Tell All Tales (Avengers)Moon/Lady

“I could punch him. Maybe if we both do it, he’ll get the point....wait!We could make natasha do it. Since she agreed you should have punched him harder. Let him be creepy with her.”Tony said before pouting, sighing softly.”I know I know.”he grumbled at the simple promise of a blowjob, looking like he was sulking at the idea, but really he didn’t care. He was simply glad the other was okay enough to do even that. “...Ahhhh. Well, it seems it’s my day to be silly. Let’s go.”Tony grinned as they headed for the tattoo shop, looking amused as they walked in, pausing as he inspected the rings and barbells before choosing what he wanted, smirking at the shield design. Definitely going to be awesome having that through his tongue. “Does this mean I can hum the star spangled banner during blow jobs since I have my own shield now?”He asked smirking as he watched steve look for his own piercings.
he snorted. "i think Natasha would be more likely to fuck him than hit him." he pointed out with a snort. he grinned as he let the Tattooist pierce his ear with a simple button earring that had 'Stark Industries' written in it. "no, that is not what that means. fuck that hurt." he admitted, grimacing as he touched his nipple. it was a simple gold barbell with red balls, and it had hurt a whole hell of a lot more than he'd expected. "where should we go to eat?" he asked curiously. "and no. you can't because i will hurt you." he warned, even as he smiled oh so innocently.
Tony grinned as he saw the earring, wincing a little as the movement made his tongue hurt something fierce. Having not considered how much it’d hurt until it healed. And while it was healing quickly, thank you extremis, it still would take a little longer then the serum healing. “Italian or pizza?”he said willing to do whatever steve wanted, a simple date or a fancy one, simply wanting to be with the other. “And ohhhh, do you promise?”he said waggling his eyebrows as he paid for their piercings and stepping back outside, smirking at his super soldier.
Steve chuckled a little. "maybe something that won't hurt you to chew on?" he offered. "i know this great little Ma and Pa store that has the best soup and milkshakes." he admitted. "you won't have to chew at all." he offered with a grin. "shame you won't be returning my blowjob tonight, but i think it's worth it." he admitted with a chuckle. "i do promise. i'll give you a good paddling." he promised with a snicker.
“Hm,that would be nice.”Tony said carefully, with a slight slur to the words as he spoke ever so careful. “Really?Soup and ice cream sound amazing.”He said sounding utterly pleased with before wincing, “Sorry.”He said realizing that steve was right, he wasn’t going to be able to return the favor. Shuddering at the other’s words, he swallowed thickly as he followed steve towards the mom and pa store. “I could go for a good paddling.”He said squirming, annoyed that they weren’t going to be doing more, his body knowing that it’d been awhile since he had sex, and was driving him insane with lust as he looked at his boyfriend.
Steve grinned. "we'll have to set a date for tomorrow. you'll be nicely healed up by then." he admitted. or he thought so anyway. "of course Soup and Ice-cream sounds amazing. it's soup and ice-cream!" he pointed out with a grin. "of course you could. that ass is just begging to be spanked." he admitted as he led the way into a tiny shop that no one else was near. 'Ma and Pa' Bishop only ran the store to entertain themselves. they where rich enough they didn't actually need to work. Ma, also known as Marian if you could ignore her insistence to call her Ma, also had a tendency to try and feed you more than you ordered and Pa, also known as Pierre, had a habit of 'forgetting' to accept your money after you where done eating, especially if you wore shabby clothes or had children with you. they where exceptional people. "Evening Ma, Pa." Steve chirped. he hadn't bothered arguing about that. "Two soups and a milkshake please? that's all, Tony has a nasty injury on his tongue and can't eat much else for a while." the way his eyes where glittering, Tony knew he'd pulled a prank somehow. and there it was. "Oh you poor little dear! you sit right down and i'll make you feel all better. have you been to see the doctor yet? i insist you go right after you've finished eating." "we've been to the Doctor Ma, it's just going to take a few days to heal." "well alright them i'll get you boys your food, sit! you're all pale! you'll faint dead away!" Ma chastised Tony, Steve snickering as he sat down in his favorite booth. there was a list of over twenty soups to choose from and Steve chose the Chicken and Dumplings. a rather thick stew more than anything.
"I'll Definitely be healed by tomorrow. I might not heal as fast as you but I heal better then most."tony smiled a little giving his assistant a little wiggle as he smirked at the other."you've been staring at my assignment again cap?"he said looking amused and pleasedat the small place. While he thrived on being the center of attention and usually was found in fancy places, the man enjoyed a quiet bite to eat for dinner these days,just peace and quiet without being disturbed."hello."tony smiled at the two older people eyeing steve in curiosity knowing he was missing something before looking startled at the woman smiling a little."I'm fine. It's okay madam. I would just really like some ice cream."he smiled as he sat down looking at steve in amusement before frowning."pale?really?"he said looking a little worried because it was a rarity these days that he looked unwell.
Steve smirked. "i'm staring the hellfire out of your assignments." he agreed, looking amused. "No madam! you call me Ma, like a good boy." she ordered, patting Tony gently on the shoulders. "no. your not pale, she says that about everyone." Steve promised with a chuckle. "oh Steve, are you sure you don't want more to eat? your so thin! and you! so skinny! your going to waste away, i insist you have more." Ma stated, giving them both another bowl of soup and a milkshake refill, Steve chuckling as he ate his meal happily. Ma absolutely loved him because he could pack away six or seven bowls at a time. "Heya Steve." Pa chirped as he ambled out. "heard the good news! congratulations! you must be Tony? Steve's always talking about you." the old man admitted, looking quite pleased when Steve blushed furiously. "when's the wedding?" "Pierre!" Steve protested, the old man laughing as he wandered off again, Steve muttering about parental figures all being the same.
"Okay then ma."tony said smiling looking utterly amused and finding the woman endearing as he started to eat his chicken soup before nodding."good.cause if I'm looking pale again I was going to say it might be to much lab time or something....not that there's such a thing as to much lab time but I know you think there is. So I indulge you with the delusions you can spend to much time in the lab."tony snickered a little before flushing as he nodded."yea I'm tony....and he did did he?"he said smirking at the blond.
Steve chuckled a little. "no, i make sure you come out of the lab often enough that you don't get so pale. not to mention Aliyah's constant demands of playtime." he teased with a grin. "you know. now that i think about it, we are horrible role models." he admitted with a snicker. "i just got my nipple pierced and you got your tongue pierced. Aliyah's going to go punk goth before she even reaches twelve." he teased with a grin. "still, we should agree right here and now that she won't be allowed to date until she's thirty." "oh yes. Steve stops in almost every morning for a good hot cup of Coffee during his morning runs. he talks about you all the time." the old man admitted. "oh! you know, we never did get around to thanking you lot for saving Manhattan." he admitted. "we should bake you a cake one of these days." Steve just sighed and his his burning face behind his bowl as he swallowed down his third bowl of soup.
"Good. Though I'll have to reward you for it,cause you've had more luck getting me out of the lab then anyone else besides aliyah,and she doesn't count cause have you ever tried telling her no?its impossible."tony snickered a little before grinning."if that's the only reason you think I'm a horrible role model I'll count myself lucky."tony snickered before laughing."punk she can do. Dating is never happening."he agreed before blushing at the knowledge that steve talked about him. Something that had been broken so long in his heart healing a bit at the knowledge."I could totally go for cake after my tongues healed."
he smirked a little. "you can most certainly reward me for it." he agreed. "and you can too tell her no. you told her no when she wanted cookies for breakfast." he pointed out. "which is kinda hypocritical because that is a really good idea, even if it's not very healthy." he admitted with a grin, teasing the other a little. "yep, she's never allowed to date. not unless we approve of the boy. maybe one of Loki's twins might suit the bill when their in their twenties or so. but otherwise she will never be allowed to date." he agreed, nodding. "they make the best cake." Steve agreed with a smile. "i'll order about two of each flavor once your tongue heals. oh. and make sure you hide the money under the bowls or they won't let us pay." Steve warned as he sucked down his third milkshake. he knew that Pa and Tony would just get into a roaring fight and Tony would be banished from the store of he just tried to pay.
“Well, yea. I mean, Natasha was giving me that look. You know that scary look, when I paused to think about it. I figured I better say no. Natasha scares me more then disappointing aliyah does.”Tony said snickering a little before nodding. “It does sound like a good idea, but no cookies for breakfast.”He snickered before smirking at the other. “I can’t believe you just pre-approved loki’s twins for dating. I’m totally telling him you want him as a father in law.”He teased before nodding as he finished his food and slid like 50 dollars under the plate, definitely overpaying, but okay with doing so. “Come on, soldier boy, let’s go shopping then home.”
he chuckled. "no, he wouldn't be father in law. he'd be Aliyah's father in law. technically he would be our Brother in Law... but i'm not sure it carries over." he admitted. "and an angry Natasha is a bit more frightening than a disappointed Aliyah." he agreed. "for now anyway." he admitted with a chuckle. "she'll learn to be scary in a few years." he himself slid way too much money under his own plate and grinned, winking at Tony as he called a good day to 'Ma, Pa' and headed out. "alright! where's the best sex shop Tony? i heard things have really changed since my day." he admitted. "we had to make our own sex toys back then." he admitted. "i used to have a 'cock sleeve' of sorts made out of an old leather gun case." he admitted. "or we used socks." he admitted. "we had condoms of course but actually being able to buy 'pleasure enhancer' wasn't available. hell we didn't even have Lube back then, we had to use KY Jelly, if we could. or we'd use vegetable oil, hell i used butter once." he admitted. "i don't recommend it."
Tony grinned as they left, looking amused as he grinned amused at the other’s words before pausing. Turning to stare at the other, looking so utterly bemused that you knew he had no idea if he should believe what the other was saying or not. “....Butter?Really?”he said grabbing onto the one fact he could actually think about before smirking, “Oh, we’re going to go The Pleasure’s Chest. It’s high end, so no one will talk about it when we go in.”Tony said smiling a little as he led the way to the shop, smiling quietly as they stepped into the quiet little shop, turning to look at steve, wanting to see his reaction to everything
Steve chuckled. "really. you have to remember, at the height of puberty, i was living in the twenties." he stated. "there wasn't a lot of stuff to go around and i was still pretty terrified of being gay." he admitted. "mostly we used spit or soap to get off, if we where that desperate. of course, you had to wait until you where completely alone because touching yourself was a pretty nasty sin back then too." he admitted. "i much prefer this century." he admitted before blinking at the store. "oh. my. god. i was expecting some dingy little wooden hut like thing with shifty perverts. this is actually a store!" he stated, looking amazed before, astonishingly, he giggled, blushing hard as he clapped a hand over his own mouth to stop any more of the giggles from escaping. for a man who had been so repressed sexually that he had to go hide int he attic to get off, this was like heaven. "i want to try EVERYTHING." Steve breathed, eyes roving the shelves as he walked in o look at everything he could look at.
“...Okay. Yea. That sucks. I’m sorry you were a modern man, living in a repressed century.”Tony smiled a little wincing at the very idea of living like that. “Did I ever tell you about the time Dad caught me doing that to myself?I had to listen to a speech for like...a hour. It was horrible, so I totally get the feelings of living then.”Tony smiled a little before laughing, his eyes wide and bright at seeing stev’es reaction, “It is a store. A amazing, awesome store.”He agreed before grinning. “And you can try anything you want. Just buy it, and we’ll give it a go. You’d be hard pressed to find something in here that I haven’t at least tried once.”Tony grinned, wanting the other to know just how okay he was with trying whatever steve wanted before grinning as he waved hello to the store owner as she looked up at them, the two of them old friends, before plucking up one of the massage bars, and tossing it towards steve. “We’re buying that. It’s massage oil that melts as it warms up. It’s good for after fights and stuff.”
Steve chuckled a little. "Howard was a lot more prudish than most." he agreed. "filthy bastard anyway." he admitted. "i will." Steve agreed as he moved through the door, examining everything and throwing the things he was really curious about into a cart. he caught the oil and stared at it before discarding it and getting the bigger bottle before setting in to examine the other lubricants, his head tilted. "what's the difference between all these things?" he asked, wrinkling his nose as he examined two name brands that where exactly the same. at least, he thought they where exactly the same. by the time they where done, Steve had a little bit of everything. nipple clamps, collars, gags, blindfolds, cuffs, dildos, anal plugs, anal beads, cock rings, leather flails, floggers, paddles, a short whip, a cheerleader costume, ropes, bondage tape, everything that had caught his eye. "we're buying all this." Steve ordered before getting distracted again by edible body paint, wondering at it's purpose.
Tony grinned as he followed after the man, finding this utterly endearing, and it made him sorta want to video tape him just to have this moment forever, with how utterly innocent and amazing his boyfriend was. “Scents and how thick and different they feel.”Tony said smiling as he paid for everything, careful to make sure steve didn’t see just how much they were spending, before smirking. “It’s edible, I could totally nibble on you. Or if you wanted, you can paint on me, use me as your canvas.”Toyn said smiling when he saw what had distracted him.
Steve grinned a little as he examined the different Lubes before asking Tony which one was his favorite. he wasn't even paying attention to the price tags. he was slowly getting used to the fact that Tony didn't give a shit about the price tag. and being that most of this was more for Tony's pleasure, Steve didn't feel as guilty. his eyes darkened with lust at the idea of making Tony into a masterpiece and threw a few boxes of the edible paint on the counter as well. "oh. and the Bullwhip." Steve ordered, pointing up to the more dangerous toys. "Tony probably doesn't have the skill for it, but i do." Steve admitted. "i could teach you. it's always good idea to know how to work a whip." he admitted with a nod.
“Vanilla.”Tony grinned amused when the other asked his favorite, looking pleased that the other wasn’t having problems simply getting what he wanted. Swallowing thickly as he saw the lust in the other’s eyes, whining quietly before smirking.”I like that idea.”He growled as they got the bullwhip, smirking as they made sure they had anything before paying the obscene amount of over 2000 dollars, smiling as they were packed up and put into boxes, smirking at the other as he picked up his box, and letting steve take the other. “Let’s go then. We have bathtime and story time before we can use any of this you know.”Tony said and despite the whining, it was obvious he delighted and enjoyed in spending time with their daughter, even if it interrupted his sex life. Which was something he’d never consider he’d like.
Steve chuckled a little and shook his head. "i do too." he admitted with a smirk. "besides, we can't use any of this at all. by the time we get back home i'm not sure i'm going to be able to stay standing." he admitted. "my body's too tired." he grumbled. "stupid exhaustion. i wish Extremus and the Serum would behave already." he grumbled. "granted, by the time you get her settled and sleeping you'll probably bee too tired too." he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "how much do you think Loki hates us now that we left him with four babies?" he asked with an impish grin. really he wasn't too worried, Aliyah and Jaimie where very well behaved and loved to help with the babies.
“I know.”Tony sighed a little, pouting because he hated that they couldn’t do anything either, before smiling, leaning up to steal a kiss. “It’s only been a few days. It’s normal to take awhile. Just be glad it helped.”Tony said smiling, because for awhile there, he’d been utterly scared the other was dying on him, so living without sex, he could live with. “most likely. Though these days bath time is easier.”he snickered a little before smirking. “Not alot. We left him with Johnny, not to mention he gets to have sex with a thunder god, it sorta makes up for having to deal with all the kids.”He grumbled smiling as they got to the tower, grinning as they headed inside. “Papa!Daddy!You were gone sooooo long! Where did you go?!”Aliyah demanded looking upset that they’d been gone so long as she ran over, clinging to them as they walked into the apartment. “We just went out to dinner and some shopping, Tinkerbell. Were you good?” “yes.”
he nodded and sighed. "and i really wanted to try some of this stuff too. even if you are insistent that my first time be romantic..." he grumbled playfully, smiling at Tony. "this is true... why didn't you think of giving her toys before Bruce?" he asked, looking baffled. "it was such a simple solution!" he muttered, shaking his head. "some days, i hate Bruce." he admitted with a chuckle. "too bad it's impossible to actually dislike him, the super adorable little bastard." he stated with a chuckle. "hello Aliyah." Steve chirped, chuckling as he was handed a baby by Loki, who was trying to wash the other one without getting soaked himself. "maybe the next time your papa and i go out on a date we'll let you go with." he promised Aliyah. they could have a nice family day. Ma and Pa would adore Aliyah.
“Hey, just cause the first time is romantic, doesn’t mean it’s not going to be as kinky as fuck. Come on, it’s me. I enjoy lots of things. And hey, don’t tease me about being romantic. I have enough issues with trying to be romantic.”Tony frowned a little, ducking his head a little sounding slightly anxious, and you just knew that despite the size of his ego, his utter assurance that steve wanted him, there was something still fragile, still broken when it came to relationships. “....Well. I uh...never had toys in the bath as kid. Never considered putting some in there.”Tony said shrugging a little helplessly, before snickering. “It really is impossible to hate him. He’s adorable.”Tony snorted amused. “Really?” “Yea, next time. Ali.”Tony smiled, ruffling her hair. “You ready for bathtime?” “yes!” “let’s go then. Night Loki.”Tony called out as he headed after the running off Aliyah, amused she was so excited about bathtime now that she had toys. And within a hour, the man was tiredly heading for his room, still looking a little wet around the edges despite it being after story time. “She’s down.”He smiled as he slipped into the bedroom
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