Tell All Tales (Avengers)Moon/Lady

“Don’t do that!”Tony whined making a face at that, before snickering a little.”And you know the gifts are never stopping. Definitely have to pace myself now.”Tony said smiling a little before smirking. “I’ll work on the serenading then.”Tony snickered a little before nodding.”She will.And definitely keeping those gifts going. She’s to good to not do so.”Tony smiled a little before sighing as he looked at the dog, nodding. “Jarvis checked. And I looked it over again. It’s not. Made sure it wasn’t recording or transmitting anything like that. And if it has a hidden goal, it’s so deep in the AI that neither me or Jarvis can find it. I don’t like it, but it’s a good present.”Tony sighed, looking disgusted with himself, smiling quietly as he moved over to steve. “Yes, but consider this. This is like the perfect pet. She gets the responisbility of having a pet, without having to worry about taking it for walks or dog crap until she’s older, and we’ll get her a real puppy when she’s old enough to do all that stuff.”Tony muttered sighing as the dog sat. “This is like the perfect pet.....and I doubt I’m the only one who thinks so.”Tony pointed out, well. At least that confirmed steve was right, tony suspected he knew who got it to. And tony, despite all his faults and worries, also knew something else. ‘Tony’ might have killed his wife, but he’d never hurt his child. Stephanie might have worried about Aliyah in his care, but it wasn’t because she’d be physically harmed. It was just every other kind she worried about. Giving a child a present on her birthday....yea, tony knew ‘tony’ had given his daughter a present, and the idea scared him so badly he was refusing to think about it just yet, intent on enjoying the birthday party.
Steve just grinned and shook his head. he would do that! "exactly.." he teased with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "good. i deserve a good serenading. James can accompany you on the Violin." "i know the Flue. we could all do a song or two for her." Phil suggested. "i don't think i play the same music as you do though." he admitted, helping wrap the smaller boxes, as economical with that as he was with everything. "i don't like it..." Steve admitted, staring at the dog. "it's creepy. can't we just bin it and never mention it again?" he asked hopefully. "this isn't teaching responsibility at all! dog crap, baths, and walks are all what's responsible about owning a dog! not to mention feeding it and grooming it! this is just a.. a... mockery of a dog!" he grumbled. "perfect my ass." he grumbled before shaking his head. "whatever. come here... Dog." he ordered, picking up a box and putting it over the dog. "it's not like it needs to breath anyway." he stated with a shrug. "help me wrap this thing." he ordered, annoyed that he was actually giving his daughter this thing.
"We should all do something. She'd probably love it if we played her something."tony said grinning at the idea before tilting his head looking at steve as he studied the other. Something fragile and vulnerable crossing his face before nodding a little, shrugging. His usual mask firmly in place."we could get rid of it. Get a real puppy. Tell her we're getting it as a belated present."he shrugged before taking the box from steve."here I'll take it down to the lab so she won't see it. Just finish putting everthing together."tony said as he headed for the lab. Growling to himself as he set it down he slid on a gauntlet, getting ready to blast the thing to smithereens. It wasn't like he trusted the other tony to not have a agenda in giving it to aliyah,if it really was him who'd senT it, but he was totally fascinated with the robot dog,cause like he told Steve it was his idea of a perfect dog.
Steve nodded. "i agree." he said with a smile. "who here can sing?" he asked, looking around the room. no one raised their hands. "oh come on. someone has to sing!" he ordered before huffing and turning his attention to Tony. Steve, instead of finishing, went and followed Tony, setting a hand on the others arm, forcing it down as he stared at the Dog. "...i don't want to kill it..." he admitted, sounding upset now. "i don't trust it, not even a little bit. but... i mean. it's sort of alive isn't it?" he asked, looking troubled. "maybe you could build a second one and we could give them both to her in a few weeks for Christmas?" he asked. "then your dog can watch his dog and if his dog tries anything, your dog can kick it's metal ass?" he asked, blinking at Tony.
“I can sing. Sort of.”Tony snorted looking amused a little as he left. Startling a little as the other forced his hand down, turning to look at him, biting his lip., “...You don’t like it. Like you said, yo uliked real dogs. We don’t have to keep it...”Tony said refusing to look at the other, swallowing hard. “I mean, it’s just tech. It’s not alive.”Tony muttered, his voice cold and hard, and under that, utter vulnerablity. Refusing to feel upset at the idea of hurting the dog, even if it’d break him a little to dismantle really cool tech. “...I could build a second one.”he agreed before sighing quietly.” know who gave this to her don’t you?I mean...Steph was scared of him, of what he’d raise her to be...but I don’t think this was a present meant to harm. I think....I mean...I think it’s like me wanting to buy everything for her at the store....he cares for her.”He sighed, sounding upset and torn, wanting to hate the dog, but he so so wanted it.
Steve shook his head. "it's not the dog i don't like." he admitted softly. "it's what He did i don't like. it's what He might do." he muttered. "i don't trust Him." he never spoke of the other Tony by name. "i know you would never hurt her, but He isn't you." he admitted, looking troubled. "He hurts people. He is here and i have no doubt He is going to cause problems. for all of us and i'm scared that dog might be just the beginning." he admitted. "she should have it. for Christmas. two of them. one from Him and one from you. it's only fair. besides it wouldn't be right to kill something that has feelings. it would be like killing Jarvis and i can't... do that." he admitted softly. we just... we have to watch it, that's all. i'm sure it won't hurt Aliyah." that wouldn't stop it from kidnapping her, or attacking them, but that was besides the point.
“I know. I don’t like it either. I really, really don’t like that he was so horrible, that steph ran here. But...”he shrugged a little. “I don’t trust him, but he’s her father. I feel...”He shrugged helpless, hating it because the man wanted to hate other tony, he also felt for him because he was a father without his was horribly complicated and way to much emotional pain for the billionaire to deal with. “It probably is the beginning, but...I don’t know what else to do.”he said sounding utterly helpless at this before grinning. “I’ll make the dog then.”He grinned flinching at the idea of killing jarvis, wondering if that had been the other’s intention. Of giving them something that he knew Tony would totally be incapable of dismantling simply because of his feelings for the older AI. “we’ll watch it. And we’ll set my dog to take care of it if something happens.”he said before sighing softly, nudging the other. “Come on, lets go get Aliyah, and have this party.”
he shook his head. "He never even met Aliyah, not really. Bruce gets a lot of information. before she came here, she'd never even met Him, not really. she'd seen him on TV but that was it. it was only until they came here that she ever spent more than a few seconds in her fathers company. and yes, you are her father and a damn good one." he promised Tony. "He doesn't deserve her and He has no rights to her anymore. she's ours, He can't have her. he abandoned her when she was born and now he wants to be a part of her life? i don't buy it, He won't do good by her." he admitted simply. "He isn't you, He would use her instead of care for her and we can't let that happen." he admitted, kissing Tony gently. "lemme just make sure they're done wrapping. i'll have Jarvis tell you when we're ready." he promised, kissing Tony again before glaring at the dog. "sleep." he ordered, startled when it obeyed. "...okay then... that's still creepy." he admitted, shaking his head before vanishing up the stairs to make sure everything was perfect.
“I know...bruce told me...”He said before looking startled, flushing in pleasure as she realized that yes, he was her father. “He doesn’t deserve her. Ever. And he wants her now because it’s not what Stephanie wanted. He’d do anything to spite her.”Tony muttered knowing it was true, that for the other tony, aliyah was just the pawn to be used, even if he was fooling himself into thinking he wanted her, his desire wasn’t because he wanted aliyah, it was because he wanted to get back at stephanie. “I wont let that happen. We wont.”He said growling ever so softly, protectively as he leaned into the other, kissing him back. “Kay.”He said looking amused before grinning at steve’s startlement. “It is a little creepy, but its also really cool.”The genius said pleased with the idea before heading up to loki’s apartment, smiling slightly at the sight of aliyah napping between the twins on the blanket on the floor. “Was she good?”he asked smiling at loki.
he nodded. he'd assumed Bruce had kept Tony appraised of his and Aliyah's sessions. they had been going well too, Aliyah had been a lot less upset when they had to leave and she didn't freak out as much once they came back. Bruce said it was the comfort of consistency. they left, they came back, over and very and over making her fear much less that they wouldn't. "He, is disgusting." Steve stated with a grumble. "we won't let him so much as lay a hand on her." he would bring up the topic of telling the others after the party. no need to ruin it. "i'll admit. it's kind of cool. yours would be cooler though." he admitted. "she was an angel, as always." Loki admitted with a grimace. "she had a small breakdown, wanting her mother again but i managed to sooth her i think." he admitted. "the party will go a good ways to cheering her up i think." he admitted, smiling at Tony. "are they ready?" "Sir, Captain Rogers wishes to inform you that they are ready."
“She is a angel. Amazing I share DNA with her really. Though I’m sure that’s just Steph’s influence. I mean, Captain America can overcome anything.”Tony snickered a little wincing a little. “Good. Hopefully the party and present we got her will help. I just wish it was easier to help her with missing Steph.”He muttered before grinning at jarvis’ annoucement. “yea.”Tony grinned as he moved over, gently nudging Aliyah, looking amused as she whined. “Papa?” “Come on sweetheart. I have a surprise for you.” “A surprise?” “Yess. Come on.”Tony smiled grinnign as she woke up more, pouncing on him as she snuggled into his chest. “Lets go then.”He straightened, grinning at loki. “You need help getting the twins upstairs to?”
Loki smiled a little. "you give yourself far too little credit Tony." Loki stated calmly. "you are a god amidst mortals. i hated humanity for a reason you know." he admitted. "you are not like most humans, you are not greedy, selfish and quick to hurt those who are innocent or helpless." he admitted. "everyone in this tower can boast the same absence of human distinctness but you are a very rare soul. a pure soul." Loki promised, kissing Tony's forehead. "an Angel amidst mortals." he admitted with a smile. "and you are doing very well with helping her Tony. simply being there for her anytime she needs you is helping." he promised. "no, i need no assistance." he admitted. "Thor has returned. the problem was solved for the most part so he felt safe to return." meaning that whatever had caused 'space to bend' it wasn't anything Thor could stop. meaning it wasn't anything in the nine realms.
“...I am a god. I got the good captain yelling earlier.”Tony grinned brushing off the praise with a blush, making a joke of it before grinning. “Definitely selfish and greedy here you know.”He made a face before nodding a little. “Well, there’s that. She does enjoy lab time.”He grinned as aliyah clung to him, smiling slightly before nodding. Realizing what it was probably ‘tony’ coming through that had caused the problem. “Go, Tony. I got this.”Thor said smiling as he walked in, settling one twin in his arms as tony and aliyah headed upstairs.

“Papa!It’s a bed!Papa!”Aliyah squealed, squirming out of the man’s eyes and running for the cake before pausing, frowning, looking confused. “Papa, I already have a bed.” “It’s a birthday cake, sweetheart.”Tony said grinning a little, wincing at the earsplitting happy squeal as the girl looked around and realized it was a birthday party for her.
he snorted. "you cannot hide form me, Tony." Loki stated simply, his emerald eyes burning into the other. "even when i was trying to destroy this miserable excuse for a planet, you stood out like a shining beacon of light that i tried my damnedest to snuff out. the only one on this miserable cesspit that shines brighter is Phil." Loki admitted. it was funny listening to Loki talk sometimes. he hated, absolutely hated midgard with a burning passion, and yet he adored the Avengers. most of them anyway. he always spoke well of the Avengers even when he spat at anyone else and muttered about how he should have just poisoned the entire ocean, lakes and waterways and watched them all starve to death. "you are a good man and someday even you will be able to admit it." he stated calmly.

Steve watched, highly amused at Aliyah's excitement over the bed and chuckled as she shrieked. he had no doubt that He had never allowed her to really have a party. He probably threw a present at her before going back down to the lab and raised a fuss if Stephanie or Aliyah where loud in any manner. the bastard. "Happy Birthday!" was sang and called out and dinner was served, a combination of all of Aliyah's porported favorites. including red Jello and Mac-N-Cheese.
Tony smiled quietly, sadly as he watched aliyah nearly go into convulsions of delight at having a real party. She should have had this all the time, always. He had no doubt that He had made sure there was nothing like this simple, utter delight in her life. Even stephanie, who had had steve’s endless patience and utter faith in everyone, happy to simply be, had seemed even more worn down by the time she got here. Grinning as they all ate, snickering as he watched aliyah wear herself out, finally simply passing out in sheer utter exhaustion laying across steve and tony’s lap in a sprawling lay. Absently stroking the silver chain aliyah was wearing, tony smiled tiredly, resting his head against steve’s shoulder. “Thanks Cap.”He muttered smiling a little as the other’s said goodnight, leaving the small family together.
Steve smiled a little, watching as she tore open her presents and imbibed way too much cake. everyone, even James and Phil! kept sneaking her extra pieces when they thought Steve wasn't watching. silly idiots, as if Steve wasn't constantly aware of Aliyah. "it's kind of adorable." he admitted once she'd finally fell asleep. "how children can fall asleep in the oddest positions and be perfectly comfortable." he admitted. "if i fell asleep like that i'd be stiff for days." Phil agreed, looking amused, Johnny chuckling. Jaimie had been just as excited and stuffed full of just as much cake and was asleep on a couch, her top half hanging off, upside down off of it. "i feel tired just from watching them." Johnny agreed, chuckling as he carefully picked up his daughter and carried her off to bed, the others slowly leaving as well, Steve chuckling. "i do believe they left the mess for me to clean up." he admitted, looking amused. "how on earth are we going to store the last of that cake?" they'd made a huge inroad into it. but the entire bed was still there. he wasn't aware Loki had placed a charm on it to make sure it would stay forever fresh. well, for a few weeks at least. after that not even magic could keep it from going stale.
Tony grinned, amused that everyone was feeding both girls and him way to much cake. “It is fairly adorable. And I do sleep like that. Not as easy now that I’m older. And yes, I admit to being 39, instead of pretending I’m 20 still.”Tony said snickering a little. Amused as he watched James devour even more cake. “Cap, I think we’re going to have to forbid James from eating even more. He’s going to be hyper.”he said snickering as he watched the former assassin for once, being utterly open and zipping around the room to inspect things with a childlike abandon, even playing with some of the toys before leaving. “Hmmm, just leave the mess for tomorrow. I’ll clean it up then.”Tony said yawning a little, before smiling. “Loki charmed it, and we’ll put it in the walk in fridge.”Tony muttered turning to look up at the other, gently sliding hsi fingers through the other’s hair. “You really are good with her you know.”He muttered kissing him slowly.
Phil chuckled a little as he watched James. "i'll take care of James." he promised. "i'll set him up in the Gym or something." he promised. "work out some of that energy with a spar or a shooting competition or a round of lazer tag or something." Phil promised, looking a bit wired himself. there was a reason why Phil didn't smoke, eat sugar or drink coffee. "nah, i'll take care of it in the morning. you know i only sleep a few hours." he pointed out with a smile. "ah. so it won't go bad if we just leave it there?" he asked hopefully before smiling at Tony. "your better." he murmured, kissing Tony back before sighing. "tomorrow. you and i, are going to pop my cherry." he ordered firmly. "and nothing will interrupt." he grumbled, kissing the other again before gently picking Aliyah up. "come on, let's get her to bed."
Tony snickered, smirking at the other man. “Hm, I’m sure you’ll think of a way to work out the energy.”He smirked glancing at steve after they were gone. “Ten bucks say they have sex in the gym.”he said before nodding. “I know. Even if I get yelled at for sleeping as long as you do. It seems unfair that I get yelled at for only sleeping a bit.”He sulked a little before nodding.”It wont. Just leave it.”he said flushing a little before grinning. “We are, are we?You sure?”He teased before nodding, “Let’s go then.” “daddy, gotta stay up...wanna play...”Aliyah muttered as she was moved, snuggling into steve’s chest, squirming a little, wanting down. “Not now sweetheart, you’re sleepy. We’ll play in the morning.”Tony promised as they tucked her into bed, staring down at his daughter he smiled softly, leaning down to press a kiss to her forehead before leaving, looking back, silently promising stephanie again that he’d make this girl the happiest ever. Trying not to consider that this had been aliyah’s first birthday present. Smiling as he headed for bed. “come on. Sleep captain.”he ordered snuggling down into the bed with a smile.
Phil gave Tony a funny look before shrugging and leaving and Steve snickered and nodded. "that's a fools bet,. we both know they have the hots for each other even if Phil doesn't realize it. they'd be good for each other." he admitted with a smile. "and maybe then Clint would stop leaving every time he sees Phil." he mused. "besides, you as a mortal man need more than four hours a night." Steve pointed out. "i, as a freak of nature, do not." he teased, grinning impishly. "yes. the world can burn for all i care. i AM having sex tomorrow, you ARE going to fuck me, and it IS going to be glorious." Steve declared imperiously. "she's going to be hyper again tomorrow when they start feeding her cake for breakfast." Steve warned, looking amused. "yes. sleep. i am pretty tired." he agreed with a smile.

in the morning Steve had gotten up, cleaned up the mess, put all of Aliyah's toys in her room, exercised, took a shower and made breakfast before Aliyah even woke up. he'd even managed to get the cake into the walk in refrigerator. "morning Tony." he chirped, flipping pancakes in acrobatic maneuvers for Aliyah and Jaimie's entrainment.
“They will be good for each other. It’ll be awesome. And hopefully. It’s sort of getting tired watching him run away.”Tony said making a face, before whining a little. “I am not a simple mortal! I can go longer without sleep. And you’re not a freak of nature.”he grumbled before laughing. “Hm, well, let’s hope for no doom inspired plots, or loki having a bad day then, cause I want sex.”Tony snickered before nodding. “They wont feed her cake for breakfast. You’re disproval would be to much to risk doing that.”He snickered before nodding, snuggling in and sleeping.

Tony yawned as he shuffled into the kitchen, going straight for the coffee machine before smiling slightly as he watched steve flip pancakes.”Morning Steve, Jamie Morning princess.”Tony muttered pressing a kiss to aliyah’s forehead as he sat down at the table. "Papa!"Aliyah giggled happily as she squirmed out of her chair and snuggling into tony's lap, snuggling her father as she watched steve. "You know, we should do something today." "What papa?" "Well, I was thinking about going to the zoo." "Yes papa!"
he chuckled a little and nodded. "Phil's going to be blushing in the morning no doubt." he admitted with a chuckle before snorting. "no you can't Tony, you just think you can." he chastised with a grin. "Loki is a bit funny about things isn't he? i overheard him telling Thor that he should just turn all the 'pests' into bugs, then at least they'd look like the infestation they where." Steve admitted. "it amuses me that Loki can hate humans so much and yet love us the way he does." he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head.

"Morning Uncle Tony!" Jaimie chirped happily where she was eating a unicorn pancake. "Zoo?" Steve asked, looking almost as delighted as Aliyah. "i've never been to a Zoo." he admitted. "we had one, in New York but i never had enough money to go until after i joined the Army, and i was usually too busy after that." he admitted. "should we make a whole group go of it?" he asked, watching Jaimie who looked more curious than upset that she wasn't going with. unlike Aliyah, Jaimie had been to many zoos.
“Definitely.”Tony snickered a little before nodding. “He really is. It’s quite amusing really.”

“Seriously?That’s, definitely going to the zoo.”Tony grinned as he looked at steve, amused that both father and daughter were so excited about going to the zoo. “If you want.” “Jamie!You wanna go?You should come. We’ll go see the animals.”Aliyah invited, eyes wide and happy, having discovered the girl was her best friend and more then eager to invite her along on a adventure. Which just battered at tony’s heart, making him wonder just how very restricted the girl’s life had been before she got here. And made him all the more determined to protect her.
Steve nodded. "that would be great." he agreed with a smile. "we have to ask her father..." Steve warned, blinking when Johnny came in, looking all a fluster, grabbed Tony and dragged him out of the room for a hushed conversation. "i need you to take Jaimie." he ordered, voice strained, panicked, frightened. "Sue just tried to kill herself." he whispered. "i need to go help her. Reed and Bruce are coming with me." Johnny babbled. "i have to go." he babbled, already running off to find Bruce, Reed appearing just as suddenly as Johnny had. "Tony? can you watch Jaimie?" Reed was just as strained but much more calm. "Johnny told you what happened? we're not sure but we don't think this was just a run of the miss suicide." he admitted, hesitating before. "Pepper's been visiting her, we didn't know it. we think Pepper might have said something..." he admitted, tears gathering in his eyes. "Sue was getting better..." he admitted, sounding hurt that his fiance had tried to kill herself. "she told me i should seduce Bruce you know." he admitted. "i never got around to it..." he admitted, looking as if he was in shock.
ToNY yelped as he was dragged out looking startled as johnny spoke before gripping his arms to get his attention."Aliyah wanted to spend 5he day with Jamie anyways. Don't worry about it me and Cap will look after her."tony promised watching the other go not sure if johnny had understood what he said before yelping as reed appeared nodding."we got jamie. Ali wanted to go to the zoo anyways. Go look after sue."he said looking shaken himself at the news of what sue had done before frowning tilting his head. Wanting to protest pepper's innocence but he couldnt. Not when he knew how she could be."you find out what happened. I'll see if I can find out discreetly what pepper's been up to."he said giving the other a hug before smiling sadly."she was. There's something else going on. And we'll find out what iT is."tony promised before smiling a little wider but no less sad."you should. You two would be good together....go. me and cap'll take care of jamie."he said slipping behind the calm and collected 'stark mask' before heading back into the kitchen looking at the two girls who were looking upset."so,you two ready to go to the zoo?"
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