Tell All Tales (Avengers)Moon/Lady

Tony froze a little at the other's wors shifting aliyah in his lap a little as he sat at the table squirming a little as the other checked his temperature."I'm fine.just want some."he said playing it off,not making a big deal of it waving the other's hand away."I'm fine really. And that's okay. Me and aliyah will have some." "Yep. I'll have what papa's having."Aliyah said snuggling the man. "Hmmm.porkchops."tony decided smiling slightly at steve as he wayltched the other cook.
he smirked at Tony's squirming. he figured it was just the promise of being made a bitch. "hmm. must be an off color day huh?" he asked Tony with a grin. "i suppose having to deal with everything you'd be feeling a little odd." he decided. wouldn't be the first time Tony had an 'off color day'. where he just did weird things. everyone had days like that. "Pork-chops, Macaroni and cheese and... hmmm, sweet baby carrots." he decided, pulling out the pots and pans. "did Pepper ever show up?" he asked. "i know Phil was worried she'd come and cause problems for you all." he admitted, gently seasoning the Pork-chops. "hopefully she'll settle down with that new boyfriend of hers and be a bit happier with her life. she was never very suited for the CEO thing. no matter that she was fairly good at it, she just wasn't suited for it." he admitted. "oh, before i forget. when did you want to give our little monkey the you know whats that you've been working on?" he asked, smiling at Tony. talking of course, about the mechanical dogs.
"Yea. Being at work instead of the lab is a weird sorta day."tony said smiling slightly before his stomach growled making aliyah giggle about her papa making weird noises."that sounds amazing."tony responded to steve's choices of food before shaking his head."she didnt. I'm actually amazed she didn't really.but hopefully your right,the new boyfriend will help."tony smiled slightly at the idea before frowning looking confused as he looked down at aliyah."now?might as we while we're waiting on dinner."tony said though he wasn't sounding overly sure what steve was talking about. As if he couldn't remember the conversation from before."how about you go get them and I'll stay here and watch the food?"
he nodded. "still it's good to have it done. we could always go back to the tower now." he admitted with a smile. "i know how much you hate this place and it seams to bother Aliyah too." he admitted. "then we could get the demo guys in here lickety split and build a house worth having right?" he asked with a smile. "...Tony? seriously are you feeling okay? because we both know you can't cook. at all..." he narrowed his eyes at the other, suspicious. "what are you up to? if your starting another prank war you leave me out of it. last time Loki turned me pink and spelled me with cat ears and refused to take them off until i got on my knees and bowed to him while declaring him the prank god." he stated, wagging a finger at the other. "i don't know what your up to but it better be something nice or i won't give you any Pajama parties for a while." he warned, flipping the Pork-chops. Pajama Parties their code word for sex while Aliyah was around. "Aliyah sweetie? wanna set the table?" he offered with a smile, handing her the plastic plates they all ate with so that no one broke anything when food fights ensued.
“True.The tower would be better.”Tony smiled before looking down at the girl in his lap, nodding slightly. “It does. This place is just bad.”he muttered before smirking, “Yea, a new house would be perfect.”He smiled before frowning, “I can cook!Or at least watch the food.”Tony grumbled before giving the other man a innocent smile, which totally meant he was up to something because he never was innocent. “I’m up to nothing. I’m hurt you would think so. I’ll go get the present.”Tony smiled as aliyah got up to go set the table. “Yes daddy.”Aliyah smiled as she set teh table, tony shaking his head a little as he headed down to get the dogs. “...tony’s acting oddly.”Natasha said frowning as she walked into the room. “I just heard him asking jarvis about a present...”
he nodded. "the Tower is bigger too." he admitted with a smile. "and it's not bad. it just has a lot of bad memories. we'll make this place better soon enough." he admitted. "and no you can't. the last time i let you 'just watch the food' you burned everything to a crisp! i still don't know how you did that when i was only gone for five minutes!" he grumbled. "it was all being baked in the oven too and i know you couldn't have cranked up the heat that fast..." he shook his head. "you are up to something! don't think i can't tell!" he complained. "thank you Aliyah." he stated, smiling at the little girl before glancing at Natasha, indicating Aliyah before motioning Natasha closer. "...i don't think that's Tony." he murmured softly. "i can't be sure but there's... something off. something wrong. i want you to go to S.I. find James and Phil, see if Tony's there or not." he mumbled. "i don't know. maybe Tony just hit his head or something but he's... not right. he wanted mac and cheese... he didn't protest me being the one to give Aliyah a bath, he didn't beg me for a kiss.... he offered to 'watch the food'. and now he can't remember the present he worked his fingers to the bone on? no something is very wrong..."
“”I did not!That was clint’s fault. Somehow it was his fault.”Tony huffed looking amused though as he left. Natasha frowned as he moved closer, glancing at the door before nodding. “I will. I’ll call as soon as I track them down.”she muttered looking confused, wondering how it could look like tony, but not be tony. Figuring there was a reason for this, that they’d tell them eventually. “I’ll find out what’s going on. Just be careful. And I’ll tell Loki to get down here, maybe he can figure it out.”She muttered as she headed for the door as Tony came back up, carrying the dogs in his arms, laughing at aliyah’s wide eyed look. “Papa!Is that for me?” “Of course it is.”Tony smiled as he set the AI dogs on the ground, looking amused as tehy crowded in close to aliyah’s legs for attention.
he snorted. "oh, yes. blame the man who was on a mission at the time." Steve teased, amused before nodding at Natasha. "good. i can't be sure it's not Tony." he admitted. "but something isn't right here and i'd rather walk the edge of paranoia right now." he admitted. "when you get back, i'll explain everything. i suppose i should have before now." he admitted with a grimace before smiling as Tony walked in. if this wasn't his Tony, then the man was gonna be pissed. but Steve didn't want to draw any attention if it wasn't his Tony. "what will you name then Aliyah? and what do you say? Papa worked very hard on those." he had no doubt both Tony's had. "oh! Tony, before i forget." here was when Steve started getting sneaky. "Remy said he was going to come by for one last training session." he explained. "i was thinking we should throw him a going away party since he'll be going back t the school tomorrow." either Tony would not care, indicating it wasn't the real Tony. or Tony would get annoyed and grumble and wonder why Steve was using Remy's first name when he'd been calling the man 'that bastard Cajun for the last several days.
“Yes, yes I will. It’s totally clint’s fault.”Tony snorted amused. Natasha frowned looking bemused, but easily falling back into the stance of the black widow, willing to do the mission, and ask questions after. “Maybe, but we’ll wait for explanations later.Now, we’ll take care of this.”Natasha muttered. “Boltz and Buttercup.”Aliyah said wisely, giggling as she realized she had a girl dog and a boy dog, and definitely had been watching princess bride sometime. Probably with Tony, even if the man would never admit it. “Papa!Thank you!”Aliyah said bolting over to her father, hugging him around the knees as the man smiled a little. “You’re very welcome, Ali.”He muttered stroking her hair glancing up at Steve with a tilt of his head. “...what kind of party?Bonfire or something?”Tony said after a small pause. Oh yea. Definitely not the real tony, and Tony not knowing quite enough to know how to react, as the man got along with Remy in his world.
he smiled a little. "i'm sure. i'm sure." he scoffed, looking amused before nodding at Natasha. "thank you." he murmured. touched that she would trust him so much. "Buttercup?" he asked, looking amused. "well, As You Wish." he agreed, offering her a bow. "oh. bonfire, that's a good idea! we where planning on burning most of the furniture in the house here anyway." he agreed before smiling at Aliyah. "dinners going to be a while sweetie. wh don't you show Boltz and Buttercup to Loki and Johnny?" he offered. "Jaimie and the twins would love to see them i'm sure. and i bet Loki will let you hold the twins." he suggested, smiling as she left before focusing his entire attention to Tony. "as for you. i think we have a date with a set of handcuffs and some Rope." he teased. "it was my turn to top tonight, in case you try to weasel out of it, naughty." he teased winking at the Fake Tony, setting the pork-chops into the oven to keep warm, the rest of the dinner following. they could sit in the oven for a few hours and if anything else Steve would just order Pizza. he had to get the fake Tony alone, preferably tied up and helpless. "you coming?" he asked, smirking at the fake Tony as he headed up the stairs, grabbing the special cuffs that not even James could break and the pretty chains that Tony had made that where just as strong.
Aliyah giggled happily, smiling at Steve’s words as he bowed. “I always have the best ideas.”Tony smiled a little. “Okay daddy.”Aliyah smiled as she raced off with the dogs, perking up even more at the idea of holding the twins. “Hm, we do do we?”the man smirked a little, watching steve set dinner aside, startling a little as his phone went off, pausing to look at it, before looking at steve. “Nope. Sorry. You’ll have to keep dinner warm for me, something happened at SI.”Tony smiled as he walked closer, leaning in to kiss Steve gently, knowing the game was up, “You’re going to let me walk out of here. Without protest. Because if you don’t...well. You have to wonder where your Tony is.”Tony said with that quiet evil smirk, before backing away, heading for the door. Proving that the man was intelligent enough ot know when retreat was the only option left to him.
Steve smiled as he nodded. "of course we do. it's been hours since we had sex Tony, i'm desperate." he teased before smiling, wrapping his arms tight around the other, giving him a gentle kiss back, his arms firm around the other, not letting him leave yet. "i don't know what you want here." he whispered in the others ear. "i can only imagine it has something to do with your possessive need to own Aliyah. but i warn you right now, i am not as soft as Stephanie was." he warned, hand wrapping around the fake Tony's throat, not squeezing, simply holding him, showing him how fragile he really was. "you fuck with me? you try to take my lover or my daughter away? you hurt the people i love and i will show ou exactly why Stephanie chose THIS world. why she chose This Tony. why this world isn't torn into war." he whispered. "i will show you just what a sadistic fucker i can be." he whispered before smiling sweetly and letting the other go. "i do hope we can meet on friendlier terms next time? oh... and give Pepper my love, would you?" he asked, watching the other intently. "and thanks for the mechanical dog thing. it's freaky as fuck but Aliyah and Tony both got a kick out of it at least." he admitted, eyes fixed on the fake Tony, watching him leave Via Jarvis. he hoped to god his Tony was okay.
“Hm, you are.”Tony smiled a little before tensing, realizing he couldn’t move just yet. Shuddering a little as the other’s lips brushed his ear he closed his eyes, “She wasn’t that soft either. Loved her for it really.”Tony muttered, looking up at the other, feeling vaguely threatened, it was obviously it turned him on to cause his eyes were blown, studying the other man. “My my my, you are interesting. I knew she liked this world for a reason.”Tony purred a little, looking amused as he stepped back, nodding. “Next time then.”He said turning to go before pausing at the question, giving the other that half smirk that meant everything and nothing, over his shoulder. “I’m sure you’ll see her before I do.”Tony said before laughing. “I’m sure you think so. My wife would have found it freaky to, if it’s any consolation.”Tony snickered, obviously this trip, besides freaking them out, had been out of tony’s sheer enjoyment and amusement.

It wasn’t ten minutes later that Tony walked in, looking flustered and out of sorts, his dark hair in its normal disarray as he walked in, followed by natasha, phil, and James. “We had company?”Tony said sounding a little panicked as he ducked into the living room looking relieved when he saw Aliyah playing with the twins and the dogs, nearly collapsing into the wall in his relief.
Steve snorted. "clearly you didn't love her at all. considering you murdered her." he hissed, fingers tightening a little. "i'll certainly never forgive you for that. it's only for her that your not dead at my feet right here and now." he admitted simply. "interesting or not, you will regret coming here." he admitted, crossing his arms and staring at the man. "don't be stupid. it's our sprog in that belly of hers. don't think you can fool me." he scoffed. "maybe i'll see what kind of pain i can cause her before turning my attentions on you." he mused. "not much of a consolation." he admitted, watching the other leave.

"Tony... thank god." Steve breathed, pulling the other into a tight hug, swallowing thickly. "yeah we had company. to be honest i was fooled for a minute or two." he admitted. "then he asked for Mac and Cheese and then offered to cook.... it just... wasn't right." he admitted, scowling. "sick fucker... i should have snapped his neck but i... i couldn't. not with your face and your voice..." he shuddered and pressed his face into the others shoulder. "i'm so sorry..."
“....”Tony stared at the other man as his hand tightened, closing his eyes for a moment, for a moment looking like he was accepting letting the other choke him, not fighting to get away, his emotions over what he’d done, complex and twisted, and obviously twisting the billionaire up enough that he was wavering back and forth between what he wanted, and what he was doing. “Already regretting it. I’m going to be bruised.”Tony grumbled, for a moment sounding so much like the real tony that it was scary. “...No, I don’t think you will. You’re a better then me, Captain, you wont kill me.”tony said as he left, knowing that for a moment, he was safe.

Tony nearly collapsed into the other, clinging to him tightly, “...I hate mac and cheese.”He muttered making a face, before wincing, clinging to the other. “I’m sorry you had to even consider snapping ‘my’ neck. If we have to deal with him, I’ll do it.”Tony muttered rubbing steve’s back, upset for the other.”shush, its okay. I don’t know what he wanted, but it’s okay. No harm was done, and we’re going back to new york in the morning.Nothing happened.”He muttered trying to calm the other, leaning back to look at him, “He didn’t do anything.Not to me, or you, or Aliyah. Me, James, and Phil were still working when Nat showed up. Must have had a way of figuring out how long I’d be...nothing was done...”he muttered soothingly. “Steve. What’s going on?”Natasha said as the rest of the team settled into the living room, except loki who was watching aliyah and taking care of the twins, distracting her from what the adults were talking about.
Steve sighed a little and shook his head. "good. bruising is the least you deserve." he growled. "i really aught to be snapping it." he admitted, staring at the fake. "oh. yes i am better than you. you haven't done anything yet. your helpless, hopeless even and you haven't hurt anyone yet. hurt someone, cause anyone pain? and i'll make sure your dead." he admitted. "even if it will kill me, i will end you."

"i know. i thought you where sick." he admitted. "it was when you offered to watch the food that i started to get suspicious." he admitted. "if i have to snap his neck. i will. he's not you, no matter how much he looks like you." he mumbled, nuzzling the other. "i'll have nightmares if i do it, but i'm sure i could do it if He hurts you or Aliyah." he admitted. "i think he was just... looking." he admitted. "i think he was just seeing what the hype was about. i don't think he really wanted anything." he admitted. "he admitted that he was fucking Pepper though. the baby in her belly is His." he admitted softly. "i don't wonder if maybe he was using Jarvis? i know Pepper probably spied for him maybe some of the other people on your board of directors is working for him?" he looked up at Natasha, grimaced and nodded. "yeah. it's time you guys knew. we shouldn't have kept it a secret for so long..." he admitted softly. "everyone is here right?" he asked, making a head count before he took a deep breath and began telling them everything. about Stephanie, the other universe, how Aliyah was biologically his because he and Stephanie where the same person. how the Alternate Tony was here now and how they didn't know what he was planning or what he really wanted but certain it wasn't anything good. "that's who was here ten minutes ago, was the 'Other' Tony." he admitted, shaking his head. "what he wanted, i don't know. he probably didn't want anything at all." he admitted. "in any case, we have to be careful now." he admitted. "because Pepper's pregnant with the Other Tony's baby and we don't even know why he's sleeping with her if he was so in love with Stephanie..."
“Good to know me failing at cooking was good for something.”He muttered before sighing quietly. “We’ll just make Natasha do it if we have to. Spare us both.”Tony muttered shuddering a little before frowning a little. “maybe. Though he might have just intended to make us feel weirded out and out balance.”Tony muttered because he knew himself, if he was going to choose a enemy, fucking with their heads would be his first line of attack rather then a physical attack. Frowning at that news he made a face. “That’s a disturbing, weird thought. Pepper pregnant with tony’s kid...”Tony frowned, thinking that over before nodding. “He might have been. As intelligent as Jarvis is, the AI that runs SI’s building isn’t the same one I have here, it’s less....complex then jarvis at the tower, or here. I don’t trust the people there to have a real true AI.”He muttered before sighing as he settled in to explain to. “....Nothing except to make you feel something over his visit. You reacted, to the idea of tony being hurt. He managed to figure out how you’d react if tony or aliyah was threatened. If he’s planning something, and pepper being pregnant says that he is, he needed to understand just how we’d react differently from the reflections of ourselves would.”Natasha frowned thoughtfully as she thought. “A man would do alot of things to get rid of guilt and heartsickness. He might be lashing out, sleeping with someone who was important to our tony, because he can’t have who he really wants anymore.”Clint frowned thinking, shaking his head. “This. This is what he wanted. Us overthinking and twisting ourselves up over it.”Tony sighed quietly.
he chuckled. "i like that plan. make Nat do it. very nice." he agreed with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "you know, i wouldn't doubt it. he would be good at head games." he agreed. "i know. it's almost like if she couldn't have you, she'd have the next best thing. ugh." he shook his head. "it's a good thing, not to trust them. can you imagine the hell they'd raise with something as smart as Jarvis? granted if they had something as smart as Jarvis he probably wouldn't listen to them anyway." he admitted. "...i did react. i warned him i'd kill him if he hurt someone i cared about." he admitted. "Tony's right. we're thinking about this too much. it's not worth it. lets just pack it up and go home. i want to sleep in my own bed, knowing that Jarvis will protect us from Copycats." he admitted, kissing Tony happily before getting the dinner out. not handing Tony any Mac N Cheese and giving him the pork-chops and carrots instead. looking very troubled. the fake Tony had upset him a lot more than he'd admit to.
“urgh. That’s disturbing and really makes me wonder about pepper’s state of mind.”Tony shuddered a little before nodding.”I know. That’s why I didn’t give them Jarvis.”Tony said before nodding.”Exactly. Now he knows that. And let’s go home.”Tony grinned glad that he wasn’t being handed mac and cheese, quiet for the rest of the evening, knowing steve was upset, but not wanting to talk about it until he’d had time to really think about it. So it was when they were crawling into bed that he finally said something, laying on his back he sighed quietly. “I don’t like Mac and Cheese cause when I was a kid, I loved it. Wanted it all the time, and despite being able to use the stove, I didn’t like to. But when I was about...7 I think, my mom was out of town for a week, so I bugged dad nearly constantly for it.And he got pissed. So he decided....he made me eat so much I got sick....then had to eat it still.He only let me stop after I couldn’t keep it down anymore. He didn’t have that of course he choose food I didn’t like....we’re different Steve. Even without the choice of still being a weapons manufacturer, there’s differences.”Tony sighed quietly turning to look at the other. “....You’re still upset. What can I do?”he asked looking worried for him.
Steve nodded. "she really is psychotic." he admitted, shaking his head. he was still bothered by what had happened and he didn't settle even though they where back in the tower. "....damn..." he whispered, horrified that Howard could have been such a dick. "i'm sorry Tony.." he murmured, kissing the other gently. "i'm... i don't know..." he admitted, scowling. "it's... i had him, in my hands. his neck was in my hand and i wanted nothing more than to snap it. i hated him, so much i could have killed him even though he looked exactly like you..." he shuddered hard and closed his eyes. "and now all i can think of is... what if i had done it, and i'd been wrong!? what if i had really killed you?!" he muttered, shaking his head. "there was something else too... something... like he was torn up. like he wanted to die. he didn't even struggle. he would have let me kill him. and i can't imagine why if he was as evil as everyone says he is... if he was evil, why would Stephanie stay with him? what if he's just traumatized and trying to fix things? i know if you killed me, you'd be completely desperate to make it better, even if it meant blowing up the world." he admitted, shaking his head. "i just don't know...." he admitted. "all i can see is him laying dead at my feet only to find out it was really you..." he admitted, running trembling hands through his hair. "i never thought i could hate someone so much, even if it was only for a few seconds..."
“Yea.Well. We all knew howard was insane.”Tony muttered kissing the other back, shifting to lay on his side as he watched the other man. “You knew it wasn’t me. Even without knowing for sure, or a long time, you knew I wasn’t the man you were holding. Before he’d even told you I bet. Like the mac and cheese, he’ll always give himself away.”Tony sighed softly, reaching out to stroke teh other’s hair. “You couldn’t make the mistake. You wouldn’t kill me, cap.”he muttered before frowning, thinking that over. “Even when she was here, Stephanie was sad. Not angry, or pissed that he’d killed her, simply sad that it had happened, and scared of what would become of aliyah. I don’t...know what happened, or what led to him killing her, there was only so much time before stephanie past, but...I don’t know. I just...don’t know.”He sighed looking pained, truly not wanting to identify with the other man before making a face. “I’d burn the world trying to make it better...”He muttered before shifting to hold onto the other. “you didn’t kill him,even if you wanted to. You didn’t kill me. We’ll be okay cap.”He muttered so worried about the other man.
he shook his head. "Howard wasn't insane Tony, he was a sick fucker who should burn in the pits of hell. claiming him insane just gives people the chance to feel sorry for him." he scoffed. "he should be hated for the rest of eternity." he stated firmly. "it wasn't all that long. maybe a couple of minutes." he admitted, voice soft and shaken. "he did give himself away." he admitted, swallowing thickly. "really? i would have been super pissed if you'd poisoned me." he admitted softly. "....i didn't kill him. no. but i wanted to." he admitted softly, closing his ees. "i wanted to and god i feel awful about it." he admitted, wrapping his arms around the other, holding him tight. "...i wonder..." he admitted suddenly. "Loki's gone to other dimensions right? maybe he could go to His dimension and do some research?"
“...True.Howard was a bastard.”Tony sighed softly before hugging the other tighter. “See, you know who was who.”he muttered trying to comfort him before smiling sadly.”Really. She wasn’t...she was scared and angry that she was dying, but not...not like you’d expect really.”Tony frowned a little, trying to think of how it was. “I was so overwhelmed with having her here, and finding it out, maybe I misread what she meant...if tony had only caused things to happen, and wasn’t directly involved in her death, he ignored Aliyah for most of her childhood....I don’t know. But the fact he teamed up with Doom, working with seems like he’s trying his hand at being a supervillian, but his heart’s not in it...I don’t know.”Tony said sounding utterly confused, shifting as he held the other, frowning before nodding a little. “Maybe. We’ll have to ask. He could at least find out what led to Stephanie’s death anyways.”
he nodded. "he was a bastard. and i did, do know who is who." he mumbled. "so, maybe he wasn't the one who poisoned her?" Steve asked. "after all, there are a lot of people here in this world that want to kill me, whose to say someone didn't try to kill Stephanie?" he wondered. "there's no point in worrying about it i guess." he admitted with a sigh. "we'll talk to Loki." he decided. "Loki can certainly get some answers." he hoped so anyway. "did he really team up with that hack-job?" of course, who knew. maybe Doom was an actual super villain in the other world. their Doom was pathetic, but there was no saying that the other Doom was. "well.. maybe things will be more clear in the morning." he decided with a sigh. "sorry bout freaking out on you like that... are you okay?" he asked, worried about how the other was handling the visit from the other Tony.
“Maybe not.And no there really isn’t. If loki can find out something, great. If not, well, we’ll see.”Tony muttered stealing a kiss before nodding a little.”At least I think so. I mean, every time he’s screwed with us, or caused problems, it’s been during or after a Doom attack. Maybe in his world Doom’s better.I don’t know. It makes my head hurt to think about.”he sighed softly snuggling in close, yawning. “It’s okay. I just want to take care of you.”He muttered before nodding. “I’m a little freaked out, and depressed that I didn’t get to see aliyah’s reaction to the dogs, but I’m okay, I promise.”
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