Tell All Tales (Avengers)Moon/Lady

he grinned and kissed Tony back. "i like Mickey too! we should certainly watch him after we get home!" he agreed with a grin. "i bet he's got all kinds of Cartoons out now." he admitted with a nod. "that's the only difference?" he asked, looking surprised. he ate all of his meal, muttering from time to time about how amazing food was in this century. peach pancakes and butter pecan french toast and just look at the blueberry syrup! "okay. it's official. this place is the best place ever... save for Ma's." he decided once he'd wiped the last of the syrup up. "did you enjoy your waffles bellissimo angioletto?" he asked, smiling at her. "are you ready to go skating?" he asked with a grin.
“”We will. Lots of movies.”Aliyah said sounding happy and pleased. “It is. Nothing really different.”Tony said amused snickering quietly at steve’s love for food. It was amusing and cute. “Save for ma’s, it’s very good here.”Tony agreed looking amused. “I did. They were good daddy.”Aliyah said as she finished before nodding excitedly, already moving to get up. “Yes!Let’s go papa. Hurry up.”She said already hustling them towards the door to go, amused as they walked a few blocks over to rockerfeller center, the girl giggling and talking happily to steve as tony got them ice skates and paid to go in.
he grinned. "and i bet they are all awesome!" he agreed. unaware that there was good dozen or more different tv shows on mickey as well. "i'm glad you liked them." Steve agreed, tossing a fifty on the table for tip since Tony was buying the meal. he followed Tony and let them measure his feet for skates and stepped out into the rink with wide eyes. "wow! that's... wow!" he was amazed. no snow on the ground, yet the huge outdoor area was frozen solid. there was a massive tree already in place though it wasn't lit. thankfully it wasn't too crowded either so Steve and Aliyah could fall all they wanted without getting laughed at. "so is it fake ice or something? how did they freeze it when it's not cold enough?" he asked, staggering onto the ice and promptly falling on his ass, wincing at the cold. "ow..."
Tony laughed a little as he held onto Aliyah’s hand, keeping her steady as she wobbled on her skates. While he wasn’t great at skating-cause well, duh he hated the cold- but he could skate. “ice machine under it. The machine drops the temperature of the ice, and keeps it cold enough to stay that way.”Tony explained before wincing, reaching out, “Come on. I’ll help you up.You okay?”He said looking worried. “Daddy!You okay?”Aliyah said wobbling over to look him over.
Steve chuckled as he watched Aliyah wobble over. "i'm just fine. i just fell." he promised, struggling to get back onto his feet. "this is way harder than it looks!" he complained, struggling to stay on his feet once he was there. as graceful as he normally was, this was hilarious. "oh go on and laugh i won't get mad." he promised Tony with a chuckle. he carefully managed to keep to his feet and stood there for a moment, wobbling and shivering like a newborn lamb on wobbly legs. he wasn't about to admit that the ice was bothering him a little bit. so much cold all over the place... he'd have to keep to his feet if he didn't want to touch it again.
“It is.”Tony said smiling a little, looking amused as he watched the two wobble, catching aliyah before she could fall, grinning as he laughed a little. “You are adorable.”Tony said smiling as he shook his head, looking worried for the other as he watched him shiver, reaching out a hand,”Come on.I’ll help you.”He said skating a little closer, hovering around the other man. Fairly glad that while the rink was busy, it wasn’t to bad.
Steve laughed a little and shook his head. "i am so not adorable." he complained, trembling under the effort of keeping it together. this was a date, he couldn't ruin it. he had to keep it together. it was a lot easier once he was off the ice. "nah, i'll hug the wall, you help Aliyah." he ordered with a grin as he watched her wobbling forward. "she's smaller, she'll get hurt worse if she falls." he admitted, watching Tony intently. "it's kind of sexy that you look so graceful on the ice." he admitted with a grin. "when we get home, you are totally fucking me." he whispered in Tony's ear before nudging him after Aliyah. he hung out by the wall and watched, at least until someone else new to the ice slammed into him by accident. he slipped and hit the ice, hard, a loud Crack echoing through the rink. it wasn't Steve's head that had cracked, but the ice. still, the sound was enough to make Steve remember, the cracking, deep echo of ice settling over him, crawling closer to his skin, freezing him solid. he cried out and curled up, desperate to escape the creeping ice from catching hold of him.
“You are to. So adorable.”Tony grinned before nodding, “I got Ali.” “Come on papa!”Aliyah demanded giggling happily as tony skated backwards to hold onto her hands. “...I totally am.”Tony agreed shivering a little as steve whispered to him. Both father and daughter totally focused on skating, not watching the other until he heard the crack of ice. Paling as he saw steve, “Daddy!Daddy okay?!”Aliyah said wobbling closer to steve in a hurry, crying out as she fell. “Papa!”She cried tears filling her eyes as she cracked herself, the splintering of her arm as she hit the ice. “papa!PAPA!” “Hey, hey I got you. Hold on.”Tony said starting to panic a little as he picked her up carefully, holding her even as he dialed loki’s number, knowing the sorcerer would be the best way to get both steve and aliyah home quickly. “Loki, I need you here. Now.”He demanded even as he skated closer to steve holding onto the crying toddler, crouching next to steve, “Steve?Cap?Can you hear me?”He asked reaching out to touch him gently, starting to panic himself.
Steve huffed. "i am not! i'm handsome! i'm not a girl!" he complained, even if he looked amused. "you are. nothing will stop us this time." he murmured. "not even the earth blowing up. i don't care. i'm loosing my virginity." he growled before chuckling a little as he watched them skate around. "someone call the hospital! this guy's hurt!" the woman who'd slammed into Steve ordered, sounding panicked and horrified that she had hurt someone. "here." Loki stated, appearing out of nowhere, with Bruce in tow. "fuck." Bruce groaned, pausing to keep his stomach from pouring all over the ice. "warn a person before you do things like that!" Bruce demanded before staggering over to Aliyah, gently examining her. "it's okay sweetie. you've broken your arm but it won't hurt for too much longer." he promised her. "can you be a big strong brave girl for me?" Bruce asked as he opened his medical kit and showed her the needle. "this will make your arm go numb so i can make sure it's not hurt too bad, okay? can you close your eyes, grit your teeth and count to ten for me?" he asked. Loki could heal the break, but it had to be set first. Steve was completely in-comprehensive, flinching away from Tony. "please... not the ice... not the ice... please..."
“You are adorably handsome, I stand corrected.”Tony smirked a little before nodding. “Definitely not stopping this time.”he smirked. Looking up at the woman he shook his head. “No he’s not. Calm down, you’re going to upset him more. The ice is freaking him out. Stop yelling.”Tony ordered the woman’s tone managing to force him into that headspace of iron man, where he could control his emotions in the face of helping someone. Aliyah sniffled crying as she looked up at Bruce, tony relieved to leave her with bruce as he focused on steve. “Promise?”Aliyah asked with huge tearful eyes before nodding, sniffling as she tried to relax.”Okay, I’m brave...what’s wrong with daddy?”She said crying, upset because her parents were upset. Closing her eyes as she counted. “Nope, no more ice. I promise. Loki, will you get Aliyah home for me, and watch her?I’m taking steve there now.”Tony said having already summoned the suit, anxious about leaving aliyah, but knowing he needed to get steve out of here. Swallowing hard as the suit settled around him, picking up steve, “come on Captain, we’re going home.”He said already heading for the tower, trusting the other two with aliyah’s safety.
he smirked. "that's not any better Tony." he complained, shaking his head. "jerk." he complained with an impish grin before everything went to hell. the woman stared at Tony, startled before going silent and nodding. "i'm so sorry. i didn't mean to..." she admitted, her voice much more soft now. "i promise." Bruce assured her with a smile. "Daddy is having a nightmare." he explained. "sometimes, when people have things that scare them a whole lot, they have nightmares when they aren't asleep." Bruce explained. slipping the needle into her arm once she started to count. it was a very effective numbing agent that would numb her entire arm, as well as make her rather drowsy. "there we go. feels better already doesn't it?" he asked her with a smile, setting the needle back in his kit. he would dispose of it properly later. "this is going to hurt just a little. close your eyes and count again okay?" once her eyes where closed he yanked on her arm, setting the bones in their proper place. with all the drug in her system, it felt more like a bee sting. or a pinch. "there we go, there's a good strong girl." Bruce praised, smiling at her and handing her a massive lolly pop. a rainbow swirly one. "i'll take her home and heal her." Loki promised Bruce. "you help Steve and Tony now."

Steve whimpered as he tried to escape the biting cold of the ice, shaking violently. Bruce gently drugged Steve as well, making him sluggish and drowsy so he wouldn't accidentally attack anyone. "T...Tony." Steve whimpered. "the ice... it's coming. the Ice." he whimpered, trembling wildly as Tony picked him up. "the Ice.... i don't want... the Ice..." he whined, Bruce scowling as he realized people where taking video. "That's enough!" he ordered, moving to do damage control, hoping to keep Steve's breakdown out of the news. he wouldn't succeed.
“I know you didn’t. Don’t worry about it. I should have known this was a bad idea. Just don’t make it worry.”Tony reassured the woman, tilting his head a little, calmer now that he had a plan on what he was doing. “Oh. Like when I see monsters under the bed?”Aliyah muttered looking up at her uncle. “Papa’ll fix it. He’s good at fixing things.”She said her utter trust in tony quite obvious, relaxing as the drug started to work, blinking sleepily. “It does.Okay.”She said closing her eyes again whimpering a little at the slight sting before giggling as she took the lolly pop, licking it as loki took her home.

“No it’s not. We just fell on it. It’s not coming.”Tony promised glaring at the people taking the video, even as he shifted his hold on steve, nodding towards bruce. “I’ll see you back at the tower.”He said looking anxious as he tucked steve’s face against the metal of the suit, and flipping the visor down as he took off towards the tower, already having jarvis start a bath before landing, hurriedly getting out of the suit and getting steve out of his clothes, glad that the drugs were well fit to steve’s metabolism, glad he was sluggish as he settled them both into a nearly burning hot bath, gently washing him, rubbing warmth back into his limbs.
the woman nodded and backed up a little so she wasn't in Tony's way. "yes, just like that." Bruce agreed, smiling at the little girl. "Daddy is just very scared right now." he admitted, shaking his head a little as she giggled and lapped at the lollipop. Loki would heal her arm once he had her back at the tower. the arm would have to be in a sling for a week or so because of weakness and muscle damage, but it was better than a broken arm.

"Fly carefully Tony." Bruce warned before heading off to handle the people and videos as best as he could. Steve cried out once they where in the air, panicked, thinking he was sinking into water as the air rushed past him, begging the Ice not to talk him. he cried out again as he felt the hot water on his skin, trembling as he opened his eyes, blinking as he stared off into nothing. "s...stop. please. not the ice..." he moaned, closing his eyes again, thinking the burning heat was icy coldness. as the heat began to soak into his body he started to calm down, the trembling easing off. "T...Tony?" Steve asked, starting to focus, though he couldn't really focus completely because of the drugs. "what... the Ice? where?"
“I will.”Tony said as he left. Wincing at steve’s begging, ducking his head to press a kiss to the other’s hair, hating that this was like this. That he couldn’t help.”Ice is gone, sweetheart. It’s not here.”Tony muttered gently rubbing his arms, trying to warm him, nuzzling him a little. “Yea, it’s me Cap.”He muttered looking down at the other, shifting so he could cuddle against the other, “It’s gone. We’re at home.Just relax, steve. We’re going to relax and warm up okay?”
Steve sighed a little, relaxing as he realized he wasn't freezing. "i'm sorry... i ruined our date." he muttered, closing his eyes. "i didn't mean to... the noise... the ice... i panicked i guess." he admitted softly. "i didn't know... i've never done that before..." he admitted, frowning a little. "what was that? all i could fee was the ice... i'e never..." he'd never had a flashback before. he'd had panic attacks of course, but nothing like what he'd just experienced.
“It’s okay. You didn’t ruin anything.”he muttered nuzzling the other a little, before nodding. “You did. It was a flashback, to freezing. You remembered what it was like, when you fell. It’s not that uncommon, I sometimes have them to.”he said swallowing thickly, focusing on steve in the effort to strive off his own panicky feelings over being in still water again.
he frowned. "a.. flashback? like when James thinks he's still under Hydra control and tries to kill us?" he asked, looking startled. "shouldn't i have been having those already if i was going to have them?" he asked, sounding a bit confused as he slowly sat up. "i don't like the tub.... can we go warm up in bed... the water..." he shook his head, standing up and escaping the weight of the water. he didn't mind taking showers or being in the rain but he didn't like being submerged in it too much. he could ignore it normally, but with him feeling so shaken he couldn't stand the feeling of water on his skin. he moved to the bed and crawled under the covers, curling up, that was so much better.
“Yea. Something like that. And well, you usually avoid things that could bring them on. I guess the ice and falling just triggered something.”Tony said before nodding eagerly. “Yes, lets get out.”He said relieved as he got up himself, drying off and following the other towards the bedroom before pausing.”I’ll be right back.I’m bringing Aliyah, so get dressed okay?”he said looking worried as he dressed himself and went to find aliyah. Looking relieved to see that the girl was relaxing and still drowsy from the drugs as she cuddled with loki. Gathering his hurt daughter up, muttering a quiet thanks to loki before heading back to the bedroom, “Daddy?”The sleepy girl asked as tony settled them both into the bed.”Daddy okay?”
he nodded. "that's true i guess... it was the sound i think. the sound of the ice breaking i mean." he admitted before scrambling out of the tub. "...okay." Steve agreed, happy to have Aliyah with him. he pulled on a pair of sleeping pants and then crawled back into bed. Aliyah was wearing a cute little pink arm sling that left her arm almost completely immobilized so she wouldn't hurt it more than it already was. "i'm okay bellissimo angioletto." Steve promised with a tired smile. "how about you. are you feeling okay?" he asked, examining her to make sure she wasn't hurt too badly.
Tony smiled a little, so glad that this was his life. Even with the dramatics and problems, knowing that his small family, and the others that he included as family, were safe and whole, and with him, pleased him endlessly. Settling onto his side he smiled amused that aliyah snuggled them both, quite content to be between them. “I’m okay papa. My arm hurts some, but uncle loki said it’d be okay.”Aliyah said just as tiredly. “Loki said it was clean break, and it’s healed, just weak. It’ll heal in a few weeks.”tony said reassuring steve the girl was okay
Steve smiled as he snuggled with his daughter, already feeling better. "a few weeks? does she not have special healing?" Steve asked, looking surprised. he'd assumed that since Aliyah had both Extremis and Rebirth running through her system she'd have special abilities like that. "well. as long as it's okay now. can't he heal it?" while Loki could, and had healed the break, the bone was still very fragile and the muscles where torn and weak still, there was nothing he could do about that. "well. i'm tired." Steve admitted with a sigh. "i guess i won't be getting laid tonight after all...." he grumbled, extremely unhappy about that. "tomorrow, okay? like... right away when i wake up." he mumbled. "cus i wanna feel you inside me..." and with that, Steve was asleep.
Tony paused thinking that over.”Oh.Yes. She does. I hadn’t considered that. Probably alot sooner then.”Tony said looking a little startled that he’d managed to forget that before nodding. “He healed it, but the bones and muscles are still healing. Its together, but its...still weaker then the old bone.”Tony explained before nodding. “I guess not. But first thing in the morning.”He agreed smiling as they fell asleep.

In the morning Tony smirked as he leaned over to kiss the other awake, smiling cause he’d managed to convince Aliyah to go bother phil and james for awhile, with the need to show james more kids shows, and he was going to finally seduce his lover. Smirking as he slid down, gently tugging the other’s pants down and sliding his mouth down over the other, having every intention of waking steve up in the best way possible.
he smiled a little. "well. we'll just have Loki and Bruce keep checking up on her." he promised before nodding. "that makes sense." he agreed with a sleepy smile.

Steve sighed as he was kissed, but he refused to fully wake up. too sleepy. it wasn't often he got a full nights rest. he hummed and wriggled, trying to dislodge Tony when he pulled his sleeping pants down. "ah... Tony... hmmmm." he moaned into the mouth on his cock, hips rocking slowly as he blinked. "'s... too early..." he groaned, arching into the suction. "'f this 's a dream imma be pissed." he mumbled, gripping the blankets tightly. he never gripped Tony's hair after he'd accidentally torn out a bloody chunk the last time he did it. Loki had set Tony back to rights in a matter of seconds but Steve didn't pull on Tony's hair when he was getting a blowjob anymore. "feels so good... Tony! gonna cum." Steve whined. good thing the super soldier didn't have a refractory period. he could cum three times in a row and not soften in the slightest so long as he was properly aroused.
Tony smiled around the cock in his mouth, content to go at it. He found his lover so adorable when he was sleepy and just waking up. Starting to hum a little he smirked as he swallowed down the other’s come as he did, squirming up to look down at him, settling on top of him as he leaned in for a kiss. “Good morning.”he said shuddering as he rocked his hips into the other a little.
Steve moaned eagerly as he came, shivering under the force of it before smiling at Tony. "that. is the best way to wake up, ever invented." he mumbled, kissing the other back. "mmm that feels good." he purred, grinning at Tony. "am i finally going to loose my virginity Tony?" he asked with a grin, setting his hands on the others hips. "your gonna make it worth the wait right?" he asked with a grin. "do all kinds of naughty things to me?" he asked, mostly to get Tony all hot and bothered.
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