Tell All Tales (Avengers)Moon/Lady

"...fine. she is a mad bitch. I didn't know....I mean even when she came back,she wasnt...weird."toNY said frowning a little upset because the man still felt guilty for this and because he hadn't seen this coming. "Yes. I hadn't intended on leaving if youd let me stay..."tony said looking a little lost and having no idea what to sY. Smiling quietly as aliyah clinging to him,something tight in his chest loosening at the thought of his daughter needing him."europe."tony said before looking up at tony as the other came in,offering a small smile as the other came in, tilting his head as aliyah jumping towards her papa. "Hey tink."tony muttered clinging to her holding onto her tightly before looking up, still drugged and tired from not sleeping, the man was struggling to focus still."hey tony."tony muttered. "Hey. I'm sorry."tony II said looking upset. "It's not your fault. You're giving us a chance to find steve and you protected're good...and you're staying so pepper cant do anything..."tony muttered before looking at loki."for the moment he's okay. Not great but okay."
Loki shook his head. "there was no reason to suspect." he assured Tony. "she was treating you well, she wasn't being mean... how could any of us have suspected this?" he wondered. "good your staying." Loki II agreed. "i don't like you wandering, weird things happen when your not in sight." "really? yours too? they're like... freak attractors." "my Tony once brought home a T-Rex!" "a what?" "a long extinct reptile that lived on this planet before humans did." "a live one?" "no a replicate made out of foam... i think." "where did he get it." "he never said." "you know, she's handling this a lot better than i thought she would." Loki admitted, examining the little girl again before focusing on Tony, checking pupils and heart rate to make sure they hadn't overdone it on the drugs. "there, see? even you don't blame you." Loki II teased with a smile. "though it's weird having two Loki's and two Tony's." he admitted. "from now on, i am Westley and this Tony is buttercup." Loki II decided, happy with that decision. "Buttercup has been claimed, Aliyah named one of the robot dogs that." "...Tony can be Vacini." "is that really important?" Phil demanded. "it's keeping the Tony's from flying off the handle. you go make arrangements for our trip to Doom's country." "...bossy." Phil grumbled, heading off to prep the Jet with Clint and assemble everyone. Remy too, since he was currently in Natasha's room, regaling her with stories of his thief days.
"I should have. Always should. Failed steph, failed this."tony 2 muttered frowning."they do not!" "What can I say? Even trouble finds me irresistible."tony I smirked looking amused listening to the loki's a quiet look on his face as he held onto his dau guy ter,simply holding onto his sanity by a thread."he doesn't count. I'm smarter as I can figure out how to cook.therefore his opinion doesn't count." "I can cook." "No you cant."tony smirked at the original shaking his head."and no I am not buttercup."he huffed. "Papa vacini! Papa we have to show him buttercup."Aliyah demanded so confused and calm at having the two pairs that she had no idea how to deal, so she was just being okay and quiet.
"i will smack you." Loki II warned, scowling at Tony. "you did not fail Stephanie. she loved you until the end and you did everything for her. she only left because of Crossbones." he assured the other. "they do too." Loki scoffed, looking worried about Tony II. yeah, he was just like Tony had been after the whole 'i was tortured and betrayed by a an i thought of as my surrogate father.' "HAH! see! even Aliyah agrees that you have to be Vacini." Loki II teased Tony II with a smile before reaching out and picking up Aliyah and gently explained to her why she had two Papas. Loki on the other hand, whistled and summoned the two dogs. "see, this Puppy is from That Papa, and this puppy is from This Papa." Loki told her once Loki II had finished. "Steve is the same as your Mommy, only the wrong gender." Loki II explained, smiling. they'd kept it as simple as possible for her. "now we have to go get Steve, so your going to stay here with That Loki." he informed her, setting her in Loki II's lap, the wheelchair keeping him trapped. as well as Bruce's condition. "we're ready to go. you lot just have to get suited up. Thor's staying behind in case Pepper tries something here while we're all gone." Phil informed them.
Tony frowned at loki, biting his lip a little as he considered what the other was saying, staring at the floor before nodding.”....”He sighed not disagreeing but not arguing anymore. Smiling softly as Aliyah calmed, rubbing a hand over his face as he considered what he was going to have to do, looking amused as the girl calmed as she realized what was going on. “Okay. You gotta bring daddy home.”Aliyah said as she snuggled her uncle loki. “Be right there.”Tony said, both tony’s really as they hugged aliyah goodbye before they suited up. Amusingly enough, arguing who got which suit before they left with the others.
soon they where on their way. headed for Latveria. a tiny country no bigger than the state of Texas. the Jet touched down right in front of the castle and was immediately attacked by Dooms crappy robots. the worst of the worst, literally. Doom seamed to have compensated lack of brains for higher firepower. he'd basically just glued more impressive guns on his robots. Doom himself was no match for Loki. a flick of his fingers and the godling had Doom on the ground screaming. after that t was easy to find Steve. who was naked, bleeding from cuts, whip marks and burns littered over his body. he was tied into a painful position. arms high over head the only way he could stay standing was on his tip toes. since he was unconscious. he just dangled in place, running the risk of tearing his arms out of their sockets and ripping muscles. the nipple ring he had been wearing had been torn out, the ragged edges still bleeding. worse yet, he was covered in bodily fluids, most of it semen, none of it his own. his cock had the worst damage. Doom had branded it. blistered and bloody you could still clearly see the Latverian insignia burned into the flesh. the only thing he was wearing was a gag, the cock rig, clearly used for the branding, an anal plug, and a necklace with a lock of shocking blond hair that both Tony's would recognize as Stephanie's. "...son of a bitch." Loki snarled, clenching his fingers in air, making Doom writhe and scream even more.
Both tony’s paled as they saw the damage that had been done, Tony 2 wrapping a arm around tony’s waist to keep him from rushing for the man, knowing that common sense would be overrun by emotion if he allowed it, and Steve was in no shape to be touched. Swallowing thickly as he walked forward he tensed, letting tony hover as he raised his hands. “Gotta touch you for a minute cap, bear with me okay?”Tony 2 muttered as he reached out undoing the necklace even as tony worked off the gag, lowering it. “steve?Love?”Tony said looking anxious as he looked him over, “Loki, we need you over here.”Tony 2 said as he eased away from steve having heard about the disturbance, so he knew not to keep the locket of hair visible, turning away long enough to hide it in the locket he was wearing, adding it to his own small lock of stephanie’s hair. Not sure what they had to do, but knowing they had to get out of here soon.
Steve stirred a little as he heard their voices, his eyes fluttering open when the gag was slipped off. coughing a little but turning his head away when Phil tried to offer him a drink from a water battle he'd brought with. "i'm here." Loki said before glancing at Steve. "you'll need to keep that away from Steve. at least two feet at all times." he ordered. "it won't hurt him right now. not any more than he already is but you'll have to keep them in your room once we get back to the Tower or he'll never recover." he warned, gently squeezing the other's shoulder. "would you go handle Doom?" Loki asked, fury in his voice as he uttered that name. "don't kill him. i intend on making him suffer full asgardian law." he admitted. "he'll wish he was never born." "...not Tony." Steve finally rasped. "your not Tony. can't fool me... not Tony." he mumbled, tugging weakly at his bonds. having such close contact to Stephanie for so long had left him weaker than a child. he had been completely helpless, and Doom had probably used Magic to make it worse. he had been known to create illusions of their comrades, trying to lure them away. he must have used an image of Tony a time or two to fuck with Steve.
“Good.”Tony 2 looked relieved as he stepped away, nodding. “I remember what you said. I’ll lock it in the room Tony gave me.”Tony said knowing the rules and looking upset that stephanie had been used to hurt steve so badly, when he knew that his wife would have loved her counterpart. “Of course.And I wont kill him, I’ll just remind him that I’m friends with the better version of him.”Tony hummed a little, that wicked little smirk curling his lips that said he was definitely friends with both loki and doom, his own versions. Definitely capable of being utterly vicious when he needed to be, tony moved over to deal with doom. “Hey. I’m tony. I’m here.”Tony muttered as he worked on getting the handcuffs off, pained and helpless to help him as he gently eased the other to the ground, looking at loki. “We need something to carry him out on.” “Got a stretcher here. Lets load him on it.”Clint said as him and natasha moved it into the room.
Loki nodded. "have fun. feel free to hurt him a little if you like." he offered before carefully helping Tony with Steve, very, very carefully removing the other from the thing around his cock, Steve crying out in pain as his cock was handled. the bleeding burn probably hurt more than anything else combined. "not Tony... just a trick." Steve gasped, trying feebly to struggle. "not Tony... just a trick... Tony's gonna make you pay." Steve whispered. "he's going to come and get me and you'll wish you where never born you sick fucking pig." Steve hissed before slumping, unconscious, Loki lifting an eyebrow. "well. at least we can say his mind is still intact. that's a very good sign." he admitted, healing what he could. mostly it was superficial, but there was four broken ribs, his spleen was ruptured and his lungs where bruised. nothing that would kill him, but he was in a great deal of pain, especially as his left shoulder was dislocated, his write wrist was broken and many his his arm shoulder and neck muscles where strained and torn.

in the other room, Doom was still twitching when Tony walked in, blood leaking out of his mouth from whatever Loki had done to him. "you think you have won?" Doom asked, smirking sadistically. "You think you have bested me?" he demanded, staggering to his feet. "the good Lady Pepper has already done all that needs be done. soon, everyone here, and everyone in that Tower of yours will Die..." Doom spread his arms and laughed. "Boom!" nothing happened, but the alarms did start going off. there where Bombs littered all over Doom's castle, and from the way he talked... all over Stark Tower.
“I will most definitely be hurting him.”Tony smirked a little. Tony whimpered a little, swallowing hard as he watched loki try to help steve, looking utterly helpless because he had no idea what to do. “...I’m going to make him pay, love, I will.”Tony said watching him before nodding as he glanced at loki. “It is.”he said still looking anxious though.

“I have won. What?”Tony paled looking startled as he snapped the visor down on the suit before leaving doom alone, his need to take care of the others more then his need to punish doom. Panicked as he ran for loki. “Loki!Doom did something at the tower. I don’t know what!I don’t know!”Tony 2 said looking utterly at a loss, and starting to fall apart, for once not able to think, to overwhelmed with everything happening to do his usual brilliant planning.
"'s okay Tony. he doesn't know your you right now. once we get him bac to the tower, out of pain he'll stop disassociating so much." he promised, healing what he could. which wasn't much. he wasn't a healer like Loki II was. "here. settle him onto this." Phil ordered calmly, having run out to the get for the stretcher. "onto his back." Loki ordered. "it's cut up but if we lay him on his stomach than the... brand, will hurt even more." he admitted. "i've numbed his back as best as i can so he won't feel it." he promised. "it's the other Loki who knows how to heal, but i could call my Mother if i had to." he admitted before jumping as the alarms started to blare.

Doom just laughed as Tony II left. "fuck! Tony's! get everyone out of here! now!" Loki demanded. "i'll send a message to the other Loki to evactuate the Tower, if Jarvis hasn't already found the problem and dismantled it already. we've proven on several occasions that Jarvis is smarter than Doom already so i don't think they're in any actual danger. hold on." he paused, flicked his fingers and picked a mirror out of Thin air and started babbling at it in old Norse. "yes, Jarvis has already discovered the Bombs and they all evacuated to Shield headquarters." Loki promised both Tony's. "they're all safe and Jarvis is currently downloading his entire brain to Cali just in case."
“Okay.Okay he’ll be okay.”Tony swallowed sounding anxious and scared, but trying to be calm. Gently helping Phil and Clint to get Steve onto the stretcher, “Thanks loki. We’ll see what’s needed first before calling your mother. Loki 2 might be able to help.”Tony said looking worried before startling, his head jerking up at the sound of the alarms before nodding as the avengers plus tony 2 got everyone out of the building and to the quinjet. “Good. At least we wont have to go without jarvis if something happens.”Which meant that tony would still have his suit no matter what. Getting them all settled into the jet he swallowed as clint settled at the piloting controls.”Helicarrier.” “Got it. We’ll be there in a few hours, already sent a message, they’re flying towards us, so it’ll cut traveling time down.”
Loki nodded. "he will be okay." he promised before grimacing at the alarms. "i'm sure Loki II can fix most of it." he agreed, helping to carry Steve. he wasn't as strong as Thor, but he could still lift Tony Stark, one handed, off the ground and then throw him through glass. he was pretty damn strong. "fuck!" he complained, strapping Steve in place when the Jet suddenly rocked ad shuddered. someone was shooting crappy missiles at them! Doom was back and he was doing his damnedest to cause them problems. "You will not leave this country alive Stark!" Doom raged. "i will kill you all and rule this world!" he declared, hefting something... very new onto his shoulders. something Tony II would recognize. he had been building it before abandoning it at Stephanie's request. it was a gun of sorts, that blasted plasma at such a high speed and power that it literally vaporized anything it touched. just like a laser. it could cut through almost anything, and could slice a man in half in a quarter of a second. in the incompetent hands of Doom, who knew how stable that weapon was. "meet your Doom!" Doom raged, pulling the trigger and slicing the Plane in half, literally. he missed slicing Steve's head in half by a mere inch.
“Shit!”Tony startled yelping as the plane rocked, wincing at the sound of doom’s words, looking at steve as the laser nearly cut them all in half, for a moment so lost that he didn’t realize Tony II was gone before he heard the sound of boots hitting the gangplank, metal boots of iron man. Moving to run after the other he knew he had to back him up, nearly falling as he dodged the laser and felt the backlash of a overheated repulsor blast, not sure what had happened until he looked up, saw the burning ashes of Doom, and Iron man....well, one version of him laying on the ground. From all signs Tony II had overheated the suit with that power blast to smoke doom quickly, but had paid a high price for it. “Loki!Get out here!”Tony yelled even as he stumbled his way over to the man on the ground, eyes widening as he saw the wound that had been delivered, cringing as he realized there was nothing to do. Even if they could stop the bleeding, there was nothing to do for being cut in half. “Tony?”He said as he eased off the helmet, wanting to talk to his doppleganger. “Tell...Ali...I love her. Always will.Always afraid...loved her...”Tony closed his eyes before his eyes fluttered open again, focusing somewhere over Tony’s shoulder.”Steph...”
Loki staggered when the plane rocked, his head slamming into a steel girder. knocking him silly. he struggled to his feet when Tony screamed. which one, he wasn't sure but he had a bad feeling they where hurt. he staggered out of the plane and over to the Tony's and paused. he couldn't heal this. even Frigga couldn't fix this. "God... i can't..." Loki whispered. "i'm sorry..." he paused, looking up at Stephanie who smiled at Tony II, reaching out to him with a single hand. "Tony. it's okay." she whispered. "i love you. you did a good job. it's time to go home now." she whispered. "come on. Death is only another Adventure. i've been waiting for you. a little annoyed you got here so soon." she admitted, scolding him for being so reckless before smiling. "Come on Tony. you and me. together forever. didn't you promise me that? promise James that?" she asked, smiling at him. "Aliyah will be well loved, there's nothing more to fight for. come home to me." Stephanie gently urged, making Tony II's death as easy as possible, which was why Hela had let it be Stephanie who called the Tony into the afterlife.
Tony looked up at loki nodding. “I know.”He said looking pale and shaken as he watched tony, tears in his eyes as he watched the other smile peacefully. “Love you to...”Tony said blinking slowly, trying to fight still, to hang on to his body but sighing quietly. “ fault. I was never the most reckless in this relationship....Always. Promised. Till the end.”Tony muttered sighing one last time as he lost control and simply let go.

Tony cried softly as he watched the man’s body still, looking up at loki with wide eyes, rubbing his tears away. Trembling a little. “We...we have to get out of here. Latveria isn’t going to like what we did....Call...fury...”He said struggling to hold it together, to battered by recent events to be doing well.
Stephanie smiled at him. "yes yu where you big jerk." she complained. "tour the one who almost blew himself up fiddling with sins against nature every weekend." she teased, giggling as she wrapped her arms around him, kissing him as he joined her. "i love you Tony." she whispered, holding his hand and leading him into peace. no pain in death. not for Tony. Doom on the other hand.... well, he was suffering. Hela had her favorites and Steve Rogers and Tony stark was one of those couples.

"it's okay." Loki promised, wrapping his arms around Tony, holding him. "it's okay. we're going to be okay." he promised softly, stroking the others hair, trying to comfort him. "Phil is already calling Fury." he promised softly, using his magic to lay a black cloth over the other Tony. "we'll bury him right next to Stephanie. and make one of those memorials in Stark Tower." he promised. "a Memorial to fallen Heros." he promised. "i already have an idea for it. okay?" he asked with a smile. "we're all safe now. so we'll just sit here and wait for Fury." he promised. erecting a strong barrier to prevent anyone from getting hurt by the explosion.
“They weren’t sins against nature!”Tony protested laughing as he kissed her back and followed his wife to death.

Tony shuddered swallowing hard. “How to I explain this to aliyah?”He muttered sounding lost, before nodding a little. “Good. We need to get out of here.”He muttered nodding. “Good. We all need that memorial. He deserves it...”He said going quiet as they waited for fury to arrive. Blinking stupidly when he saw the jet landing, loking startled as he realized that it had been hours. “Loki?”he muttered stumbling to his feet, trusting loki to take care of the other tony, and needing to check on steve.
Loki shook his head. "you tell her the truth. he died saving the world and that he's a hero." he admitted softly. "i'll tell her, if you can't." he promised. "he does deserve it, her and Stephanie both." he agreed. he let Phil take over comforting Tony while he worked on keeping Steve alive and comfortable. the man hadn't woken yet but Loki knew he would. he also knew things where only going to get worse, because Steve was retreating into his own mind. taking refuge in a 'happy place'. by the time Fury arrived, most of the mess had been cleaned up and Tony II had been transferred into a transporting coffin. a simple wooden box that they would use to take Tony II's body home. it would be Loki II that fixed and cleaned the body for a funeral. "it's okay. you go on." Loki promised, nudging Tony towards the Jet, where they where carefully slipping Steve out of the ruins and into the medically capable Jet that Fury had supplied. "i have a progress report for you." Maria Hill explained once they where all settled. "Bruce has woken up. he's completely fine mentally though he's in a lot of pain still. Hulk has not made an appearance." she admitted. "the Bombs littered through stark Tower have all been neutralized by Jarvis. they where not set up by Doom, but rather by Pepper. Pepper has been arrested and is in a holding sell at Shield. she is blaming everyone but herself for it of course. she's gone completely insane and will probably spend the rest of her life in a maximum security mental facility. the baby, once she has it, will be removed from her care and given to Mr. Stark, as he is the father, no matter what universe genetics gave birth to them. she is insisting that it be named James Anthony Stark. apparently it was the request of the father, whom she doesn't yet know is... gone." she admitted softly. "Aliyah, Thor, the other universes Loki an everyone else from the Tower are all just fine, not even a scratch. Aliyah doesn't seem frightened at all though she has been asking for her Papa's." Maria admitted. "we'll be dropping you all off at Shield Headquarters since most of you need medical attention that Bruce cannot provide at this time."
“Kay. Thanks.”Tony muttered letting himself be nudged towards the plane, smiling pleased as he stepped into the jet, looking relieved to see steve settled, even if he knew this was going to be bad, at least for the moment they were all safe. Looking up at maria the man looked relieved even more realizing bruce was okay for the moment. “Good. Jarvis is good.”He muttered, yea he was nearly as disassociated at the moment as steve was. “....Of course. Pepper also was the reason doom had steve.”he said looking pale and shaken, before looking up startled. “Waht?”He sputtered, eyes widening as he realized he was going to be in charge of a newborn, before nodding slightly.”She might be insane, but I would like to be the one who tells her about Tony II....”He said while she hated him, he wouldn’t let anyone else tell her about tony either. “Well, we’ll be there soon enough.”Tony said looking relieved to be with his daughter soon enough, even if he was dreading telling her about tony II, glancing down for the first time realizing he was bruised and battered. “Thanks Maria.”He muttered as he listened the clint and natasha talking up front, for the moment simply disconnected and relaxing, knowing he was safe, and capable hands, with his team watching over them all was enough to let him let go and simply be numb for now.
Loki nodded. he knew Tony couldn't handle much more. he was loosing it, the man needed a calm, quiet place to do it in too. hopefully Tony could hold out until they got to HQ. "yes. from what we where able to get from her, she was spying on you all using remote camera's installed in various rooms that Jarvis never noticed. she used one of Bruce's nearly finished non deadly designs to knock you all out. he was developing a special chloroform for use against the Hulk that wouldn't hurt normal humans. clearly, he succeeded. once she released it into the tower it was easy for her let Doom take him and for her to take Aliyah." Maria admitted. "don't worry Tony. everyone will help you." Loki promised, smiling at him. "lord knows you don't know how to change a diaper." he admitted. "if that is what you want." Maria agreed, nodding to Tony. if he wanted to tell Pepper that his other self was dead, it was only fair they let him. "of course Mr. Stark. in the meantime, we have placed a temporary CEO in at S.I, he will keep things under control until James and Phil can get back to work. Bomb Squads are handling the bombs in Stark Tower and in the house in California and Jarvis is reloading himself back into Stark Tower." Maria admitted before letting them all rest. once at the HQ doctors swarmed in and Loki II set about healing everything he could of Steve, focusing on the Spleen. out of all the damage, tat one was the most deadly. if it was left unhealed it could esy burst open even more, or remain closed and make him slowly bleed to death internally. soon everyone was in the hospital sector of HQ getting looked at.
Tony frowned at that looking annoyed. Focusing on the inane and small things instead of everyfhing,because if he didn't he was going to lose it."damn. I'm going to have to work on a way to detect everything..."he sighed before wincing."bruce is gonna be pissed having his own invention used against them."he muttered "no. Thankfully aliyah showed up after she was in diapers."tony said offering a strained chuckle."thanks."he muttered glad everything was okay. And letting the doctors look him over before getting away and heading for the prison cells needing to deal with pepper before he fell apart.

"Pepper. There's something you need to know."tony said the utter pity and pain on his face giVing. Oice to the news before he even said it."your tony has past on."
Loki nodded. "Jarvis is already working on that i have no doubt. you are aware that Jarvis has been updating himself for the past several years right?" he asked Tony, looking amused. "yeah Bruce is gonna be pretty pissed." he'd be more pissed that he would never walk again, though the doctors at Shield said he should retain most of his control over his arms and hands. he would forever have shaking hands, but at least he'd be able to feed himself.

Pepper glared at him when he walked in, offering him a sneer. she was one of the few people who could tell the two Tony's apart just at a glance... well, except for now. since one was dead. "...what?" she demanded, looking stunned. "i... no. that's can't be possible! i left him home so he wouldn't get involved! what do you mean he's dead! he can't be dead!" she wailed before gasping, doubling over, hands on her bell, looking outraged. "Mr. Stark, i'm going to have to ask you to leave." a nurse said as she rushed in. "her water's just broken." "no! No! he's not dead! your lying! he's not dead! get off! Get off me!" Pepper raged as the nurses swarmed her, holding her down before she damaged herself or the baby.
"I know he has. It's been a interesting process really."tony said with a smile worried for bruce but knowing that he was okay for the moment was enough.

"You left him on his own and he made the choice to return aliyah to the tower...and help us get steve. He was killed in the crossfire. I'm sorry pepper."he said before yelping as she doubled over looking scared before letting the nurse push him away before nodding."I'll be with the Captain if you need anything."tony said retreating to steve's room to hide and mourn,so utterly scared of having a new baby around it was nearly as bad as tony II'II'S fear of children. Simply needing to be with Steve to hold onto his calm a little longer
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