Tell All Tales (Avengers)Moon/Lady

Steve perked up a great deal at that. yes he was a virgin, but he did know what he liked. or rather, what he fantasized and practiced on himself anyway. "your excellent at being romantic. didn't you just take me on a date where i had lots of fun?" Steve asked with a smile. "you can't listen to Pepper. not everyone's idea of romance is the same Tony." he admitted, kissing the other. "i love the romance you give me." he promised. "i didn't have toys in the bath either." he admitted before cocking his head. "then again, i didn't have a bath either so..." he shrugged. "he is adorable! he needs laid so bad. i wonder if these fancy gloves would keep him from poisoning people with his cock?" he wondered, looking amused. while sweat and spit didn't carry the deadly toxins, Bruce's blood, precum and Semen certainly did. so sex was off the menu until he found a cure, found a better condom or died. Steve looked up when Tony came back in and smiled, scooting over so Tony could join him in bed. he was sketching a picture of him, Tony, and Aliyah snuggling. "i got your good side." Steve promised with a chuckle.
“Yes, I guess I did.”Tony said smiling quietly, looking pleased as he looked at the other, the sharp edges of his self hate dulling a little in the face of steve’s praise. “Good. I’ll keep that in mind, next time I’m planning things.”he smiled before snickering, nodding. “He does need laid. Hopefully it does, we’ll have to work on it.”Tony grinned at the idea of bruce having sex. It would be good for him. Snuggling into steve he smiled tiredly as he closed his eyes. “that’s not hard, I have no bad sides.”He muttered tiredly, nuzzling his boyfriend before settling in to sleep.

A few days later Tony smirked as he leaned in close to his boyfriend, pressing a kiss to the other’s head as he looked at the drawing steve was working on. “Hey. How you feeling?”He said, like he had been for days, having been trying to gauge just how ready steve was. And considering bruce had cleared steve for more....workouts....tony was eagerly looking forward to seducing his boyfriend, even if he was nervous and angsty about it. Even knowing steve didn't care, and simply wanted sex, tony was working himself into near mania with his need to make things utterly perfect
Steve grinned at him. "you plan everything don't you?" he asked playfully. "that's okay, i can be the spontaneous one." he promised.

Steve smiled as he was kissed, letting Tony see the picture of James he was working on. it was one of the few times he wasn't drawing Tony. "i'm feeling horny and frustrated." he admitted. "Bruce said i could have sex but i'm still not cleared for my workouts and it's starting to get hard to sleep again." he admitted. it was a normal level though. he'd always needed to exercise in order to sleep. and even then he'd only ever needed four or five hours. "at least i can have Sex now, i've really been looking forward to it." he admitted with a grin. "do you have everything ready? i know you where planning on making it special." he admitted, feeling sort of warm and gooey at the thought of Tony going to so much effort for his first time. it was so sweet.
Tony smiled a little as he looked down at the picture, smiling quietly.”it looks good.”He said before laughing quietly. “Hm, I’m feeling horny and frustrated to.”he muttered before grinning, “Well, I’ll wear you out. Definitely can go for sex marathon.”Tony smiled a little nuzzling his face against the other’s neck before blushing a little, “I do.”He said, smiling quietly, leaning back to look at the other. “We’re having a quiet night in, Johnny’s already promised to watch Aliyah for the night, so it’s just me and you here tonight.”He said, sliding his fingers through the other’s hair.
he smiled a little. "this was Bucky when he was in the army." he admitted. "i don't know if it's because i'm getting older, but i'm starting to forget things. like how my Ma looked when she was annoyed with us, and what Peggy looked like." he admitted. "i figure if i can draw them before i forget, then i don't have to worry." he admitted before blinking at Tony. "you mean tonight?" he asked, sounding utterly delighted, excited and a little bit nervous. he smiled at Tony and closed his notebook. "so. what's first?" he asked, smiling, wondering what Tony had planned. he had no doubt it was going to be great.
“It probably is. I mean, most people forget things as they get older, you’ve had nearly double a normal lifetime, and are still only 24. Makes sense.”Tony muttered nuzzling him a little before grinning. “Good idea.”He muttered before nodding, “Yes tonight.”He muttered biting the other’s neck gently as he leaned against him, “Dinner and dancing. Come on.”He said smiling softly as he nudged the other towards his feet, a small nervous smile on his face as he lead the other through the penthouse and up the stairs to the roof, smiling as he pushed open the door to let him out, biting his lip nervously.
he nodded. "i was frozen for most of it though, even if i was slightly aware from time to time." he admitted, shivering when Tony bit him. that felt wonderful. it always did. "D..Dancing?" Steve demanded, his voice a squeak. "b..but... i don't know how!" he protested. "i'll step on your toes Tony!" he complained even as he let the other pull him along. "we should skip the dancing and go straight to the sex." he admitted with a nod before gasping as he stared at the roof. "oh Tony it's beautiful." Steve breathed, voice amazed as he looked around. "god i love you. romantic sap." he murmured, pulling Tony into a deep kiss. how could he not? this was the most romantic thing he'd ever seen.
“Hmmmhmmm, dancing. It’s the romatnic thing to do.And I know how to dance.”Tony smiled a little, “And no, we’re not skipping it. You told me you’d let me romantic. I’m trying Cap. Later, we’ll skip dancing. For now, can you just indulge me?”Tony muttered sounding vaguely anxious, because he really did want it to be perfect for the man who’d waited so long. Flushing a little as he was pulled into a kiss, he shuddered a little, wrapping his arms around the other’s waist. “L-love you to.”He stuttered a little, because he had so many problems admitting it. Swallowing hard as he leaned back for a moment he smiled quietly, “Dinner first?”
he groaned. "but i don't know how to dance. i'll break your toes and make a fool of myself." he protested, showing that it was his own self image problems that was protesting the dancing. "...yeah. okay." he gave in, anything to make Tony happy. he beamed brightly when Tony admitted he loved him too and kissed him again, praising him for admitting it. "yes. Dinner first. i'm starving." he admitted, chuckling as Tony pulled his chair out for him. "thank you." he chirped. deciding it was better not to make a joke about that when Tony was already so anxious. "this is really amazing. did you manage all of this by yourself?...." he froze. "you didn't cook did you?" he asked, looking suddenly worried as he looked around for the food to make sure it hadn't been Tony who had cooked.
“No you wont. And even if you do, they’ll heal within a few hours. And you could never look foolish. Well. Not here anyways. Watching you try to figure out DDR is always a amusing and foolish endeavor.”Tony teased a little, the soft smile on his face making it less of a cruel tease, and more gently poking fun before whining softly in pleasure as he was kissed again. Smiling quietly as he blushed as he realized he was being rewarded for saying it. “Welcome.”he smiled a little as he moved around to his own seat, before nodding. “All by myself. Well. Me and Aliyah. She was very excited about hanging the lights really.”he said before whining a little, making a face at the other’s look. “Don’t look like that!Of course I cooked.”he said seriously, smirking a little. Rolling his eyes. “No. Johnny and Loki cooked. The only thing I helped with was desert, and they supervised that and made sure it was edible.”Tony said blushing.
he huffed. "that is totally not the point Tony." he grumbled, even if he was amused. "i hate DDR." he grumbled, shaking his head. "stupid thing doesn't even make sense you know. it's dumb as hell. it's not even dancing! not really! it's just bouncing around on a pad that never stays in place anyway!" he grumbled. "we should burn it. you'll let me burn it right? you can just buy a new one." he admitted, looking hopeful before his grin brightened. "that's adorable." he admitted with a chuckle as he looked around at all the lights. "this is such an amazing view too. i'm going to have to come up here sometime and draw this." he admitted before panic sprouted on his face. while getting food poisoning couldn't kill him, he'd still get really, really sick. "Tony! that's mean!" Steve groaned. "i thought i was going to have to eat bad food." he smiled at the other. "i would have eaten it you know." he admitted with a smile. "where is the food anyway?" he asked, startled when the first course suddenly appeared. all Tony had to do was press on a certain marking etched into the table, and the meals would appear and disappear from where they where dished up and kept perfect with magic. "wow." Steve muttered, impressed with what Magic could do before grinning as he bent his head and took a taste of the Hors D'Oeuvres. or rather, the appetizer. grilled Artichoke hearts and steamed asparagus and some sort of seafood that he didn't know and a few cracker like items. "this is impressive. i didn't know Loki could cook earth food. or that Johnny could cook at all." not many knew it, but Johnny had gone to collage to be a five star Chef. he had given it up when Charlene had left him, but he still practiced from time to time.
“Yes it is the point!”Tony whined a little before grinning at steve’s whining, “No, it really doesn’t make sense. But watching you try is adorable.”he smirked before nodding a little. “Burn it. I don’t care. I’ll even let you use the suit to do it.”He smiled before nodding. “You’ll have to. It’s nice up here.”he agreed before laughing out loud as the panic crossed the other’s face, smirking a little. “I’m sorry, I couldn’t help it. You looked so horrified at the idea of me cooking. And it’s here.”Tony smirked as he pressed the etchings, laughter and happiness crossing his face as the meal appeared. “I’m going to have to thank Loki again. This is amazing.”He smiled pleased as the other started eating, settling in to eat himself before snickering. “Loki can’t cook earth food. He just followed Johnny’s instructions on what to do. And Johnny went to school for it, but after Charlene left...he gave up.”Tony said with a sad smile as he considered his friend.
Steve huffed. "i'm burning it." he decided before blinking. "i don't think i'd fit in your suit. my shoulders are too wide. i'll just borrow your gauntlets. i've always wanted to try them." he admitted with a grin. "if i wore just the boots and gloves, would i still be able to fly?" he asked curiously. "Tony! seriously! i thought we here going to get sick." he admitted, even as he laughed. "Loki is a handy guy to have around." he admitted with a chuckle. "apparently even Clint has warmed up to him. James absolutely adores him you know." he admitted with a smile. "he's starting to recover too. Loki and Bruce are tag teaming his mental.... uh... they're doing brain medicine on him." he was so cute. "...uh. people go to school for cooking?" he asked, looking startled. "really?" he asked before shaking his head. "Johnny gave up everything when Charlene left him." he pointed out. "we should get him to go back. he cooks amazing food." he admitted as he finished off the last of his scallop. next was a watermelon salad followed by a regular deep green salad with spinach, dandelion leaves and Kale. Johnny really had gone all out on the menu. then there was a Bouillabaisse, a type of soup made from many kinds of seafood. and then a baked fish followed by a Lamb chop and a braised veal followed by a Baked Alaska for dessert, still on fire. "god... i wonder if i can get Johnny to cook like this all the time?" Steve wondered. "this is amazing." he admitted with a grin. "maybe i'll go to school if this is the kind of food i can learn to make?"
“You can totally burrow them. It would be amazing to see you in my tech.”Tony said, looking at the other, his eyes blown with lust as he considered that. Before nodding. “Yea, if you do wear them, you can fly. It’d be great.”He said smiling a little before nodding. “He is fairly handy. And James is adoring to everyone have you noticed?I mean, he still has no idea what’s going on, but he’s being good with stuff. And he’s doing okay.”Tony smiled amused at how adorable the other was when he had no idea what he was talking about before grinning. “Yea, you can. He finished nearly four years before he quit.....we should. He’d probably do it, if we asked him. Jamie’s getting him back into the world.”Tony said so very proud of his friend for starting to reclaim his life, grinning as he worked his way through the food, smiling. “probably not. He only did this so I wouldn’t attempt to cook...though considering you’re you, you might be able to...”he snickered before nodding. “You could definitely learn how to do this.”he said getting up, holding out a hand. “Dance with me?”
he grinned. "i totally want to borrow them." he agreed. "i wouldn't mind trying to fly. i'll probably crash a lot, but that's part of the fun isn't it?" he asked with a grin before he sighed. "yeah. everyone but me. he's been actively ignoring me and avoiding me for some reason." he admitted, looking rather upset. "wow. four years just to learn how to cook. i think i'll pass. cooking is nice but if i'm going to go to school for anything, it'll be for art." he admitted with a smile. "well. Jaimie is an active little girl." he agreed. "well, that and you probably begged him." Steve agreed, looking amused before blanching at the idea of Dancing even if he stood up and set his hand in Tony's, blushing. "just don't laugh okay?" Steve ordered before haltingly dancing when Jarvis started playing the music. he was halting, stumbling and kept stepping on his own toes in an effort to keep from trodding on Tony's. slowly though, he started to relax and smiled as he realized this wasn't nearly as hard as he'd thought. "you know. this is kind of fun." Steve admitted with a smile. "easier than i thought it would be." he admitted.
“It is part of the fun. We’ll go flying together.”Tony grinned before sighing quietly. “Well, I’m sure even if he doesn’t remember exactly, he doesn’t want to upset you. I mean, everyone’s told him who he once was....he’s probably worried about you.”Tony said looking worried at the other before grinning. “Yea, it’s a long time. But you’d definitely be better at art school then cooking.”he smiled a little before making a face. “I did not. I don’t beg.”He hufed smiling as he took the other’s hand. “I wont. Promise.”He said smiling quietly as he watched steve dancing, “Don’t watch your feet, you’ll mess up more.”he said smiling,”Just relax.”he said smiling at the other before nodidng. “It’s not that hard. It helps when you have the right partner.”he said smiling as he leaned up for a kiss, running his fingers through the other’s hair, simply leaning into the other, shivering as he considered another kind of dancing he wanted to do with teh other.
he smiled a little. "that would be fun. maybe even land somewhere up high and fuck like bunnies?" he offered with a grin before he sighed and nodded. "good point." he mumbled. "it just frustrating. i know he'll never be the man he was, but he was still my best friend. i loved him then and i can love him again. he's my brother after all. doesn't matter how much he's changed, because i've changed too." he admitted. "you do to beg. 'Steve. please! oh Steve don't stop! don't stop sucking my dick! please, please Steve more!. sound familiar?" Steve teased, smirking at the other before nodding at the instructions. "your the only partner i ever want." he promised with a smile, pulling Tony into a kiss. "i love you. can i loose my virginity now or are you still being romantic?"
“Hmmm definitely doing that. I bet we could even have sex in the air.”Tony said looking interested before nodding. “I know it is. But he’ll figure out how to be here again. With you, and this. You two will be okay.”he smiled a little before flushing, swallowing hard. “Hmm, it sounds vaguely familiar. Though I remember you begging more.”he said kissing him back, before grinning. “You can lose it now. Hold on. There’s one last thing to do.”Tony grinned as he pulled away, smirking as he brushed his fingers over the final runes, smirking as the bed appeared on the rooftop, warded so no one could see, but they could be outdoors. Nudging steve towards the bed he smiled. “Come on then.Let’s see about getting you undressed.”He smirked as he started undressing the other.
he grinned. "i'd rather not have Arc reactor burns on my hips." he admitted. "i'm sure he'll recover." he agreed, nodding. "i'm pretty sure i don't beg." Steve lied with a playful grin before sighing playfully at the promise of only one more thing. "oooh Tony. it's perfect." Steve agreed, grinning as he took Tony's hand and dragged him to the bed. "i didn't know you where into Voyeurism." he admitted with a grin as he stripped off his own shirt and then pulled Tony into the bed, kissing him eagerly. "you'll have to teach me. i know sort of how it goes, Porno's are helpful, but i don't know the technical parts." he admitted with a grin, enjoying the way Tony looked every time he saw that red and gold barbel in his nipple.
“I’m pretty sure you do.”Tony grinned amused looking utterly pleased when steve said it was perfect. He really was trying hard. “Definitely into it. Especially if everyone knows I’m the one who gets to claim you.”he said laughing softly as he was pulled into bed, kissing him back before smirking. “I still can’t believe you watch porn.”He teased even as his eyes focused on the barbell, still looking as utterly fascinated with it as he had the first time, stripping off his own clothes, his tongue ring tapping absently against the back of his teeth as he leaned in and bit down on the other’s nipple, sucking gently as he ran a hand over steve’s clothed cock, groaning as he teased them both.
Steve grinned a little. "i'm pretty sure your wrong." he teased before laughing. "and here you where bitching about so many people seeing me naked." he teased, grinning as he shook his head. "of course i watch Porn. Porn is hot." he admitted with a grin. "all men watch porn, the internet says so." he admitted, grinning again while Tony stripped, yanking off his own pants. "Fuck! Tony! not the nipple!" he whined, arching into the teeth. his nipple was so damn sensitive it wasn't even funny. just that single bite was enough to have him fully hard in his... girly panties. he blushed brightly and smiled at him sheepishly. "surprise." he mumbled, embarrassed but pleased with himself too. after all, not many would willingly wear girls panties. let along in red lace.
“I’m never wrong.”Tony said airily, before smirking. “I know. And this is a illusion of everyone seeing. I don’t want anyone to see, but the idea of it...”He growled possessively. “Loki made sure we really can’t be seen.”he promised before laughing as the other arched into him, nibbling ever so gently at the nipple, groaning as he felt lace against his palm, glancing down. Eyes widening as he saw the panties.”....You’ve been wearing those all day?That’s...”He moaned rocking his hips into the other’s a little, just to get some relief as he whimpered, eyes widening as he heard teh avengers assemble alarm going off, his head jerking up, staring at the door to the tower in utter confusion, not understanding what he was hearing for a moment.
Steve smirked. "no, you're rarely wrong. i'm the one whose never wrong." he corrected, moaning when Tony explained, nodding. "god, they could be standing right in front of us and they'd never know we where over here fucking." he gasped, arching against the teeth and hand. "yes... well... i always wear lady panties. they're more comfortable..." he admitted, blushing harder. "thought you, uh, might wanna know that." he admitted before blinking at the alarm. "fuck! if it's fucking Doom again i'm gonna be pissed!" Steve grumbled, kissing Tony deeply. "we'll get back to this after we're done saving the world." he promised before scrambling to get dressed and head to get suited up. "what's going on Jay? why the alarm?"
“No, no they wouldn’t. Just imagine how hot that would be, knowing they were just feet away from us.”Tony growled before laughing,growling possessively. “you have no idea how hot that is, knowing you wear ladies’ underwear all the time.”he said before growling, “Me to. Fucking hell.”He growled as he was kissed, already moving to get up, starting to dress, stumbling for the lab to get ready. “Doom has bots knocking over the banks downtown, along with terrorizing some of the citizens in central park. I am sorry Captain, if it wasn’t so overwhelmingly busy and spread out, the others had asked me to not tell you. But tehy need help.”Jarvis said, indeed sounding sorry as tony stepped out suited up, holding out a hand towards steve as the captain pulled on the last of the suit. “Want a lift?”
Steve growled and nodded, delighted. "fuck, that would be hot as hell. we have to learn magic just so we can fuck in the communal areas." he gasped before grinning. "i know how hot it is. why do you think i told you?" he asked with a grin. "it's okay Jarvis i know you wouldn't have interrupted for anything less than an emergency." he promised as he yanked on his suit and grabbed his shield, grinning at Tony. "why, don't mind if i do." Steve agreed, letting Tony wrap him in his arms, chuckling as they took off. he still felt dizzy when they landed but he was getting much more used to the horrible spins Tony did to stay level or make sharp turns. Steve was dropped from the sky and he landed directly on a pair of robots trying to attack a couple of kids who where too scared to even move. they fled as soon as they could, racing down the street with Steve covering their escape.
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