Tell All Tales (Avengers)Moon/Lady

“Nooo please no.”Tony whined squirming a little, shuddering as the other stroked him softly, hips jerking up helplessly as steve’s tongue touched his cock, legs falling open as the other licked him, definitely coming undone as the other licked him, squirming, desperate. “Please steve, please come on, don’t use the cockring. Please, please, please.”He whimpered, squirming and dropping fast, his emotional tormoil over what he had done to pepper, dumping him even faster into subspace then normal, bypassing his normal fighting to not drop, whimpering as he squirmed.
Steve smirked a little. "look at how cute you are once you give in." he teased. "alright, since you've been such a good boy today, i won't make you wear the cock ring." he promised, removing his hand from the others cock and drove his tongue against that hole, lapping at Tony simply because he loved the way Tony was squirming. "hmm. time for some Lube i think, hmm? oh! it's the flavored kind. Strawberry. i like this one the most." he admitted with a grin, popping it open and letting the ice cold oil drizzle down, the liquid hitting Tony's tailbone and sliding down over his hole and down to his balls, leaking down Tony's cock to drip off the tip. "you know, i read about something called Hot and cold play. maybe i should go get a candle?" he asked with a grin. "you did say you liked Wax play."
Tony whimpered, squirming a little. “Am not cute.”he whined a little, moaning loudly as the other tongued him, squirming and needy, panting, before nodding eagerly. “Yes, yes please. Please more.”Tony whimpered, it was so adorable when he dropped easily, he became so utterly adorably needy. “I know. I bought lots for you.Wanted you to be happy with the lube!”He yelped as the ice cold oil drizzled on him, squirming moaning, panting as he squirmed, shuddering, definitely enjoying the idea of hot and cold. “please, please, I do. Please, Cap.”
Steve grinned a little. "you are. super adorable." he admitted before smirking at the others begging. "wait here." he ordered. "i'll be right back." he promised, getting up and moving tot he closet to get the beginners candles. they where specially made for people just getting into wax play, they melted at such a low temperature that even at the hottest, they could only scald a little bit instead of burn. "here!" Steve chirped, moving back over after putting a few more tubes of lube into the fridge, smirking. "there. now then." he fumbled a bit with the lighter, mumbling about how they had been easier to use back in 'his' day before getting the candle lit. he entertained himself by spreading ice cold lube all over Tony's back before splattering patterns of wax onto his back, peeling the wax off, applying more cold lube and repeating.
“Can’t really move.”Tony whined a little, sounding slightly anxious as the other moved away. Deep enough in subspace that he didn’t like being left, even more a few moments. Snickering quietly at steve’s complaint, and by the time they finished, tony stark was a exhausted, utter mess as he trembled, squirming, completely wrecked as he came again, looking utterly spent as he laid in a puddle of both come and melted ice, trembling a little. It seemed they’d managed to find the limit of what extremis was willing to help him recover from, not even able to get it up again as he blinked owlishly at the good captain. “...okay?You okay?”He whimpered, wanting to know if he needed to do something to make sure steve was taken care of. Well aware that the other had been focused on him, and wanting to make sure the other was well taken care of to.
Steve chuckled a little. "true." he admitted. he smiled once Tony was done, carefully peeling off what was left of the wax and uncuffing him. "i'm fine." he promised with a smile. "you didn't notice but i came a few times myself." which was true, sort of. he'd cum once, just watching Tony writhe about for his final orgasm. Steve didn't mind though, seeing Tony wrecked like that was all the satisfaction he'd needed. "go to sleep Tony." he ordered with a chuckle, closing his eyes as he pulled Tony into a snuggle, sighing softly as he relaxed. he couldn't believe how good he felt just from taking care of Tony. was this what the books had meant when they said the Dom would have their own head-space? certainly seamed like it.
Tony shuddered a little as he was uncuffed, sighing quietly as he slumped into the bed, smiling quietly. “Kay. Glad you had fun.”he muttered smiling at the other in that utter contented way that didn’t happen often. “Kay. Sleeping.”he muttered snuffling closer to steve, nuzzling the other as he pressed close, sighing quietly as he relaxed, falling to sleep.

In the morning Tony smiled softly as he sat on the edge of the bed, cross legged and contented as he watched steve sleep ,amused that for once, the other had slept longer then him. “You were amzing last night.”He muttered simply watching steve, aware enough to know that steve had simply taken care of him last night for the most part, instead of taking care of himself. “you are to good for me.”He muttered not aware that the other was waking up, simply talking to himself. “I so don’t deserve you. Pepper was right, I don’t...I promise I’ll make you happy. I’ll try. I will.”He muttered needing to know he’d take care of steve, needing to take care of steve even if he knew he sucked. Pepper’s emotional battering from the day before, having left him with all the emotional vulnerablities laid open and bear, even if he had dealt with the utterly raw emotions from the night before, and managed to get control again, the woman had managed to set him back months, probably years in his emotional handling of relationships.
Steve had started waking up as soon as Tony started talking. he sighed, content in his sleepy fog, reaching out and wrapping an arm tight around Tony, snuggling him in tight. he wasn't really sure what Tony was saying, but he could hear the pain in Tony's voice and he didn't like it. "Love you, Tony." Steve mumbled. "don't leave me." Steve mumbled, still half asleep that he was voicing his own greatest fear. that Tony, like everyone else in Steve's life, would leave. would die. would leave him alone again. "Aliyah's coming." Steve mumbled, slowly sitting up and blinking sluggishly. "....fuck! Aliyah's coming! Tony! hide the toys!" he ordered, leaping out of bed, all awake in an instant and throwing the candles, the lube and the handcuffs in the closet and pulling all the old melted wax into a pile and cramming it in the garbage, blinking when the footsteps he heard raced past the door. "oh..." he sighed. "goodness, i frightened myself... morning."
Tony yelped a little as steve grabbed him, squirming a little to get comfortable when he realized the other was still mostly asleep, smiling quietly as he was held. “Love you to.Not going anywhere unless ou tell me to.”he promised, because he would always do what he thought steve wanted him to do. Would always try to do what was best for the other. Startling at steve’s words he yelped, before rushing to help steve clean up before collapsing back into the bed just as the footsteps raced past.”...wonder who that was.”He muttered before smiling at the other. “Morning.”He said stealing a kiss, the emotions and vulnerablities easily hidden, though steve could see the fragility around the edges, he was trying so hard to put on the brave face to deal. Opening the bedroom door he peeked out wanting to know who’d been running, yelping as aliyah smacked into his legs. “Papa!Morning!”She giggled, the 3 year old clinging to him.
Steve grumbled when Tony squirmed, unhappy that Tony was interrupting his attempts to go back to sleep. "won't ever ask. Love you too much." he mumbled back. "want you to stay forever." he mumbled. "got you in my nipple you know." he pointed out. "Jaimie maybe? getting Aliyah up?" he wondered before smiling at Tony. "we should go out on a date." he decided. "i still haven't lost my virginity you know, and i won't let it be anyone but you." he admitted before flushing brightly, hiding his nudity behind a pillow when Aliyah ran in. "T..Tony your naked!" he protested. Aliyah sweetie we need to get dressed, go watch Cartoons for a bit okay?"
“You do.”Tony muttered, awake enough to remember what steve had said, but not pointing out that it’d be healed if steve took it out. For once, wanting to believe something would last. “Maybe.”Tony muttered before nodding, grinning at the other. “We should.”She said sounding at the idea, before frowning, looking down, flushing as he realized he had indeed gotten up naked. Covering himself with a hand he smirked a little, amused that aliyah simply nodded,”Okay daddy.”She said before racing off. Tony sighed running a hand through his hair, even as he started getting dressed, the slamming drawers the only sign that he was over agitated and annoyed. “We should go out. And who are you thinking wants your virginity anyways?Besides me.”Tony said sounding annoyed at steve even considering someone else having sex, even if tony knew logically it hadn’t been steve looking or even noticing someone else, but it was more that he was feeling vulnerable enough to be snappish and annoyed with everything.
Steve chuckled a little and shook his head. "we should have a family night, just the three of us." he decided. "we did promise Aliyah she could come out on a date with us." he admitted with a smile before grimacing as he watched her leave, heading for his own dresser and pulling out his favorite pair of underwear. a lacy Iron Iron man pair. "Tony. i know for a fact that if i'm ever captured by Dr. Doom the first thing he's going to do is milk me of every drop of sperm in my body before raping and then murdering me. something about genetic experimentation." he admitted. "and then there's that Quick Silver bastard, he wants to rape all of us from what i understand, starting with you." he admitted as he pulled on a shirt. "i would never sleep with anyone but you, but even i run the risk considering the kinds pf psychotic freaks that are after us." he admitted. "i want my first time to be with the person i love most in this world." he admitted, smiling at Tony. "after all, i waited three years for you." he admitted, pulling the other into a kiss. "don't wait too much longer or i'll get frustrated and just ride your cock myself." he teased with a chuckle.
“Let’s. A family night it is.”tony huffed a little sighing quietly as he glanced over at the other, studying the underwear, smirking ever so slightly, slumping slightly. Feeling horrible for not even thinking about that, he hadn’t even considered that steve would be wanted like that....or that quick silver wanted them all or....shuddering a little he sighed softly. “....Sorry. I didn’t...”He huffed rubbing a hand over his face, leaning into the other, kissing him back. “Hm, that might be hot though. You riding my cock...”he muttered sighing ever so softly, leaning into the other. “...Forgive me?I’m not....I hate pepper.”He muttered hating more the effect she had on him rather then anything else. “Tonight. We’ll have family night, then I’ll make the first time something awesome.”Tony hummed leaning into him.
Steve smiled, settling his hand on Tony's face, cradling the others cheek. "your shaken. it's okay. Pepper leaves us all feeling more than a little pathetic and unworthy." he admitted. "the last time i talked to Pepper i had half a thought to go dive into the arctic ocean again in the hopes i could be frozen again so i'd stop being a hassle to everyone." he admitted. "she's a filthy bitch who knows the best way to get under everyone's skin." he admitted. "and i'd hurt myself if i rode your cock. i can't even get two fingers inside of myself." he grumbled. "i dunno if i'm doing it wrong or if it's just the angle..." he admitted, shrugging before he smiled. "we should go to Ma and Pa's again and then go ride the carousel at the boardwalk. Aliyah would love that. or maybe go Ice-skating? i've never been able to before." he admitted softly.
Tony nodded a little, sighing softly as he leaned into the others hand, closing his eyes, simply taking comfort in the other’s touch, shifting to snuggle against him. “...yea. She does.And she’s known me long enough to know what buttons to push.”he sighed quietly, knowing there was things that he should be taking care of, of dealing with SI, but he wanted nothing more then to simply spend the day with his family. “Hmm, probably just the angle. Its hard the first few times.”Tony said smiling slightly as he stole a kiss before nodding, “Let’s.I liked their food.”He said refusing to shiver at the idea of the cold, but willing to entertain the other’s need to do something that was a part of a traditional new york christmas, willing to indulge him since he’d never done it before. “We’ll go skating. Ali’ll love it.”He grinned as he pulled away finishing dressing before smiling,”Lets go get Aliyah and breakfast. Then we’ll go.”
Steve smiled a little at the other and wrapped his arms around him, holding him close. "she's very good at finding those buttons." he admitted. "she'll get whats coming to her." he promised. "just so long as i never have to look at her face again." he admitted with a smile. "hmm. it is difficult getting back there. my muscles get in the way. i'm not very flexible, not like you." he admitted. "i can actually fold you in half, it's kind of awesome." he admitted with a grin. "i like their food too." he agreed. "Ali loves everything." Steve pointed out with a smile, pulling on the last of his clothes. "i was thinking we could go to that pancake place. the International House of Pancakes? people say it's amazing." he admitted. "then we could go Ice-Skating and then stop at Ma's for lunch." he suggested, watching Tony. "please?"
“No, you wont have to.”Tony promised nuzzling the other a little before smirking, rubbing a hand over the other’s back.”Hm, its okay. I’ll take care of you, as I love these muscles. Definitely worth not being flexible.”tony muttered before shuddering, smirking a little. “I’m not that flexible. Though I think you put that to the test last night.”And indeed he was moving a little stiffly, even with extremis healing him, he still moved stiffly. “Well, she does. She’s easily pleased. Sorta makes me wonder how things were before really...”Tony muttered before grinning. “You are such a dork. You just want to go to the house of pancakes.”he teased before nodding. “We can.”He said amused that he was getting the puppy dog look when he would have agreed to about anything to make up for his mood, needing to make sure the others were happy.
he flushed a little and rubbed the back of his head. he still wasn't used to honest compliments. "yes. well... makes sparring Natasha a pain in the ass that's for sure." he admitted before he smirked. "hey, it's your own fault, you kept begging me to keep going." he teased, nuzzling the other. "soon it will be my trn to beg, huh?" he asked with an impish grin. "i'm sure she and her mother stayed inside all the time. probably locked in a room or a floor of His tower." he admitted. "i can't imagine Him letting them out much, probably worried that they'd leave." he admitted. "yes. yes, i do want to go to the international house of pancakes. it's a house, of pancakes! Tony. THE place for pancakes!" he pointed out. "i HAVE to go!" he complained. "Clint said so! and then Phil agreed! Phil! so it's a must!" clearly he hadn't known it existed until yesterday or he wouldn't be so worked up about it.
“Hm, it does, but Natasha is freakishly flexible. No one is as flexible as her.”Tony snickered a little whining quietly at the other’s words. “I know, but you didn’t have to listen, though it’s probably what I needed.”he smiled a little before nodding, smirking as he did.”Definitely. And you will bed. Alot.”He smirked nuzzling him back before shuddering, nodding a little at the idea of stephanie and aliyah being stuck inside all the time. “Probably something liek that.”He muttered as they headed for the door, snickering at steve’s reaction to the house of pancakes. It was adorable. “Well, we’ll go then. And phil never agrees with things, definitely something we have to do.”He agreed grinning as he smiled at the sight of james and aliyah watching dora the explorer, the toddler looking very serious as she explained the show to the assassin. “Aliyah, we’re going out. Lets go dressed sweetheart.”he smiled a little as he went with her helping her get dressed before returning with a smile, the small girl giggling happily at the idea of spending yet another day with her parents. It was such a treat to the young girl who was still getting used to spending so much time with people she loved, “Papa said we’re going to get pancakes daddy!”She said walking over, holding her hands up to steve to get picked up.
Steve snickered. "i'm pretty sure she can remove her own bones sometimes." he admitted. "Black Widow should be a serpent or something." he admitted. "it was what you needed. besides you made the most amazing sounds, how could i possibly say no?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow and looking rather mischievous. "remind me to go buy more candles though. i want to try that too and i used most of them on you." he admitted. "good! because we have to go." he agreed, nodding. "we're going to get pancakes!" Steve informed Aliyah with a grin. "have you ever been to the International House of Pancakes?" he asked her, glancing at James, wondering why he was here instead of with Phil. "you okay James?" he asked the other, his head tilted, glancing at the TV, hiding a laugh. the Care Bears. James was watching the Care bears....
"You know I wish I could say the idea of that surprises me but it really doesnt. She is part serpent."tony snickered a little before blushing at the other's compliment."well I guess you couldnt. And I always am amazing."tony snickered before nodding."we'll get some. I totally want to try that with you."tony smirked. Aliyah looked at her parents with wide eyes nodding."they have good pancakes!"she giggled happily. "Perfect."James flicked a glance at him as he turned off the tv knowing why the man was asking. Having gotten better at totally not avoiding cap,having relaxed and settled."Aliyah expressed a desire to show me these bears."he explained with a smile well aware it was definitely weird to watch
he chuckled a little and nodded. "part spider part snake, now there's a creepy crawler to avoid." he agreed. "you are always amazing." he agreed with a smile. "we'll definitely get some. later." he agreed. "when Aliyah isn't with us. she'll ask all kinds of weird questions." he admitted. "good! i love pancakes!" Steve agreed before smiling at James. "good." he patted the other on the head. "i'm going to go get a sugar rush. don't destroy the place." he ordered, already heading for the car. James knew just how focused Steve could be when it came to some things, odd things really. he'd gotten this focused once over finding a perfect teddy bear for his mother. in the end he'd lost a pint of blood and a world of patience making his own for her. he'd gotten like this too when the first Mickey Mouse cartoon had been introduced to Brooklyn. he had become completely obsessed with watching Mickey. now he was obsessed about I-hop.
“...yea. No taking a kid to the sex shop. Bad parenting there, not to mention the questions.”Tony snickered a tthe idea before smirking a little as james glared at being patted on the head. “Have fun. And I wont. I’m going back to bed actually.”he smirked grinning as he did indeed head back to bed, and to phil.

When they got there tony smiled a little as aliyah planted herself in his lap,snuggling and generally being as cuddly as she could get away with as he helped her pick out her pancakes, father and daughter both settling on the sugary chocolate chip pancakes, with syrup and orange juice. “You’re like being obsessive there cap.”Tony teased watching him.
Steve snickered a little and nodded. "yeah exactly." he admitted with a chuckle before smirking at James. "well good." Steve huffed. "if your sleeping, then your not breaking my things." he teased, smirking at his best friend. "have to wonder whose the dominant of you two though." he admitted with a snigger as he skipped out.

"it is the International House of Pancakes Tony!" Steve complained, sulking at Tony, annoyed he was being teased. "you should have seen me when Mickey first came on screen." he commented. "i think i'm going to get one of these, one of these, one of those and that one." he decided nodding. "plus a Belgium waffle and a french toast... what's the difference between regular waffles and a Belgium waffle?" he asked curiously.
“Whoever said anything about sleeping?”James said smirking a little before rolling his eyes. “Definitely me.”James called smirking a little.

“I know. It’s just adorable.”He said leaning over to kiss the other man lightly. “I like mickey, daddy. We should watch mickey when we get home.”Aliyah decided smiling as she snuggled tony. “Belgium waffles have bigger squares to put syrup in.”Tony said smiling as they settled in with their food, starting to eat.
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