Tell All Tales (Avengers)Moon/Lady

“Hm, I’ll make you mine all the time. Why you have this.”Tony smirked plucking at the nipple ring playfully before getting up. “...You think snakes are’re very disturbing you know.”Tony said shuddering a little, “Morning.”James smiled as he took the food, settling on the floor next to aliyah.”Diego of course.” “No. That’s not right uncle jamie!We talked about this last time.”She scolded. “I know, but I’ll have to explain again.”James smiled a little amused as aliyah settled in to explain why dora was the best.
he grinned, shivering as Tony flicked the nipple ring. "i know. but it's like reaffirming or something i dunno. i just like it." he admitted. "i have always been disturbing, you just didn't know it." he admitted with a chuckle. he finished up kissed Tony and headed for Bruce's lab. twenty minutes later and Jarvis asked Tony to join them. "Tony." Bruce stated, pulling Tony off to the side. "i don't want to alarm you or anything, but has Steve come in contact with anything... unusual lately?" he asked, looking a bit... not worried, or concerned but more, puzzled than anything else.
Tony frowned as he headed downstairs, having left Aliyah in james and phil’s more then capable hands. Tony frowning as he walked into the lab, though he looked calm, the look in his eyes was borderline panic. Frowning as he considered that. “well. He did touch the Otherworld tony. That’s about the only unusual thing.”Tony said looking confused.”What’s wrong?”
"it's... i don't know." Bruce admitted, handing Tony the tablet. "his entire system has, for lack of a better term, slowed down. the serum has gone to a crawl so he's healing as slow as a normal human. he's not sick at all so the only explanation i can think of is that he was either poisoned, or exposed to something that has paused his Serum." he admitted. "which means it was either an accident. or a carefully crafted genetic poison induced to weaken but but otherwise harm him." Bruce admitted. "both are highly improbable as if it was a poison, he'd have to have been injected, and he would have noticed that. if it was something natural he should have come across it before now." Bruce admitted. "for all intents and purposes, Steve is now completely human. he still has the strength, but he will stay hurt if he does get hurt." he admitted. "i'm trying to isolate the problem, but it's very hard when i have no clue what i'm even looking for. for all i know, this is just the serum running out of steam and this was supposed to happen. no one did any long term studies on project rebirth because he was literally the only subject. honestly i can't tell you for sure what's happening. all i can tell you is that he's going to have to be very careful until we do find out."
Tony frowned as he looked over the tablet, guilt tightening his stomach. Not because he thought this was his fault, but he’d hurt steve more then he would have the night before because he thought the other would heal it quickly. “Not unless it wasn’t something natural to our world, but easily found somewhere else.”Tony said frowning thinking it over. Remembering what Stephanie had been like. She’d been strong, but....dying human slow. “Jarvis!pull up all the videos of Stephanie. I want to look them over.”Tony said sounding a little frantic, wondering if He had been up to something for real with his visit the night before.If it had been a posion from the otherworld, he was so fucked.
Bruce nodded. "don't worry. Steve's not hurt." he promised. "he's in no more pain than he was last week when he decided sparring James, Natasha, Thor, Loki, and Phil all in the same day was a good idea." he promised, looking amused. "he's just a bit stiff so you can stop fretting this instant. you probably feel wore after he fucks you than he does right now." he admitted. "Tony you need to calm down." Bruce ordered. "whatever it is that's happening it's not a foreign substance." he stated simply. "if it was something new, or something we don't have here in this world i would have noticed it already." he admitted. "whatever this is, it's biological, not chemical." he admitted. "and before you ask i already examined the visit from the other Tony from every angle, he never did anything to Steve." he promised. "you need to calm down or you'll upset Steve and Aliyah." Bruce warned.
Tony swallowed hard, biting his lip as he looked at the other. “are you sure?”He demanded, sounding anxious and unsure about how steve was doing. Pepper’s accusations having left scars deep enough that he couldn’t trust that they’d be okay. Swallowing thickly, trying to relax, trying to be calm.”I’m okay.”he muttered before sighing, slumping a little.”I know....I just wish it was something that simple...”He muttered wanting so badly to blame the other tony, but knowing bruce was right, it wasn’t him. Sighing quietly, “I’m okay. Really.”he said struggling to be calm, to not freak out either steve or aliyah, despite being utterly panicked.
Bruce gave Tony one of those 'did you really just ask me that?' looks. "Tony. i'm sure." he promised. "i'm not some pre-grad student. i've been working with genetics before you where even born." he promised, amused. "your not okay. your very upset and that's very understandable." he promised. "do you need me to drug you? or do you just want to go fuss over Steve?" he asked with a smile. "he's admittedly, a bit shaken and is inclined to believe that the other Tony is trying to kill him." he admitted. "honestly, i don't think the Other Tony had anything to do ith this. not on purpose anyway." he admitted, letting Tony into the room where Steve was glaring at a bleeding finger. "i told you to apply pressure to that." Bruce chastised. "don't make me start treating you like i do Tony."
Tony relaxed, his shoulders slumping as the other looked at him.”Don’t look at me like that!”He whined a little fidgeting, swallowing thickly. “Sedate me.”He said strugglign to be calm, and even if he didn’t like the idea,and knew extremis would have him burning through it faster then normal, he needed help getting calm. Sighing softly as the other sedated him he sighed. “Now I can go fuss over him.”He muttered stepping into the room, looking at steve worriedly.”Hey.”he muttered walking over before wrapping his finger up. “Hey, no making threats. I’m not that bad.”He whined at bruce’s words as he applied pressure to the wound, looking worried about how steve was doing.
Bruce chuckled a little and shook his head. "i'm only giving you the look you deserve. asking me that. honestly." he teased, gently sedating the other. "there you go. all better?" he asked, examining Tony. "much better." he decided with a nod. "go fuss. i think he'd appreciate it right now." he admitted. "...hey..." Steve muttered, looking up at Tony. "it's weird.." "what is?" Bruce asked curiously. "...bleeding." Steve admitted. "i'd forgotten what it was like." he admitted before smiling at Tony. "you are that bad." he teased, shaking his head. "i'm alright. i'm not hurt or anything. i'm not even sick i'm just.. human all of a sudden." he admitted, lips narrowing. "Bruce says that i wasn't poisoned, but i'm pretty damn sure He did something." he admitted, determined to hate the other Tony. "come on. let's go talk to Loki." he decided, shaking his head. "maybe he'll know what's wrong." he decided, running a hand though his hair. "Tony?" he asked, looking at the other. "you'll still love me even if i'm not a superhuman, right?"
"Shut up bruce. It's not making fun of me."tony whined a little making a face "yea better."he muttered settling as he rubbed a hand over the pick as it healed. Feeling weird that he was now healing faster then steve."hey."tony muttered looking worried as he fused over the other."I'm pretty sure he didnt. Maybe by accident but I watched the video steve. He didn't do anything."he muttered because he was willing to hate the other but he didn't want steve going after him like he was. Nodding a little."lets. Loki should know."he said wrapping a arm around the other before frowning at him making a face."I can't believe you just asked me that....of course I will."he said looking unsure biting his lip."just bear with me...I'll be fussing you know..."he said looking worried the other would be angry with the fussing
Bruce chuckled. "i like to pick on you. it's revenge for all the times you've poked me with weird shit." he teased with a smile. "...but i want him to have done something." Steve admitted, sounding almost frightened. "because if he didn't, then maybe this is just the Serum running out, and then what good am i?" he asked, looking upset. "i was never good for anything until the Serum and now it's going away and i'm in a world i still don't understand..." he shook his head. "sorry.. i know you won't leave me." he promised. "i'm just... i just feel...." he shook his head and fell silent. "it's okay. i like it when you fuss." he admitted, knocking on the door to Loki's apartment,the door popping open on it's own since Loki was changing Diapers. using Magic of course, he wasn't touching that. "Good morning gentlemen, what can i do for you?" Steve asked before pausing, his head tilted, staring at Steve. "somethings... different." he muttered, looking puzzled. "...what is it?" he wondered, walking around the other. "your not giving off high energy radiation anymore... how odd... what happened?"
“...It’s in the name of science!You can’t pick on me for science.”Tony whined a little before sighing as he looked at steve, “...No. I refuse to believe that. James isn’t showing any weird signs, and he’s been off ice even longer then you, and has a less perfect serum. That’s not it.”Tony growled, setting his heels down about it, because he was so scared about what to do before growling. “You know what you are?You’re still the captain. You’re still my captain. Even if you can’t go out and about for now, you are still the world’s best tactician. You can still plan things.”Tony said trying to make him feel better before smiling a little. “Well then, you’re going to enjoy this.”He said smiling slightly, because he was going to be horrible and fussing he knew. Smirkign as he saw loki changing diapers he nodded a little looking at steve. “we were hoping you could tell us. He’s just not healing like he should be.”
Bruce smirked. "picking on you is for science." he informed the other. "i'm doing a thesis on emotional behaviors of billionaire playboy, genius philanthropists." he stated calmly. "your my main subject." he was such a liar. " think so?" Steve asked, looking a bit more hopeful. "your right of course. you always are." Steve admitted, nodding, smiling at Tony. "i am the captain. even if i can't fight, i can still make sure we're all safe. planning is my thing. i can still be useful." he agreed before chuckling at Tony. "just don't start trying to follow me into the toilette and we'll be good. and no cooking. ordering food is fine but you touch my stove and i'm not letting you have sex for a week." he warned. "no he's not." Loki agreed, examining the bite marks. "unless you bit him to the bone or tore bloody chunks out, those should be gone." Loki mused, making Steve flush brightly. "he didn't bite me that hard. in fact they haven't healed at all." "kinky." Loki agreed. "sit." he ordered Steve, who sat as ordered while Loki started looking for a book in one of his many magical bookshelves that could hold fifty thousand books and yet take up only the space of a normal bookshelf. "hmmm. this one." Loki decided, plucking one out and flipping through it. "hold still. this might tingle, or tickle a little." he warned, muttering as he wiggled his fingers and waved his hand, lines of magic wrapping around Steve. "Ah! Dimensional disturbance." Loki informed them. "wait. that can't be right. the only reason why he should be having that is if he is within touching distance of Stephanie..." he muttered, frowning. "well, no matter it's temporary. because you and Stephanie are exactly the same, when you came in contact with her there was what's known ss a Dimensional Disturbance. it's what would eventually have killed Stephanie had she survived the poison. it's like something being too close to Anti-Matter. you, as the original from this world would have suffered symptoms. including headaches, nausea, reversion to a previous form. meaning you could become a baby, or a Pre-Serum self or whatnot. this is a reversion. your Serum just temporarily shut down because you stepped too close to Stephanie." Loki explained, Steve blinking. "like. her body?" "well. no. not necessarily. if her DNA is present it could trigger an effect. even a single strand of hair could make you ill, but it's always temporary. you'll be fine by tomorrow morning at the latest."
“What?No, you can’t do a thesis on that.”Tony whined a little. “I do. If james was having issues, you would have heard him howling about it by now, and if anyone’s serum was going to give up working, its james’.”He pointed out before grinning. “I’m always right. You should remember that, and you will always be useful.”he muttered leaning over to nuzzle the other a little before sulking. “Fine, I wont try cooking.”he grumbled. “Ewww no. I wasn’t that violent.”Tony muttered looking a little anxious though as he settled onto a chair to wait and see what loki said. “...Something on Tony then. Either he had some of his hair on his clothes, or maybe he had a charm or locket. You know, like how old people used to give lockets with a small piece of hair in it, or something along those lines. It had to be tony.”Tony said lookign relieved though that steve would be okay, and that it hadn’t been a conscious effort to hurt steve that tony had done.
"yeah James bitches a lot." Steve agreed, nodding a little. "of course i'd be useful... i mean, Clint is useful after all." he admitted with a grin. "good. no cooking." he ordered with a smile. "no, i doubt you where." Loki admitted with a chuckle. "i was being hypothetical." he admitted. "well, he was wearing a locket." Steve admitted. "maybe he had a lock of her hair in it? he did seam really upset that Stephanie was dead." Steve admitted with a sigh. "okay. i'll agree, He wasn't trying anything." he grumbled. "you know, i'm really beginning to think that He isn't evil at all." he admitted. "oh! speaking of. Loki? we where wondering if you could go tot he other Tony's home dimension?" "of course i can." Loki admitted. "you want me to go, see what i can find out?" he asked curiously. "if you don't mind?" "of course not. i'll make Thor watch the babies." he decided. "i'll be back by noon with more information for you." Loki promised with a smile. "although i have to agree. i don't think the other Tony is really all that Evil." Loki admitted. "i'll know for sure in a few hours though."
“Don’t make fun of clint. I need him to help me test out a new bow, if we make fun, he’ll sulk.”Tony whined a little looking amused before making a face. “I can cook,but I wont.”he said smiling a little before making a face at loki. “He might. Would be something I did, I mean, if I wore jewelry, or didn’t pierce my tongue. I mean, I enjoy the tongue ring more then a necklace.”Tony smiled a little before nodding.”He did. I watched a little of the video before I woke you up this morning...he didn’t evil as I thought. I mean, evil enough to poison stephanie.”he said before looking at loki, nodding. “Please. Thanks loki.”Tony said looking relieved that the man was willing to go and find out something.
Steve snorted. "it's a new bow he'll play with it even though he's sulking, you know he will." he teased. "and you can't cook. i've seen you try. you epic fail." Steve admitted, looking amused. "yes, well if it was Stephanie's Necklace?" Steve asked. "like, he kept it from her before she left and snipped off a lock of her hair to keep her close?" Steve wondered. "you'd do that. if you knew i was dying and i was a girl and wore necklaces, you'd totally take it and keep it for yourself to have something of mine close to you. being hat he's him, i bet he doesn't know about dimensional whatever it was Loki called it." he sighed. "and the way he acted... i don't think he was the one who did it. i think he's just blaming himself." Steve admitted, sulking because he didn't want to admit the other Tony wasn't evil.he didn't know why he wanted the other Tony to be evil. maybe he'd just been reading too many comics. "no problem. i'm afraid you can't come with though." he admitted. "i don't have the time to make you a protective barrier and if you set foot in another Dimension your genetic code would start unraveling immediately." Loki admitted. "my daughter is a trans-dimensional being so i have some protections just because she exists." he admitted with a smile. "so you guys have to leave before i can." he admitted. Steve chuckled and shook his head, taking Tony's hand and leading him out of the room. "come on. let's go do something fun with Aliyah." he decided. there wasn't much else they could do until Loki got back anyway.
“hm, true.”Tony snickered a little before twitching.”I can make hot dogs.”He sulked a little before frowning, thinking that over before nodding. “Makes sense. If he knew she was dying before she left, I could see him taking it.”Tony frowned because it was indeed something he’d do, looking down at the ring he was wearing he smiled sadly, knowing that stephanie had kept her wedding ring for the same reason. A tie to a man who had lost everything. “Don’t sulk. This is good news remember?if he simply wants aliyah back, we have better chance in talking him into being reasonable, rather then if he’d gone insane and simply was going to take her.”Tony pointed out before making a face. “It’s okay. We’re going.”Tony grinned a little as he let steve lead him out before smiling. “We should make cookies or something.”
he snorted. "hot dogs? like, in the microwave?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow. "no wonder your always so thin." he scoffed before nodding. "yeah exactly." he agreed, blinking at Tony and taking his hand, the one that didn't have the ring on it, offering him comfort. "i know. but i wanted him to be evil. he hurt Stephanie. ignored and neglected Aliyah... i wanted to hate him so i wouldn't feel guilty about keeping her from him i guess." he admitted, running a hand through his hair. "cookies? yeah we can make cookies." he agreed with a smile. "she'd love having a cookie party. i can make some frosting in various colors and i think we have sprinkles of various kinds too." he admitted as he followed Tony with a smile. by the time Loki came back, with another him in tow, Steve and Tony and Aliyah where already decorating various cookies. "Steve, Tony. i would like you to meet. me!" Loki informed them, the second Loki chuckling. it was easy to tell which Loki was which though. for one thing, the Other Loki had a massive scar going down the side of his face. for another, he was in a wheelchair. his legs didn't work at all. "it is a pleasure to meet you all. and to see Stephanie as a man. how quaint." the Other Loki admitted, a sly grin on his lips.
“Not just in the mircowave. I cook them over the arc welder. I can play with fire.”Tony whined a little before sighing, squeezing the other’s hand, glancing down.”Think I should take this off?I mean, it’s steph’s.”Tony said looking at the ring, and worried about making it worse before sighing. “I know. And he matter what else he was, he still wasn’t a good husband, or a good father. I think having this happen, woke him up in a way Afghanistan did to me.I mean...he went through it, but it didn’t seem to have the same effect....maybe losing his family did.”Tony said before sighing.”She’s happier here, you said it yourself, she’s better, with less abandonment issues and problems...we’re doing the right thing keeping them separated.”Tony said though he didn’t sound so sure before grinning. “Awesome.”he grinned happy to have cookies. And indeed by the time loki arrived, both father and daughter were a sticky mess of icing, because neither tony or aliyah were capable of being neat if they tried. “Hello.” “Uncle loki!”Aliyah scambled out of her chair and rushed towards the other, before pausing at the edge of the wheelchair, fairly bouncing. “Hi uncle loki.” “He is good as a man isn’t he?”Tony smirked looking amused. “Though I gotta tell you, it was so weird seeing him as a woman.”
he snorted. "that does not count as cooking Tony Stark!" he complained, laughing. "no. i think you should keep it on. if it was going to cause problems, it would have already." he admitted. "if any of her genetics where attached to it, then it would cause problems, but there isn't." he admitted. "so you think the Other Tony is going through his morality crises now?" he asked. "that's why he's behaving so erratically?" he wondered. "Aliyah is happier here." he agreed. "much happier." he muttered. "are you a child Ton?" Loki asked, looking amused. "your messier than Aliyah is." he stated, looking them over, the Other Loki beaming as he reached out and picked her up, swinging her into his lap. he couldn't handle her leaping upon him, it caused too much pain, so she waited at the edge of his chair instead. "well good morning Imp!" he stated, tapping her nose. "have you been behaving?" he asked with a smile. "uhm... can i ask..?" Steve asked, looking a bit startled. "...ah yes. the Chitauri Invasion did not go as well for me as it did for all of you." he admitted. "in my world, Thor talked me out of the invasion. a little too late however. the Chitauri took their revenge upon me by permanently crippling me with my own staff." he admitted. "it also did this." he admitted, stroking the scar. "magically induced using the Tesseract, it cannot be healed, or covered over, doesn't matter what or who i turn into, i have a scar and i'm crippled." he admitted. "thus the wheelchair." Loki admitted. "at least i know i look pretty no matter what Gender i am." Steve admitted with a smile. "how are you getting around the whole...?" "ah well that would be because i am using the same protections that my Tony is currently wearing. with those protections in place, we can interact with ourselves without causing problems." he admitted, the real Loki nodding. "it takes months to craft such delicate magics though, time i just don't have. not that you need it. being the originals, you lot are only in danger of exhibiting flu like symptoms. it's the ones from the other universes that have to worry." Loki admitted. "but i am a genius no matter what world i'm in." "indeed though t is very weird knowing that i have babies with Thor in this world." the other Loki agreed with a grin. "so. you all had some questions about my Tony?"
“It is to. It makes food.”Tony huffed before nodding a little, relieved that he didn’t have to take the ring off. Having gotten used to wearing it before nodding slightly. “I think he is. Beyond showing up simply to visit with us, he’s being erractic in how he’s dealing with us. I think he’s having problems figuring out what to do.”Tony said sighing softly. “I am not a child. This is so steve’ll lick it off later.”Tony said wisely smiling a little. Aliyagh giggled a little as she was picked up, smiling as she rested in his lap, making a face before nodding. “Always. Papa says I’m the best girl.”she said wisely. “...Huh. It’s amazing just how some things are different in your world.”Tony said thoughtfully before snickering at steve’s words.”You are fairly pretty.”he snickered a little before tilting his head, “Ah. Well. That explains how he’s been here long enough to have a PJ party, and start acting this erratically.”Tony mused tilting his head before smiling slightly. “We did. He’s being...weird. Like....erratic.”Tony frowned before looking at aliyah.”Sweetheart, why don’t you go see if uncle james will help you clean up?” “Okay papa. Uncle phil to.”Aliyah said already distracted by the idea of bathtime with her uncles as she left. Tony sighed softly before looking at loki, and starting to explain what had been going on here with tony.
"it makes food that is barely edible." Steve scoffed before nodding. "You're probably right." he admitted with a sigh. "he is acting very oddly. not unlike you did when you where dying." he admitted. "erratic, unconcerned with his own health or safety. i don't wonder if maybe he was just testing us to see if we would protect Aliyah properly." he admitted. "ah i see. well he'll have a lot of licking to do." Loki admitted, making Steve blush bright red. "good! it's very important to be a good girl." Loki agreed with a grin. "Yes. there are a lot of major differences." Loki admitted. "but that's what makes the universes so different. even a single opposite decision can throw a worlds history straight off it's path." he said with a nod. "i am not pretty! how dare thou!" Steve complained, pouting at Tony as both Loki's laughed at Steve's poor imitation of old norse. "Erratic?" the other Loki asked, looking a bit worried now. "i see..." Loki whispered, shaking his head. "the first thing yu need to know is that in our world, Tony was kidnapped by the ten rings, but he was never tortured. they just kept him in a dark cell and held him hostage so they could pump Shield out of as much money as they could. Pepper had been kidnapped with him and the killed her in front of him to make him behave. the where going to use that money to bu Stark Tech, but hadn't yet gained any of the weapons Tony was producing at the time. something i'm told differs very greatly from your world." Loki II explained, indicating Loki. "the other thing you need to know is that my Tony did not kill Stephanie. she was poisoned by Stephanie's partner and Tony's best man who goes by the code name, Crossbones. he has already been killed." Loki admitted. "James Barnes did the deed and then shot himself. my Tony is not yet aware that Crossbones and James are dead in his world." Loki II admitted softly. "as far as i can deduce, Crossbones killed Stephanie because he was pushing Ton into 'stepping up his game' and Stephanie was trying to talk Tony out of it. Crossbones was winning but he didn't like how Tony would listen to Stephanie. so he go rid of her. Crossbones was insane to be sure, he wanted Tony to 'take his rightful position'. from what our Jarvis has discovered, Crossbones was part of Hydra and intended to place Tony as the new REd Skull. my Tony does not know that either."
“He might be. She’s his daughter. Might be making sure she’s being protected as best as she could be.”Tony said frowning as he considered the time when he’d been dying. Wondering if it was more then that. Wondering if tony was really considering dying in some way, and making sure aliyah was taken care of as best as she could be. “He will.”Tony grinned smirking at steve a little. “You are such a bad mime. You need lessons from thor on being a shakespearian speaker.”Tony teased his lover before nodding, explaining. “Very.”He said before frowning as he listened, looking startled. “So. That explains why his crisis of faith wasn’t the same as mine. In this world, it was just me, and I nearly died getting out of there.”Tony shuddered at the memory of the cave and what he’d done to get away before looking startled. “He didn’t?He didn’t...protest when we accused him of it.we had been wondering if he simply blamed himself for it...”Tony muttered well, at least that explained some things. Wincing as he considered james dead, even without knowing that james, their james was to important to them, it hurt to consider him dead. “She was his wife. And he loved her. Even I can tell that. Of course he was willing to listen to her.”tony frowned considering that, crossbones had probably realized he might win in the short term, but eventually stephanie would have worn tony down, from his own experience with steve, he knew that the love that existed between them, in any world, would have be the foundation of who and what tony did, and stephanie disapproving of what he was doing, and needing him to be there for aliyah, would have eventually changed things. “....What can we do?He’s....he was willing to let us kill him. Is he a danger to us, or himself?”
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