Tell All Tales (Avengers)Moon/Lady

he chuckled. "oh, i'm sure he'll suddenly turn blue with no warning at all. or find paste in his shampoo or something." Steve promised with a smile. "hmmm...." Steve tilted his head, thinking it over before smiling. "what if we all went? Bruce, Loki and Thor, that bastard Cajun." he wouldn't even refer to Remy by name now apparently. "Phil and Clint and Natasha and all of us. that's what makes this tower so safe right? so what if we all went to L.A. Together? we could all have a bit of vacation and we could all help with the S.I. shit." he admitted with a smile. "then you can have both things you want. Aliyah safe and with you."
“...You’re not calling LeBeau by name now?What did he do?”Tony frowned a little looking worried, wondering if he needed to kill the man out before nodding, pleased. “Well.Yes. That would make it safe, and we all could use some time away. Not to mention its a little less....crowded out in the malibu house, less crowds and even less chance for the reporters to sneak up on us.”He said, also wondering how he was supposed to tell steve about what was the news story of the day, steve’s panic attack.”Hm. Not to mention you. I always want you with me to.”He muttered nuzzling the other a little.
Steve huffed. "he annoyed me." Steve grumbled. "trying to talk about Natasha like that. i'd have skinned the bastard if i didn't think Natasha would beat me up for it. he has no manners at all!" Steve grumbled before smiling at Tony. "yes. exactly. so we'll all go, and then you don't have to feel bad about leaving us behind." he decided. "reporters? are they still hounding you? i thought they'd have given up after i told them they where all worthless garbage. they didn't like that much, no matter if it was true." he admitted. "well it's impossible to get rid of me you know." Steve promised with a grin. "we should have sex again. in the pool." he decided.
"Don't worry about it. Natasha will surely have revenge planned for lebeau."tony snickered a little sighing softly "sounds good. I really don't like the idea of not seeing you guys all the time."tony muttered running his fingers through steve's hair before tensing a little trying not to squirm "reporters will never give up hounding me but this isn't about least not mostly..."tony sighed trying not to squirm knowing steve was going to freak."...they're on you about what happened at the skating 4ink and wondering if we're okay with ali since I let her fall and hurt herself....the articles pretty vicious really..."tony muttered glad that steve had been under when tony first read it,cause at least one of them were freaking out at a time."we should have sex again...the pool does sound good..."he muttered though he still sounded stressed.
he shook his head. "actually, i think she plans on fucking him." he admitted. "either way it's gross and i hate him." he admitted. "Jarvis will tell everyone to pack. i think we could all use a nice vacation." he admitted with a smile. "...about..." he closed his eyes, swallowing back his rage as he sat up. "they're saying things about my panic attack, aren't they?" he demanded. "and calling you a bad father again, conveniently forgetting that every single child in the world breaks their arm in some fashion or another." he bared his teeth. "i will handle this myself. no one calls you a bad father and get's away with it! Jarvis i want all those articles! and someone call for a press conference!" he ordered. "i'll make them so ashamed they never show their faces again!" he growled before smiling at Tony, pulling him into a kiss. "we'll have sex when i'm done. i'll let you strap my back, you like that." he promised before heading out to do exactly what he said. he called to task every single reporter, by name. called them hypocrites and dirt mongers. he explained his flashback and asked them how they'd feel, being frozen for seventy years, semi aware of everything around them? demanded they think of what Aliyah must be feeling, having people call the daddy she loved so much a bad father. especially when all kids got hurt. that was part of being a kid! what where they supposed to do? lock Aliyah up in a padded cell and never let her do anything, ever? what kind of monsters where they? kids where supposed to laugh, run, play, learn naughty words from people who didn't know little ears where listening. they where supposed to get hurt, heal, get dirty, protest getting clean and get sick. it was part of being a kid, hell it was a part of existing. by the time he was done, most of the nation felt pretty damn piss poor about jumping on Tony like that. Steve just looked superior and smug as he watched various news stations express their apologies to the 'Stark Family'. "...damn." Remy muttered. "i've never seen a single man make so many people ashamed before. even many of the X-Men feel guilty and they where supporting Tony." Remy admitted, looking amused. in fact, most of the X-men had sent Aliyah get well soon cards.
“...That’s disturbing.”Tony made a face snickering a little before nodding. “I think we could.”He agreed before wincing a little as steve sat up, cringing a little, nodding. “yea. They are. And not so much...they learned their lesson the last time...but it’s getting to not so many words really.”Tony said ducking his head, looking utterly lost, because he really was horrible at not believing things people wrote about him, though steve was getting through to him, it still hurt tony badly to hear people talking about him. Kissing him back he sighed quietly, nuzzling him. “kay. Sex after.”He muttered smiling a little as he settled in to watch steve utterly make everyone feel badly, grinning a little as aliyah snuggled against him on the stage for the press conference, the two having only come down for a few minutes, to say hello, before retreating back upstairs with the others. “Hm, there’s no one like the Captain.”Tony snickered a little amused as he shifted aliyah.”you want to go pack, sweetheart?We’re going on vacation.” “Okay papa.”Aliyah smiled as she scampered off, making tony smile sadly. Knowing this wasn’t over, knowing other tony was out there, and that this was going to be to good of a chance for him to pass up. But for the moment, setting his worries aside. smirking a little as Cap walked him. "Oh captain, you are amazing."
Steve nodded. "very disturbing. bastard Cajun anyway." he grumbled. "clearly they have not learned their lesson if they're even whispering about it." he hissed, annoyed with the populace. "you never ever believe a word they say Tony. if you where ever to be a bad father i'd stop you in an instant." he promised, kissing Tony again. "truly there isn't." Remy agreed, nodding. "i will be taking my lave soon." he admitted with a smile. "the Captain has gained very fine control very quickly. he won't need my tutoring after the end of the week i don't think." he admitted. "i will miss the lovely Natasha." he admitted with a smirk. "she truly is a creature made from heaven." he admitted before heading off to do his own thing. "there. that'll teach em!" Steve growled, fiddling with the small throwing needles that Clint had gifted him for practicing his 'blow up' abilities. Steve had gotten very good at controlling his powers. to the point he only needed to wear the gloves if he was emotional, like now. good thing he was already wearing them. "of course i was amazing. i've been manipulating people before i was even potty trained." Steve admitted. "when your a tiny thing, it's easier to play with peoples minds instead of using brute force to get what you want." he admitted with a smile. "now. i do believe someone was going to fuck me again."
“No, I guess they haven’t.”Tony muttered ducking his head a little, looking so utterly lost, as if he wasn’t sure before looking up, tilting his head a little, smiling quietly as he kissed the other back, sighing as he leaned into him.”I know.”he muttered nuzzling him. Looking at Remy he tilted his head a little, smirking. “I wish I could say we’ll miss you, but we really wont. Though you flirting with natasha is very amusing.”He snickered watching remy leave before looking up at steve, smiling a little. “You’ve done so good. So good remy’s leaving soon.”He muttered wincing as he realized the other was upset. Sighing quietly as he nodded, looking amused. “Well, you know that makes sense actually.”he snickered before smirking. “oh?Who?And I thought I heard mention of the pool?”He said shuddering a little.
Remy chuckled. "shall i let you in on a little secrete Ami?" he asked with a grin. "i am not, pédé. i am not Gay." Remy stated with a grin. "i only Flirt with le capitaine because he goes all funny faced." Remy admitted with a grin. "Bonne journée." he chirped as he wandered off. "really? that assholes finally leaving! good! he gets on my nerves!" he growled before smiling at him. "of course it makes sense. everything i say does." he teased, nuzzling the other, chuckling. "oh, well. i was thinking you, but if your busy i'm sure i could go talk to Phil or Clint." he teased with a grin. "but about the pool. i dunno if we should. with my panic attack yesterday i don't know if i can handle that much water." he admitted, well aware Tony wouldn't be able to handle the pool either. "we should do it somewhere else..." he mused. "the Suana?"
“...ha!That’s amusing. Okay. Just leave him alone.”Tony made a face, even if knowing remy wasn’t gay made him feel better, it was still annoying. And he was definitely overprotecive of his lover. “Yea, he’s leaving.”he promised before snickering, shivering as he was nuzzled before growling possessively, snarling quietly. “No!No you’re not.”He growled before pausing, trembling a little at the idea of the pool, even if he wanted to. He’d try, but he was definitely aware that he’d have problems with water. Grinning a little. “Suana.”He agreed heading downstairs, smiling a little as he turned it on, sighing as the warm air hit his skin.
Remy sighed. "i might as well. he's only going to beat me up again." Remy grumbled. "he really is violent." he admitted. "good. i'm glad he's leaving." he admitted with a grin. "someone so ill mannered doesn't belong here." he stated with a sniff. never mind that Clint was almost as uncouth as Remy was. "no? you don't want Phil and Clint to have their wicked ways with me? did you want them for yourself?" he asked, eyes glittering playfully. he knew Tony was going to make him pay for that one, but that was half the fun. "aaah i love the sauna." he admitted happily as he stepped into the hot muggy room, stripping off his clothes. "next time i have an Ice induced panic attack, we should come in here." he decided with a smile. "so, what will you do to me?" he asked with a grin, examining the other.
“Hm, if you say so.”Tony snickered amused that steve gave remy a hard time, when clint was just as bad. More relaxed with the x-men as he realized that indeed, he had nothing to worry about....not that he had thought anything would happen before, but he found it easier to relax with knowign remy didn’t mean it. “No, I don’t. And no I really don’t want either of them.”Tony growled as he started stripping out of his own clothes before nodding. “We’ll come in here then.”He agreed before growling as he reached up and wrapped a hand in steve’s hair, pushing him towards his knees. “Kneel and suck my dick. Then I’ll see if you deserve anything else.”he growled even if the words sounded angry, his fingers were gently stroking the other’s hair.
Steve smiled a little. "i do say so. we should make Clint leave for getting along with him too." he decided. "well. are you sure? i bet Phil would look pretty sexy trapped underneath you." Steve teased with a grin before gasping as he found the hand tangled in his hair, dropping to his knees as ordered and whining as he sucked the other into his mouth. he wasn't anywhere near as good as Tony was, but Steve was getting better and better at it every time he 'practiced'. he moaned, suckling that warm length, shivering a little as he bottomed out, holding as much of tony inside of his throat as he could physically take, trying to mumble around that girth was impossible, which was why he did it. talking was impossible but he knew, from Tony's example, how damn good it felt.
“...You want to see me with someone else?”Tony said looking startled and a little hurt, confused. Groaning a little as the other sucked on his cock he sighed closing his eyes as he simply cupped the other’s jaw in his hand, rocking gently, carefully fucking the other’s mouth, groaning. “That’s evil, cap. My trick, trying to talk.”He shuddered whining a little as he squirmed before moving away, smirking as he looked down at teh other moving to sit down, smirking as he patted his lap.”Cross my legs, bad Captain. I’m going to wallop you one, and you’re goign to enjoy it, then I’m going to fuck you until you can’t sit.”Tony growled though he looked a little nervous, still not used to punishing his captain, and despite knowing steve liked it, he was still learning. Despite years of being a dominate and having sex, he had found that despite the skill, steve could make him nervous and unsure.
Steve smiled. "not really." he admitted. "i'm just trying to make you jealous so you'll punish me more. i'm in a mood." he admitted with a smile, realizing he'd hurt Tony's feelings a little. "i don't mean it. even if you and phil would look pretty together, i think Clint and me would kill each other in a fit of jealous rage." he admitted with a chuckle. he blushed and mumbled something again around that thick cock, looking highly pleased with himself before whining as he was pulled away, blinking. "across your legs? your... you're gonna..." he flushed hard, wondering why the idea of Tony spanking him turned him on so much. he'd been strapped, whipped even caned. but he'd never been spanked with the flat of Tony's hand before. he settled himself onto Tony's lap, blushing harder as he realized how... helpless he felt. there where no ropes, no chains, nothing tying him down and yet he felt like he was six again and had just been caught with his hand in the cookie jar. "will you be okay? don't hurt your hand." Steve warned, watching that hand intently, waiting for the first stroke. wondering what it would feel like. this already felt the most intimate of everything they'd ever done.
Tony looked up at the other, a quiet look on his face as he bit his lip before nodding. “I’ll definitely be punishing you.”He muttered though he still looked a little upset. “You would, wouldn’t you, naughty boy?Kill each other.”He shook his head in amusement before smirkng as he watched steve stutter a little nodding.”I am. Lay down.”He ordered absently rubbing the other’s ass, enjoying the feel of firm globes under his hand before snickering. “I’ll be fine, don’t worry. Count the strikes,Captain.”He ordered as he raised his hand and brought it down, the sharp smack of flesh on flesh sounding loud in the room.a
Steve flushed and smiled at the other. "good. i like being punished." he admitted. plus he felt he needed it. he was all worked up and without anything and anyone to really fight, punishment seamed to be the only thing that settled him down. back in the war, that was Bucky's job. they'd never fucked but James would strap him until he settled. "i would. i'd kill anyone who dared touch you." he admitted, growling the words. just as possessive as Tony was. he shivered at the hand on his ass and flushed a little. "Yes Sir." he whispered before yelping. not a pained one, more of a startled one, like he couldn't believe that had actually hurt. "O..One!, Two, T..Three...." on and on. the more he was smacked, the deeper into subspace he got until he was crying and begging for 'no more, don't stop, no more, don't stop'.
"You do for thinking I'd be as good with phil as with you. Idiot."tony growled smiling quietly at the other's growl something tight in his chest loosening at the idea of steve being just as possessive as he was. Shuddering as he listened to the other count off he stopped, rubbing a hand over the other's red skin, sighing quietly as he leaned in to press a kiss to the other's shoulder before gently nudging him to the floor, settling him on his back as he got the lube, and within a moment sliding into steve with a quiet moan as he rolled his hips.
he snorted. "as if i'd ever believe that. i just think seeing you two all sweaty and panting and turned on together would be cute." he admitted. "doesn't mean i'm gonna let you do it." he admitted. "that's what SGI and photo manipulation is for." he teased with a snigger before moaning into the smacks. he sniffled when Tony stopped, panting hard and crying as he wriggled a bit on Tony's lap. "ah.. no..." he pleaded as he was settled onto the floor. too far down to understand that Tony wasn't leaving. "Anthony... Anthony please.. Sir..." he whined, groaning as he felt the other sliding into him, babbling thanks and Tony's full name because he couldn't contain himself. soon he was just making noises again, moaning, mewling, keening and crying as he came, shuddering against Tony. it just felt so damn good.
“Cute...that’s not normally a word I think of when I’m naked...”Tony grumbled groaning a little as the other wiggled. Shivering as he stroked the other’s side.”I’m not leaving, I promise.”he reassured groaning at the sound of his full name, shivering as he came, slumping into the other before moving away just far enough to clean them both up before shoving their clothes around to make a pillow and curling up next to the other.
Steve chuckled a little. "i think your always cute." he admitted. he relaxed at Tony's promise that he wasn't leaving and moaned eagerly when the other came, simply laying there because he didn't have the brain function to move himself just yet. "love you." Steve slurred, snuggling into the other. "love you forever 'n ever." he mumbled before dropping into his usual doze. looking content and peaceful. it was amusing how someone could go from sobbing and sniveling to looking so calm they could be an angel.
“Love you to.”Tony muttered as he fell asleep. When he woke, tony groaned, snuggling tighter into the man he was laying on, which only made Natasha snicker more. Glancing at clint the female assassin smirked, holding out a hand. “You owe me. I told you they’d be down here having sex rather then getting ready to go.”She snickered before gently nudging steve, “Come on Cap.Time to get up.”She smirked a little nudging the blond’s leg with her foot.
Steve growled, wrapping his arms tighter around Tony, snuggling him. "Go 'way." Steve ordered sluggishly, Clint huffing as he handed over the money. he had wrongfully assumed that Steve at least would have some sort of control. "Go 'Way!" Steve ordered again, cracking open his eyes and glaring at Natasha. "what!?" he demanded, grouchy because he'd been having a very, very nice dream. "this better be good." he grumbled, sitting up and rubbing his eyes before pausing. "oh hell. Tony wake up Love, we're going to be late. we're supposed to be going to L.A. how long have we been asleep?"
Tony whined at being disturbed, sleep deprieved enough that he didn’t want to get up just yet. “No. Come on cap.”Natasha said snickering as she pocketed the money, amused that he had lost it. “Your daughter is very put out that her parents aren’t ready to go yet. She’s very excited about going on vacation.”The woman said snickering as tony simply shifted, snuggling closer, not moving to get up. As hard as it was to get him to go to sleep, once he was asleep, he was very hard to get up without coffee or bribes. “Just a hour. We just let you sleep while we got ready to go. And clint packed bags for you two. So we just need you two to get up.”
Steve sighed a little and shook his head. "i'll just carry him. he's impossible to wake up." he admitted, already dressing Tony. "of course she's excited for Vacation." he stated, with a chuckle. "she's three. she'd be excited about a doctors visit if we promised her a lolly." Steve admitted as he picked Tony up. "thanks for packing for us. you got everything?" "Yes Sir. i instructed Agent Clint on what needed to be packed." Jarvis promised. "Sir has all his paperwork he needs. as well as his suit." "alright then. lets go." Steve agreed with a grin, glad that they'd been allowed to sleep. he didn't like planes when he was in subspace. well, no he loved planes while he was in subspace. it was just that he wanted to jump out of them. Tony had given Steve a blistering lecture about jumping out of planes without parachutes. not that he always listened, but that was besides the point.
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