Tell All Tales (Avengers)Moon/Lady

“Oh gods. Yes.”Tony growled at the idea shuddering before smiling. “True.”he muttered. “Good luck, Captain.Sir.” “Hold on Cap.”Tony grinned behind the mask as he flew, utterly enjoying having his captain wrapped around him. Within moments finding himself neck deep in a fight with him and clint tag teaming between robots as they worked on fighting to keep the fighting contained, even though the fight was slowly inching further out of the city, towards the sea. So busy in fact, that tony simply brushed off the sniper shots that were picking off some of the bots. So busy that it totally caught him by surprise when jarvis glitched, coming back on for a moment, before glitching again, sending the billionaire plunging into the icy sea below like a stone.

Elsewhere, Skye raised her head from the sniper rifle she was using, pausing for a moment before looking again, raising a hand to her comm. “Iron Man’s down. Repeat, iron man’s down. He’s in the harbor, and showing no signs of coming back up. Director?”Skye asked even as she got up, already starting to get ready to leave, to go after the fallen avenger.
Steve snarled as he tore apart robots like they where scrap toys or old rags. it was easy enough to massacre the lines of robots and soon they had the machines pinned in to be sniped off by who Steve assumed was James. until there was a second shot from a second location. "Avengers be wary! we're not the only ones here. Snipers at Ten and Three." he warned. "they are targeting the doom-bots but don't lower your guard." Steve warned. "one of them might be James but i can't be sure." Steve warned, unaware that Tony had fallen. "Tony do you Copy?.... Tony?" Steve demanded, startled he turned to look and paid the price. one of the robots nailed him, sending him flying into the building a ways away. he extracted himself carefully, rage in his eyes. "oh that is IT!" he snarled, yanking off his gloves, Clint yelping. "CAPS REMOVED THE GLOVES!!! SCATTER! SCATTER!" they'd all seen what happened when Steve lost his temper and started blowing things up. he'd done it just a few days ago when Remy overstepped once again. Steve had damn near destroyed the entire Tower.

"I copy Sky. i'm going in." Phil warned. "keep those bots down Skye, Grant, keep the Avengers covered. Fitz, Simmons, be ready for resuscitation, May, get this jet over where Tony fell." Phil ordered. once they where positioned, Phil slipped an air regulator into his mouth and then dove into the water after Iron Man. he angled himself like an arrow and straight down he shot., catching Tony under the arms he yanked on the cord attached to a halter around him and up it went. dragging Phil and Iron man with him, right up into the Jet just as the first explosions started to, well, explode.
“Got it, cap.”Natasha panted slightly as she fought, tense knowing that someone was out there that they didn’t know, but willing to let it go, since they seemed to be helping. Before scattering at clint’s orders, raising a hand to the ear piece. “Hawkeye, cap, Tony’s down. Someone’s recovering him. Get to the harbor. NOW!”Natasha ordered as she ran for the harbor and the plane as she saw iron man disappearing into the jet, even if she was land bound, she could at least get a good idea of what was going on.

“We got it.”Skye confirmed even as she kept covering the bots until they were blown up, looking utterly startled as they started to explode. That was something new.

Tony collapsed back onto the floor of the jet, staring at the inside of his helmet, without jarvis, without the suit actually online, it was to heavy for him to actually move in. “...Coulson?”The man said, the tone utterly muffled and sounding like he was a little water logged, and he was, the water in the suit was starting to make him panic a little, even if he was still able to breath and function, he didn’t like it.
Steve nodded before going on a rage and just blowing up the damn bots. he was smart enough to get out of the way now that he knew what to expect, and his powers had a slight time delay, allowing him to get out of the way in time. "he's WHAT?!" Steve demanded, whipping around to look up at the Jet. "fuck! has he just been kidnapped?!" "no! look! they're landing!" Clint stated, a strained edge to his tone. as if he knew something about what was happening and he thought he was going to get in trouble.

"Skye? are you seeing this?" Grant asked, sounding as stunned as Skye felt. "is... is captain America blowing up those robots with his touch?" he asked, already breaking down his sniper rifle now that he didn't need it anymore.

Phil smiled at Tony. "hey. i'd say it was a pleasure, but we both know it would be a lie." Phil admitted, already helping Tony to undo the suit so Tony could escape the water. Phil was more than aware of Tony's phobia of the water. "we're landing, Steve will be in here soon. nifty little... uh, attitude he's gotten recently." Phil admitted, looking both amused and annoyed, watching Steve pull his gloves back on before marching to the jet. "who the hell do you think you are!?... Phil?"
“He fell. Whoever it is pulled him out of the water.”Natasha said sounding upset herself before looking at Clint, studying the man. Trying to figure out what was going on.

“Yea. I’m seeing it. Still working on believing it. It was.”Skye said already breaking her rifle down to, sighing softly. “Let’s go catch up with the team. I have a feeling things are about to get very very interesting.”She muttered heading for the stairs.

“It is a pleasure, at least it will be if I can get out of this fucking suit!”Tony said edging into pure panic as he talked the other through getting the suit off, nearly bolting for the door as soon as it was off enough to get up, nearly face planting into the floor in his need to get out of the water. “Steve. Oh good. I’m not dead or something, imagining things I mean.”Tony muttered looking relieved to see his boyfriend.
"Fell!? Tony just fell!? is he hurt!? can you tell!?" Steve demanded, thrusting his way into the Jet and wrapping his arms around Tony. "hey. hey. easy. it's okay." he whispered, stroking Tony's hair. "it's okay Tony, i've got you. YOU! go get dry clothes for Toyn!" he ordered at Fitz who jumped and raced away to get some clean dry clothes. "no your not imagining things. that's really Phil Coulson who had better have a god damn good excuse for not being dead." Steve growled, pausing and turning to look for Clint, sighing as he realized the Archer was already gone. traumatized probably. or that's what Steve figured anyway. "is he allowed to talk to you like that?" Grant asked as he walked up the ramp with sniper rifle over his shoulder. "yes he is." Phil admitted. "come on. we'll give you guys a lift to the tower. i'll explain once we're there."
“Like a rock. And I can’t tell.”Natasha said wincing as she realized just how bad this was going to be. Tony whined quietly as he was pulled into a hug, ignoring them all for once, not caring how utterly weak or dependent he looked as he buried his face against the other’s neck, clinging to him. “It was wet. And cold.”He muttered shuddering a little. “A very good excuse indeed.”Natasha said eyeing her former handler in thought, looking bemused as she realized clint was indeed gone before raising a eyebrow at grant. “Are you going to tell us we can’t talk to him how we want?”She said studying the sniper even as she felt the plane’s hatch close and may lifting off and heading back towards the tower.
"shh, Tony it's okay. i've got you." he promised, looking up when Fitz appeared with clean clothes, towels and a large blanket so Tony and Steve could get Tony changed in privacy, holding it up high so no one could peek while Steve gently toweled Tony dry and then got him into warm clothes, wrapping the blanket around Tony once he was in said dry clothes. "not going to say a word." Grant assured her, watching Skye head in deeper before following her. "i'm not sure i have a very good excuse." Phil admitted. "at least, not one you will like." he admitted with a shrug. "but i'll explain that back at the tower." he promised. "if that's alright?" he asked this of Tony, since it was still Tony's tower.
Tony swallowed hard,”Thanks.”He muttered quietly smiling a little as he let steve help him dry off and get changed into the dry clothes, looking younger then he really was, his fear of water making him look younger in his panic, looking softer and more breakable really. Natasha studied grant for a long moment before nodding, looking amused as she watched the two leave before sighing as she looked at phil.This was going to be a mess, especially when she knew just how much tony had mourned the man. “’s fine. But you don’t get to say anything about anything at the tower that isn’t involved in what happened to you”Tony said fairly certain phil would disapprove of him as a father, and he definitely didnt want to hear about it/
Steve smiled at him. "no problem." he promised the other. "okau now?" he asked. "or should i snuggle you some more?" he asked, eyes dancing with amusement. teasing Tony in the hopes he'd get his dander up and recover a bit faster. "alright." Phil stated with a shrug. "i highly doubt there's anything in there i haven't seen before th..." he paused when he heard Steve snickering and trying to hide it. Phil was going to freak when he saw the four little tots. "...why do i have the feeling i'm going to be the butt end of a joke?" "because you are." Steve admitted simply, looking out the window where they where landing, sighing as he saw the romantic dinner. ruined by stupid Doom. "hey. did anyone catch Doom?" he demanded. "i want to punch him in the face..." he sighed as they all shook their heads. "son of a bitch."
Tony smiled a little as he towel dried his hair, before huffing at the other. “I’m not snuggling you in public. That was a very manly hug.”Tony huffed moving away and looking at phil, twitching ever so slightly. Because no matter what he said, phil’s approval mattered to him, and he as sure that the other was going to freak out when he saw the kids. “Be nice, Cap.”Tony muttered amused that steve was finding this so amusing really. “It’s a very good joke really.”Natasha said smirking a little. Tony sighed softly as he watched the dinner, “Careful landing. There’s a bed there to.”Tony said as may set the plane down, before sighing. “Well, fucking hell. I want to know how the hell he shut down Jarvis.”Tony growled extremely pissed that his suit was down, nudging steve. “Will you carry that inside?It’s still not working.”he frowned as he hustled inside, feeling anxious at the darkness inside.


Tony winced falling back a step as Aliyah ran into his legs, colliding into him like a wayward car, clinging to him. “Hey, Tink. What’s wrong?”He asked picking her up, looking worried, but relaxing a little when he saw the others, at least it hadn’t been totally dark on them with the low level emergency lights coming on, and both loki’s magic and johnny’s fire. “You were gone!And everything went off papa.”Aliyah said upset at her parents’ absence, the tears calming slowly as tony rubbed her back as he walked into the tower. “How long’s everything been down?”He asked glancing at johnny, wondering if it’d been the tower shutting down that had sent the suit spiraling out of control. And wondering what the hell was going on.
Steve grinned a little. "but i like Snuggling more. besides this isn't public." it so was. "it's just people whose opinions we don't care about. so it doesn't matter." Phil winced a bit at the dig but said nothing. he'd known Steve would be furious. "a bed?" Phil asked, looking very, very amused. "did Doom interrupt a date?" "yeah. mine." Steve grumbled, Phil looking startled. "yours? you and Tony are... well, i expected that a year or so from now." he admitted. "kind of figured Tony would fight his attraction tooth and nail." "he did." Steve admitted with a chuckle. "it was fun." he admitted, kissing Tony gently. Phil could only smile. "Sure." Steve agreed, hauling the suit onto his shoulders and followed Tony, catching his lover when the man nearly careened backwards. "careful Dear heart. papa's tired." Steve warned with a smile, Phil standing there, shell shocked at the little child who looked exactly like Tony. Merlin he hadn't been gone THAT long!... had he?

"The whole thing went dark about ten minutes after the alarms went off." Johnny explained, holding his own crying Jaimie, who was terrified of the dark. Loki followed with a baby in his own arms and Phil choked, shocked that the man was there, carefully maneuvering himself out of Loki's line of sight behind Steve, who just chuckled. "Thor left to check on Asgard, there was some sort of astral disturbance and he wants to make sure it wasn't anything from the nine realms. last thing we need is another invasion." Loki admitted, gently rocking the twins. "i couldn't get Jarvis restarted." Loki admitted. "will this hurt him at all?" "i thought Jarvis couldn't be shut down at all?" Steve asked, looking worried now, moving to take Aliyah so Tony could save Jarvis. "i thought only Tony could turn him off? even power outages couldn't affect him right?"
“Well, you’ll have to settle for a hug Captain.”Tony said before smirking a little. His captain doing his ‘I’m disappointed in you and also furious’ face was so hot. “Yes it matters. Cause I refuse to have anyone think I’m cute and snuggly.”Tony huffed before nodding. “A very important date actually. So somehow I’m blaming you for this, since I can’t return to the date now.”Tony grumbled kissing the other back a litle before frowning. “...Why did everyone but Rogers know I liked him?”He grumbled absently twisting stephanie’s ring around his finger. Ever since he’d gotten the tongue and nipple ring, the man hand taken to wearing the flag inspired ring as a simple ring instead of a necklace. His silent promise, a reminder to himself, that he was going to take care of aliyah as best as he could. “Papa!It’s dark!I don’t like it.Papa okay?”Aliyah cried softly as she clung to tony’s shirt as the man held her, quite terrified of the dark herself. “I’m fine, Aliyah. And I’ll get the lights back on soon, I promise.”he muttered stroking her hair. “....Kid?”Skye looked shocked as she followed Phil in, ignoring the snickering avengers who looked way amused at phil’s reaction.

“...Damn. I had hoped that one thing hadn’t caused the other.”Tony sighed softly, hating to know for sure that if the tower went off line, he was useless in the suit. That was definitely something he was going to have to fix if he could. “Yea, no more invasions.”Natasha twitched looking worried as loki admitted to not getting jarvis restarted. “Me either. It glitched, then he crashed the suit. It shouldn’t hurt him. I mean, he’s backed up everywhere, not to mention the house in malibu, but this is not a good thing.”Tony frowned already a million miles away in his thoughts as aliyah cried, clinging tighter to his shirt even as she clung to steve to. While she loved her daddy, it was papa that she always went to when she was scared. “Shouldn’t have. But it’s not a power outtage. Look. It’s only the tower that’s out.”Tony pointed out gesturing to the rest of the city, before sighing. “I’ll be in the lab.” “No!Papa I go with you.”Aliyah demanded. "Not now, Aliyah. I have to get some work done, I can't have you down there."Tony said wincing as she started crying, looking at steve for help, ignoring the shell shocked agents watching him take care of a child.
Steve chuckled and snuggled him one last time before letting Tony go, chuckling a little. "but your the most snugliest person i've ever met!" Steve protested. "i can't help but snuggle you." he admitted, eyes glittering playfully. "it's not my fault Doom went insane." Phil protested. "you know, he hijacked my jet? i wasn't even supposed to be here." he complained. "it was pretty obvious." Phil pointed out. "like. really obvious the way you two kept trying to kill each other. like little kids yanking on each others pigtails." Phil scoffed before staring at the little girl. "hey, hey now it's okay. i know your scared but Papa will fix it." Steve promised. "apparently." Phil agreed, blinking at Skye.

"it looks like someone purposefully sabotaged the Tower. i don't think this is Doom's work. if Loki where still evil i'd peg him as the culprit but..." "it couldn't have been me. i know more than Thor but i can't get into Jarvis or electrical stuff. Thor can but if it had been him the tower would be on Fire. perhaps a Demigod? i know Thor's had a few offspring here and there with various mortals. maybe one of them is causing trouble?" "is that likely?" ", not really." Loki admitted. "while Demi-Gods do have much of their parent's power, quarter Gods usually only manifest mutant or meta human type abilities." Loki admitted. "hey, Aliyah it's okay. Papa has to work with power tools, you know you can't be down there when he's working with big tools." Steve admitted, kissing her forehead. "come on, you can help me light some candles okay?" Steve asked with a smile. "and we'll make some Hot Cocoa." he offered. "Papa has to get the lights back on and then he'll be right back up." he promised, kissing her forehead, grabbing the massive stash of candles. he let her choose where to place them and then lit them until the entire kitchen and sitting room where awash with a fancy glow.
“I am not!”Tony huffed making a face at the other before frowning at steve. “Well, it’s a good thing you were there, otherwise that stunt with my suit would have been a mess.”Tony said frowning a little, there was something that wasn’t quite adding up. Doom wasn’t this intelligent. It made him feel like he was missing something, totally, epically obvious.

“It’d have to be someone who understood both the system and how the tower was built. Speaks of someone who has a serious grudge to spend that much time figuring it out.”Tony frowled before paling, wavering on his feet a little before focusing on Aliyah. Not about to mention anything before he could work out exactly what happened. “No!Papa. Want to go.” “You’ll be okay. I’ll get things back on soon. I promise.”Tony muttered rubbing her back, looking relieved when aliyah nodded, clinging to steve. “I want hot cocoa.”She sniffled as she helped him, not even noticing when tony disappeared downstairs to work. Within a hour, the lights flickered back on, and a relieved sounding Jarvis checked in with everyone. “Now that we have lights, there’s still questions to be answered about your state of un-death.”Tony said as he walked back into the living room, smiling tiredly as aliyah pounced on him, both father and daughter collapsing back onto the couch as he looked at phil and the others. Looking exhausted, but definitely also looking like he didn't want to discuss the power outtage or anything yet.
Steve hesitated and wondered if maybe Pepper had done it? she certainly had the smarts and the knowledge, but did she have the motive? he highly doubted she was angry enough to actively try to kill Tony. this was deeply troubling, very very troubling. "okay, triple hot chocolate coming up." he promised, smiling at her, kissing the top of her forehead. when Tony came back up they had a massive Mocha Cocoa waiting for him too. "...ah. yes... about that." Phil muttered, fidgeting. "while i did die for a few minutes i was brought back." he admitted. "barely. i was in a Coma for a number of months, i never bothered to figure out exactly how many." he admitted, rubbing his face. "i don't remember much of what happened after i woke up, there where people everywhere, screaming, talking. i think i spent another month or two just learning how to use my arm and talk again. it's blurry but i know i needed a lot of therapy." he admitted. "i had to relearn a lot of stuff. once i was fully recovered, Clint was called in to debrief me what happened but he was told to tell not a soul. he couldn't tell anyone i was alive... i think it hurt him more than anything else did." he admitted, sounding so guilty. "i didn't understand then why i had to be a secrete, but i do now." he admitted. "Fury finally released me, gave me my own bus, my own team and we where set to provide 'backup' of sorts." he shook his head. "by then i was too afraid to show myself to you." he admitted. "Fury told me the only reason you lot where getting along was because you'd banded together because of my death. i feared, and Fury cultivated that fear, if i returned you would all fall apart again." he admitted. "turns out Fury had his own Agenda and i never thought he would lie to me." he admitted. "i never even realized that Tony had invited you all to the tower, let alone had a kid here. several kids. hell i didn't even know Loki...." he paused and shuddered. "was here. turns out Fury just wanted me to 'focus' instead of being distracted by, well, Clint." he admitted, sounding heart sick and hurt. "it's all such a mess i'm not even sure what's true and what's real and what isn't." he admitted, rubbing his temples. "i dunno. maybe we're all dead and this is my version of hell."
Tony smiled tiredly as he sipped the hot chocolate, smiling softly as aliyah snuggled into him so closely that it was like she was trying to become one with him. “I remember when he went away. For a few weeks there. I’d thought Fury had finally had him admitted for psych review.”Natasha frowned a little as she considered her partner, and wondered where the man was, and how he was handling it. “In the beginning, yea, we got along because we were pissed about you dying on us. But after that...we figured we could work together. And we worked well. Besides...I sorta needed someone to supervise me with a kid. And Johnny’s kid. And thor and loki’s twins....we sorta were a team, but we became family.”Tony said blushing ever so slightly at the admittance that he’d created a family, a family of his own without relying on anyone else. Which actually made him feel sicker then he already was, but he didn’t want to consider the other reason yet, not yet, not when aliyah was snuggled against his side, and he was resting against Cap. He didn’t want to lose everything. “No, definitely not dead and not hell....though, the idea of tony stark with a kid, when he is a kid himself, is fairly hellish and disturbing.”Natasha teased a little.
Phil huffed. "Clint should have gotten a psych review. he was practically suicidal after he realized that i was alive. Fury is an ass...inine jerk." Steve snickered at the poorly concealed curse word. "he's probably going to need time to calm down. he was pretty upset when he was told he couldn't help me." Phil admitted with a sigh before smiling at her. "thank you for taking care of him by the way. i was worried he would..." he swallowed and shook his head. "i'm glad you finally found a family Tony. i know that Fury was always convinced of Howard's inherent goodness but i think we all know better." Phil admitted, smiling a little. "the kid is a surprise though." he admitted, smiling at Aliyah. "although if i've been missing for two to three years Fury and i REALLY have to have a talk." he admitted. "i never imagined i'd ever say this but you and Steve are really cute together." he admitted with a smile. "your a pretty good dad." Phil admitted.
“He should have, but you know unless it’s you ordering him to do it, he wouldn’t.”Natasha pointed out snickering a little at the poorly concealed word, that was just amusing. “Well, considering you’re not going anywhere, he’ll have a chance to help out.” “What?”Skye looked startled at tony’s words. “well, it’s obvious fury can’t be trusted, and we could all use the people we trust. Stay here, work with us, save the world.”Tony shrugged looking amused before nodding. “You’re welcome. He’s family. WE’re good with looking after him.”Tony smiled a little before making a face. “We do.”he agreed before looking down at the dozing Aliyah, smirking a ltitle. “Not that long. Just over 10 months. She just....arrived from a...indiscretion in the past.”Tony said biting his lip, disliking the lie but not about to tell anyone else about stephanie, flushing at the cute comment. “I am not. And thanks..I’m trying to be.”He muttered.
Phil shook his head. "Fury doesn't even listen to me anymore. i think all this 'weight of the world' might be getting to him." he admitted. "i'm not going anywhere?" Phil asked, looking amused. "i suddenly remember why i hated babysitting you." he admitted. "i can't speak for everyone on my team, but i'm willing." Phil admitted. "might as well make this our home base, even if we're going to be leaving often for our own missions." Phil admitted. "we run autonomously from Shield for the most part." he admitted. "Fury won't be happy but i've given up caring about his opinion." Phil admitted with a sigh. "she looks a lot like you and Steve." Phil admitted, looking slightly suspicious. "that's my fault. turns out my own 'indiscretion' resulted in a child of my own. Aliyah is literally my Great Granddaughter." Steve lied effortlessly, startling Phil. "really?" "yep." Steve admitted, blushing. which only made the story seam more real. "so. should we find Clint?" Phil asked, looking at Natasha. there was no need, she knew exactly where he was. the same place he always went when he was upset. the Bridge. way up. he'd be there until he felt like coming down.
“I told you he was insane, steve.”Tony muttered snickering at the idea of fury losing it before making a face at phil.”You’re not. And I don’t be babysat!I’m a adult.” “papa needs watched. Daddy says so.”Aliyah muttered tiredly, squirming closer. “...I do not. And good. It’s a good home base. And Fury’s not been happy since I told him the avengers no longer are a shield team, so he can just deal with it.”Tony smiled a little before looking down at aliyah. “She does. And I always did have a thing for Cap.”He said smirking as way to explain why he’d screwed steve’s relative, even if it was a outright lie. He hated lying to his friends, but he was unwilling to let anyone know about stephanie, stephanie’s existence was something just for him and steve. Yawning as he looked up at steve. “Come on. We better get her to bed, and get some sleep ourselves.”he muttered still feeling a little off balance with nearly dying in water. “...Well. If you feel like climbing up teh bridge, go ahead. He’ll shove me off it. I’m waiting till he comes down on his own.”Natasha said smiling, while she might be willing to forgive phil, she was still angry with him for not telling them.
Steve shrugged. "i knew it." he admitted. "i knew it the second he made Clint go into battle even though Phil had just died." he stated simply. "i'm a bit worried about this though. you and Clint where dating right?" "no. we did for a while but i wasn't what he needed in life." Phil admitted. "especially after i died. i couldn't be there for him. he'll stay with Natasha i'm sure." he admitted. "we broke up about a week before the invasion of Loki, so i don't think he'll want to get back together with me even if Natasha did let him break up with her." he admitted, flashing Natasha an amused grin. he knew she'd practically raped him one night since he was so reluctant t get into a relationship. he knew it was only hanks to Natasha that Clint hadn't hung himself or swallowed a bullet. "uh. no. no i don't think i feel like climbing the bridge. no." especially since he had a feeling Clint changed Towers every time he went onto the bridge. especially since Clint could also be hanging out on one of the suspension Cables. while Phil wasn't too worried about heights, that was an entirely different story.
“You’re not what he needed, but you’re still a friend.”Tony snickered a little resting his head against steve’s shoulder, sighing softly. “Definitely not letting him break up with me.”Natasha smirked a little, which widened even more at phil’s protest. “Good choice.”she teased, nudging him. “Come on. Let’s get some sleep.”she said showing the others to rooms.

The next day found Tony holed up in the lab, mostly snarling at anyone who dared come in, because he didn’t want to be bothered. Because the man was worrying over things that had happened, and was trying even harder to keep it from happening. Which was what had current predicament. Staring at the floor from inches away he frowned at the wires that had him trapped, having been pushing around the room on his work stool, it really shouldn’t have been a surprise he’d gotten trapped in the wires he’d been working on. Though he hadn’t been expecting it to be this bad as he hung nearly upside down, his legs trapped above him, arms tangled, balancing barely on one foot. Looking like a perfect present all tangled up and utterly pissed at finding himself like this. Glaring he growled at jarvis to ask his captain down to help him, hating to ask for help when he was already feeling shitty, but he knew he couldn’t get out.
Steve smiled as he stepped in a few minutes later, examining Tony. "hmm. i know you said the first time would be kinky, but i thought i was going to be the one getting tied up?" he asked, looking amused as he knelt down, examining Tony. "now i have you right where i want you." he teased, smirking as he bent lower and gave Tony a happy little kiss, with tongue and everything. "Jarvis. privacy settings please. i need to seduce a certain Genius." Steve ordered with a grin, slowly unbuttoning Tony's shirt and sliding his fingers along the smooth flesh, gently tickling the ribs. "yes. i'm going to suck you off. and then i'm going to untangle me and fuck me across one of these work tables." Steve decided, wriggling into position so he could undo Tony's pants, eager to have his mouth on the other after their failed de-virgining last night.
Tony glared at steve as the man examined him. “Shut up. Just untie me!Steve, this is ridculous. I look stupid, get me down.”he demanded even as he was kissed, kissing him back with a soft groan. “We’re having sex?What?No we’re not!This isn’t the romantic happy time I wanted to give you!”Tony said sounding utterly pissed and anxious, squirming, whining as his ribs were tickled.”Stop!”He giggled, oh yea, he was definitely horribly ticklish. Whining quietly as steve dropped down, looking amused that the good captain was taking advantage of his captivity. “Steveeee.”He whined as the other undid his pants, shivering.
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