried for him. “Okay. We can take care of papa.”She said looking pleased with that. Tony winced a little looking away before sighing. “Okay daddy. We’ll be okay.”aliyah said sounding happy. “Love you to.”Tony muttered ducking his head, brushing his lips over steve’s forehead, sounding a little lost, struggling to not be his father, needing to know he wasn’t going to be. “No you wont. You’re better at kids then me.Just hold him.”Tony smiled a little as he eased the baby into steve’s arms, smiling a little as james fussed at being moved. “Don’t worry. You’re gentle, you’ll be okay holding him.”he reassured
Steve smiled. "you are a perfect little girl." he agreed. "have you been helping with James?" he asked, smiling. "Papa needs lots of love." Steve agreed with a smile. "Tony? your the best person in the world, you know that right?" Steve asked with a smile as he enjoyed the snuggles before biting his lip. "but i don't know my own strength sometimes... what if i squeeze too hard? or i drop him?" "i have spells on him to prevent that." Loki assured the other, Steve scowling. "it's mostly for Tony's sanity of mind. he's quite paranoid. he actually ran into my room in a complete panic because the little one had a case of the hiccups." that made Steve grin, amused as he held the baby as carefully as possible. "he's so warm!" Steve muttered, astonished. "i thought he'd be kinda colder, like Loki's babies." "my babies are half Frost Giant." Loki pointed out. "of curse they'l be cold compared to a human."
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