Tell All Tales (Avengers)Moon/Lady

Tony whined a little as he was moved grumbling sleepily nuzzling the other."well that's true. Though she's excited about the beach. Jarvis told her how warm it was out there right now."Natasha snickered a little as they headed for the plane smirking a little."I think tony's going to be very glad you're not going to jump out of the plane."she teased grinning a little as aliyah and Jamie talked excitedly about flying as they all settled into the plane. Definitely amusing.
Steve snorted a little. "remind me to pick up extra sunscreen. Tony burns too easily and he never remembers to put it on himself." he admitted. "ill certainly be glad to get out of the chill for a while." he admitted. "i think your right." he admitted with a chuckle, settling Tony into place and buckling him in with an affectionate kiss. "i'm going to go play cards with the girls Tony. you just sleep." he promised, kissing Tony again before heading off to entertain the girls.
"Tony wouldn't remember to eat if you didn't tell him."Natasha pointed out snickering a little."kay."tony muttered sleepily.

When they arrived tony smiled a little as they walked through the house grinning slightly at the sound of aliyah running around to see everything."like?"tony smiled a little looking up at steve as they stepped inside looking around them. Taking in the coldly in personal house,so different from the tower that was definitely a family home
Steve looked around at the mansion his head tilted. "it sucks. me and Aliyah are finger painting on the walls to brighten this place up a bit. you can definitely tell Pepper decorated this place." he admitted, grinning at Tony. "we'll have to make this place a little bit more homey. what say you and me gather up all the crap you hate in here and have a nice bonfire out on the beach?" he asked. "then we can redecorate with stuff that we'll actually use." he offered. "the tower is so much more homey." he admitted with a chuckle as he pulled the other in for a kiss. "come on, let's go unpack." he decided. "we'll have to christen this place at some point. sex in all the rooms we can have sex in."
Tony laughed softly, nodding. “You can fingerpaint everything.”He smiled. “Really papa!?I want to.”Aliyah piped up looking interested in teh idea. “Definitely.”Tony smiled a quiet sadness to the smile, because he had a feeling this was very much like the home aliyah had spent the first few years of her life. “I like it. We can have a bonfire tonight, since I don’t know how busy I’ll be the rest of the time we’re here.”he said biting his lip groaning as he was kissed before nodding. “we’ll have sex where ever you want.”he agreed smiling as tehy headed to settle into their rooms, after getting aliyah settled into the room across the hall from them.
Steve grinned. "we'll make a hellish mess of this place." he agreed. he knew this house had hellish memories for both Tony and Aliyah. he would make this place something that wasn't to be feared or depressed about. "a nice big one. we'll make Natasha go buy Smores stuff." he decided with a smile watching Johnny try to corral the four children. being godlings, Loki's babies where on a fast track and they where already crawling and getting into mischief. they would slow back to normal aging at about a year, where they would look to be about five. then once they reached the age of twelve their aging would slow to the point where they would age a year for every ten. which meant Johnny had his hands full. "aaah nap time." Steve sighed, grinning. "those Twins are hellions. you can certainly tell that they're Loki's kids." he admitted, watching Tony. "you'll still take Phil and James with you tomorrow right? i don't like the idea of you going alone."
“Good.”Tony said shuddering a little at the idea of this house. Smiling slightly as he watched johnny with the kids before nodding. “Natasha’ll do something weird to s’mores or something. She’s russian, there’ll be alcohol in it or something.”Tony muttered nodding as he smirked. “They are hellions.”He said tilting his head. “And yea. Of course. I have no intent of going alone, not when I’m sure pepper’s going to be causing problems.”
Steve smiled a little as he watched Johnny. where Loki was he had no idea, probably enjoying a rare moment alone. Loki was naturally a person who preferred to be alone, so being with so many people pressed on Loki a lot. he stole every moment he could to be by himself. "she wouldn't give Alcohol to the children, and the marshmallows would burn too much if there was alcohol in them." Steve pointed out, looking amused. "good. i wish i could go with you, but i can't bring myself t leave Aliyah here without one of us..." he admitted. "this house sets my nerves on edge. maybe it's just because you hate this place, i don't know, but it really..." he shook his head. "never mind. when do you have to leave in the morning?" he asked, blinking at Tony. "so i can make you a proper breakfast."
“Hm, that’s true.”Tony snickered a little amused as Johnny got all the kids down for their naps, glad that it had worked considering the time difference, he knew the kids would be glad for the naps later. “I know. And I totally understand. If I didn’t have to be there, I’d stay.”he said before biting his lip, “...It’s the house. I nearly died here...I became Iron man holds to many memories to be totally relaxing.”Tony sighed quietly, because seeing the furniture that he’d nearly died on when the arc reactor had been taken out, of being back here, set his teeth on edge. “8. And is there anything proper about what you want to give me for breakfast?”He asked, waggling his eyebrows a little.
he sighed. "i just don't trust the people that your about to go meet i guess." he admitted. "and i can bet that we haven't hear the last of Pepper either." he admitted, frowning a little. "a lot of shit happened here." he agreed. "you know. we could just tear the entire place down and you could rebuild the entire thing to your own liking." he pointed out. "it's your house, make it the way you like it." he suggested with a smile. "well. i was planning on sucking you off instead of setting an alarm but if you'd rather i didn't?" he asked with a grin. "i was planning on making your favorite for breakfast too. just to make sure that you get our good mood before you have to deal with dickwads." he admitted with a smile.
"I don't trust them and if I could still be iron man, the mad genius in the basement,and run my company the way it needs run,I'd fire the lot of them. Which is why I put up with pepper as long as I did. Letting her CEO meant I could be me..."he sighed quietly because he was truly afraid of what tomorrow would do to him, as both a avenger and as himself as he was forced to take a more control at least till he found a more appropriate ceo." But I pepper crossed a line. I'll deal with it and we'll be okay...we could tear it down. We should. Tomorrow we'll start making plans so whIle we're here we can start the ball rolling to have a new place built."tony said eyes widening a little,it was the first time the thought had occurred to him. Since becoming a avenger he hadn't really spent time here, so the idea of tearing it down had never occurred to him. Laughing at the other's words he smirked."chocolate chip waffles and a blowjob. I can't think of a better morning."he snickered kissing the other even as he muffled a yawn.
he chuckled a little. "well. why not let Phil and James handle the CEO stuff?" he asked. "they're trained in it you know. James might need a refresher course but that's what Phil is for right?" he asked with a smile. "Out of all the avengers, they're the only ones who don't have to drop everything when the alarm sounds too." he admitted. "and James was just complaining about being bored." he admitted with a smile. "tp be sure, no one will be complaining about them running your company." he pointed out with a grin. "we will then. we can make a project out of it." he stated with a grin. "turn this into a real vacation house for you and the family." he teased, well aware Tony would want a room for everyone here. he liked having them all close. "yes. Chocolate Chip Waffles and a Blowjob. and maybe some actual sex if i can get you up early enough." he teased with a grin.
"....I think I'll do that. I'll talk to them'"tony perked up at the thought because it made sense to ask them. To allow the two to share the duties and run things. "Yes definitely a vacation home."tony smiled pleased at the idea before snickering."sounds good."

In the morning tony groaned as he gently tangled his hand in the other's hair, sighing quietly as he stirred, muttering tiredly."..cap..."he muttered whining quietly as he woke up rocking his hips a little groaning,whimpering quietly before startling as he heard aliyah pounding on the door."papa!"she demanded sounding upset."ali?"he blinked stupidly not awake enough to figure out what to do just yet.
Steve nodded, smiling a little. "see? isn't it good you have me around?" he asked, looking amused. "i have all the good ideas." he admitted with a chuckle.

Steve hummed as he heard Tony wake up and sucked more firmly, curling his tongue just the way Tony liked most. he groaned when he heard the pounding on the door, covered Tony up completely and moved to the door. "Aliyah sweetie? what is it?" he asked, opening the door a crack. "Papa's sleeping right now." he explained, pressing a finger to his lips. "what's the matter?"
"Hm it is good to have you around. Always."tony muttered.

Tony whined a little as steve sucked groaning in disappointment as he moved away starting to wake up more. Aliyah looked up at her ffather with wide frightened,tearful eyes."no he's not!papa's gone. We have to go find him!"she demanded crying as she flung herself at steve rapping her arms around his legs."sweetie it was just a dream. I'm here."tony said as he crossed the room looking sleepy and tired having dressed in a rush wincing. Hating that her abandonment issues could leave her so upset. Wondering what had set her off this time,knowing that certain things could set her off more."papa?"aliyah peered at him before flinging herself at him as he crouched down next to her,making tony wince as his ass hit the floor,holding the upset girl tightly."sushi I'm're okay ali."he muttered sighing relieved as she calmed.
Steve frowned, worried about the little girl. "hey. hey easy. it's okay." he promised, stroking her hair and holding her tightly. "it's okay. papa is right here, i swear it." he promised softly. "see? there he is right there." he promised, letting her go so she could fling herself onto Tony. "...i wonder if it's the house?" he muttered softly. more to himself than anything else. "there, see? Papa's just fine." Steve promised, kissing her forehead. "i'll go get breakfast started." he promised Tony. "sorry about the blue bouncers." blue balls. since you couldn't say blue balls in front of Aliyah, she'd repeat it all over hell.
"Papa."Aliyah clung to the man snuggling him."I'm okay're okay and I'm here."tony muttered soothingly smiling as she calmed slowly."hm it's okay. Ali's more important."tony muttered though he did look like he was sulking at the blue balls concentrating on getting himself and aliyah settled worried about what had caused this. After a bit following steve out to the kitchen with the girl clinging to him like a monkey and refusing to let go.
Steve smiled a little. "i know." he agreed. "but that doesn't make them hurt any less." he admitted with a chuckle. "i'l come deliver you a lunch today and do it under the desk while your eating, hows that sound?" he asked, looking amused before he left to make breakfast. "hows she doing?" Steve asked, examining the little girl. "not well huh?" he asked, sighing a little. "i think it might be the house. if this is where she lived with Him, i imagine she never saw him, ever." he admitted. "he must think, either consciously or subconsciously, that your going to start pulling away again. yes, i talked to Bruce." Steve admitted with a smile.
"True. And I definitely want my lunch delivered."he snickered a little before sighing quietly as he settled him and aliyah at the table stroking her back."not well."he agreed before wincing."hadn't considered this would be the house she shared with him...if he's still 'the merchant of death' I bet they lived her more then at the tower..."tony sighed softly eyes sad before he smiled a little.""bruce is good for us."
"i'll make sure to leave her with Loki and Thor then." he agreed with a grin. nothing and no one would get through Loki and Thor. Thor would beat them to a pulp and Loki would simply vanish with all the kids to one of thirty completely unknown locations. only Thor would be able to trck Loki after that, so if Steve was going to leave her with anyone, it would be Loki, who wouldn't have to protect her with his life. "just another reason to tear it down." Steve decided. "there's nothing saying that there even was a tower. if He became worse after being kidnapped in Afghanistan, then he might never have helped make the Avengers. there might not even be a tower in that world."
"Good choices. They're good with her."tony muttered not wanting to leave with aliyah so upset but knowing he had to otherwise things would be even worse. "...good point.might not have been. Just start planning what you want to put here instead."he muttered rubbing aliyah's back."sweetie we're going to have breakfast in bed how's that sound?" "Okay papa." Tony smiled hoping to distract her with the rare treat of eating in bed looking up at steve tilting his head knowing he had to get going but not sure how to get out of her grip without upsetting her again
he nodded. "i thought so." he admitted with a smile, pulling Tony in for a small kiss. "we need to have a sauna. and a pool for James. an archery range for the psychos." he hummed. "a gym. someplace high for Clint..." he mused smiling as Tony comforted Aliyah. "just don't get Syrup on your suit." he warned Tony with a chuckle. "come here Aliyah." Steve ordered. "Papa has to go to work soon." he admitted. "he has to go yell at naughty people." he admitted. "like how i yell at Clint when he uses Daddy's pretty pillows for archery practice." he admitted. "they where naughty so Tony has to go give them time outs." he explained. "he might even give the most naught ones corner time." he admitted, nodding seriously. "so he's going to eat breakfast and then go to work and you and i are going to practice piano and reading until lunch, how does that sound?"
“Hm, exactly. Something good like that.”Tony muttered pleased with the idea of having all those, before nodding. “I wont.”He said smiling as aliyah clung to his shirt even if she did move over to let steve talk to her. “...No. Papa can’t leave.”She muttered whining a little. “Ali, I have to. I promise, I’ll be back home before you even notice I’m gone. You’ll have fun today okay?” “...Fine.”Aliyah frowned looking unhappy even as they all settled in to eat, then tony got ready to leave, leaning over to kiss aliyah’s forehead and kissing steve. “You’ll call if you need anything right?”he muttered stealing another kiss.
Steve grinned a little. "a racetrack for Go-carts too." he ordered. "it will keep the kids entertained when they get older." he admitted with a chuckle. "Papa has to sweetie or the people who work for him will keep doing naughty things and they will make Papa's life even harder." he admitted., helping her cut up her waffle, kissing Tony goodbye. "i'll call the second anything happens." he promised.

at Lunch he left Aliyah with Loki who settled her and his own tots down for a nap so Steve could stalk his way into SI with a brown paper bag full of lunch. a hot potato soup with a couple of toasted sandwiches. he headed up to Tony's office and offered him an impish grin. "i bring food." he stated. "and Aliyah is sleeping." he admitted. "she settled down easily enough once you where gone. out of sight out of mind i guess." he admitted. "she's going to be a limpet once you get home no doubt."
“Ohhh yes. That to.”tony grinned interested in the idea. “...Fine.”Aliyah sulked not happy but squirming over to sit in steve’s lap so she could snuggle him as tony left.

Tony smirked as he leaned back in his chair, instead of his normal stance and look, the man was looking every bit like the billionaire CEO he was. Smiling as he saw the long he smiled at the other. “Food is good. And I guess. Thank god she calmed.”He muttered sounding relieved before wincing, nodding. “No doubt.”He sighed tiredly as he set the paperwork aside, gesturing for steve to set the food down. “eat with me.”he said looking at the other. “So, no one’s happy and pepper’s throwing a fit over having to step down, and getting the other’s mostly to be upset with me simply because I’m upsetting the pregnant woman, but this is going okay....Just a few more hours and I should have the paperwork and everything done. I just get the feeling that I’m missing something important, and I have no idea what it is.”
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