Tell All Tales (Avengers)Moon/Lady

Reed nodded. "thanks Tony." he muttered, gently patting the other on the shoulder. "we'll find out everything we can. Sue and Pepper have always been friends. i doubt it was peppers fault and if it was i doubt it was on purpose." he sounded more like he was trying to convince himself of that. "Tony? everything okay?" Steve asked softly. "you two go get dressed okay?" Steve asked the girls, Jaimie looking concerned but nodding as she put her plate in the sink, reaching on her tiptoes to do it. she liked to help. she skipped off to get dressed and Steve glanced at Tony. "what is it?"
“Yea, I’m sure that’s what it is.”Tony said not about to pull the carpet out from under the other already upset man’s feet. He didn’t like the feeling of not knowing if pepper had done something or not. Shaking his head a little at steve he smiled, “Dress warm girls. It’s starting to get cold.”Tony said smiling as aliyah raced off after jamie, knowing the older girl would help aliyah get ready. Glancing over at steve as soon as tehy were gone, he sighed softly, “Sue tried to commit suicide last night.”
Steve looked a little worried about the other, watching the girls run off before gasping as Tony explained. "...fuck." he whispered. "that's. that's bad. i thought she was getting better? she sent you that letter, telling you how sorry she was..." he admitted before shaking his head. "there's nothing we can do about it anyway..." he admitted. "leave it to Bruce. he'll do everything he can." he assured the other. "she did fail after all. Bruce can help her, i'm sure of it." he promised Tony, taking the others hand and heading up to check on the girls, who where pulling on sweaters and shoes.
“Yea it is. But Bruce went with the other two to take care of things. And she was. Really. I don’t get this.But...there’s nothing to do. So we’re going to do what we can do. Take care of Jamie, and make sure she’s not upset by johnny being away for awhile.”Tony said knowing that even if he was at the tower, johnny was still going to be upset. Squeezing the other’s hand he smiled a little as he watched the girls get dressed, smiling as he helped the aliyah get her shoes on, “Ready princess?” “Yep papa.”Aliyah grinned, pouncing on the man, clinging to him like a monkey, grinning as they headed for the zoo. Smiling quietly as he paid to go in, letting the girls excitement for being at the zoo distract him from everything else.
Steve nodded. "i'm sure Bruce will figure it out." he promised, smiling a little. looking shaken but determined to make a happy day for the girls. and a happy day it was. they visited every single exhibit and Steve was almost as awestruck as the girls where at the sight of Lions, Hippopotamus, bears, red pandas and sharks. he nearly had a panic attack in the Aquarium but managed to breath through it, though he refused to go back in once he was safely out and made Tony take the girls through alone. he adored the butterfly gardens though, not as much as the butterflies had adored the colorful girls. both of them had been covered in the tickly little bugs, much to their delight. they ate dinner there at the Zoo and continued on to look at monkeys and chimps and rhinos. Steve's absolute favorite, was the set of foxes in a little den that poked their heads out, barked at them and ran around. not like lions that just sat there being boring.
Tony grinned amused as he followed the others around, content to let them take him. Finding it newly exciting to come to the zoo he’d gone to a million times before, when he saw it through their eyes. Utterly amused and pleased that they all liked it, he smiled as he pressed a kiss to aliyah’s hair as the girl sat on his hip, having tired herself out, the girl was clinging to him. “You three ready to go home?”He asked smiling a little as he watched steve and jamie watching the foxes in utter fascination.
Steve grinned as he wandered over to get them all an ice-cream cone. Steve absolutely adored Ice-cream. it was one of the few things he was familiar with even if it wasn't of the same quality he was used to. back in 'his' day, Ice-cream wasn't mass produced using chemicals. it was cream, ice and flavoring and that was it. "i think it's time to go home." Steve agreed with a smile. "we've seen the entire Zoo. we'll have to come again someday soon." he admitted. "this was really fun." he admitted, kissing Tony, ignoring the girls squeals of terror about cooties and ickyness. once they got home, Johnny Reed and Bruce where waiting, looking much more relaxed. "Sue has a ton of stitches but she was too scared to really cut too deep." Johnny admitted. "she wasn't even in any danger and she's so freaked out by her one attempt i don't think we have to worry about her doing it again." Bruce admitted before biting his lip. "i'm sorry Tony... it was Pepper." he admitted. "from what i understand Pepper's been making offhand comments about Sue not being worth life for the last several weeks." he admitted. "the police are going to be talking to her soon, but since Sue didn't actually die, there's not much they can do legally."
Tony smiled as he shifted his hold on Aliyah so he could eat his ice cream, before nodding. “Definitely. We’ll have to bring the other’s to.”He said grinning as the girls squealed about cooties, looking amused as he kissed the other back.Looking pleased when they got home, he looked relieved to know that the woman was doing okay. “Good. At least this freaked her out enough.”Tony said settling the dozing aliyah onto the couch before frowning, tilting his head a little. “...Bloody...”He trailed off, not about to curse in front of the girls, sighing quietly as he rubbed a hand over his face. His heart utterly battered at knowing what pepper had done. “Not much they can do. But I can.I’ll be back.”He said waving away their questions if they asked any, “I’ll be in the lab if you need anything.”he called over his shoulder as he headed downstairs, settling in to work on aliyah’s dog before having jarvis call Pepper, glad that the woman was staying in NYC, even if she wasn’t at the tower, at least talking to her would be easy enough. “Pepper! Love of my life, sweetest thing, the world’s best CEO. I have a project for you.”Tony said, knowing if he got her talking, she'd be her usual bitchy self. Ready to take the emotional battering of talking to her, if it meant he could do this. Even as he settled in to work at the computer even as he worked on the dog, working on both his new plan and dog cause well, he was tony and couldn't ever do one thing at once. So he was totally going to enjoy this.
he nodded. "Loki would get a kick out of all the animals. or think we're all barbarians. it depends on what mood he's in i think." he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "Thor will definitely have a good time." he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "yeah she won't be trying again." Johnny admitted, sounding very tired but oh so very relieved, smiling as Jaimie crawled into his lap and sleepily babbled about everything they had seen. "Tony. be careful okay? don't do something that will hurt you." Johnny pleaded. "i care a lot more about you being happy than i do about making Pepper pay for something." he admitted, chuckling as Steve got his 'Tony's avoiding issues and now i'm frustrated' face.

"Tony! i've been trying to call you all day!" Pepper bitched. running a litany of scathing complaints amidst orders that Tony needed to do this, that sign there be at this gala. she didn't seam to even be aware he wasn't interrupting her the way he usually did.
“Loki always thinks we’re barbarians.”Tony pointed out with a smile. “I promise, I’ll be careful. Anyways, I’ve been thinking of doing this for awhile now, this just gives me a perfect opening to do it.”Tony said over his shoulder, knowing that eventually steve would follow him down, perfectly aware that he was avoiding issues, but doing it anyways.

“I’ve been busy Pepper. Aliyah wanted to go to the zoo.”Tony smirked amused as he worked, waiting for her to wind down before smirking. “Hey pepper? Will you come over for dinner?I was telling Aliyah about everyone that was important to me, and she wanted to meet you. Not to mention, me and steve have been fighting, so having you around would mean he’ll be nice. Come on, pepper-pot, come visit, you haven’t visited since Ali came to live with me.”Tony said, in his usual ‘tony wants something, usually sex’ voice.
he chuckled a little and nodded. "good point. yes. he kind of does." Steve agreed. looking amused. "what are you planning?" he asked, looking both curious and amused.

"the Zoo? did she like it?" Pepper asked, sounding quite happy to talk about Aliyah. while she didn't fully approve of Tony keeping Aliyah, she did adore the little girl. "oh, so because Steve's no longer letting you fuck him every ten seconds you want to fuck me? fine i'll come over but you won't like it." Pepper warned, sounding smug and superior. "i'll be there tomorrow night then." Pepper decided. "i'm busy tonight." she admitted. "i'm going on a date actually." she admitted, sounding quite pleased. "so we won't be having sex." she warned. "i have to go. do everything i told you to!" Pepper ordered before hanging up.
“You’ll just have to wait. After all, I have plans on having sex. You’ll be distracted by my awesome planning skills, to have sex if I tell you.”Tony said, sounding amused, because well, he enjoyed knowing things others didn’t.

“She did. Her and jamie ran around all day. It was amazing.”Tony grinned amused. “Hmmm, something like that.”Tony said smirking to himself as he worked. She was going to get fucked, but neither of them were going to enjoy it. It was definitely going to be interesting. “Tomorrow then. HAve fun.”Tony said rolling his eyes a little as he settled in to work, and indeed, didn’t do anything except working on aliyah’s dog. Getting so distracted by recreating a new AI for the dog, and playing with the other dog, that the man didn’t stumble up to bed until the early morning hours. Snuffling a little as he collapsed out onto the bed with steve, he muttered sleepily.” distracted....Sexy times later...”he muttered patting steve's cheek in apology, he was so very adorable when he was so utterly tired.
Pepper couldn't help but chuckle. "it's good for them to have each other." she agreed. "little girls love animals. anyway i'll be there tomorrow. i'll have Jarvis announce me." she promised. Steve just chuckled when Tony crawled into bed. he'd woken up as soon as Tony stumbled in. he had taken food and coffee down to the other but he wasn't sure if the other had noticed. "it's fine." Steve promised, closing the book he'd been reading and turned out the light so they could snuggle.

that evening Steve was taking the high road for a while because he didn't think he could look Pepper in the face without punching her. Johnny and the others where doing the same. Phil was at least staying with Tony, and James too. as well as Clint and Natasha. now if only Phil could look at James without blushing and Loki would stop plotting the best way to turn Pepper into a cockroach. "Sir. Mrs. Potts is here." Jarvis informed them. he sounded almost shocked. "Tony! it's been a while!" Pepper called as she walked in, beaming, a hand on her swollen, pregnant belly. she was large enough you could tell she was pregnant, though she was probably only a few months, if that, along. "oh. my. god..." Clint whispered, stunned at the baby belly. "....well that's a surprise." Phil agreed before moving to greet her, pretending he didn't want to murder her. he couldn't now of course, being that she was pregnant. but he wanted to!
Indeed, tony hadn’t noticed the other had brought him food and coffee, so intent on working that he’d simply nibbled on the food and drank the coffee in a daze of work. “kay. So happy your okay with me good to not get yelled at.”Tony muttered sleepily, snuggling closer as he fell asleep.

“J?You okay?”Tony frowned at the tone of the AI’s voice, frowning slightly. Vaguely bemused at everyone abandoning him and the super spies to dealing with pepper. Before staring as she walked in, paling quickly. “If you tell me it’s mine, my boyfriend’s going to kick me out of bed. Please tell me its not.”Tony said his voice starting to sound panicked. “ did none of us know this?”Natasha said staring, looking utterly shocked herself for once as she smiled at the other woman, even if she wanted to yell at her for how she treated tony, she was willing to play along with whatever tony was up to. “Hey pep.”Tony said recovering quickly as Aliyah ran into the room, having been playing in her room until she heard the others talking. Running in carrying her stuffed leopard toy she’d gotten at the zoo she ran right for her papa, hiding behind his legs as she looked up at pepper, still shy enough around people she didn’t know well, to be clinging to him. “hi.”She said shyly looking up at her. “Come on. There’s some paperwork I had for you.”Tony said smiling a little as he absently stroked aliyah’s hair reassuringly.
Steve chuckled. "considering you've gone weeks without a working overdose, i'd say you where overdue." Steve understood that just like him and his deep need to run off energy or draw th faces of people he loved, sometimes Tony just needed to work.

Pepper rolled her eyes. "it's not yours. i told you i was dating someone." she stated, looking amused. "turns out that condoms can break if your too rough." she admitted, patting her belly. "it's weird though, i was always told by the doctors that i couldn't have babies." she admitted before shrugging. "i kept it quiet. i wasn't sure how people would react, but i wasn't... you know... for sure whose it was..." she admitted. "so i didn't want to say until i knew for certain." she admitted. "they can do DNA tests on fetus's now that don't hurt the baby." she admitted before smiling brightly at Aliyah. "hello Aliyah. my name is Pepper." she explained, smiling at the little girl. "wait, you actually did the paperwork i asked you to?" Pepper asked, looking startled before examining him intently. "are you sick?"
“Yea, they can. Though I’m amazed your sex life is that rough. You didn’t enjoy it.”Tony said pouting a little, teasing her as he smiled before looking relieved though, glad for not having to worry about her being pregnant with his kid before smiling as he nade a face, “Hi.”Aliyah said. “I did. Sorta., and I’m not sick!I am not that bad at doing paperwork. Don’t be so surprised.”Tony sulked before handing her the folder with the paperwork, and it would only take her a few moments to see that instead of the paperwork she’d asked for, she was holding the paperwork removing her from being CEO of stark industries.
she shook her head. "i don't like it." she admitted. "at least not the stuff your into. i don't like being hit or held down but it feels pretty good when he...." she paused, flushed bright red and cleared her throat. "never mind." she stated calmly before blinking at the paperwork, uncomprehending for a moment before she looked up at Tony, confused. "i don't understand...." she looked furious and hurt. "you can't just decide to remove me as CEO without even talking about it! what the fuck Tony!?" she demanded. "is this some jealous play to make me regret moving on!? your suck a fucking child!" she snarled, tearing into him with all the hateful words she had before leaving, slamming the doors and promising him that he'd regret this! "well. that went well." Remy commented, having walked in for the showdown, not realizing they had company. "you want me to blow her up Amico?" he asked hopefully, lifting his fingers which where glowing red. "i can you know. if you want me to."
Tony smirked snickering a little as pepper blushed looking amused. Tilting his head as he watched her. “Yes I can. I checked. I still own controlling interest in the company, and as such, I can remove you from CEO on whatever grounds I want, without warning. And considering what you did to sue, and how you treat me, I’m removing you. It has nothing to do with you dating, I don’t give a fuck.”Tony shrugged wincing as he realized he’d cussed in front of aliyah, wincing as he felt the girl trembling against him as she responded to the anger in the room. Swallowing hard he pulled on his brave face, willing to let the others see just how much her yelling at him, and berating him had managed to hurt. More then anyone else, pepper potts had always managed to make him believe the hateful, hurtful things she said. “No, she’s not worth it.”Tony sighed quietly, picking up his crying daughter, nuzzling her a little. “Come on Tink, we’re going to go watch a movie.”He said nuzzling her a little before heading for the girl’s bedroom, having jarvis put on frozen, settling on the bed with her. Retreating and hiding, refusing to let anyone see just how badly he was bleeding inside. Knowing he should go see steve, but not ready to face his boyfriend just yet.
Pepper was one mad bitch to say the least, all her hard work, ruined! as if she'd wanted to spend her life catering to Tony fucking Stark! well, he'd get his soon! her new Tony would see to that! Steve left Tony alone for the duration of the movie, but when the credits started to roll he slipped into the room without a sound, slipped into the bed and simply held Tony without a word, stroking the man's hair and kissing his forehead he comforted Tony without a word. Steve, more than anyone, knew how much Tony was hurting, even if he hid it well.
Tony stirred a little as steve came in,tensing a little before relaxing as the man simply held him. "Papa okay now?"aliyah muttered sleepily as she nuzzled her father."yea I'm good sweetheart. Get some sleep okay?" "Kay papa. I love don't need the mean lady."Aliyah muttered as she fell asleep making tony laugh quietly as he tugged steve out of the room. Silent till they got to their room before pouncing on the other with a hard kiss, reverting to the tony stark that the newspapers knew and loved, the tony that used sex and a good time to simply make himself forget how much he was hurting."you said something about wanting me to Fuck you?"he growled impatient hands tugging at steve's clothes,eager to get him undressed. For a man who'd wanted to be romantic,steve had to know how badly he was emotionally reeling to simply forget all his plans.
Steve smiled a little. "Papa is fine." he promised Aliyah. "and your right, we don't need the Mean lady at all." he agreed, following Tony silently, letting Tony pounce on him, kissing him hard. "no." he growled. "i'm going to fuck you, because you'll never forgive either of us if you fuck me while your in this state. go get naked, get the handcuffs and get on the bed while i figure out where we put the lube." he ordered with a grin. he knew it got Tony all hot and bothered when Steve issued orders. he found the lube in the mini fridge, which was a weird place for lube but it would be fun to work Tony open using ice cold liquid. he grinned a little, stripped himself naked and bounced back into the room for fun, kinky sex. "i'm gonna fuck you so long tonight, you won't sit for days." Steve warned, looking amused.
Tony growled at being told no."no?what?no. I want to Fuck you."he growled sounding annoyed even as his body responded to the idea of being fucked. He'd gone years without bottoming, but damned if steve didn't know how to make him squirm. Sulking even as he stripped and followed the orders settling on the bed as he watched steve look for the lube. Shivering as he realized it would be ice cold."why is the lube in the fridge? I mean I know I was angling for kitchen public sex but putting it in the fridge to hide it from the other's was extreme cap."he teased shuddering."days is it?"
Steve snorted. "not in this state you aren't." he stated firmly. "i have no idea why it was in the fridge, i thought you put it there? maybe when you where half asleep?" he wondered, examining the Lube. "or maybe Clint or James are playing jokes again." he mused. shrugging. "yes. days." he admitted, grabbing Tonys wrists and gently pulling them behind his back and handcuffing him. "there, now you can't escape me. i wonder if i shouldn't spank you, punish you for trying to order me about? hmm?" he teased, rubbing his hands on Tony's firm ass. "i bet you'd like that too much. maybe i'll find that cock ring you keep trying to hide?" he asked with a smirk.
“Yes I can.”Tony growled sounding utterly annoyed before frowning, looking thoughtful. “Maybe I did. I don’t know....and Clint would totally put the lube in the fridge...though if it was james, we might have to ask phil what they were doing in the kitchen so we can clean it up.”Tony huffed a little before growling as he was handcuffed, squirming a little, shuddering as the other teased him, closing his eyes, whimpering. “No!you can’t have the cockring.”he growled, sounding annoyed at the reminder, still to much in his own head, to much in control to really be enjoying the thought of having sex just yet, and it showed in his face, anxiety and pain flickering through his eyes along with lust.
he shook his head. "no you can't. i refuse." he stated calmly before wrinkling his nose. "they better not have fucked on my kitchen table." he growled before smirking a little at Tony. "oh. i think i want the Cockring." he admitted, giving Tony's ass a firm little smack before rubbing it again. "ask nicely and i'll suck you off before i go get it." he ordered with a grin, wrapping his hand around the others cock, stroking it slowly, playing with the head while he lowered his own and ran a long swipe of his tongue from tony's balls to his ass. that was a trick he'd learned from Tony. one that worked very, very well on Steve, who would come unglued at the first hint of a tongue on his balls or ass.
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